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Let's see if I can win this game.

It is terrible that all men in the world act like this and that especially Thai men and the Thai police only laugh and giggle and tell women to shut up every time that this happens...always. All men should be castrated. I am going to volunteer to castrate myself first because I am a man and will eventually rape someone. The entire world needs to realize that this is the worst crime ever possible. Women and children and one-legged puppies are mistreated everywhere in the world and no one ever does anything about it...especially Thailand. Something, something, something, culture, fairness, terrible, corruption, red shirts. What if it was your mother/sister/grandmother/aunt/best friend's mother?

I really hope that she recovers soon.

There. Beat that for being the most politically correct sensitive compassionate caring man in the world.

When you say all men, that includes you, right? You should be mentally castrated for such a post. You must be very sick in your brain, making such a statement. Go ahead and do your job, you shouldn't be able to reproduce..........sickhead.

Wow. It is nice to see that you cannot follow sarcasm any better than you can formulate a thought more mature or rational than, "Would love to see him dying very slowly. Really slowly." Yours is precisely the type of post that I was attempting to mock. Every time there is a story of this nature the posts seem to follow one of two paths: 1. the super macho "Put me in the same room with that guy;" 2. the super sensitive "women are constantly victimized and I am going to point out that I am the kind of guy that understands." It is boring. Bring more to the table than that or don't bother. Some people have 852 posts with 5 per day and they are generally trivial, trite, poorly reasoned and don't add anything to the debate or topic at hand. They are just juvenile platitudes bloating the pages so that no valuable debate or discussion is possible. How do you feel that your original post--or the subsequent one to me for that matter--added anything? Here is where you try to defend yourself by stating that hundreds of people with no creative opinions or thoughts (face it, I want to hit him with a pipe or watch him die slowly are not at all creative or original) blurting out one line posts is somehow the point of modern technology and forums. I, for one, will stick to the opinion that a forum should hopefully be a place for original, creative, useful or well reasoned discussion. I apologize that my sarcasm was not blatant enough for you, but I do hope that you were able to follow this post.

You forgot the third type the immature smart arse...

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It was on Thai TV yesterday and this morning, dont know about any papers yet

Try any Thai news stations, plowing ceremony on now but you will probably get it soon, dont have to understand Thai the video is very explisit.

Any link?

...Now we have a case of a high up policeman murdering a 17 yr old and all caught on camera, lets wait and see what happens to him.

I was reading about that on the 76Nationchannel's website. Apparently the killer was a high ranking police colonel who shot dead his 17 year old stepson.

The dispute happened when the boy's mother finally decided to leave the abusive 6 year relationship with the policeman, during which he apparently took money from her and beat her on a regular basis in front of the children. He threatened to kill her if she left and she went into hiding.

He went round to her workplace (she was the owner of a company called Siam Stainless Steel) looking for her, got into some kind of altercation with the son in the company office, pulled out a gun and shot him dead in front of the boy's 13 year old sister. The shooting was captured on closed-circuit tv and and the case has been taken on by the Paweena Hongsakul Foundation for abused women and children, who are providing a safe place for the family.

Wonder if he'll be bought to justice...


are you kidding?

ive seen mace along with pepper spray, tazers, flick knives, bb guns and other pretty gruesome weapons blatantly on sale loads of times in thailand.

but you can definetely get it at the night bazaar in chiang mai all the time.

ive seen the stand anytime i was there anyway

...Now we have a case of a high up policeman murdering a 17 yr old and all caught on camera, lets wait and see what happens to him.

I was reading about that on the 76Nationchannel's website. Apparently the killer was a high ranking police colonel who shot dead his 17 year old stepson.

The dispute happened when the boy's mother finally decided to leave the abusive 6 year relationship with the policeman, during which he apparently took money from her and beat her on a regular basis in front of the children. He threatened to kill her if she left and she went into hiding.

He went round to her workplace (she was the owner of a company called Siam Stainless Steel) looking for her, got into some kind of altercation with the son in the company office, pulled out a gun and shot him dead in front of the boy's 13 year old sister. The shooting was captured on closed-circuit tv and and the case has been taken on by the Paweena Hongsakul Foundation for abused women and children, who are providing a safe place for the family.

Wonder if he'll be bought to justice...

Since he is a ranking police man, and considering what little happened when an ordinary policeman a few years ago took a machete and whacked off the arm of a girl that spurned his advances in a sidewalk cafe, while she was try to ride away on her motorcycle. (Wish I had to old link, but I do not. It is here however).

The courts can do nothing until the prosecutor brings charges, and presents evidence. If he does a poor job, or just does not file them, you are SOL>

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