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Being Rip Offed! Sucker For Punishment?


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I feel sorry for all you people who get scammed so often - I must be making up for it in good luck because in the last week alone I won the lottery in Spain (didn't even have to buy a ticket) and I have some very promising business opportunities on the horizon with the sons of the exiled leader of Liberia, a wealthy cocoa and cafe merchant in the Ivory Coast, the former Nigerian Interior Minister, and an adjutant to the Royal Court of Benin, and (my personal favourite) the manager of the Sai Wan Ho Branch of Hang Seng Bank Ltd - all of whom seem to have large sums of money they want to send me.

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I feel sorry for all you people who get scammed so often - I must be making up for it in good luck because in the last week alone I won the lottery in Spain (didn't even have to buy a ticket) and I have some very promising business opportunities on the horizon with the sons of the exiled leader of Liberia, a wealthy cocoa and cafe merchant in the Ivory Coast, the former Nigerian Interior Minister,  and an adjutant to the Royal Court of Benin, and (my personal favourite) the manager of the Sai Wan Ho Branch of Hang Seng Bank Ltd - all of whom seem to have large sums of money they want to send me.

:D hmm, that's strange ..... me too! I thought my luck had changed..... I no longer get these great offers from Africa........ so sad :o

PS... I still have the Norwegian Blue and it's not nailed........ (it's superglued)

Edited by udon
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Not only in Thailand.

Got a taxi from my local area into my main town,done it many times usual cost £5.00 (3500bht).

While in cab,driver informed me it would cost £15.00(12500bht).

I laughed ,thinking he was joking.

When he dropped me off ,I gave him the £5.00(would have been(£6.00))with the tip.

Next thing I know a police car pulls up,and 2 coppers are "requesting" me to help them with their enquires.

Im accused of racially abusing this guy and not paying his fare.Meanwhile the guy has turned up and is out of his cab playing holy ######.

When the police question him,he said I gave him no money.

But luckily I saw him put the £5.00 in his left hand pocket,and when I informed the Police they found this when they asked nhim to turn out his pockets.

He continued to rant and rave.And I continued to tell the truth.

Then the 2 coppers astounded me by saying "give him another £2.00 and we will let you go"

Principle (or stupidity) took over,I explained this guy had lied about me giving him no money,he had lied about me racially abusing him,and you want me to give him more money!!<deleted>

More troops were called and I was spoken to by a more senior police officer.

He explained that they had had a number of "incidents" with said driver and my advice to you "of the record"was to be on my way "he`s the right colour to get away with this"quote.

The quicker I can earn enough to get out of here the better.

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Not only in Thailand.

Got a taxi from my local area into my main town,done it many times usual cost £5.00 (3500bht).

While in cab,driver informed me it would cost £15.00(12500bht).

I laughed ,thinking he was joking.

When he dropped me off ,I gave him the £5.00(would have been(£6.00))with the tip.

Next thing I know a police car pulls up,and 2 coppers are "requesting" me to help them with their enquires.

Im accused of racially abusing this guy and not paying his fare.Meanwhile the guy has turned up and is out of his cab playing holy ######.

When the police question him,he said I gave him no money.

But luckily I saw him put the £5.00 in his left hand pocket,and when I informed the Police they found this when they asked nhim to turn out his pockets.

He continued to rant and rave.And I continued to tell the truth.

Then the 2 coppers astounded me by saying "give him another £2.00 and we will let you go"

Principle (or stupidity) took over,I explained this guy had lied about me giving him no money,he had lied about me racially abusing him,and you want me to give him more money!!<deleted>

More troops were called and I was spoken to by a more senior police officer.

He explained that they had had a number of "incidents" with said driver and my advice to you "of the record"was to be on my way "he`s the right colour to get away with this"quote.

The quicker I can earn enough to get out of here the better.

Oh, the memories.

I have been screwed by cab drivers all over the western hemisphere. I always maintained the the Brits had the most honest cab drivers, until one of them got me.

I arrived late, after a long trans atlantic flight, called a cab and waited. My F.O. had a girlfriend in town who had picked him up. Some bloke appeared about 1/2 an hour later. After entering the car I noticed 3 pounds on the meter. "What is this" ? I queried. "You've got to paay mi where I wos cumin from", he snorted.

"Look, I don't know where you came from. You could have stopped at your girlfriend's did your laundry or whatever." But after being on my feet for 14 or more hours and waiting all this time I was in no mood to argue with this creep. The trip to the hotel added another 3 pounds, so 6 for the entire trip. No tip for you MOFO.

Early the next morning a friendly middle aged woman showed up for the trip back to the airport. Zero on the meter. 3 Pounds total and 2 pounds tip for the grateful lady.

Now mind you, this occured about 30 years ago, when 3 pounds equaled almost 10 US dollars.

Greetings, the ol Capt, happily retired. :o

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Cap'n, just curious, was it a standard black cab or a mini-cab who rolled his meter prior to picking you up?

No it was just a plain sedan. The lady arrived in the typical black cab. I have never been ripped off by the black cabs and I spent a great deal of time in the UK back in "the olden days".

Greets the ol Capt.

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You were lucky the "minicab" driver could speak English. :o

A London black cab driver spends 2 years on a moped getting "the knowledge",

I would have been surprised if he had rolled the meter.

Best taxi drivers in the world... :D

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You were lucky the "minicab" driver could speak English. :o

A London black cab driver spends 2 years on a moped getting "the knowledge",

I would have been surprised if he had rolled the meter.

Best taxi drivers in the world... :D

I second that Udon.

I also loved the roominess and roof hight inside those cabs.

Cheero, the ol' Capt.

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A London black cab driver spends 2 years on a moped getting "the knowledge",

I would have been surprised if he had rolled the meter.

Best taxi drivers in the world... :o

I used to get London cabbies telling me, "Fare and a half!" in rush hour in the City.

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:o  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D 

A Thai person going about their normal business will never approach someone they don't know. If one does, and just so happens to speak suprisingly good english, turn around, and walk away from them.

What a lot of bullcrap. I have often been approached by Thais who just want to practice their English, or who just want to be friendly. Some of them have spoken pretty good English (e.g. worked/studies abroad), and I have never had any problems. Being rude to people who approach you in a polite manner is simply inexcusable.

Is this how you treat people in your home country, Samran? I guess you don't mix around with Thai people much.

By all means keep your wits around you, but give everybody the benefit of doubt. Including the people who live in this country in which you are a guest.


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Samran is in the UK right now, but just so's you know, he is half Thai.

In that case I will take back what I said about being a guest here. Replacing "guest" with "host".


A Thai person going about their normal business will never approach someone they don't know. If one does, and just so happens to speak suprisingly good english, turn around, and walk away from them.

What a lot of bullcrap. I have often been approached by Thais who just want to practice their English, or who just want to be friendly. Some of them have spoken pretty good English (e.g. worked/studies abroad), and I have never had any problems. Being rude to people who approach you in a polite manner is simply inexcusable.

Is this how you treat people in your home country, Samran? I guess you don't mix around with Thai people much.

By all means keep your wits around you, but give everybody the benefit of doubt. Including the people who live in this country in which you are a host.


Just got back from lunch. While I was having a cup of coffee outside the office, a young Thai guy approached me and asked (in resonable English) if he could take a few few minutes of my time. Turns out he was doing marketing for a stock broker. Nice chap, and once I told him I wasn't really interested, he thanked me, and was on his way. This is the way I was brought up - treat everyone with respect, unless you have good reason not to do. It takes very little effort!

Come to think of it, I am more apprehensive when a foreigner approaches me out of the blue than when a Thai does. In my experience, there is a larger percentage of con artists/troublemakers in the former group here in Thailand.


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This is the way I was brought up - treat everyone with respect, unless you have good reason not to do.  It takes very little effort!

I've only once been "hassled" during many stays in Thailand - and that was in Patong (Phuket) by a suits & shirts merchant. He actually tugged at my sleeve to get me to "come see". I just looked at his hand, then looked him in the eye and said (in my far from good Thai): "Is this polite?". He froze and obviously wanted the ground to open up and swallow him in his embarassment.

A simple smile and "mai ao krap" works for me all the time with tuk-tuk drivers and everyone else - and generally gets me a big smile back. Come to that, I even found that the same (with "shokran, la" - "no thanks") works for me in Arab countries where they are much more enthusiastic/aggressive.

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I found Bangkok seems to be worse,but i think its a good idea to buy one drink and then pay for it and then another.

I remember last night i went to the markets at Patpong and a man with a card came over to me showing me the show menu and it said beer was only 20 b so i went there only to find 3 girls just standing on stage.When the bill arrrrrrived for the beer at 200b i queried this and the mamasan said the 20 b is your second drink not your first,anyhow i didnt mind paying it,i was a bit scared of the larger guys hanging around near the door with dark sunglasses staring at me when i queried the bill.

Argh! You did it again...!

Did the guy take you to an upstairs bar by any chance? If in Patpong (why go there in the first place - what a hole) ONLY go to places like those from the Kings Group - and watch the bill.

I tried an experiment after I had been here a few years - and went down to PP determined not to speak any Thai and decided to see what would happen if I went to an upstairs bar.

I picked a place that had a very clear sign outside saying beers AND lady drinks were ALL 70 baht. I went in and three girls immediately targeted me. I asked again how much for a beer, and how much was the drink for the girls - they confirmed again that it was 70 baht for both. I said I would have a beer (Kloster I think) and the girls wanted a drink, so I said "OK, a drink each for the three of you."

The girls bought my beer, then came back a minute or two later with about half a dozen friends, all sporting small glasses of Coke. I then said quite firmly that I had only bought the first three girls drinks - much muttering and "falang kee neow" - but they took their drinks back to the bar.

The three girls for whom I had bought drinks, sat down with me. Then an absolutley awful "fire eating" show started, with a very unfortunate looking girl as the "star" - I put up with it as long as I could, then finished my beer and asked for the bill - well...what a surprise...they had charged the girls drinks at 120 baht each, and mine was at 70 baht!

I complained (all of this in English of course) and was told that the sign outside was wrong - then when I said that I was told the 70 baht price when I ordered, the woman started to get annoyed and said I had to pay - so I said that I thought we could discuss it with the Tourist Police outside...she then decided not to pursue it any further and I gave them 300 baht - 210 for the lady drinks, and the 70 for mine, as agreed, plus a 20 baht tip...just to show I wasn't mean...! :o

Then walked out, and waiing on the way, said good night in my best and clearest Thai.

It was an interesting experiment, the results were as expected.

Except for going to a very good restaurant in PP with a couple of mates a few years ago (at their suggestion) I haven't been back to drink in the bars there - much better places exist.

Moral of the story - don't allow yourself to be "befriended" by strangers and taken to their bar or home - and be wary of things that seem like a great deal - there is usually a catch...probably you...catch of the day!

Edited by Greer
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  • 2 months later...

Since you are asked a million times "where you from" or "where you live", instead of saying United States or the name of the hotel, I know say "Bangkok". After a long stare, they say "Bangkok"?, and I say yes. "oh you live here" and they usually leave me alone.

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Sorry all you poor farang, for my countrymen being greedy

however, it may astound you to hear, I have also been the target for scams and rip-offs in your countries - how appalling!!

Bills heavily laden with dubious purchases, taxis demanding money with menaces, goods being rubbish and no-return etc etc

Please remember that it is human nature to take advantage of others who are in a less powerful situation, in any country. So stop all your complaining and long winded stories, and hope next time, in whatever country, you are astute enough to recognise what is happening.

otherwise, put it down to experience.

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That's a very sweeping statement!

Which countries are you talking about.?

The UK has the best consumer laws in the world, followed by Australia.

I know nothing about the USA or the EU laws for consumers.

It took Tescos on Rama 4, 50 mins to do a simple refund on an overcharge recently. Till receipt supplied by me in 5 minutes :o

Caviat Emptor....... Welcome to Thailand, is so true! :D

Ps, hands up, all those farangs who have had a refund without hassle in LoS..

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Bills heavily laden with dubious purchases, taxis demanding money with menaces, goods being rubbish and no-return etc etc

You're not talking about the USA. I don't know of a single store where you can't take back an item with no problem. You don't even need a reason.

Besides, if the merchant gets uppity just walk out, call your Credit Card company and tell them about it.......no problem.

As a matter of fact tomorrow I'm returning some un-used items to Home Depot......I've done this many times with no problem.

strange post....... :o

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Keep reading, both of you ....

also included were taxis, for instance.

dont tell me your taxis in UK and USA are all squueky clean!!

I have to tell you, my hubbie was a minicab driver in London when a student, and he cheated many people (he was a bad boy, yes indeed!)

and the Soho joints, cheat tourists all the time

same in lovely USA, I have been cheated by cabs, or they tried!!

OK you can take goods back usually in both countries, no problems

As a tourist, I have been overcharged and shortchanged in many countries, UK, USA,. France, Spain, Turkey, Egypt etc etc, every country where there are tourists, there are ripoffs

so dont be so sure that your country is so good.

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dont tell me your taxis in UK and USA are all squueky clean!!

I have to tell you, my hubbie was a minicab driver in London when a student, and he cheated many people (he was a bad boy, yes indeed!)

First, I said nothing about taxis. I'm sure you're right........there are probably dishonest taxi drivers all over the USA. I was specific in my reply about no-return items.

Second, sounds like you and your cheating husband (your words) were made for each other.......I wish you a life time of happiness.......happy cheating! :D


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dont tell me your taxis in UK and USA are all squueky clean!!

I have to tell you, my hubbie was a minicab driver in London when a student, and he cheated many people (he was a bad boy, yes indeed!)

First, I said nothing about taxis. I'm sure you're right........there are probably dishonest taxi drivers all over the USA. I was specific in my reply about no-return items.

Second, sounds like you and your cheating husband (your words) were made for each other.......I wish you a life time of happiness.......happy cheating! :D


yes, he did cheat as a student, but I am happy to tell you that he has seen the error of his ways. So dont be so rude to me, I have never cheated. You are happy to tell stories about Thais, but get very aggressive when your own country is mentioned.

My point at the start was that there are cheats all over the world, so don't just say Thailand is the place where it happens.


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dont tell me your taxis in UK and USA are all squueky clean!!

I have to tell you, my hubbie was a minicab driver in London when a student, and he cheated many people (he was a bad boy, yes indeed!)

First, I said nothing about taxis. I'm sure you're right........there are probably dishonest taxi drivers all over the USA. I was specific in my reply about no-return items.

Second, sounds like you and your cheating husband (your words) were made for each other.......I wish you a life time of happiness.......happy cheating! :D


yes, he did cheat as a student, but I am happy to tell you that he has seen the error of his ways. So dont be so rude to me, I have never cheated. You are happy to tell stories about Thais, but get very aggressive when your own country is mentioned.

My point at the start was that there are cheats all over the world, so don't just say Thailand is the place where it happens.


"very aggressive"......I don't think so.

"so don't just say Thailand is the place where it happens." ........I have over 150 posts on this forum. Please show me ONE where I say or infer Thailand is the only place with cheats and scams.

My point......don't put words in my mouth....and don't make sweeping statements with inaccurate info about any country.......you don't want people to do that with regards to Thailand.....do you? :D


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I can't beleive we're talking about "Peanut's" here. 140baht (£2) for chicken sticks

and 100baht (£1.50) for taxi in Pattaya.......I bought a shirt the other week in England for £30 and 2 weeks later they where in the sale at £15, now that's being ripped off by high street shops but big deal, that's life. As for the Taxi to Pattaya from BKK this one always amazes me. It's a 4-5 hour round trip and costs about 250-300baht in Tolls on the motorway. I usually pay 800baht from Pattaya to BKK or 1200baht from BKK to Pattaya for Taxi Meter and anything from 1,200-2,000 for Limo. I don't think that's being ripped off, I think it's good value. If you don't want to pay it, get on a crowded bus and pay 150baht


I take the train to Pattaya, 100B that includes the drinks, and food I buy along the track, pack of smokes pah yen duai. :D Sometimes it is too hot to take the regular train so I pick the time that has aircon cars just add another 25B :D

BONUS BOUNS some really nice ladies too all ages and walks of life. All you do is smile and be polite they will ask, speak Thai, "nit noy", or 'where you go' the conversation takes off. :D Rocket science required? not :o

Living in the LOS is simple, makes me wonder why so many insist on making it so complicated :D

On one trip the train became crowded and I had boarded with assigned seat from Hua Lampong so I had a good window seat, as the milk-run progressed the cars got really full. At one point a young lady said in Thai, "can I sit with you, my legs hurt.?" I said ok, the group she was with protested and told her "mai grayang jai farang" (be a bother) I just said mai pen rai, she quickly fell asleep and slobbered all over my shirt. I didn’t mind she was all of 6 years old and very tired. When they got off at Chachoengsao her mom gave me an amulet and she and her husband waied very politely. Odd, yes very but this is not LA or Houston

I don’t know if it was because I allowed this whole mess to occur or if it was the cast on my foot. Some Thais are truly “mee nam jai” “Generous”

The next time one of you gets ripped off it may be the company you keep or you asked for it without knowing. :D

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dont tell me your taxis in UK and USA are all squueky clean!!

I have to tell you, my hubbie was a minicab driver in London when a student, and he cheated many people (he was a bad boy, yes indeed!)

First, I said nothing about taxis. I'm sure you're right........there are probably dishonest taxi drivers all over the USA. I was specific in my reply about no-return items.

Second, sounds like you and your cheating husband (your words) were made for each other.......I wish you a life time of happiness.......happy cheating! :D


yes, he did cheat as a student, but I am happy to tell you that he has seen the error of his ways. So dont be so rude to me, I have never cheated. You are happy to tell stories about Thais, but get very aggressive when your own country is mentioned.

My point at the start was that there are cheats all over the world, so don't just say Thailand is the place where it happens.


"very aggressive"......I don't think so.

"so don't just say Thailand is the place where it happens." ........I have over 150 posts on this forum. Please show me ONE where I say or infer Thailand is the only place with cheats and scams.

My point......don't put words in my mouth....and don't make sweeping statements with inaccurate info about any country.......you don't want people to do that with regards to Thailand.....do you? :D


oh dear, you got upset, never mind

I did not infer that YOU said that about Thailand, I said that in my original post referring to all the posts about Thailand. As I said, it was my point at the start, so please read it properly before you jump in on me.

and what I said still goes....it happens all over the world to tourists and strangers, no country is exempt from bad people. Thailand is no exception, it's true, and I am sorry for that.

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