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Anyone here care to defend the actions of the Red Leadership? Anyone?

No, not really. I think this Suthep business is silly, the man is a thug and a liar, but like all thugs and liars in government before him, he will walk free. But his fate is NOT more important than the lives of the protesters, soldiers and the overall future of Thailand.

If they're going to make demands, they should have been specified in full, not dribbled out one at a time, every other day. AND it should have included things that matter, such as amnesty for anyone convicted on LM charges and getting the government to commit to the constitution regarding freedom of speech and end censorship, so they don't go into an election with their TV channel muzzled but ASTV/NBT/etc spouting garbage unhindered. I mean, seriously, Suthep doesn't matter one bit in the overall scheme of things.

Clearly there is no agreement among the leadership, so they agree on 'demands' that the hard-core guys bet on not being met by the government, while the reasonable ones think it will bring progress. Then when the government pretty much meets the demand, the hard core guys claim it wasn't enough. :) Abhisit can probably force it by offering amnesty to specific people who seem willing to cooperate, provided they end the protest.

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A funny byproduct of the PM's peace plan, he seems to have calmed many of the TV poster wars as well. Powerful indeed. That alone should merit him a Cyber Nobel.

Agreed he should get a peace prize, he certainly compromised more than necessary for the greater good and peace of the country.

He's is atleast more deserving than Barack Obama

The northern businessmen I have met who support the redshirts were happy at the gains that the reds have made and that the protest was finally ending. The redshirts are going to alienate their supporters if they carry on after saying they would withdraw and perhaps force the PM to take harsh steps that he has been doing his best to avoid. They need to end this now. :)

They have been doing their best to extract violence in retaliation but the leaders will not risk their own blood, only those of the hapless brainwashed protestors. They are cowards hiding behind women and children with thugs as their back up.... and Sah Daeng is taunting the authorities into exactly that - and it WILL end with bloodshed as that is what he wants. A sniper would solve the major issues very swiftly. But certainly, they have alienated many of their supporters. No-one given a vote with any intelligence would vote these thugs into power ... or would they? :D

Hey there is no humour here today where is Che, RedParrot, Redsunset and others maybe they are busy planning the next strategy with their bedfellows quite refreshing not to have their drivel all over the place

Che wakes up late, usually about 8:00 am, Dubai time.

They're on stage with the crazy Aussie. One of 'em is getting some custom Khmer Rouge outfits made at the tailor shop.


Right now they have nothing left to negotiate unless they want to give up the criminals and terrorists within their ranks. We live in hope. But they also have no further need to remain other than the constant blaring brainwashing from the stage from the 3 stooges. Seal them up in the pen they have built and then wait until they have no food and water then arrest them for their lawless activities and let Thailand show a sign of strength at last but again, we live in hope.

Next time I get pulled up for a 'payment' by the brown-shirted Mafia, I will do what I did today - called them Kwai Daeng (Red Buffaloes) and simply drove off. They looked a little gobsmacked but did not follow so let's see if they follow up on trying to extract the payment. Oh and I recorded their demand and my response on my cell iPhone camera LOL. :)

Hey there is no humour here today where is Che, RedParrot, Redsunset and others maybe they are busy planning the next strategy with their bedfellows quite refreshing not to have their drivel all over the place

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thi is my first post so if I mess it up then forgive me.

Although I have been reading TV for a few years now I was never motivated to post as it is just not my style. However the call for more humor from Phuket Stan struck a nerve and has given me the keyboard cowboys courage to stand up to the red shirts and the yellow shirts and the dirty smelly shirts and the all the other shirts vying for their few moments of fame and to all the other innocent and/or guilty players in this soap opera unfolding (in the words of the late great Arthur Askey) before your very eyes. :)

The only sure way to end this debacle to send in the negotiator Chuck Norris!

He will round house kick every last one of them so fast and so hard that they will travel back in time...back to their homes where they will wake up last month and wont even know what happened. If in fact it ever happened! But that does cause a bit of a time travel conundrum.

Can anyone tel me what that conundrum is (was) or will be as I have a headache now with all these going on. :D

Come on guys get your thinking caps on... :D



Anyone here care to defend the actions of the Red Leadership? Anyone?

No, not really. I think this Suthep business is silly, the man is a thug and a liar, but like all thugs and liars in government before him, he will walk free. But his fate is NOT more important than the lives of the protesters, soldiers and the overall future of Thailand.

If they're going to make demands, they should have been specified in full, not dribbled out one at a time, every other day. AND it should have included things that matter, such as amnesty for anyone convicted on LM charges and getting the government to commit to the constitution regarding freedom of speech and end censorship, so they don't go into an election with their TV channel muzzled but ASTV/NBT/etc spouting garbage unhindered. I mean, seriously, Suthep doesn't matter one bit in the overall scheme of things.

Clearly there is no agreement among the leadership, so they agree on 'demands' that the hard-core guys bet on not being met by the government, while the reasonable ones think it will bring progress. Then when the government pretty much meets the demand, the hard core guys claim it wasn't enough. :) Abhisit can probably force it by offering amnesty to specific people who seem willing to cooperate, provided they end the protest.

I would agree with that assessment 100%. I suspect that the moderate Reds who would be satisfied with the compromise that has been offered are being outvoted by the more militant types. The Red leadership is obviously dominated by the more hardcore elements who don't want this protest to end, hence the continuous demands.

I just hope that Abhisit has more patience than they do and can keep the hardliners on his side in check.


Not an advocate for either side, but I have enjoyed the irony contained in the foaming-mouthed ,rampant criticism of the 'ignorant' and 'violent' reds; swiftly followed by demands to send in the snipers/tanks etc etc to wipe them out! What is that expression? Red rag to a bull?

The general populace have NEVER risen up how they had hoped (remember the 1 million person march they promised at the beginning;

Not just the beginning, Weng was promising 1 million for this last weekend.

well to be fair to the red shirts, they get told in the rally that there are 1 million people at Ratchaprasong anyhow (when it looks like about 20-40,000) on a big day.

So I guess Weng is able to say, we will get 1 million, and then when he says 'we have 1 million' why should we let facts get in the way.

We all know it is the Jew run media that are distorting the facts and (cue Fox news).

it was meant clearly as a joke, and is kind of a Steve Colbert kind of line that he throws around the place which i assume no one in their right mind would take seriously; thinking about it some actually do think the media is run by Jews and probably say such a thing not in jest.

Therefore, I do apologise for anyone I have offended, I can assure you it was meant very much along the lines of a joke, and somehow it has gone horribly wrong.

In particular, I would say that listening to the red shirt c&*p that is the parade of speakers on stage, a lot of what they are saying is full of outrageous and stupid claims right up there with 'the Jew run media' type nonsense spouted endlessly.

I always presumed this was so funny to be laughable, I guess the fact that some people consider it actually to be true (the same as listening to Red TV/radio) is pretty downright sad.

Saying they have 1 million at the rallies is about as laughable as saying the media worldwide is run by the Jewish. It's stupid, idiotic, and only a f&^*king moron would say it or would listen to it and believe it.

And that's no laughing matter.

Mother and; Daughter

One of my colleagues claims this is his favourite Jewish joke (being Jewish):

One day a Jewish Mother and her 5 year-old daughter were walking along the beach, at the water's edge. Suddenly, a big wave flashed up on the beach, sweeping the little girl out to sea. "Oh, God!" lamented the mother, turning her face toward heaven and shaking her fist. "This was my only baby. I can't have more children. She is the love and joy of my life. I have cherished every day that she's been with me. Give her back to me, and I'll go to the synagogue every day for the rest of my life!!!!"

Suddenly, another huge wave flashed up and deposited the girl back on the sand.

The mother looked up to heaven and said, "But she had on a hat!"

OK, I'll shut the door behind me. Compared to the racist S^&t about how Asians can't plan for the future, this is pretty mild ribbing;-)

THE NATION: Veera has been missing for 2 days now.

Could he be dining with the DSI tonight

He's been viewed as one of the more moderate members of the Red leadership. I wouldn't be surprised if he just bailed out and is either hiding out or is making a separate deal with the Govt. Unfortunately, if this is true, that would just mean that there is one fewer more or less reasonable voice among the Red leaders now! :)

it was meant clearly as a joke, and is kind of a Steve Colbert kind of line that he throws around the place which i assume no one in their right mind would take seriously; thinking about it some actually do think the media is run by Jews and probably say such a thing not in jest.

Therefore, I do apologise for anyone I have offended, I can assure you it was meant very much along the lines of a joke, and somehow it has gone horribly wrong.

Unfortunately, I have read such claims by posters here who were not kidding in the least. It is sometimes hard to recognize sarcasm on the internet because you can't hear one's tone of voice. :)

So what is the Govt to do now, other than go in with guns blazing?...

I like your detailed plan but would prefer to see a squadron of tanks plough through now and put them in their place. In fact, all you'd need is one tank get in there at full tilt, flatten the pathetic barricades and ram the stage, preferably with those pack of wanke_rs present... and he wouldn't even have to fire. :)

Ignorance might stem from the educational system which does not encourage critical thinking or allow questioning of "superiors" i.e. teachers/politicians/doctors etc. Sad but this might encourage a "sheeple" mentality e.g. just follow and do what you are told.

Sounds like 1980s UK state school.

THE NATION: Veera has been missing for 2 days now.

Could he be dining with the DSI tonight

Looks Like Chuck Norris is taking them out one at a time... :D

I'll bet his round house kick was so fast they never even saw him do it! :) Way to go Chuck!

Wonder who is next? :D


Hey there is no humour here today where is Che, RedParrot, Redsunset and others maybe they are busy planning the next strategy with their bedfellows quite refreshing not to have their drivel all over the place

Che wakes up late, usually about 8:00 am, Dubai time.

oh yeah, a lot more peaceful this evening :)

either they ( or even singular he or she ) need to be briefed,

or need to chase for the last pay cheque :D

Not an advocate for either side, but I have enjoyed the irony contained in the foaming-mouthed ,rampant criticism of the 'ignorant' and 'violent' reds; swiftly followed by demands to send in the snipers/tanks etc etc to wipe them out! What is that expression? Red rag to a bull?

Dogs or horses then. it's worked before in other places. only drawback on horses is sometimes the riders fall. Some dog bites are better than tanks and machine gun slaughter I guess. (Or the gov't can broadcast on speakers that these people will have to be employed and actually work while inside the camps, that'll send 'em away in a hurry!) Others have mentioned lots of clever ways to solve the problem without extra bloodshed. But so far, none of it has been put into action, sadly.

This'll keep on occuring 'til they get serious, I know Suthep went to the DSI, and still the "rambo rally" rages on, they backed down on their word. Now they want Suthep to admit guilt? He was under a state of emergency.

Not an advocate for either side, but I have enjoyed the irony contained in the foaming-mouthed ,rampant criticism of the 'ignorant' and 'violent' reds; swiftly followed by demands to send in the snipers/tanks etc etc to wipe them out! What is that expression? Red rag to a bull?

Dogs or horses then. it's worked before in other places. only drawback on horses is sometimes the riders fall. Some dog bites are better than tanks and machine gun slaughter I guess. (Or the gov't can broadcast on speakers that these people will have to be employed and actually work while inside the camps, that'll send 'em away in a hurry!) Others have mentioned lots of clever ways to solve the problem without extra bloodshed. But so far, none of it has been put into action, sadly.

This'll keep on occuring 'til they get serious, I know Suthep went to the DSI, and still the "rambo rally" rages on, they backed down on their word. Now they want Suthep to admit guilt? He was under a state of emergency.

No don't send the dogs in :D that's like meals on wheels to that mob. :D

<deleted> Cut off their life line.

Arrest the logistical support network participants and impound their vehicles and whatever else they are carrying, as they too are supporting urban terrorism.

Distribute the impounded food and water to the troops :D ...

At the very least they are guilty of supporting insurrection (civil disobedience) and public disorder. That must be a criminal offence in there somewhere.

Cut off their water, food, electricity, waste disposal (inc portable toilets) and anything else they use to make their camp more comfortable. Illness and disease will soon set in and that will thin the heard...

Record the numbers of the vehicles involved (tow away those parked illegally around the whole area) and have the banks (also losers in this slap stick comedy) pressure the owners and call in their cheap loans. The loans they took out in the good old days and re-possess all the pickups. (Thaksin's legacy) Sell the pickups to Pay for the damage and chaos the owners have caused.

Do that in order to pay for the clean up after the mob is disbursed.

Keep them awake all night with audio from Thai Soap operas that they have all missed. That will keep them awake and in focus then stop the audio half way through an episode so they have to go home to see hear the outcome of that episode...

Cunning plan yes? :D

Send in the police just for casual walk about as it's their job to monitor public order in the city streets and they can take names (its illegal to drop a cigarette end in Bangkok) and then fine the perpetrators 2,000 THB (per violation)

Do this with unarmed police so as not to provoke violence and offer those police a productivity bonus 50% for each fine they can collect and then see what happens...

Any police officer who refuses a lawful order from their commander will be asked to leave the force with no pension. Any commander failing his duties will also get fired.

Or just get someone to set fire to the gasoline soaked Tires... Smoke them out, job done... :D

Tell them sorry the fire truck could not make it through because of all the pickups illegally parked... :D

Then when peace settles over a once vibrant and exciting city we can all hold hands look up to the sky and maybe just maybe we will see a pig flying overhead...

Seriously there is no quick solution that opportunity has long gone.

Use Thaksin's confiscated money to support those who are financially affected by this debacle and send everyone to the beach for a party on Mr. T... :)

That's enough from me for one day.


Not an advocate for either side, but I have enjoyed the irony contained in the foaming-mouthed ,rampant criticism of the 'ignorant' and 'violent' reds; swiftly followed by demands to send in the snipers/tanks etc etc to wipe them out! What is that expression? Red rag to a bull?

Dogs or horses then. it's worked before in other places. only drawback on horses is sometimes the riders fall. Some dog bites are better than tanks and machine gun slaughter I guess. (Or the gov't can broadcast on speakers that these people will have to be employed and actually work while inside the camps, that'll send 'em away in a hurry!) Others have mentioned lots of clever ways to solve the problem without extra bloodshed. But so far, none of it has been put into action, sadly.

This'll keep on occuring 'til they get serious, I know Suthep went to the DSI, and still the "rambo rally" rages on, they backed down on their word. Now they want Suthep to admit guilt? He was under a state of emergency.

No don't send the dogs in :D that's like meals on wheels to that mob. :D

<deleted> Cut off their life line.

Arrest the logistical support network participants and impound their vehicles and whatever else they are carrying, as they too are supporting urban terrorism.

Distribute the impounded food and water to the troops :D ...

At the very least they are guilty of supporting insurrection (civil disobedience) and public disorder. That must be a criminal offence in there somewhere.

Cut off their water, food, electricity, waste disposal (inc portable toilets) and anything else they use to make their camp more comfortable. Illness and disease will soon set in and that will thin the heard...

Record the numbers of the vehicles involved (tow away those parked illegally around the whole area) and have the banks (also losers in this slap stick comedy) pressure the owners and call in their cheap loans. The loans they took out in the good old days and re-possess all the pickups. (Thaksin's legacy) Sell the pickups to Pay for the damage and chaos the owners have caused.

Do that in order to pay for the clean up after the mob is disbursed.

Keep them awake all night with audio from Thai Soap operas that they have all missed. That will keep them awake and in focus then stop the audio half way through an episode so they have to go home to see hear the outcome of that episode...

Cunning plan yes? :D

Send in the police just for casual walk about as it's their job to monitor public order in the city streets and they can take names (its illegal to drop a cigarette end in Bangkok) and then fine the perpetrators 2,000 THB (per violation)

Do this with unarmed police so as not to provoke violence and offer those police a productivity bonus 50% for each fine they can collect and then see what happens...

Any police officer who refuses a lawful order from their commander will be asked to leave the force with no pension. Any commander failing his duties will also get fired.

Or just get someone to set fire to the gasoline soaked Tires... Smoke them out, job done... :D

Tell them sorry the fire truck could not make it through because of all the pickups illegally parked... :D

Then when peace settles over a once vibrant and exciting city we can all hold hands look up to the sky and maybe just maybe we will see a pig flying overhead...

Seriously there is no quick solution that opportunity has long gone.

Use Thaksin's confiscated money to support those who are financially affected by this debacle and send everyone to the beach for a party on Mr. T... :)

That's enough from me for one day.


Thanks Mr. J, seriously you oughta submit your proposal! Good ideas. They oughta consult the expat forum expertise, and give us kind commissions as a favor haha.

Ohhh! Yeah, I forgot! The dogs....yeah, problem, dogs are a delicacy in the NE. Thats what those stakes of bamboo are for? They wanted a REAL barbeque down there! They might be barbequing a few sewer rats if your plan was used, and they began to starve.

One has to wonder how ignorant the red followers are to follow leaders so lacking in basic common sense as well as the laws of Thailand as well as the constitution.

These red leaders are truly buffoons whose speeches, views, constant contradictions, lies and flip flops would be comical if not hurting the people of Thailand so severely.

Ignorance might stem from the educational system which does not encourage critical thinking or allow questioning of "superiors" i.e. teachers/politicians/doctors etc. Sad but this might encourage a "sheeple" mentality e.g. just follow and do what you are told.

you might be right, but this cannot be changed from one day to another. It means also that these people are not ready "TODAY" to be in politics.

Hey there is no humour here today where is Che, RedParrot, Redsunset and others maybe they are busy planning the next strategy with their bedfellows quite refreshing not to have their drivel all over the place

Che wakes up late, usually about 8:00 am, Dubai time.

right, just check how many red supporters signed up with thaivisa after 10.04.10

I think he was only joking. and I am Jewish, and it is humorous......

Fine, I haven't had my coffee yet. However, there are many antisemetic people who believe the media is "Jew run" so for the record, Rubert Murdoch who runs Fox News is CATHOLIC.

Not getting into the conspiracy theories about Jewish run media but Murdoch is in fact Jewish by law. His mother was Jewish. No clue if he is a practicing Jew or Catholic but do know his views of Israel would certainly support his Jewish background. Again, not comment on the conspiracy stuff but just wanted to clarify why many people believe he is Jewish but I do believe he has said he was Roman Catholic in the past.

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