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Thai Emb. In Singapore Just Rejected My Tourist Visa

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I know that some people use the "living and supporting a Thai" as an excuse....but it is not ALWAYS a scam and certainly not ILLEGAL. Let's just suppose:

1) You are under 50 years old....so can't qualify for a retirement in Thailand.

2) You have the funds to live in Thailand for one or two years without working (say you sold your business in your home country and want to live on the proceeds.)

3) You are living with and supporting your Thai partner.

In that case above, you are perfectly qualified to both legally and morally apply for a visa based on living with and supporting a Thai person in Thailand.

The problem is that many Thai consulates will want to see a marriage certificate....and if you were paying attention to what I said above you will see I mentioned nothing about any marriage.

This doesn't apply to me, because I'm over 50 and I can qualify for a visa and the retirement extension. No problem there.

But my question is why a person supporting a Thai partner and a Thai family (and just to make it clear it's a male/female partnership we are talking about here), is not allowed to get a long term visa and extension based on supporting a Thai person just because they are not married to that person?

Yes, I know the rules, and that Thai consulates always decide to allow visas based on what they feel is the merits of the case....but why the discrimination against the non-married?

I guess it's just another of those This Is Thailand things.

But if a person spends enough time in Thailand to send his partner's children to school, support his partner, and providde a decent living for the family; then why should he or she be denied a long term visa just because there is no name on a marriage certificate?

It's not "fair", but why should we expect life to be "fair".


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Why is it always TIT when someone wants more than the law allows, it's as if Thailand has no right to control who comes and goes in the country. With some of the easiest rules for various visas but of course you have to qualify.

During my trip Feb. thru April met a fellow who was complaining that the double entry wasn't good enough. We asked him why, he says I wanted a retirement visa but they wouldn't give me one because I refuse to deposit the money in a Thai bank account. We tell him well it is one of the rules to qualify applied to every one not just you. This guy still didn't get it

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A visa is always at the descretion of the embassy/consulate.

Not surpised about Singapore, and you might have more luck in vientianne, where you even might get a double entry tourist visa.

If you have a friend in Thailand, you can get a multiple non-O at Perth, Australia with a copy of your friends ID-card and a simple note asking for a visa for you.

When you publicize these types of illegal get arounds it makes it harder for the rest of us later on. Why doesn't OP simply follow the rules of Thailand instead of trying to scam? :)

Chunky1, are you retarded? What is illeagal about this post, just stateing that other embassyes give you what you cannot get in Singapore?

I have never been rejected a tourist visa in Vientiane so far (been living in Thailand 10 years now) last yer I always got tripple entry tourist visa free of charge, this year they only gave me double entry.

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Good luck trying to get a work permit for doing software work for an American company. Where is your business located at? My condo. Who do you do business with in Thailand? Nobody. What work do you do in Thailand? None.

Could he even get a work permit?

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