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Thai Protesters To Rally Until Deputy PM Suthep Surrenders

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The reds didn't win the last election. They have alienated a lot of people through these protests. They are not likely to win the next election.

That remains to be seen

That does remain to be seen. But we are not going to see it if the reds never go home.

Yes Suthep should surrender along with the 2 red nutcases , and then the reds should terminate their protest .

25 people died on the 10th april or as result , and it is not fair to put the blame only on the reds

Are you out of your mind ???

This was a police/government/army action to clear a violent mob from the streets of the capital - just like the Greek government did or any other government would have done - well - probably with more success but the only crime committed is the one by the red shirts and any red shirt that got injured or died deserves it

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Nobody in the western press and moreover no western governement are calling the red TERRORISTS .

Only posters here do .

That is quite telling isn't it ?

But it's also irrelevant.

Whether they are "terrorists" or not, many of them have broken the law and many have them have incited violence and been violent.

Many of them should be locked up.

Its not irrelevant to be calling a movement terrorits while obviously they are not .

As for the law Abhisit calling the state of emergency was one sided and was vastly

premature . Was he afraid of an armed insurrection taking over ministries

governement house and parliament ?


So sad. Not only do the reds not understand the PM can't just ignore the constitution, they are now ignoring that the case is being investigated by the DSI. All the police will do is hand him over to the DSI.


if the moon doesn't start to rotate itself immediately - we won't stop the protests!

If Abihisit doesn't declare himself guilt and signs the verdict, we won't stop the rally...

then if tea still tastes like tea we won't stop the rally...

if we still have to go to work to make an income and pay taxes, we wont stop the rally...

if our paymaster and all his cronies aren't immediately reinstalled to their positions before the coup

and pardoned for the next ten life's to come - we wont stop!

If anybody dares to ridicule the movement for "genuine edible democracy for the people" we will curse him/her for all reincarnations to come and won't stop to rally till he and his entire family apologizes for their rudeness and pray for forgiveness!

So sad. Not only do the reds not understand the PM can't just ignore the constitution, they are now ignoring that the case is being investigated by the DSI. All the police will do is hand him over to the DSI.

Do you still believe there is any legitimacy on the part of the red's???

It's not a question of understanding, their leaders know full well what is going on - their speeches are written by Thaksin and there is no way they are going to stop until he is happy

The only way to end this now is for the government to crack down with all force or a coup !!!

Are you out of your mind ???

This was a police/government/army action to clear a violent mob from the streets of the capital - just like the Greek government did or any other government would have done - well - probably with more success but the only crime committed is the one by the red shirts and any red shirt that got injured or died deserves it

shooting at unarmed civilians and journalist with live bullets is OK in your opinion ?

You surely support Tai Bak and the war on drugs killing , am I right ?

Else you are not logical with yourself

Because you are the governement dont give you the right to kill protesters .

Sorry but you should think it over and learn a bit about the limit of power

of a governement . Unless we are talking about a banana republic

Are you out of your mind ???

This was a police/government/army action to clear a violent mob from the streets of the capital - just like the Greek government did or any other government would have done - well - probably with more success but the only crime committed is the one by the red shirts and any red shirt that got injured or died deserves it

shooting at unarmed civilians and journalist with live bullets is OK in your opinion ?

You surely support Tai Bak and the war on drugs killing , am I right ?

Else you are not logical with yourself

Because you are the governement dont give you the right to kill protesters .

Sorry but you should think it over and learn a bit about the limit of power

of a governement . Unless we are talking about a banana republic



As I said, I refuse to argue with a red - as I would not argue with a loon- it only repeats their rubbish propaganda further

Anyone who is not brainwashed or a red propagandist understands that their arguments simply do not stand and are mostly blunt lies / disinformation like their leaders call out from their stage

The reds didn't win the last election. They have alienated a lot of people through these protests. They are not likely to win the next election.

That remains to be seen

That does remain to be seen. But we are not going to see it if the reds never go home.

Yes Suthep should surrender along with the 2 red nutcases , and then the reds should terminate their protest .

25 people died on the 10th april or as result , and it is not fair to put the blame only on the reds

Suthep HAS surrendered. Now it's time for ALL the red nutcases to surrender.

Investigations are in progress for the April 10 riots. We are yet to see whether the blame will be solely on the reds.

But I put the blame solely on the reds.

The army didn't go in there shooting live ammunition unprovoked. They were there with riot shields and batons to remove "unarmed" illegal protesters. The protesters threw rocks and sharpened sticks. The army responded with rubber bullets. The protesters threw molotov cocktails, grenades and also started shooting at the army. The army responded with live ammunition.

All the reds have EVER done from the very start of these protests is to incite violence and to act on that incitement.

They should be held accountable.

The most frustrating thing about the red supporters on this forum is how little reason or logic they use. They don't provide facts for their statements. They rarely provide explanations for their opinions. They just spout the vague red propaganda with no substance behind it.

Are you out of your mind ???

This was a police/government/army action to clear a violent mob from the streets of the capital - just like the Greek government did or any other government would have done - well - probably with more success but the only crime committed is the one by the red shirts and any red shirt that got injured or died deserves it

shooting at unarmed civilians and journalist with live bullets is OK in your opinion ?

You surely support Tai Bak and the war on drugs killing , am I right ?

Else you are not logical with yourself

Because you are the governement dont give you the right to kill protesters .

Sorry but you should think it over and learn a bit about the limit of power

of a governement . Unless we are talking about a banana republic


Then show me proof of red shirts shooting at army or police .

Until you do , dont talk to me anymore


Are you out of your mind ???

This was a police/government/army action to clear a violent mob from the streets of the capital - just like the Greek government did or any other government would have done - well - probably with more success but the only crime committed is the one by the red shirts and any red shirt that got injured or died deserves it

shooting at unarmed civilians and journalist with live bullets is OK in your opinion ?

You surely support Tai Bak and the war on drugs killing , am I right ?

Else you are not logical with yourself

Because you are the governement dont give you the right to kill protesters .

Sorry but you should think it over and learn a bit about the limit of power

of a governement . Unless we are talking about a banana republic

Are you aware that the protesters attacked the government forces first on the 10th of April? that the colonel in charge of the operation was murdered with a grenade?

Please answer and don't ignore the post.

Nobody in the western press and moreover no western governement are calling the red TERRORISTS .

Only posters here do .

That is quite telling isn't it ?

But it's also irrelevant.

Whether they are "terrorists" or not, many of them have broken the law and many have them have incited violence and been violent.

Many of them should be locked up.

Its not irrelevant to be calling a movement terrorits while obviously they are not .

As for the law Abhisit calling the state of emergency was one sided and was vastly

premature . Was he afraid of an armed insurrection taking over ministries

governement house and parliament ?

Abhisit called the SOE after the reds had taken over a major business and tourist district and pushed through the police and army protecting parliament house. What else was he supposed to wait for? He got the armed insurrection when he tried to clear the protesters.

The reds didn't win the last election. They have alienated a lot of people through these protests. They are not likely to win the next election.

That remains to be seen

That does remain to be seen. But we are not going to see it if the reds never go home.

Yes Suthep should surrender along with the 2 red nutcases , and then the reds should terminate their protest .

25 people died on the 10th april or as result , and it is not fair to put the blame only on the reds

Excellent. Let's compare your statement to something that has either happened to many of us, or happened to other falang we know.

An unregistered and uninsured scooter, driven by a 12-year-old with three passengers comes out of a side street and hits a car in the side. The car is driven by a falang.

The police show up. They state the driver of the car is at fault and gives him a ticket, and demands that the family be paid compensation. Why?

Because "if you weren't in Thailand this would not have happened."

And you are saying it's not fair to put the blame only on the reds. So, if the army wasn't there to enforce the law of the land, there would have been no killings. Fair enough.

And if the red shirts had protested peacefully, did not have weapons of war, did not threaten to burn down the city of Bangkok, and had not shown their provenance by their actions at last year's Songkran festival... none of this would have happened.

So, which is more accurate - the army should not have been their to enforce the law?

Or - the protesters should not have had weapons of war, should not have threatened to burn the city of Bangkok, etc etc etc

The question sort of answers itself, doesn't it? Lawful actions under a SOE, or illegal actions by the red shirts...illegal actions by the red shirts is the cause.

I know, now you're going to waffle and try to shift blame. It's in your nature on this forum, so we're all waiting for your response.

Suthep HAS surrendered. Now it's time for ALL the red nutcases to surrender.

Investigations are in progress for the April 10 riots. We are yet to see whether the blame will be solely on the reds.

But I put the blame solely on the reds.

The army didn't go in there shooting live ammunition unprovoked. They were there with riot shields and batons to remove "unarmed" illegal protesters. The protesters threw rocks and sharpened sticks. The army responded with rubber bullets. The protesters threw molotov cocktails, grenades and also started shooting at the army. The army responded with live ammunition.

All the reds have EVER done from the very start of these protests is to incite violence and to act on that incitement.

They should be held accountable.

The most frustrating thing about the red supporters on this forum is how little reason or logic they use. They don't provide facts for their statements. They rarely provide explanations for their opinions. They just spout the vague red propaganda with no substance behind it.

Same answer as to herm .

You dont have a shred of evidence showing reds shooting at security forces

Here from Amnesty International on the 10th April

This prepared the ground for the more stringent actions on Bangkok's bloody Saturday night: the use of water-cannons, tear-gas, and ultimately live ammunition to force the red-shirts off the streets. At the time of writing, twenty-one people are reported to have been killed (sixteen protestors, four soldiers, and a Japanese journalist), and over 800 injured. Abhisit Vejjajiva insists that soldiers were permitted to use live bullets only to shoot into the air or in self-defense, though the nature of the deaths and wounds inflicted on many protestors casts some doubt on this statement

Then show me proof of red shirts shooting at army or police .

Until you do , dont talk to me anymore


You've seen all the videos. They were fake reds shooting at the army, weren't they?

But you're right. There is no point talking to you anymore. It doesn't matter what you see, you will make some excuse for it. You will say that it is fake. You will say that you haven't personally met the person involved and personally been told about it ... and even then you will say that it isn't true, that it's a government conspiracy. You have been well and truly brainwashed by the red propaganda.

Are you out of your mind ???

This was a police/government/army action to clear a violent mob from the streets of the capital - just like the Greek government did or any other government would have done - well - probably with more success but the only crime committed is the one by the red shirts and any red shirt that got injured or died deserves it

shooting at unarmed civilians and journalist with live bullets is OK in your opinion ?

You surely support Tai Bak and the war on drugs killing , am I right ?

Else you are not logical with yourself

Because you are the governement dont give you the right to kill protesters .

Sorry but you should think it over and learn a bit about the limit of power

of a governement . Unless we are talking about a banana republic


Then show me proof of red shirts shooting at army or police .

Until you do , dont talk to me anymore


You are right

I am not going to talk to a lunatic and terrorist lover anymore

Nobody in the western press and moreover no western governement are calling the red TERRORISTS .

Only posters here do .

That is quite telling isn't it ?

It is neither the responsibility nor perogative of western media/government to judge issues relating to Thai law.

Either way, these would be considered domestic terrorists.

So your argument comes down to "The New York Times did not call them terrorists, therefore they have not committed terrorist acts according to Thai law"

A quite telling argument.

Are you out of your mind ???

This was a police/government/army action to clear a violent mob from the streets of the capital - just like the Greek government did or any other government would have done - well - probably with more success but the only crime committed is the one by the red shirts and any red shirt that got injured or died deserves it

shooting at unarmed civilians and journalist with live bullets is OK in your opinion ?

You surely support Tai Bak and the war on drugs killing , am I right ?

Else you are not logical with yourself

Because you are the governement dont give you the right to kill protesters .

Sorry but you should think it over and learn a bit about the limit of power

of a governement . Unless we are talking about a banana republic

Are you aware that the protesters attacked the government forces first on the 10th of April? that the colonel in charge of the operation was murdered with a grenade?

Please answer and don't ignore the post.

Yes am aware . Murdered by who ?

Red shirts ? you mean Isaan peasants throwing grenades ?

Red shirts guard/security ?

Soldiers on the side of the governement but symphatetic to the red shirts ?

Soldiers loyal to Prem ?

Make up your mind , if you cant , dont accuse anyone

Are you out of your mind ???

This was a police/government/army action to clear a violent mob from the streets of the capital - just like the Greek government did or any other government would have done - well - probably with more success but the only crime committed is the one by the red shirts and any red shirt that got injured or died deserves it

shooting at unarmed civilians and journalist with live bullets is OK in your opinion ?

You surely support Tai Bak and the war on drugs killing , am I right ?

Else you are not logical with yourself

Because you are the governement dont give you the right to kill protesters .

Sorry but you should think it over and learn a bit about the limit of power

of a governement . Unless we are talking about a banana republic

Are you aware that the protesters attacked the government forces first on the 10th of April? that the colonel in charge of the operation was murdered with a grenade?

Please answer and don't ignore the post.

Yes am aware . Murdered by who ?

Red shirts ? you mean Isaan peasants throwing grenades ?

Red shirts guard/security ?

Soldiers on the side of the governement but symphatetic to the red shirts ?

Soldiers loyal to Prem ?

Make up your mind , if you cant , dont accuse anyone

Pathetic propaganda at its best

Suthep HAS surrendered. Now it's time for ALL the red nutcases to surrender.

Investigations are in progress for the April 10 riots. We are yet to see whether the blame will be solely on the reds.

But I put the blame solely on the reds.

The army didn't go in there shooting live ammunition unprovoked. They were there with riot shields and batons to remove "unarmed" illegal protesters. The protesters threw rocks and sharpened sticks. The army responded with rubber bullets. The protesters threw molotov cocktails, grenades and also started shooting at the army. The army responded with live ammunition.

All the reds have EVER done from the very start of these protests is to incite violence and to act on that incitement.

They should be held accountable.

The most frustrating thing about the red supporters on this forum is how little reason or logic they use. They don't provide facts for their statements. They rarely provide explanations for their opinions. They just spout the vague red propaganda with no substance behind it.

Same answer as to herm .

You dont have a shred of evidence showing reds shooting at security forces

Here from Amnesty International on the 10th April

This prepared the ground for the more stringent actions on Bangkok's bloody Saturday night: the use of water-cannons, tear-gas, and ultimately live ammunition to force the red-shirts off the streets. At the time of writing, twenty-one people are reported to have been killed (sixteen protestors, four soldiers, and a Japanese journalist), and over 800 injured. Abhisit Vejjajiva insists that soldiers were permitted to use live bullets only to shoot into the air or in self-defense, though the nature of the deaths and wounds inflicted on many protestors casts some doubt on this statement

Almost 100 soldiers admitted to hospital with gun shot wounds.

Kind of speaks for itself.

Right, so Suthep will surrender tomorrow and then what? More demands?

They are not going to leave tomorrow.


And the Grass keeps growing around and around :)

Almost 100 soldiers admitted to hospital with gun shot wounds.

Kind of speaks for itself.

Pathetic propaganda at its best

Stop talking BS . Thanks

For your information they are reports by eye witnesses that rogue soldiers on the roofs started shooting at

red shirts and soldiers alike on the ground , killing many .

Soldiers on the ground returned fire on those rogue soldiers , and red security did the same .

Abhisit himself spoke about this in similar terms .

Of course yellow fanatics wont admitt it , so easy to put blame on reds


Some brutally honest and succinct comments on this post.

But, the way I see it, the Red Shirts' 'rally', if you can call it that, will not stop.

They change their mind like the wind. They are as slippery as snakes.

They lie and cheat and deceive. They are lower than a worm's belly.

They are a disgrace to ordinary, decent, Thai people.

They have murdered people in cold blood and then blame others.

Many Thais I know, many of whom are from the North, are ashamed of what is happening.

The Red Shirts don't give a dam_n about people's rights to freedom of movement.

Let's face it: there is nothing democratic about people who are paid to protest.

If the majority of Red Shirts weren't in someone's pocket, they wouldn't be there.

They couldn't afford to be there as most are relatively poor and uneducated.

Thinking about it, maybe that's why Thaksin likes to feather their nests.

But, I wonder why Thaksin never bothered to educate them.........?

Send in the heavy machinery now - it's time to nip this in the bud.

For your information they are reports by eye witnesses that rogue soldiers on the roofs started shooting at

red shirts and soldiers alike on the ground , killing many .

Soldiers on the ground returned fire on those rogue soldiers , and red security did the same .

Abhisit himself spoke about this in similar terms .

Of course yellow fanatics wont admitt it , so easy to put blame on reds

Those rogue soldiers are Seh Daeng and his "Ronin". Per him yesterday, he's been appointed one of the new leaders by Thaksin.

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