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Finally Had Enough. Reasons For Leaving Thailand

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correct me if i'm wrong but 'nam is communist right (they won that war) ?

thailand may be a lot of things but it ain't that .

I was working over 20 years with ex COMECON .... communist european countries as Russia, Poland, CZ and many more incl. ex East Germany, perfection of perfect communist system.

If somebody mention Vietnam is still communist, maybe it have a old system which don't diusturb the capitalist tendency which grow that you don't feel any communist presure.

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Sorry that was to read Countries not counties. haha

Why don't you respond to the topic as intended? Pulling up OP's on spelling and/or grammar is not on. Come to think of it, your grammar leaves much to be desired, I guess thats what you get with having a 'Hill Billy Degree'. :)

FUNNY (albeit hostile!) Post!!!

I guess you didn't notice that it was the OP(!!!) correcting himself!!!

I think this is the first time I've ever seen a post quite this convoluted, criticizing the OP while defending the OP, while insulting the OP... all in the same post!

Good rule of thumb for posting... 1) Think, 2) Read the post again, noting the author, 3) Think again, 4) take a deep breath, 5) if ANGRY, return to #1, then post... preferably a non-hostile response, for starters.

Hilarious! Gotta love us Farangs in Thailand! :D

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The amount of car's for sale on motor forum at the moment, your not the only one that's leaving. Best of luck. Let us all know how you get on.

What the heck has the number of cars for sale got to do with the number of people (alleged) leaving Thailand? :)

Put the bottle DOWN!!!

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Well thank you and I will keep you all posted. I'm not sure yet if it will be Vietnam I will move to but its sounding better the last few days I have seen in the TV ads and the internet welcomming foriegners and with the new hi-way and all.

I knew there would be the typical farangs replying to this who have gone native on us and believe that they are Thai for some reason and have thousands of posts here critisizing everyones ways but hey som nam na one of the reasons I'm outta here). lol. It is not the Thai's that I do not like but the infrastructure etc. Communism used to be seen as a terrible way of living when I was growing up but these days it seems like at least it is a STABLE government. Same as in Laos. But at least you can open a business in your own name and get a permit to stay just on that basis very easy. You dont need the majority shareholder to be a citizen of that country.

I have no problems living without typical western neccesaties etc as this is mostly the way I have lived here. I'm not one of these farangs that came here and complained about pot-holes in the road or why they don't have rules of which side to walk on or why don't the workers in Home Pro speak perfect English etc. I learned to read speak and write Thai and also LOVE the King and the culture etc. Just the other crap as I have said that I'm tired of.

A good friend once explained to me his thought which seemed perfectly said. He said that Thailand is still the number 1 place to come for a vacation if you have some doe in your pocket and you can have a blast BUT when you live here and know the inside ways and the politics etc it becomes dimmer and dimmer all the time.

As far as looking into the pro's and cons etc I still have not decided on Viet or Laos but iether way I do have google so I will let you all know. I do know that to rent 3 shop-houses side by side in Suvanakhet cost 2000 THB per month for all 3 and that is also a new up-comming place to do business with the Mukhdahan Market across the boarder and with the new Hi-way.

Im not below ground yet as I am still only 48 but just want to have a nice place to live with an investment that would be more stable then Thailand and am aware that ANY investment outside of my home country is a risk but I guess I have always been an adrenalin junkie. hahahha

Anyways folks I am not a grammar teacher so excuse my Grammar or spelling. Just a dumb Bluegrass playing Hillbilly here.

banjo-playing-smile.gif PS, I ain't gone yet. Still have a cold case of Archa beer in the fridge.

I could agree a lot with you and add a lot negative also but I keep silent as long I live here and count the days too. We know the thaivisa is read by immigration as well other authorities; okay?

I know well, Laos and Vietnam, maybe the people don't smile as much as here in Thailand but if they smile, the smile is true and if they are friendly mostly come from heart. Both had endure long and hard war time what formed the people in a positive way. Thailand (an I never wish them) never had war, by this they can look down on his neighbour coutries and maybe welcome less sincere the Farang.

The americans born Pattaya, the Germans made it perfect but the given character of many thai woman come by pure thai-thai. I read about 12 books (only in German available) ofer the thai woman and must say, very special if it concern money and reach it.

Between Laos and Vietnam (similar communist system which exist only on paper) with similar people I would give preference to Vietnam by 2 reason. More possibilities travel domestic in a interesting country and have the 2000 km of beaches which Laos miss :)

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"...great looking woman that still have not been "farangatized" so to speak etc."

I am sorry but couldn't let this pass by easily (i just joined the forum now). Isn't this kind of thinking partially responsible for our problems nowadays? Good luck for Vietnam or Laos etc. that will have to (for various reasons) welcome people with this kind of attitude. If our neighbors have not already, they will be like us soon enough once a lot of you reaching their lands.

You can be as subjective as you like about what will benefit your own life and true, some of what you mentioned may be relevant to many farangs here. Some of your points like what i quoted, however, just can't be supported. I was riding the BTS today and was groped by, guess who..

Perhaps with a little change of attitude you will have a better time somewhere else.. .. I wish you luck!!

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For instance Vietnam is like Thailand was 20 years ago or so.

You mean it's desperately poor and it's easy for you to exploit the locals, especially the women? Buh bye dude

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Like the OP I’m planning to leave Thailand within the next six months.

At the moment I’m in the UK sorting my house out ready for re-occupation as unlike many expats I never sold my property to buy a house planted on a plot of land I could never own irrespective of the dodgy and illegal path of leasing land from a Thai national, etc a Thai lawyer will guide you down.

I also never subscribed to that foolish expat statement of only spend what you can afford to lose”

That to me is a face saving statement if it all goes tits up.

I retired and moved to Thailand some 14 years ago and in that time without going into detail I could write a book on my experiences but it's now time to take an extended break and have a long think about my next move as for me Thailand has lost its flavor.

I still see it as a great place to take a holiday but for me it’s become less attractive to live there as an expat.

Ive always rented, I have no land, no property and own very little so leaving will be hassle and pain free.

Where I live there are houses around me and not one of them has been sold in the six years I’ve lived there which is evidence to me that my decision to rent has been a good one.

I know of a couple of expats who are stuck simply because they sold their houses in their respective countries and have told me that the demise of their currencies has hit their pockets big time and going back home is something they would like to do but can’t.

A classic case of dont put all your eggs in the one basket.

My thinking at this moment in time is to spend the summer Months in the UK and vacate these shores for a warmer climate when the winter sets in.

The options for me are plentiful.

I'm in the UK at the moment and loving every minute of it.

Edited by nam-thip
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Sorry that was to read Countries not counties. haha

Why don't you respond to the topic as intended? Pulling up OP's on spelling and/or grammar is not on. :)

Erm... that was the OP correcting himself.

Back on topic.

Yes many of us feel that Thailand is going through a bad spell but I think it will improve again and one thing these other countries don't have is Thais. I stay here because I love the people.

I take it you speak, read and write Thai fluently then..? or should that read flatuently

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correct me if i'm wrong but 'nam is communist right (they won that war) ?

thailand may be a lot of things but it ain't that .

Yes and being red they also have horns, walking on hoofs and eat little babies... :)
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Well I'm working in HCMC at present and there must be around half a dozens ex-Thai-o-philes around me. So I'd agree that Thailand has lost it's attraction for many, myself included.

Yes, it's communist country but you'd hardly notice it. /everyone just gets on with making a living and nobody takes over the airport or the centre of the city, nobody fires grenades at people.

The internet works as well here as it does in Thailand and, despite those who seem to always have a problem with taxis, I never have any trouble getting them to use the meter, in fact I never even have to ask.

It's far from perfect but that's what I like about it, it is still very Asian unlike Farang-Thai-land.

As for cheapness, just to warn you cc's off, HCMC is probably as expensive as Bangkok for a lot of things and many, if not most, of your western comforts are hard to come by.

It depends on a lot of things not least your family commitments, and not all of us are blessed with the mobility, and attitude, to make the move.

So if you like Thailand, stay there - it's a great place and I still visit as it's en route to the UK, but even those with the most heavily rose tinted specs will have to admit, it's lost a lot of it's shine recently.

The Land of Fading Smiles.

Just for reference, the OP is talking about Ho Che Min City, or Saigon as it used to be called... definately about 20 yrs behind Bangkok. Don`t go if you have any health problems... but go and you soon will have..!!

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Sorry that was to read Countries not counties. haha

more than half of your stated reasons are really having everything to do with yourself....

your own personal choice of location and life style....

i have a hunch that there are some other unstated behind the scene very personal reasons....

but i do not wish to pry....

there are several of us who choose to spend our time and life in this imperfect country where mosquitoes are rampant.... corruption is almost everywhere.... even though it has improved tremendously during the last 10 yrs or so....

on the positive side.... clean-air outside of bkk.... forestry is still fresh and green.... fruits are abundant and inexpensive.... people outside of big towns are still very personable, if you treat them likewise.... my door is always open and no one steals anything from my residence as yet (knock on wood).... even though they like to borrow some tools and keep them a long time.... :D

and their driving skills and habits.... well, if i take this seriously enough.... i might just be thinking of, ehh.... no, not leaving thailand....

but moving further up the mountain range.... where i can still have my satellite channels.... watching the redshirts shouting contradictory monologues between and among themselves.... enjoying the premiere acting as a house father with rebellious children who are running and taking control over the household telling their parents what they can and cannot do.... to report to them whimsically.... :D

and now the parents are being told as when they can cohabit.... and i would probably stop watching.... when the parents agree to their children's polite request as when the parents should vacate the premise.... so the children can have some adult fun.... :)

i love to watch this live show.... and best of all.... it is real life and it is free.... :D

where is TOUGH LOVE.... when thailand needs it most.... :D

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[Just for reference, the OP is talking about Ho Che Min City, or Saigon as it used to be called... definately about 20 yrs behind Bangkok. Don`t go if you have any health problems... but go and you soon will have..!!

So Thailand is a GREAT place for health problems?

You should apply for a job with TAT, I think you are on to a winner there.

As for the poster who says he is living in Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh (to give it it's correct title although it's still Sai Gon to most), I go shopping around the local markets every couple of days and don't get ripped off. Sure the tourist places will try it on but that's the same anywhere in the world.

And you can't access Facebook? Oh you poor little darling, your life must be so empty. :)

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Can someone with some real experience please post a bit more about the women in Vietnam, compared to Thailand? There were a few

statements but nothing that really said anything of substance. Or is it so subjective? PS - I was thinking that if what I like about Thai ladies

turns into what I dislike about them again I could spend 3-5 days in Angeles City, PH and then return (most likely refreshed and ready for

Thai experience again!).

Be well all.

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I moved to Hanoi for 6 months and could not wait to get back to Thailand. The people are just too aggresive and cheating foreigners is much worse there. The grass is not greener in Vietnam. :)

Correct me if i'm wrong but isn't it totally different in the north? I've heard this many times, that it's not a good reflection on the south, which is friendlier and slightly more westernised. Is this true?

Frankly, the state this country is in and looking ahead to the very incertain and precarious future here, i and probably many others are looking for other options. Beginning to think the grass might just be greener elsewhere, but we'll have to see. :D

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Hi, let me introduce myself first..i can speak thai and conversational vietnamese, and i work in ho chi minh city, vietnam. I have also been going to thailand very often, once a month. I have also had a few thai girlfriends as well as a few vietnamese girlfriends...based on my experience, you impression of vietnam is somewhat different from mine..I am not sure if you have lived in vietnam, but i will give you my comments in regards to vietnam, in comparison with thailand:

1. thai girls are prettier than vietnamese girls..or at least they know how to look good by wearing makeups, sexy dresses...vietnamese girls look as if they just came from the countryside.

2. things are not cheap here. i work with thai people from bangkok in vietnam, and even they say that it is not cheap here. of course it is cheap if you can live like locals but i don't think you can eat like locals everyday and stay at local apartments. i spend approx. 5-10 usd a meal and more than 1000 usd for my rent, while i could spend less in bangkok for similar lifestyle.

3. people are not nice here. they try to con you once they know that you are not from here. they do not con me any more cuz they know that i live and work here, but they will con any foreigners. i am not sure why you think people here are nicer than thailand. maybe because i can speak thai well but i have not got conned in thailand.

4. internet here is slow...slower than thailand...

5. you can still find thai girls that are not "commercialized" or "westernized"...but again you have to speak thai to get to know these girls...i get to know girls who are really nice..but then again i speak thai. i can find these girls in vietnam as well but i do not find them interesting..maybe because they are too ..."innocent"..or they do not know anything outside of vietnam, unless you meet one of a few girls from rich families who have been or have lived overseas. anyway it is up to you to choose what kind of girls u want to date or what...i prefer to date thai girls..

6. ok, some parts of vietnam can be beautiful but then so is thailand. beach resorts in thailand are 10 times nicer than those in vietnam..

7. as for visa, it is relatively easy to get one but u have to get it renewed every few years...a lot of paperwork too..remember, it is a communist country.

8. people here are rude and not civilized..they do not know how to queque..they burp in front of the others at restaurants, they talk loud, they make noise when they eat, they do not wait for you to get out but push you back in when you are trying to get out of elevators....i do not experience these in bangkok.....

9..ok it is politically stable..but it is a communist country...there is a lot of censorship..i cannot even access facebook here...i don't remember having this problem in bkk.

10. overall i am not too happy here...but i do feel comfortable when i go to bkk...

after reading all these, be my guest if you still want to move to vietnam. i am in the process of transferring to bangkok office of my firm and am looking forward to transferring in 2011. good luck.....

This was a commercial on behalf of the Tourist Authority of Thailand. :)

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I moved to Hanoi for 6 months and could not wait to get back to Thailand. The people are just too aggresive and cheating foreigners is much worse there. The grass is not greener in Vietnam. :)

Correct me if i'm wrong but isn't it totally different in the north? I've heard this many times, that it's not a good reflection on the south, which is friendlier and slightly more westernised. Is this true?

My experience (in a nutshell) is that Vietnamese in the South are friendlier in a superficial way - and often looking for a payday - but Northerners are much more sincere, however harder to get to know.

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Hi, let me introduce myself first..i can speak thai and conversational vietnamese, and i work in ho chi minh city, vietnam. I have also been going to thailand very often, once a month. I have also had a few thai girlfriends as well as a few vietnamese girlfriends...based on my experience, you impression of vietnam is somewhat different from mine..I am not sure if you have lived in vietnam, but i will give you my comments in regards to vietnam, in comparison with thailand:

1. thai girls are prettier than vietnamese girls..or at least they know how to look good by wearing makeups, sexy dresses...vietnamese girls look as if they just came from the countryside.

2. things are not cheap here. i work with thai people from bangkok in vietnam, and even they say that it is not cheap here. of course it is cheap if you can live like locals but i don't think you can eat like locals everyday and stay at local apartments. i spend approx. 5-10 usd a meal and more than 1000 usd for my rent, while i could spend less in bangkok for similar lifestyle.

3. people are not nice here. they try to con you once they know that you are not from here. they do not con me any more cuz they know that i live and work here, but they will con any foreigners. i am not sure why you think people here are nicer than thailand. maybe because i can speak thai well but i have not got conned in thailand.

4. internet here is slow...slower than thailand...

5. you can still find thai girls that are not "commercialized" or "westernized"...but again you have to speak thai to get to know these girls...i get to know girls who are really nice..but then again i speak thai. i can find these girls in vietnam as well but i do not find them interesting..maybe because they are too ..."innocent"..or they do not know anything outside of vietnam, unless you meet one of a few girls from rich families who have been or have lived overseas. anyway it is up to you to choose what kind of girls u want to date or what...i prefer to date thai girls..

6. ok, some parts of vietnam can be beautiful but then so is thailand. beach resorts in thailand are 10 times nicer than those in vietnam..

7. as for visa, it is relatively easy to get one but u have to get it renewed every few years...a lot of paperwork too..remember, it is a communist country.

8. people here are rude and not civilized..they do not know how to queque..they burp in front of the others at restaurants, they talk loud, they make noise when they eat, they do not wait for you to get out but push you back in when you are trying to get out of elevators....i do not experience these in bangkok.....

9..ok it is politically stable..but it is a communist country...there is a lot of censorship..i cannot even access facebook here...i don't remember having this problem in bkk.

10. overall i am not too happy here...but i do feel comfortable when i go to bkk...

after reading all these, be my guest if you still want to move to vietnam. i am in the process of transferring to bangkok office of my firm and am looking forward to transferring in 2011. good luck.....

1. Vietnamese girls don't need makeup to look good and Viet Nam is still quite a conservative country so revealing clothes are not the norm but in general it's just the same clothes style as Thailand.

2. Yes, prices for Western accomodation and Western meals are just as expensive as in Bangkok, why would you expect them to be cheaper?

3. I've never been conned in Viet Nam even though I don't speak the language. But I speak Thai and Thais have attempted to con me.

4. Internet connections are the same as Thailand, only they are a lot cheaper.

5. Vietnamese girls "do not know anything outside of Viet Nam". That statement suggests to me that you have never spoken to a Thai girl.

6. Yes both countries have beautiful areas.

7. "as for visa, it is relatively easy to get one but u have to get it renewed every few years" That statement suggests to me that you have never lived in Thailand where you cannot get a visa valid 'for a few years'.

8. Again, proof that you have never been in Thailand.

9. Of course there's no censorship in Bangkok. More proof you've never been there.

10. I suggest you leave and try working and living in Bangkok and then try commparing the places.

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Having read through all these posts I do wonder why people in Thailand are reading this, and why people in Vietnam are reading. If someone is happy in Vietnam, that's ok, but why read ThaiVisa? Similarly, if someone is happy here, and not thinking about moving to Vietnam, or leaving Thailand, why read and write posts contradicing others?

No doubt someone will ask why I am reading...........I am not going anywhere except for holidays.

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I will be moving to Nigeria, I have totally had it here.

Everyone is free to rip off anyone in Nigeria, farang can rip off native and vice versa, and if I get to know anyone in government, I might get the contract to provide them with electricity for zillions of euro paid for with oil wells which I ll sublet to Shell ( I like Dutch).

Sounds like I have got a plan.

Thailand is not heaven, deal with the bad days/months/seasons/ or odd events.just jai yen yen and smile and all is well again.

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3. Double pricing.

Have you ever taken a taxi in Hanoi? They are happy to negotiate a "special" rate for foreigners. :)

Take them all the time.

Never been offered a special rate, they just turn the meter on.

You're right, and I made a mistake in what I meant to say. What I said was actually backwards What I have found to be true is actually that the meter IS the special rate. The first time I went to Hanoi I was warned by the staff at my hotel not to take a metered taxi (unless it was a certain reliable company), because they have several different levels on the meter and will set it to the highest amount for foreigners who don't know better. They told us the amount to expect to pay between a specific landmarks (this was based on the good company's meter rates...some of which we did see with our own eyes), and said we should negotiate that price and refuse to allow the meter. Being optimists, we thought they were exaggerating and thought it would be ok to just take the meter. Nope....the meter was 2 -4 times as much! After that, the taxi drivers appeared embarrassed/guilty when we said that we would like to negotiate a price because we knew the meter would go too high. Of course I can't say that everyone has had that experience in Hanoi, but certainly many of my friends and colleagues have.

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