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Looking For A Web Designer


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OK, thanks for all the replies, I have shortlisted - Bino, Thaipro and 3x.

I personally feel that striking impact takes far to long to load as does the other site (edss) that took over 10 minutes to load on a dial up. As the website I want will be for the Thailand market, I need fast loading - I want to keep interest. Flash is a pain in the butt and dont want any on my site.

Thanks to the poster for the thaipro link, definately in the ball park on price, search ability and design.

3x - still havent had a reply yet.

Bino has done some nice stuff!

thanks to you all for helping me out. I will post a link when the site is finished and I will also take a sponsor package here on Thaivisa. :o

Edited by Tornado
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Bino has got the job ( pressure :o ), Ill post a link when Bino has finished and we can all have a say on the finish product (If ok with admin?) - Im trying to guarantee a great site :D

thanks again for your pms.

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The best place to start might be to get a template from www.templatetuning.com templatemonster.com or freewebtemplates.com (free).

I can help you to install a php/sql forum & search thing, plenty of "out of the box" stuff you can download and install often support is included. Ask george what product he uses for TV. I bet its not home made!

By doing it this way and then knowing what you want, get someone to do any more difficult stuff for you at an hourly rate.

I can build sites for you and / or give you some free advice if you PM me.

Basic rates I would work for - US$10/hour, free consulation / chat (you buy the drinks!). Might do some work for free if I can get some free advertising for my sites if appropriate.

If you have a higher budget and want something home made you would be better of finding a design studio, not sure where in bkk though!

(also posted on the Phuket Forum thread - sorry to double post, but it is a little urgent - delete it if you need to admin/Mods..)

I have been after another website to be built for quite a while now. The quotes I get are ridiculous! why does a website cost so much in this country?

I am looking for a web guy or gal who can design a "classified add type" website that is graphically colourfull and easy to use.

As it will be a "search add" type site, it will have to have a "brain" like the phuket gazette search engine (not as many seach variables though) - obviously I would like it much "prettier" than that. ( I currently have a seach engine database on a site I own now, that could also be used? as it would save me money?

The web designer must be able to write fluent in English and give me a deadline that is adhered to..

I dont want to pay per page or be offered a 5 page static site, I want what I have posted.

do not pm me your links to your websites, give me a rough estimate first please.

rough estimates here please.


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(also posted on the Phuket Forum thread - sorry to double post, but it is a little urgent - delete it if you need to admin/Mods..)

I have been after another website to be built for quite a while now. The quotes I get are ridiculous! why does a website cost so much in this country?

I am looking for a web guy or gal who can design a "classified add type" website that is graphically colourfull and easy to use.

As it will be a "search add" type site, it will have to have a "brain" like the phuket gazette search engine (not as many seach variables though) - obviously I would like it much "prettier" than that. ( I currently have a seach engine database on a site I own now, that could also be used? as it would save me money?

The web designer must be able to write fluent in English and give me a deadline that is adhered to..

I dont want to pay per page or be offered a 5 page static site, I want what I have posted.

do not pm me your links to your websites, give me a rough estimate first please.

rough estimates here please.


I have created many web sites over the years, I have now created http://www.udon.co.nr

If you are still interested in a web site please visit my website and email or call me.

I have many resources world wide that can keep the prices down and the look and feel of your web up.

Purdy :o

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The amount of PM's I have with links to absolute crap, makes me laugh. I could design a better website in 1 day and for free! absolute crap!

if you cannot design a site that is as graphically beautiful as phuket.com please dont even bother replying.

I suppose it is a forum :o

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it's true, i am amazed at the amount of crappy design companies who PM me as well looking for help with their business when they are beyond help- most can't even build a basic HTML page that works at different resolutions or in different browsers. there are a lot of people who come to thailand and think they are going to survive on what they read out of a book, illegally, and getting paid the same prices they would in the west. don't fall for it- make sure to scrutinize their portfolio and resume, make sure they are legal, and expect to pay thai prices in thailand.

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there are a lot of people who come to thailand and think they are going to survive on what they read out of a book, illegally, and getting paid the same prices they would in the west. don't fall for it- make sure to scrutinize their portfolio and resume,  make sure they are legal, and expect to pay thai prices in thailand.

Illegal - what do you mean - a real company but working without a WP? , that it is not a company, or what?

I have seen you published your services in the forum - are you working legally? through a company and WP? You know you cannot just be a sole proprietor/freelancer as a foreigner, right?

Since you posted a serious warning, could you mention what is your status then?

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i am working for american companies from bangkok, and it is legal. in the past i have done freelance work in bangkok for people that i know, for free, and technically that is illegal but i am not scamming anyone... my post here (long ago) was looking for jobs which would furnish a work permit. i found a couple too, but the american contracts obviously end up being more lucrative for me. :o you can own your business 100% if you are american, by the way, from what i understand... i am not so against people trying to make money here and there off the books, but i am talking about people who come over here with no knowledge, just a book and a crappy personal site, thinking they are going to start an (unregistered) business from home on a tourist visa and get paid western cash under the table for it. and there are lots of people out there trying to do that. they have no skills, are not professional, are trying to charge too much, and provide crap. there are several qualified thai people in this industry and if you want to succeed here as their competition you have to know what you are doing. for people looking for services done by legitimately employed and experienced farangs, there are several places to look. New Media, INetAsia, ThaiWebPro, Redlab... just for starters. There are tons of little independent production houses as well... just make sure they have a good portfolio and references before you make any agreement with them.

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Some quality links here people, thanks. Then there's some others... :o

Girlx, quality homepage & portfolio. Excellent stuf...

I can't draw a decent stickman :D But I'm a software nerd so there's generally no requirement to :D

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great stuff, nicole i agree with you stick with the professionals and you get what you pay for :D

if a website cannot pop-up in 4 second, than it sucks :o

this is a english/thai company i use for all my webs and can vouch for www.media-synergies.com :D

Edited by kreon
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  • 1 year later...
One of the highpoints of Striking Imapcts work for me is the main company website.


It was a real moment of design genius when somebody chose to put that small barely noticeable purple graph button in the corner that opens out to:


What a masterful stroke and surely one to dazzle webdesigners for years to come. A truly useful and well designed link button. Congrats.


I second all that BKK madness says about them. They certainly 'talk the talk' in the arrogant way they've come swanning on the thread like they invented web-design.

But when you do this you need to back it up with websites that look and act the part.

I just visited www.strikingimpact.com

The name sounds good, I'll give them there due.

To see it for myself and tried to submit something in the enquiry box. (At the bottom right hand side of the page).

What did I get... The dreaded 'not found page'.

Striking Impact... Hit and miss more like! :D

Charging 60k for a basic website is waay too much. Most semi-pros would start off at 25-30k for a single page then move up to 60k for a major project with all the added bits.

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Did they charge 60K for a garbage like that :

9 pages (in php, but if in html it will change nothing, there is no DB work).

The right column is 40 px far of the main body.


Price for that is 7 000/10 000 assuming it can be done in a couple of day.

That is the pure and perfect exemple why I decided to move to outsoourced work.

Charging 60 000 bht for that is the same at money stolen.

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One of the highpoints of Striking Imapcts work for me is the main company website.


It was a real moment of design genius when somebody chose to put that small barely noticeable purple graph button in the corner that opens out to:


What a masterful stroke and surely one to dazzle webdesigners for years to come. A truly useful and well designed link button. Congrats.


I second all that BKK madness says about them. They certainly 'talk the talk' in the arrogant way they've come swanning on the thread like they invented web-design.

But when you do this you need to back it up with websites that look and act the part.

I just visited www.strikingimpact.com

The name sounds good, I'll give them there due.

To see it for myself and tried to submit something in the enquiry box. (At the bottom right hand side of the page).

What did I get... The dreaded 'not found page'.

Striking Impact... Hit and miss more like! :D

Charging 60k for a basic website is waay too much. Most semi-pros would start off at 25-30k for a single page then move up to 60k for a major project with all the added bits.

LOL. For all my moaning I kept seeing Striking Impact around and I know they have done some PHP work for 'bahtsold' and some others I think. When this thread come up again I checked there site, and also tried to send them an enquiry about getting some PHP (not design!) work done.

Simple forms not even working! How can these companies expect to get work when there own site doesn't even function properly?! :D

Dont think I'll waste my time with them again.


As an aside, I contacted another company about some PHP work last month. I gave them the details and they responded a week later with a quote, also apologising for the late reply saying they had been away. Fair enough I thought.

The quote seemed a little high so I wrote back and asked "blah blah blah - Is that your final price? etc."

3 weeks later no reply.

So I mailed them again, 'Excuse me, did you get my last email?"

A couple of days later "Yes we did get your mail", and then started to tell me about there price being high because they have a large professional team and the job will be completed professionally and most importantly on time.

I couldn't help but laugh that this company that promote there professionalism and efficent service can't even manage their email 'inbox' and enquiries from a potential client. 3 weeks and I have to chase them up for an email response, what are they going to do when they have a real project on their hands! Doesn't install much confidnce does it. :o

Edited by bkkmadness
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  • 2 weeks later...

I looked at everything and will keep my comments to myself.......Except... Girl X, you do excellent work, but, check your links and Junk mail folder from time to time. I sent a dear friend to you ages ago. They said that they tried to reach you. They are now the proud owners of Sedgegroup.com

Everyone else, as for prices ...... you get what you pay for. Pay a little and you will likely end up paying twice. Better to get 3 estimates and take the middle one of three designers, whose work you like. Average site should seldom cost over $700 unless it gets very complicated, with Data Bases etc. like Baht and Sold.com

As for this post. This is not a Spam, as I personally am too busy to accept any work at this time. Which is beautiful, in that it allows me to pick and choose what I do and where I will gain the most self satisfaction. For me that means publishing for a select clientel.

And yes Girl X is right, the Amity Treaty thing is a beautiful avenue allowing you freedom and independence while being the boss and sole owner. That minor technicality made possible through the hard work by Sunbelt Asia, allows me to sleep at night. I recommend it for every American. But hurry, the windows will close. Enough of my rant....back to work.

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