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The Myth Of Thailand V. The Reality


Blue Pill or Red Pill  

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:) In "The Matrix", Morpheus gives Neo the choice between two fates. Take the red pill and go down the rabbit hole and see how far it goes. Or. Take the blue pill and wake up in the matrix without any recollection of a conflict. Cypher the traitor/ villain definitely would have chosen the blue pill. The real world is terrible for him- he'd much rather blissful ignorance as a movie star. Lately, an issue has arisen not in my life but in the life of a friend. I have knowledge that he doesn't. It's already a burden for me but for him - it would be devastating. He has been in ecstasy for a few months after falling in love. I have news that would shatter that illusion if true. Even suggesting it would be like a napalm bomb in a bed of roses. And I could lose a friend. However, if I stand by silently, my love-struck friend could realize somewhere down the line he has been betrayed and that is an agony unto itself. There is a chance the relationship will just fizzle out - what harm would there be in not knowing and just having a happy memory of euphoria at one time in your life? Should I take that from him? If I force the choice of red or blue pill, of course he'll choose the red - the curiosity of not knowing would cripple him with insanity. So he chooses the red pill and down the rabbit hole he goes. Is bliss so valuable that it ought not be disturbed at the cost of truth, honesty, justice? Is my friend's ignorance and bliss worth more than the likely possibility of pain down the line? Of the most horrible situations, he could lose his life, his savings, his pride... but if I simply deny him the choice of red pill or blue pill - I keep the secrets, his bliss will continue... indefinitely and I will know that despite the fact I carry a cross, my friend is happy and if he learns the Grim Reaper of truth arises, I can rest assured it was not me who invoked him. I don't think there's a right answer.

So what does this have to do with Thailand?

My friend takes the blue pill and leaves the myth of Thailand A bar girl really loves me for who I am – sure she has a kid and is divorced and – well... once worked in a naughty place where I met her within the first hour of my arrival and then several cheap drinks later I make love to her with the fury of a dozen sailors and we spent the next 10 days joined at the hip. Saying goodbye is hard – want to put her in my luggage but though tiny she must way more than allotted baggage weight (note to self: check airline luggage restrictions) -Then, for the next 4 months her calls and smses carry me through my miserable life and job in a small Muslim community where the only redeeming quality of my work is that it pays me to go back to Thailand and live like Zeus on Mt Olympus. I am assured by her that she has quit working at her bar "The Pretty Flesh Farm" and I hope the owner is not angry I have stolen her and made an honest out of her. Ahhh T.S. Eliot was wrong – April is not the cruelest month – indeed it's the most glorious as I return to Thailand to see my love. I have only dreamt of her every night since last we held one another yet somehow she is so close as if inhabiting my soul and I hers. I know she has a kid but I don't care – it'll be mine too – that's what love is all about! Being open-hearted. I know there are protests in the city but my baby wants to take her little one shopping in Siam? Guess we'll have to find something for the little rug rat to do in Soi 2. I will be so happy when I finally get to meet honey's family in Isarn. I have already spoken to her brother and son a lot on the phone – now I'll get to meet the whole family. I can hear the wedding bells. Will my family come to a Thailand wedding? ....Gawd back to my miserable life in Middle East – why can't schools in Thailand pay me $70,000 a year?

My friend takes the red pill and leaves the myth of Thailand. If I had a gun I'd shoot Ariesram right now – I wonder if Steve Jobs can invent the iBomb or maybe Microsoft Instant Machine Gun so I can execute my so-called friend from the convenience of my laptop. He's just jealous. Honey and I look fabulous together. I'm sure his bad ex-girlfriend is making all this up. Honey assured me she quit working at The Fresh Flesh Market when I left in December. EVERY DAY, I have talked to her on the farm with chickens and cows in the background- are their chickens and cows in Bangkok? Aside from elephants and dogs I don't see any in Sukhumvit. I've met her family – she lives with them in the village. There is no way she is married – she told me she is divorced. How can the entire community be involved in this deception? I brought her Dad a good bottle of whisky courtesy of Duty Free.... I'm gonna kill the someone how can she make a fool out of me like this? Now I must plot my revenge while fighting off urge to ask my boss to help me hack my head off – I'm too drunk to do it myself.

Check out my poll question.

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No need for pills - The truth is out there - and unless you are brain dead, left your brain at the airport or are adept at lying to yourself it will eventually dawn on you.

It's at that time you might need some pills.

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Funny how folks like to project their personal experiences to encompass all of any particular country, people, etc. I suppose threads titled 'the myth of Tik and my friend Bob' wouldn't sound as dramatic.


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Heng, I really couldn't agree with you more.

Funny how folks like to project their personal experiences to encompass all of any particular country, people, etc. I suppose threads titled 'the myth of Tik and my friend Bob' wouldn't sound as dramatic.


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lol sorry folks if that post was just rubbish - I had a 7-11 coffee last night, never went to bed and have been listening to My Bloody Valentine... and then took some creative license as I am prone to do... my original original post wasnt really understood....

more drivvle *yawns*

Morpheus is brewed in Liverpool.

so is self pity apparently, which is what the OP is full of.

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I did think a quarter of the blue and three quarters of the red might be an idea - at least you would have the option to be 25% blissfully unaware...... of your friends predicament for one example!!!!.... :)

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Wow, what a Bouquet of Bad Vibes for a post that does nothing wrong other than being different.

Another way to put it for those people who have gotten a little more bitter or sour over the years would be: Would you like it if Thailand and your life in it have stayed the same as your first months/year here?

Personally I never really went down the bitterness path, while acknowledging that my own lifestyle, priorities and outlook in life has changed WAY more than Thailand has. It's inevitable, and probably for the better, too.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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