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The general populace have NEVER risen up how they had hoped (remember the 1 million person march they promised at the beginning;

Not just the beginning, Weng was promising 1 million for this last weekend.

well to be fair to the red shirts, they get told in the rally that there are 1 million people at Ratchaprasong anyhow (when it looks like about 20-40,000) on a big day.

So I guess Weng is able to say, we will get 1 million, and then when he says 'we have 1 million' why should we let facts get in the way.

We all know it is the Jew run media that are distorting the facts and (cue Fox news).

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The general populace have NEVER risen up how they had hoped (remember the 1 million person march they promised at the beginning;

Not just the beginning, Weng was promising 1 million for this last weekend.

well..he got 5000 more inbreeds to come, does that count for anything? :)

The general populace have NEVER risen up how they had hoped (remember the 1 million person march they promised at the beginning;

Not just the beginning, Weng was promising 1 million for this last weekend.

well to be fair to the red shirts, they get told in the rally that there are 1 million people at Ratchaprasong anyhow (when it looks like about 20-40,000) on a big day.

So I guess Weng is able to say, we will get 1 million, and then when he says 'we have 1 million' why should we let facts get in the way.

We all know it is the Jew run media that are distorting the facts and (cue Fox news).

thanks for summin' it up on your other mini-essay. that was pretty much what i saw when i passed by the red camp two days ago. didn't look inviting to get any closer. lotsa urchins inside their camp lying around or hungover. can take 'em outta Isaan, but you can't take Isaan outta them

The PM is showing up as a brilliant strategist and the reds as completely useless.

After letting the reds think they were invincible he beat them twice on the 10th and 28th April.

Unfortunately with deaths and injuries but these must all be laid at the door of the red leaders. For those who don't believe that try reading the accounts of some of the survivors who were wounded on the 10th: like the man who tells of being ordered to stand in front of the black shirts and red leaders, he was in the third row from the front facing the soldiers and was shot from behind. Either the army was using OZZIE bullets of the boomerang variety or...........up to you.

No I won't give you a link look it up yourself it's on this forum.

These ignominious (translates to face losing) defeats confined the reds to their own prison behind the tyres and in order to do something to keep the troops active they invaded the hospital, a PR disaster. Next the PM gave them an out (the roadmap) which he probably knew they wouldn't accept without conditions. Whether it was foreseen or not this caused a very public split in the red leadership making them look horribly disorganized.

Some wanted to get it over with and get out but Sae Deang said he had talked to Thaksin (implementing him completely dead or alive) and that they now had new leaders and the others could go if they wanted. But they haven't gone, why? Probably because they are scared of Sae Daeng and what he might do, like shoot them for if the DSI got hold of them they would want to bargain their way out by giving evidence against the others. And then if they do leave against Thaksin's wishes they certainly won't get their money.

They then had to come up with some excuse and the PM and deputy to surrender is it. Now their bluff has been called and it's back to the container to try to come up with something else.

So what is the Govt to do now, other than go in with guns blazing?

Well most of the leaders are scared now so they should be frightened farther, one of them complained that a chopper flew over them a couple of days ago (a terrible infringement of their air space and civil rights) so choppers need to be overflying them several times a day.

Snipers with laser sights should be put in place in as many positions as possible that could target the red leaders except Sea Dean who probably won't scare so easily and now probably expects to die there, better as a martyr than up against a wall . Also as many cameras as possible should be focused on the red camp.

The Army and Police around them need to be told that it is likely that shooting could start and on an order they are to pull back quickly to safe positions. (This will get to the reds) then the order should be given and all the security forces pull back; then watch the panic and the weapons come out. After a time the security forces can then drift back into position hopefully without being fired upon.

This can be done again later but this time focus the laser sights on as many of the brave leaders as possible and again hear the screaming and watch the panic and the weapons come out. By this time the human shields would be wanting out big time and no doubt some of the leaders as well.

After this has been done several times the pressure can be ramped up by letting off a few blanks when the little dots are on the leaders. Not many people left at that point and by then all the weapons will have been identified and placed so if eventually the military has to go in they will know what they are up against.

Oh <deleted> I've just given away the plan, silly me.

For a Kiwi, that's dam_n clever...curse you, I wish I'd had thought of it first! :)


General Seh Daeng was formally assigned to lead aerobics a few months ago. Why is he not on duty? There could be two dozen overweight soldiers waiting patiently for him on a military tarmac somewhere. Seh Daeng should be docked his tele-tubby TV time for dereliction of duty.

Seriously though, the cops who arrested Seh Daeng and his buddies, just days before the rallies started, should be kicked off the force for letting the scoundrel go free. Perhaps the cops didn't know what a giant problem Seh Daeng would be for Thailand, but I knew at that time. Perhaps the Royal Thai police force could pay me $5,000/day for intelligence reports. $5,000/day would be a bargain compared to how much money Bkk and Thailand are losing each day while Seh Daeng and his buddies are prolonging the protest.

....not to mention the deaths and injuries he's been a part of while directing military operations at the black rubber wall.

P.S. my dad was career CIA, but I'm not supposed to tell anyone.

We all know it is the Jew run media that are distorting the facts and (cue Fox news).
Why do you bring antisemitic conspiracy theories into the mix?
The northern businessmen I have met who support the redshirts were happy at the gains that the reds have made and that the protest was finally ending. The redshirts are going to alienate their supporters if they carry on after saying they would withdraw and perhaps force the PM to take harsh steps that he has been doing his best to avoid. They need to end this now. :)

You bet they do. I wonder if these same northern businessmen would mind if we truck a whole lot of people to their backyard and bloackade their businesses for two months. While Thaksin has financed the country folk to come to Bangkok and blockade a major chunk of the CBD the innocent folks here are out of pocket. (the thousands who work at the retail outlets, hotels, the vendors, suppiers etc.) I wonder if Thaksin will put his hand in his pocket to compensate them? I doubt it. The Government and ulimately the taxpayer will have to do it. I have had many amusing conversation with red shirt suppporters about this issue. 'The Government will pay compensation, no problem' is their response. Hey guys, that is your money the Government is spending. Whilst I agree with many of their grievances, the end does not justify the means in this case. They have gone on too long and, I believe, have lost a lot of sympathy for doing so. The rogue elements, especially the likes of Sae Dang, have done their cause no good. Go home now guys and stop the thuggery. Enough is enough.


Ah, and now, for the record, MCOT: UDD lawyer appeals against arrest warrants for leaders who will not surrender on May15 as announced until govt revokes emergency decree.

Another Flip Flop...hurray...Sae Daeng must be proud, no need for aerobics, flip flops all the way!

General Seh Daeng was formally assigned to lead aerobics a few months ago. Why is he not on duty? There could be two dozen overweight soldiers waiting patiently for him on a military tarmac somewhere. Seh Daeng should be docked his tele-tubby TV time for dereliction of duty.

Seriously though, the cops who arrested Seh Daeng and his buddies, just days before the rallies started, should be kicked off the force for letting the scoundrel go free. Perhaps the cops didn't know what a giant problem Seh Daeng would be for Thailand, but I knew at that time. Perhaps the Royal Thai police force could pay me $5,000/day for intelligence reports. $5,000/day would be a bargain compared to how much money Bkk and Thailand are losing each day while Seh Daeng and his buddies are prolonging the protest.

....not to mention the deaths and injuries he's been a part of while directing military operations at the black rubber wall.

P.S. my dad was career CIA, but I'm not supposed to tell anyone.

It is a shame that Seh Daeng was allowed to go feral. The 'hand grenade dance' he was quoted as intending to demonstrate does sound like an interesting piece of cultural heritage. I was quite looking forward to dining at one of those Kantoke places whilst watching Seh Daeng perform the hand grenade dance, though I think a seat way back from the stage would be wise.

P.S Red leaders have gone back on their promise to turn themselves in on the 15th; surprised? You could have knocked me down with a feather. :)

I think he was only joking. and I am Jewish, and it is humorous......

Fine, I haven't had my coffee yet. However, there are many antisemetic people who believe the media is "Jew run" so for the record, Rubert Murdoch who runs Fox News is CATHOLIC.

Anyone surprised?

Reds Do Not Accept Suthep's Appearance at DSI

Of course not. Reds need a majority of the votes next election, and that isn't going to happen unless Isaan is angry. There will be one excuse after another until there are enough Red deaths to ensure enough of the rural vote goes their way.

The general populace have NEVER risen up how they had hoped (remember the 1 million person march they promised at the beginning;

Not just the beginning, Weng was promising 1 million for this last weekend.

well to be fair to the red shirts, they get told in the rally that there are 1 million people at Ratchaprasong anyhow (when it looks like about 20-40,000) on a big day.

So I guess Weng is able to say, we will get 1 million, and then when he says 'we have 1 million' why should we let facts get in the way.

We all know it is the Jew run media that are distorting the facts and (cue Fox news).

Rupert Murdoch the major shareholder of News Corp which in turns owns Fox News is certainly not Jew...until you became racist your post had respectability

Anyone surprised?

Reds Do Not Accept Suthep's Appearance at DSI

Of course not. Reds need a majority of the votes next election, and that isn't going to happen unless Isaan is angry. There will be one excuse after another until there are enough Red deaths to ensure enough of the rural vote goes their way.

Even IF they get all the votes in Isaan, that won't give them the majority. That's what most red supporters don't understand.

And deaths aren't going to do any thing for their support either. They have been given enough chances to avoid violence, but every step of the way they have pushed and provoked. The April 10 riots didn't do anything for their support. It just showed them to be violent armed thugs.


I wish there were more Jews in thailand actually, since as we can all se we need the brains here...

The general populace have NEVER risen up how they had hoped (remember the 1 million person march they promised at the beginning;

Not just the beginning, Weng was promising 1 million for this last weekend.

well to be fair to the red shirts, they get told in the rally that there are 1 million people at Ratchaprasong anyhow (when it looks like about 20-40,000) on a big day.

So I guess Weng is able to say, we will get 1 million, and then when he says 'we have 1 million' why should we let facts get in the way.

We all know it is the Jew run media that are distorting the facts and (cue Fox news).

Rupert Murdoch the major shareholder of News Corp which in turns owns Fox News is certainly not Jew...until you became racist your post had respectability

Rally will end this week. DPM doesn't surrender to police otherwise. With clean up etc, should be back to business in Ratchaprasong by the weekend.

If you resided in California, you could say the 'big earthquake will hit L.A. tomorrow.' And you'd be right, if you made the same prediction every day, ad infinitum.

The redshirts are going to alienate their supporters.....

Slight adjustment to your sentence structure; 'The Red Shirts have alienated their supporters.......'

I doubt the next election cycle will be remotely fair, as the roving bands of Red hot heads will harass campaigners and candidates with bodily harm and dirty tricks (as they've done recently) ....but if the election were fair, the outcome would likely show the Reds have alienated large segments of whatever support they may have had earlier.


Fair politics does not exist in the Red shirt rule book

There are now two totally separated groups

The PONT (poor people of Northen Thailand)

and the reds (Return Every Dictator Soon)

For the Ponts I am behind you and think you have made yourself herd and the future will be better

The Reds shirts need all be hung on crosses, for Udon to Bangkok, to show Thais what will happens to the next mob that things they are above the law and terrorism in Thailand has to be expected

The general populace have NEVER risen up how they had hoped (remember the 1 million person march they promised at the beginning;

Not just the beginning, Weng was promising 1 million for this last weekend.

well to be fair to the red shirts, they get told in the rally that there are 1 million people at Ratchaprasong anyhow (when it looks like about 20-40,000) on a big day.

So I guess Weng is able to say, we will get 1 million, and then when he says 'we have 1 million' why should we let facts get in the way.

We all know it is the Jew run media that are distorting the facts and (cue Fox news).

thanks for summin' it up on your other mini-essay. that was pretty much what i saw when i passed by the red camp two days ago. didn't look inviting to get any closer. lotsa urchins inside their camp lying around or hungover. can take 'em outta Isaan, but you can't take Isaan outta them

The Northern People of Issan and surrounding areas all support the red shirt protests

Life has been so peace full since the mob went to Bkk

Please keep the protest going we do not want them back

Life in Issan is so much better with them all gone


Fair politics does not exist in the Red shirt rule book

There are now two totally separated groups

The PONT (poor people of Northen Thailand)

and the reds (Return Every Dictator Soon)

For the Ponts I am behind you and think you have made yourself herd and the future will be better

The Reds shirts need all be hung on crosses, for Udon to Bangkok, to show Thais what will happens to the next mob that things they are above the law and terrorism in Thailand has to be expected

I think the word highlighted in blue is a typo (correct spelling 'heard'), but I think it is quite appropriate for the red "ponts" protesting.


Hey there is no humour here today where is Che, RedParrot, Redsunset and others maybe they are busy planning the next strategy with their bedfellows quite refreshing not to have their drivel all over the place

The general populace have NEVER risen up how they had hoped (remember the 1 million person march they promised at the beginning;

Not just the beginning, Weng was promising 1 million for this last weekend.

well to be fair to the red shirts, they get told in the rally that there are 1 million people at Ratchaprasong anyhow (when it looks like about 20-40,000) on a big day.

So I guess Weng is able to say, we will get 1 million, and then when he says 'we have 1 million' why should we let facts get in the way.

We all know it is the Jew run media that are distorting the facts and (cue Fox news).

Rupert Murdoch the major shareholder of News Corp which in turns owns Fox News is certainly not Jew...until you became racist your post had respectability

Do you understand the meaning of irony?

The red shirt leaders have no intention of ending the rally. Their endless growing list of demands are just stalling tactics designed to hoodwink people into thinking a new election is what they want. This is amply demonstrated by their demand for Abhisit & Suthep to surrender to the DSI, this bluff was exposed when Suthep did so - now the DSI supposedly have a 'conflict of intererest' if Suthep goes to the DSI - And so it goes on ad-nauseun ad-infinitum.

It all distills down to Thaksin's desire to prevent the government overseeing the next military reshuffle. Until then they will camp out in Bangkok getting reinforcements and escalating violence and intimidation in the hope of provoking violent clashes giving the army no choice but to stage a coup.

No need for a coup, just to go in and clean out the hornets nest of liars.

Since this is a sham and the more the reds prevaricate the more Thais see this clearly,

the less likely any necessary violence will be seen in AS negative a light.

No one wnats it, but many can now see it as forced by the red side.

A; 'Take your medicine no matter how bad it tastes' feeling.

The Northern People of Issan and surrounding areas all support the red shirt protests

Life has been so peace full since the mob went to Bkk

Please keep the protest going we do not want them back

Life in Issan is so much better with them all gone



solution for reds:

beautify their words emphasizing that life must go on, kids are our future so they should go back to school when terms open, they love the country too much to continue damaging it. blame the government for being inhumane and disperse the protestors. this way they may have a chance to be remembered as worthy.

self-imposed arrestment on seh daeng and bring him to the authority. it's silly to separate seh daeng with red shirt since they were 'together' when it all started and although they don't like it - seh daeng is their red brother.

for the government:

i hate to say this but - force is really appropriate when the number goes down again. how much damage should red do? delaying action is enabling them.

Hey there is no humour here today where is Che, RedParrot, Redsunset and others maybe they are busy planning the next strategy with their bedfellows quite refreshing not to have their drivel all over the place

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thi is my first post so if I mess it up then forgive me.

Although I have been reading TV for a few years now I was never motivated to post as it is just not my style. However the call for more humor from Phuket Stan struck a nerve and has given me the keyboard cowboys courage to stand up to the red shirts and the yellow shirts and the dirty smelly shirts and the all the other shirts vying for their few moments of fame and to all the other innocent and/or guilty players in this soap opera unfolding (in the words of the late great Arthur Askey) before your very eyes. :)

The only sure way to end this debacle to send in the negotiator Chuck Norris!

He will round house kick every last one of them so fast and so hard that they will travel back in time...back to their homes where they will wake up last month and wont even know what happened. If in fact it ever happened! But that does cause a bit of a time travel conundrum.

Can anyone tel me what that conundrum is (was) or will be as I have a headache now with all these going on. :D

Come on guys get your thinking caps on... :D


I think it might be a good idea for the gov't to start floating the idea of breaking away from the North East and letting them form their own country since they feel so taken advantage of by the rest of Thailand. Let them consider what they will do without free education, free school supplies, free healthcare, free income to the elderly and having to sell their rice on the open market without government subsidies.

Or better yet, see if Laos is in the market for some additional land and people.

I have some Laotian friends (real Laotians) and even they look down on the Isaan Thai (they do not call them Lao!). They feel that the Isaan population is stupid .... and that is me being friendly not to repeat their words!


Maybe your 'real' Laotians friends envy Issan as there's so many Lao people working in Thai border provinces rather than in impoverished Laos.

70% of the red protestors are from Bangkok so perhaps you should direct your insults there instead.

Hey there is no humour here today where is Che, RedParrot, Redsunset and others maybe they are busy planning the next strategy with their bedfellows quite refreshing not to have their drivel all over the place

Che wakes up late, usually about 8:00 am, Dubai time.

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