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Armoured Vehicles, Army Live Bullets Will Be Used To Surround Red-Shirts From 6pm

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Defending a terrorist. What a peach you are.

Please refrain from mis-statements about what I said. That is deceptive and dishonest. I stated that civilized people respect human life.

If you prefer killing people that's your problem.

In which case you are saying that Seh Daeng was not civilized since he was inordinately proud of personally having killed 20 "communists".

Where did I say anything about "20 communists"? I suggest you take a remedial reading course in "Excluding personal prejudices when reading". Maybe that will help understand clear statements without inserting your own contrived false interpretations.

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There is really nothing to cheer about here.

Sadly its only going to trigger a wave of political assasinations - Abhisit, Suthep, Kasit, their family members, others responsible etc - will end up victims of a bomb / grenade / sniper attack.

News Flash Russell, they were ALREADY being targeted,

and Sea Daeng was considered as the leader of those doing that.

He got his own coming back.

My condolences to his daughter for her loss of a father,

but that's as far as it can go.

It's sad. A friend of mine knows Seh Daeng very well. His biggest problem has been being a bit smarter then those around him. His wife passed away a couple of years back and she was reportedly the only person he would really listen to.

I'm sorry to see anyone shot in the head (neck, they say now) but I guess he had it coming. Pretty much every Thai believes he was responsible for assassinating the military commanders on April 10th.

So predictable.. The same people who were always going on about extra-judicial killings are now applauding cold blooded murder! :)

What a nice forum.

He was cold blooded, we are applauding!

So predictable.. The same people who were always going on about extra-judicial killings are now applauding cold blooded murder! :)

What a nice forum.

He was cold blooded, we are applauding!

I stated that civilized people respect human life.

If you prefer killing people that's your problem.

I am with you on this. Some people think this is a video game where kills aren't real. It shows their immaturity.

Do you really know the reality of what has gone on in Thailand? How did you react and feel about the extra judicial killings of thousands of so called 'drug dealers' on Thaksin's orders when he promised to rid Thailand of all drugs in 3 months. Did those murders upset you in any way or did you think 'serves them right', without knowing the true facts and how many were innocent?

After all the killings, often without evidence, only on hearsay, when the police were fulfilling their quota of dead bodies to satisfy Thaksin, there are now more drugs than ever in the country.

What about the slaughter of about 80 unarmed protesters in the south that has led to such hatred there that thousands have died since - Thaksin was unapologetic about the murders and said they deserved it - his uncaring arrogance has led to many innocent Thais being killed in retaliation in the south. Have you been upset by that? Talk about killings? - Thaksin is up to his neck in them!

Abhisit needs time to prove he is a PM for the WHOLE of Thailand - the corrupt lying manipulative megalomaniac living in luxury abroad wants to prevent this at all costs, using the immense fortune he amassed through massive corruption(please don't bother replying that he made his money in legitimate business)


a life lost even from your enemy is always a sad news.Sae Deng is a warrior, trained to kill, and as often for this kind of men "drugged by war" and as already said "living by the sword, dying by the sword". But a life is a life.

However, the day is not finished, we may have some surprises. So I suggest to stay calm.

Personally, I am not happy when I see somebody leaving this earth and I wish casualties to be a minimum but also, knowing Thai people, their stubborness, their revenge mind, I wish that we are not entering in Civil War. This night is going to be very long.

I expect Good Will will prevails and that we will find the Peace.

absolutely agree !

lost of life is nothing to be cheer, either he is a good guy, a bad guy, or an innocent.

hope everyone could learn from this explicit alert, and calm down !

I think we all agree that human life is sacred and that is why the majority here are happy this lunatic terrorist has been taken out of the game.

Is it my connection or does ThaiVisa seem to be running at a crawl right now?

Well, with the overall bad internet service throughout this country,... this is no coincidence... Everybody in Thailand wants to know what's goin' on right now... so they are clicking the news websites like crazy causing internet traffic congestions

So anyhow guyz, whatsa status now... ??

I don't f^%$in understand Thai TV

There is really nothing to cheer about here.

Sadly its only going to trigger a wave of political assasinations - Abhisit, Suthep, Kasit, their family members, others responsible etc - will end up victims of a bomb / grenade / sniper attack.

News Flash Russell, they were ALREADY being targeted,

and Sea Daeng was considered as the leader of those doing that.

He got his own coming back.

My condolences to his daughter for her loss of a father,

but that's as far as it can go.

It's sad. A friend of mine knows Seh Daeng very well. His biggest problem has been being a bit smarter then those around him. His wife passed away a couple of years back and she was reportedly the only person he would really listen to.

I'm sorry to see anyone shot in the head (neck, they say now) but I guess he had it coming. Pretty much every Thai believes he was responsible for assassinating the military commanders on April 10th.

I believe the official government report said "only" they were killed by high velocity weapons. Where would you say that "Pretty much every Thai" obtained their information to formulate such a conclusion?

a life lost even from your enemy is always a sad news.Sae Deng is a warrior, trained to kill, and as often for this kind of men "drugged by war" and as already said "living by the sword, dying by the sword". But a life is a life.

However, the day is not finished, we may have some surprises. So I suggest to stay calm.

Personally, I am not happy when I see somebody leaving this earth and I wish casualties to be a minimum but also, knowing Thai people, their stubborness, their revenge mind, I wish that we are not entering in Civil War. This night is going to be very long.

I expect Good Will will prevails and that we will find the Peace.

absolutely agree !

lost of life is nothing to be cheer, either he is a good guy, a bad guy, or an innocent.

hope everyone could learn from this explicit alert, and calm down !

Wrong .......... will gladly say good bye to one to save many others

Especially when the one is a terrorist



obviously this man was very sure of himself, how come people like that cannot get officially fired from the army?

This is an interesting video, apparently he was not afraid of snipers and here u r.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.

Defending a terrorist. What a peach you are.

Please refrain from mis-statements about what I said. That is deceptive and dishonest. I stated that civilized people respect human life.

If you prefer killing people that's your problem.

In which case you are saying that Seh Daeng was not civilized since he was inordinately proud of personally having killed 20 "communists".

Where did I say anything about "20 communists"? I suggest you take a remedial reading course in "Excluding personal prejudices when reading". Maybe that will help understand clear statements without inserting your own contrived false interpretations.

It's pretty easy James. Watch this, it's called deductive logic.

You state:

1. Civilized people respect human life.

Fact from Seh Daeng's mouth:

2. Seh Daeng was inordinately proud of having personally killed 20 "communists"


3. Seh Daeng was not civilized as he did not respect human life.

You seem to be unaware of either the logical consequences of your statement or of the facts about Seh Daeng. I suspect both, but you can take your pick pal.


Terry Fredrickson terryfrd

Don't worry about the seige, Jatuporn says. Reds from upcountry are coming and soon we will know who is the strongest. 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Sean Soonprabong (red-shirts spokesman) was just live on Al Jazeera.

Said nothing about Seh Deang, only that the red shirt will stay and all the same crap we have been hearing for months

I caught that. What a bozo! Too bad they didn't have more time, she was just getting warmed up and the next question would have be the clincher.

I can see from my window that the lights are off at the skyscraper attached to Central World. Power cut?


Seh Daeng is a rogue nut alright. The red shirts would be better off without him, but I'm not sure if assassinating him while he's giving an interview to international media on live television is a good thing to do. Probably a rather stupid move.



OMG, The International Outrage!!!! LMAO

Red Shirt leader shot as unrest continues in Thai capital


Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) -- A leader of anti-government protests in Thailand was shot in the head while being interviewed at the demonstrations, according to the journalist who was with him at the time.

Seh Daeng was in critical condition, according to his guards with the Red Shirt protesters.

Tom Fuller of the International Herald Tribune told CNN he was interviewing Seh at the time of the shooting.

Witnesses said the gunshot appeared to come from a rooftop in a corner of Bangkok's Lumpini Park, where protesters have amassed.

While it was unknown whether Thailand's military or government was behind the shooting, the government has previously made it clear it would shoot at what it called armed terrorists.

A renegade Thai general, Seh, whose full name is Maj. Gen. Kattiya Sawasdipol, is one of the Red Shirts' most radical, hard-line leaders, said CNN's Dan Rivers.

Other, more moderate leaders of the organization, who had insisted the protests were peaceful, had sought to distance themselves from him.

For the rest of the article ... http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/...ests/index.html

I can't speak for the rest of the world regarding Intl outrage but for Canada the only international outrage on the news will come from Sid Crosby not playing for the Stanley Cup! :D

Seh Dang got shot so what! What is happening with the dispersal of the rest of the mob?

exactly from the photos and videos I have seen, he aint going anywhere, he doesnt belong.

wheres the hero arisman at?


Why care about the delicate feelings of supporters of a terrorist?

Civilized people respect human life. You obviously donot. Too bad!

I respect human life ... and this came FAR too late. It should have happened in Nov of 2008 when Sae Daeng first started his grenade attacks. MANY people would still be alive if he had been taken out (into custody and kept ... or killed) all that time ago.

You respect human life? Looks like a lie to me.

Any evidence that Seh Deang did the grenade attacks? That is only another proaganda lie.


As far as I know, noone has taken responsibility for the attempted assasination of Seh Deang.

Everyone here assumes that it is the government, and of course they are a suspect.

But not the only one.

Could it have been a Red? With Weera nobody knows where for sure, the leadership is showing signs of fracturing. For all we know Weera may be dead. Maybe his people just returned the favor to Seh Deng?

Or, maybe the attempted assassination has nothing to do with either the government or Red rivals. Maybe its the same people who shot the first shot on 10 April just fired the first shot agaain.

We can speculate all we want, but there isnt a one of us who knows for sure what is going on.

Only one thing though seems obvious: those loyal to the fallen general will now likely seek bloody revenge.

<br />Terry Fredrickson terryfrd<br /> <br />Don't worry about the seige, Jatuporn says. Reds from upcountry are coming and soon we will know who is the strongest. 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck<br />
<br /><br /><br />

No hope for these crowd. No matter what happens they want more bloodshed.

Where is the Army now is about time to finish this once for all

Get rid of this scum NOW!!

The scum supported by a large proportion of the country, including Bangkok residents? Oh, THAT scum. Right.

It's a recipe for disaster.

Reds supported by a large proportion of the country, what? And you base that on what facts? Please show the statistics to back your statement. A few thousands or even fifty or a hundred thousand red shirts are not a large proportion of the Thai people. But it seems you are using the same kind of arguing as the leaders of the red terrorists.

Why they did not bring Sae Dang to Chula Hospital... it's very closer, ain't!?!


well, do you recall the last "RED" visit there to Chula?

If he did go there, he'd be dead for sure haha

Good thing that he wasn't taken to Chula hosp because if he dies, I reckon the reds will probably blame it on the doctor there on his death for sure.

Seh Daeng is a rogue nut alright. The red shirts would be better off without him, but I'm not sure if assassinating him while he's giving an interview to international media on live television is a good thing to do. Probably a rather stupid move.

At least they can't claim he's in Uganda, there were witnesses so they can't cover it up.


Its impossible for another Army person to fill the role of Sae Daeng. His bamboo barricade technique was unconquerable and he didn't teach anyone the method. Nope, there is only one Army man who can lead a group of terrorists. The battle is over now. We can rest easy.

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