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Thai Protesters To Rally Until Deputy PM Suthep Surrenders

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Almost 100 soldiers admitted to hospital with gun shot wounds.

Kind of speaks for itself.

Pathetic propaganda at its best

Stop talking BS . Thanks

For your information they are reports by eye witnesses that rogue soldiers on the roofs started shooting at

red shirts and soldiers alike on the ground , killing many .

Soldiers on the ground returned fire on those rogue soldiers , and red security did the same .

Abhisit himself spoke about this in similar terms .

Of course yellow fanatics wont admitt it , so easy to put blame on reds

Why do you consider it is only yellow fanatics who blame the reds. Many posters here have stated publicly they are neither red nor yellow supporters but post what they observe & hear. Your prolific posting since you joined last month lends the impression of being a paid poster for the reds. I have not read many of your posts but so far not impressed by your lack of neutrality.

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Pointless talking to red apologists. They are a busted flush with no credibility.

Issue now is that the red "leaders" want to protect themselves.

They really want to ensure they get bail (which of coures they will jump).

The idea behind Suthep surrendering is so that the reds want to be treated exactly the same way. In otherwords, be interviewed and then freed pending further investigation.

It's BS. They are going to do time no matter how long they wait.

Excellent. Let's compare your statement to something that has either happened to many of us, or happened to other falang we know.

An unregistered and uninsured scooter, driven by a 12-year-old with three passengers comes out of a side street and hits a car in the side. The car is driven by a falang.

The police show up. They state the driver of the car is at fault and gives him a ticket, and demands that the family be paid compensation. Why?

Because "if you weren't in Thailand this would not have happened."

And you are saying it's not fair to put the blame only on the reds. So, if the army wasn't there to enforce the law of the land, there would have been no killings. Fair enough.

And if the red shirts had protested peacefully, did not have weapons of war, did not threaten to burn down the city of Bangkok, and had not shown their provenance by their actions at last year's Songkran festival... none of this would have happened.

So, which is more accurate - the army should not have been their to enforce the law?

Or - the protesters should not have had weapons of war, should not have threatened to burn the city of Bangkok, etc etc etc

The question sort of answers itself, doesn't it? Lawful actions under a SOE, or illegal actions by the red shirts...illegal actions by the red shirts is the cause.

I know, now you're going to waffle and try to shift blame. It's in your nature on this forum, so we're all waiting for your response.

If a legal government was not removed by an illegal coup that the coup leaders then changed the constitution to absolve themselves from their illegal act, the reds would not be on the streets.

How far do we want to take this ridiculous argument back in time, Thaksins birth? Thaksins parents conceiving, thaksins parents births? hey lets go all the way back to the big bang.

Almost 100 soldiers admitted to hospital with gun shot wounds.

Kind of speaks for itself.

Pathetic propaganda at its best

Stop talking BS . Thanks

For your information they are reports by eye witnesses that rogue soldiers on the roofs started shooting at

red shirts and soldiers alike on the ground , killing many .

Soldiers on the ground returned fire on those rogue soldiers , and red security did the same .

Abhisit himself spoke about this in similar terms .

Of course yellow fanatics wont admitt it , so easy to put blame on reds

Thank you for the information.

I fully admit that the government troops under Abhisit's orders to use international standards for crowd control did not instigate the killing, this was instigated by another party, the one that assassinated the army commanders at the beginning and almost certainly the same people who tried to blow up the power pylons feeding Bangkok just before the shooting started.

If you want to say this was not done by rural farmers, I'm OK with that.

If you want to blame it on Abhishit, I would suggest some serious brain surgery.


It has finally taken this long for most to get to the crux of the guilt. Some still don't. :) I seen a post early on where someone was blaming the legitimate Army for allowing their troops to shoot at people with live bullets because their command structures where so poor. Pardon me, but the command structure was put in place to deal as pointed out here with battons, and shields, gas and rubber bullets, and with live rounds as full back if their life becomes threatened which again as pointed out is world wide standard practice. The reason the command structures became so poor was because the commander on site was murdered by Black Goons. Who's Black Goons was not hard to figure out straight away with the ease with which they were allowed to move around among the Reds ranks. Someone hiding in that Reds leadership was their master of command and pay. Why Say Dung was not dealt to then is unbelieveable and that error alone could cost Thailand a blood bath before school is back in, regardless if the less moderate Reds are able to be extracted onto the road map path or not.

And starting to agree with the proposition that if Anupong won't make the call then his successor should be anointed now to deal to the terrorists in the Bangkok CBD as at 15th May. His successor will be well aware that there is a life and death struggle to be fought for Army control and with it control of Thailand. It is frightening for the future of Thailand if Say Dung gets control of the Army. Because that is what he is making a play for.

If a legal government was not removed by an illegal coup that the coup leaders then changed the constitution to absolve themselves from their illegal act, the reds would not be on the streets.

How far do we want to take this ridiculous argument back in time, Thaksins birth? Thaksins parents conceiving, thaksins parents births? hey lets go all the way back to the big bang.

Tony, which legal government was removed by the illegal (yes, I agree it was illegal) coup?

Thaksin was a care-taker PM who had not organised new elections in the required time-frame.


Now the reds have changed their minds. Predictable.

MCOTEnglishnews: Weng: Red Shirts not end protest, arguing Deputy PM Suthep must surrender to Police's Crime Suppression Division instead of DSI, resign
Now the reds have changed their minds. Predictable.
MCOTEnglishnews: Weng: Red Shirts not end protest, arguing Deputy PM Suthep must surrender to Police's Crime Suppression Division instead of DSI, resign

Yet more conditions.

This will never stop without hard action now.

Get the tanks in.

Now the reds have changed their minds. Predictable.
MCOTEnglishnews: Weng: Red Shirts not end protest, arguing Deputy PM Suthep must surrender to Police's Crime Suppression Division instead of DSI, resign

Yet more conditions.

This will never stop without hard action now.

Get the tanks in.


Now the reds have changed their minds. Predictable.
MCOTEnglishnews: Weng: Red Shirts not end protest, arguing Deputy PM Suthep must surrender to Police's Crime Suppression Division instead of DSI, resign

Wonder what how he can report to police when DSI is not only in charge of the investigation but DSI is also the place where the reds filed the charges against him.

i really feel very sorry for you guys keep kidding yourself but don't try it on with the majority of this country :)

some of you need to re read your history books i guess most of you are English teachers :D

for those that have lost out financialy everyone sympathiser.s with you much like the traders in boston who lost there valuable cargo.s of tea

but which spawned a revolution against a cruel government

yellows can not hold this country if your tied to them make a get out plan because there on there way out and if they fail to leave before problems with the monarchy arise then this recent trouble will be but a blip :D

Remember the catchcry "No taxation without representation!" Wouldn't it burst your bubble if they reversed it "NO REPRESENTATION WITHOUT TAXATION!"

The reds didn't win the last election. They have alienated a lot of people through these protests. They are not likely to win the next election.

That remains to be seen

That does remain to be seen. But we are not going to see it if the reds never go home.

Yes Suthep should surrender along with the 2 red nutcases , and then the reds should terminate their protest .

25 people died on the 10th april or as result , and it is not fair to put the blame only on the reds

"..........it is not fair........" You sound like a baby crying to his mummy. What ever led you to believe that life is fair? Some are born beautiful, others as ugly as sin. Some are born intelligent, and the really stupid ones think that they can break the law with impunity.

if the moon doesn't start to rotate itself immediately - we won't stop the protests!

If Abihisit doesn't declare himself guilt and signs the verdict, we won't stop the rally...

then if tea still tastes like tea we won't stop the rally...

if we still have to go to work to make an income and pay taxes, we wont stop the rally...

if our paymaster and all his cronies aren't immediately reinstalled to their positions before the coup

and pardoned for the next ten life's to come - we wont stop!

If anybody dares to ridicule the movement for "genuine edible democracy for the people" we will curse him/her for all reincarnations to come and won't stop to rally till he and his entire family apologizes for their rudeness and pray for forgiveness!

Ummm....the moon rotates every 28 days, around the earth and on its own axis. :)

Some brutally honest and succinct comments on this post.

But, the way I see it, the Red Shirts' 'rally', if you can call it that, will not stop.

They change their mind like the wind. They are as slippery as snakes.

They lie and cheat and deceive. They are lower than a worm's belly.

They are a disgrace to ordinary, decent, Thai people.

They have murdered people in cold blood and then blame others.

Many Thais I know, many of whom are from the North, are ashamed of what is happening.

The Red Shirts don't give a dam_n about people's rights to freedom of movement.

Let's face it: there is nothing democratic about people who are paid to protest.

If the majority of Red Shirts weren't in someone's pocket, they wouldn't be there.

They couldn't afford to be there as most are relatively poor and uneducated.

Thinking about it, maybe that's why Thaksin likes to feather their nests.

But, I wonder why Thaksin never bothered to educate them.........?

Send in the heavy machinery now - it's time to nip this in the bud.

Agreed in principle. I think Abhisit has played a blinder in demonstrating the red 'leadership' to be ugly hypocritical cowards. One last gesture needs to be made by Abhisit imho - give the reds their TV channel back on condition that they use it to announce the order to disperse the rally. This would only leave them their infantile semantic argument as to who Suthep should answer charges to as 'justification' :) for staying put. Of course they will squirm and twist yet more but in doing so cause yet more damage to their image, if that's still possible.

This may at least allow some of the unwitting human shields the chance to leave - we are dealing with a hostage situation here though sadly the hostages are so brainwashed that they are incapable of seeing it. The expected stalling should then be followed by a 24 hour notice period to disperse or face the consequences.

Yesterday I said that the Reds aren't going to go home anytime soon. Unfortunately, it looks as though I was right.

No surprises there. They don't want to give up their occupation because they know it's the ONLY thing that gives them any power or influence. Without that, no one would really be listening to them, let alone giving in to some of their demands.

They are not going anywhere in a hurry. Sadly.

Luv the comments re the "double standard" at work... No standard at all, more like it. Neither Reds nor Yellows in jail, last time I looked.

Cheguevera honors his name but Thailand is no Cuba.One week ago 10 or11 red shirts were arrested.One hour later they were free on bail.The situation on the 10th of april very confusing.Proven is the fact that black shirts were assisting the reds{as seh daeng said too} and shooting guns.Two colonels were killed .Red shirt leaders should be arrested too and let an independent panel find out who is guilty for the killings.I bet you I know the guilty party.Egon


Che guevara honors his name but Thailand no Cuba.Last week 11 red shirts were arrested.After 1 hour freed on bail.Two colonels were killed on the 10th.On video,s ,pictures clad black killers were seen shooting{seh daeng was proud of their help} or do you believe they were shot by their own men?Who is guilty is quite clear to me but let,s follow Abhisit,s proposal for an independent investigation of what happened on the 10th.Egon


Che guevara honors his name but Thailand no Cuba.Last week 11 red shirts were arrested.After 1 hour freed on bail.Two colonels were killed on the 10th.On video,s ,pictures clad black killers were seen shooting{seh daeng was proud of their help} or do you believe they were shot by their own men?Who is guilty is quite clear to me but let,s follow Abhisit,s proposal for an independent investigation of what happened on the 10th.Egon

The reds didn't win the last election. They have alienated a lot of people through these protests. They are not likely to win the next election.

That remains to be seen

They may not win the next election, but judging by the Reds' modus operandi, they'll do a lot of illegal and threatening activities to try to bend it their way. Besides paying for votes (it's an ingrained Thai tradition, so what's the big deal), they'll taunt and threaten and harm opposition candidates and their supporters - probably more than they've already done in recent months. As for 'outside objective monitors' - that's the last thing the Reds want. Reds know (or should know) if there's fair campaigning and elections, they'll lose big time, in just about every region including parts of Issan. If they weren't hemmoraeging support earlier on, they certainly are now, with their childish, vacillating, and potentially deadly antics.

Are you out of your mind ???

This was a police/government/army action to clear a violent mob from the streets of the capital - just like the Greek government did or any other government would have done - well - probably with more success but the only crime committed is the one by the red shirts and any red shirt that got injured or died deserves it

shooting at unarmed civilians and journalist with live bullets is OK in your opinion ?

You surely support Tai Bak and the war on drugs killing , am I right ?

BB's comment: You can thank Thaksin and his top brass for those atrocities

......Unless we are talking about a banana republic

BB: we are talking about a banana republic, and one with barely functioning security forces.

Pornsasi continues: Then show me proof of red shirts shooting at army or police .

Until you do , dont talk to me anymore. Thanks

If Pornsasi and the other usernames he/she uses wants to believe (and echo) all that comes out of the lying, conniving Red leaders 'mouths, then he-she can do so. It's obvious there's an agenda there (connected to the Shinawats perhaps?).

I, on the other hand, am inclined to believe such things that ring true, as they unfold.

Example, I watched on-site videos of the April 10 imbroglio. When troops fired, it sounded like popcorn, but the Reds (shown in the foreground) weren't even crouching, let alone running away. The Reds knew, at those initial moments, that the troops were shooting in the air, and probably shooting rubber bullets as reported. If the troops changed to real ammo after their army buddies started dropping from being shot at/bombed by Red/black defenders, then who can blame them? It's called self-defense.

Now it is nearly 8:00pm.... Monday evening.....

So, are the red shirts going to leave or not???!!!!!

Christ almighty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This pathetic ping pong game continues .. another day ... another day ...

what else is new? :)

How about the venerable expletive "Sweet, jumping Jesus" as we used to say on P.E.I. There's been perhaps too much about too little in this red/yellow, wing-dragging distraction from essential issues.

By the way, my birthplace was in the USA (Cambridge/Boston) although my summertime was spent on the family farm (horse-drawn equipment, no electricity, et cetera). My cosmic gratitude for that experience is endless.

My plan is to return to LOS? (Rama IX) on a one-way ticket in the not-distant future. Hope you can find the time to contact me. I've got lunch.

Kind regards

I was just about to comment that "that will never happen" & then I saw the second post! :D Well, I have no idea what's going on behind the scenes, but I'm going to bet that the Red leaders thought that Sutep would never do it. He's either called their bluff or he's obeying the law. :D

What, it can't be both? </snark> Actually, there's no reason he should be concerned about reporting to the police. They aren't going to take him out back and beat the shit out of him, like they would with Somchai the taxi driver. :)

Almost 100 soldiers admitted to hospital with gun shot wounds.

Kind of speaks for itself.

Pathetic propaganda at its best

Stop talking BS . Thanks

For your information they are reports by eye witnesses that rogue soldiers on the roofs started shooting at

red shirts and soldiers alike on the ground , killing many .

Soldiers on the ground returned fire on those rogue soldiers , and red security did the same .

Abhisit himself spoke about this in similar terms .

Of course yellow fanatics wont admitt it , so easy to put blame on reds

My IGNORE normally filters out your mewling, but this is too easy to let go.

"....rogue soldiers on the roofs started shooting at red shirts and soldiers alike..........." Are you suggesting that more than one soldier suddenly turned into a homicidal maniac and began killing randomly? Unlikely, hmm. So why would someone kill randomly (absent homicidal mania)? The only logical answer that I can conceive is to ensure a high protester casualty rate, necessary for the subsequent claim "Suthep ordered the killing of unarmed protesters." Great PR.

"Soldiers on the ground returned fire on those rogue soldiers ...." So you agree then that the soldiers on the ground were acting in self-defence and not targetting unarmed protesters. BUT "......red security did the same." So the protesters, at least some of them, were not unarmed and were discharging weapons.

Who could these "rogue soldiers" be? Perhaps Seh Daeng's merry men? If not, who? As Seh Daeng is a red leader who seems to be in regular contact with the paymaster himself, then I guess "so easy to put blame on reds"

Have you considered a course in logical thinking? Kepler Tregoe have a good one, if a little dated. :)


Reds going back on their promises .... AGAIN.

MCOTEnglishnews UDD lawyer appeals against arrest warrants for leaders who will not surrender on May15 as announced until govt revokes emergency decree

... and adding new demands.

I watched loads of those vids on YouTube and elsewhere, but I never once saw one soldier firing a weapon set to automatic. Could you please post a link to some of the "dozens" of YouTube vids that you reference?


For your viewing pleasure :)

I do like the fact that you use this video to prove your point, and the reason being, This video is about the soldiers being killed and their commander being shot and later he died! and at the end of the video the newsgirl said the soldiers were directing their fire to the protesters. First of all if you were a soldier that had been attacked and your commander lie mortally wounded, you would fire at the protesters also, IT IS CALLED SELF DEFENSE. Lastly not one of those soldiers are firing in auto mode, those are all single shots as I can see. So Thank you for the PROOF.

Reds going back on their promises .... AGAIN.
MCOTEnglishnews UDD lawyer appeals against arrest warrants for leaders who will not surrender on May15 as announced until govt revokes emergency decree

... and adding new demands.

Catching Reds telling the truth is like trying to catch catfish with hands covered in petroleum jelly.

They flip faster than a flag in a cyclone.

Q. How do you tell whether a Red leader is telling a lie?

A. His lips are moving.

I was just about to comment that "that will never happen" & then I saw the second post! :D Well, I have no idea what's going on behind the scenes, but I'm going to bet that the Red leaders thought that Sutep would never do it. He's either called their bluff or he's obeying the law. :D

What, it can't be both? </snark> Actually, there's no reason he should be concerned about reporting to the police. They aren't going to take him out back and beat the shit out of him, like they would with Somchai the taxi driver. :)

I am sure that they would not "beat the shit" out of the red shirts leaders as well.


I really didn't want to chip in... :) , mostly because there are not many posts worth reading in this and all the others threads related to the same problem. Guys like pornsasi just make me understand that you don't need to make any sense in your different statements, you just keep your manipulative games going. By now, none of the red "leaders" appears as a person <sound of mind and/or character> if they ever did... The same statement goes for some if not most of the (red) posters here. Flame away, I'm sure I care...

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