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Armoured Vehicles, Army Live Bullets Will Be Used To Surround Red-Shirts From 6pm

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Jatuporn told #redshirts that PM, Suthep and Newin order the killing of Seh Daeng. Newin is a surprising new entry in all this.

Jatuporn speaking out of his ass again.

Probably the only place Sea Dung will be able to carry on talking out of as well!

Oh, I forgot to congratulate Veera on an extremely well-aimed (and timed) shot. Maybe get back to some form of negotiations, Arseman needs taking out first though.

Thai TV just announced Seh Daeng is dead 9.45pm this is a new update.

TAN claims he is alive and awaiting surgery.

Thai TV said earlier he was brain dead but heart still working

I could have told you that a month ago! :)

Veera didn't quit, nor has he been seen for a few days, and it is only a rumour that he is in England!

hasn't been seen in days? is he still among the living?

i'd read he was about to turn himself in, but later reneged.

could it be he was permanently prevented from reporting?

a life lost even from your enemy is always a sad news.Sae Deng is a warrior, trained to kill, and as often for this kind of men "drugged by war" and as already said "living by the sword, dying by the sword". But a life is a life.

However, the day is not finished, we may have some surprises. So I suggest to stay calm.

Personally, I am not happy when I see somebody leaving this earth and I wish casualties to be a minimum but also, knowing Thai people, their stubborness, their revenge mind, I wish that we are not entering in Civil War. This night is going to be very long.

I expect Good Will will prevails and that we will find the Peace.

Will you please stop with this "sanctity of human life" crap. It is a Judeo-Christian concept and totally foreign to most people on this planet.

Every human will die, and the only reason some survive is because it is illegal to kill them. When that restriction is lifted, they don't last long.

This man was an @r$ehole who certainly didn't share your views.

As you like quotes; "The body of a dead enemy always smells sweet." Titus Flavius Vespasian.

Some lowlife ran down my dog today. More tears will be shed for the dog than for Seh Daeng.

i am very sorry to hear about the loss of your dog

a good dog is the best friend you can ever have

may he rest in peace

What a great example of the worst in humanity!

He got shot in the head, I don't think we are going to hear much more from him.

But nonetheless, the media don't do themselves any favours by claiming he's dead and 5 minutes later changing the statement.

A stopped clock is right twice a day, I guess.

Wasn't it the police that confirmed him dead, then the hospital came out and said he was still alive?

This is like Monty Python and the Holy Grail -

No it looks like you have a mortal injury / no, it is but a flesh wound

Things won't end tonight. Regardless, I am happy I left Thailand long ago..... :)

Then is it unanimous!

You aren't missed :D

He got shot in the head, I don't think we are going to hear much more from him.

But nonetheless, the media don't do themselves any favours by claiming he's dead and 5 minutes later changing the statement.

A stopped clock is right twice a day, I guess.

Wasn't it the police that confirmed him dead, then the hospital came out and said he was still alive?

That was in Elvis' case, and the nose of michael jackson

I'm really surprised by the tone of your post Jerry. It's just part of the negotiations right? PRESS PRESS PRESS till that last moment victory is achieved, right? Got to keep the pressure up right? Every instance of violence has been embraced with your indifference till now, because it's part of the struggle, right? Was it perhaps a bridge too far Jerry. Did talkers like yourself involve innocent people in life and death situations for their own intellectual masturbation? You make me sick.

you should read all my posts. I have never apologize violence, but I support pacific rallyes, union struggles and strikes as a way to express social inequalities and make pressure for more justice. When freedom is endangered and when the "beast" is released, then you will find me with the freedom fighters. I have explained in a post that in 1932, one year before the politician opposition, Hitler has hooked in a barn around 70 unionists because it was the main obstacle to his road to Power: I have spent a large part of a night in discussion with our guide, a first level german Unionist explaining me the consequences of 1932 on the current German Constitution. I am also French and as such we have inherited a freedom, because of series of struggles, I am proud of my ancestors even if -as in any such circumstances there are excess- French Revolution, La Commune, yes it is part of my social inheritage. But, in the 21 Century, we can avoid the mistakes of the previous generations, bloodshed that we knows are not really necessary for progressing: I am not so young also and with age, we are becoming more moderate it is a fact well known.

From time to time, I find the atmosphere of this forum too violent, too irresponsible, gearing to the same dangerous pre second world war atmoshere, when Left and Right were going to the extremes, so I intervene for cooling down. I respect opinion different from mine but I do not want our discussions gearing to hatred; we are civilised people not beasts.

Remember " They have assassinated Jaures" and it has been the First World war. Violence is gearing to violence


what would be the consequences while Seh Daeng been shot :

1) reds will get more unorganised and will go home ?

2) reds will get more aggressive and will turn mad ?

anyone ?


For what it's worth, the missus has just finished her shift as Station Supervisor at BTS National Stadium and was in a right dilemma about whether to lock herself in or clear out.

Chatted with the military there and they told her to get out via taxi as they expect a push at 3:00am.

I can't prove it, so don't ask for a 'source please'.

The station is full of army, as is National Stadium itself.

what would be the consequences while Seh Daeng been shot :

1) reds will get more unorganised and will go home ?

2) reds will get more aggressive and will turn mad ?

anyone ?

Maybe they become "legitimate" again, AND gain a martyr. Unless there's video evidence of another Red Shirt shooting him they'll create whichever story best suits their cause.

what would be the consequences while Seh Daeng been shot :

1) reds will get more unorganised and will go home ?

2) reds will get more aggressive and will turn mad ?

anyone ?

It's either 1 or 2. Is that an acceptable answer?

what would be the consequences while Seh Daeng been shot :

1) reds will get more unorganised and will go home ?

2) reds will get more aggressive and will turn mad ?

anyone ?

Could be both. Seh Daeng's assasination may not have been a calculated government plot, but rather just a mafia style counter execution after that high ranking general was killed on April 10th. Those types of mafia wars (basically what the Thai army and police force are anyway) can get quite protracted.


The station is full of army, as is National Stadium itself.

Ironic, when you think about the way the reds used to have their rallies there, with you-know-who on the jumbotron.

thanks for the tip.


Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

Thomas Fuller has reported in the New York Times that he was interviewing Seh Daeng as he was shot. Fuller reports his last words were "“The military cannot get in here.”

bullshit over dramatising journalist, do you have that on tape Mr Fuller, oops sorry no pulitzer for you this year.

what would be the consequences while Seh Daeng been shot :

1) reds will get more unorganised and will go home ?

2) reds will get more aggressive and will turn mad ?

anyone ?

Maybe they become "legitimate" again, AND gain a martyr. Unless there's video evidence of another Red Shirt shooting him they'll create whichever story best suits their cause.

The red camp gets marginally saner, Thaksin has one less puppet to play with, the other leaders are more likely to cut their losses and flee before they get Seh Daenged.

Jerry your rambling posts on french and german history don't add much to the current topic

Sorry but was hacked by Lanarebirth.

I think there is a link... an excess of violence in our Community is building hatred, and we loose self control, it obscurs our judgments: we have to be more level headed: the Civil war is not my aim, Negociation and Peace are.....

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

Good luck finding the person who did this

a life lost even from your enemy is always a sad news.Sae Deng is a warrior, trained to kill, and as often for this kind of men "drugged by war" and as already said "living by the sword, dying by the sword". But a life is a life.

However, the day is not finished, we may have some surprises. So I suggest to stay calm.

Personally, I am not happy when I see somebody leaving this earth and I wish casualties to be a minimum but also, knowing Thai people, their stubborness, their revenge mind, I wish that we are not entering in Civil War. This night is going to be very long.

I expect Good Will will prevails and that we will find the Peace.

Will you please stop with this "sanctity of human life" crap. It is a Judeo-Christian concept and totally foreign to most people on this planet.

Every human will die, and the only reason some survive is because it is illegal to kill them. When that restriction is lifted, they don't last long.

This man was an @r$ehole who certainly didn't share your views.

As you like quotes; "The body of a dead enemy always smells sweet." Titus Flavius Vespasian.

Some lowlife ran down my dog today. More tears will be shed for the dog than for Seh Daeng.

i am very sorry to hear about the loss of your dog

a good dog is the best friend you can ever have

may he rest in peace

What a great example of the worst in humanity!

Actually, I thought it was quite nice of timekeeper, and much appreciated. If you were referring to me, I'm sorry if I don't fit your picture of noble humanity, but your delusions of an invisible omnipotent being are merely delusions.

Ask yourself 1 simple question. If someone had shot Hitler or Stalin through the head in 1935, would it have been such a bad thing? Then ask yourself, "Who wrote the amendments to the 5th/6th commandment (depending on version, the one about not killing)?

He got shot in the head, I don't think we are going to hear much more from him.

But nonetheless, the media don't do themselves any favours by claiming he's dead and 5 minutes later changing the statement.

A stopped clock is right twice a day, I guess.

Wasn't it the police that confirmed him dead, then the hospital came out and said he was still alive?

That was in Elvis' case, and the nose of michael jackson

Also Chevy Chase on Saturday Night Live reporting for months that Spain's Generalissimo Franco, during a suspiciously overly-long illness was still dead ..until it was finally admitted  ....!

However Elvis  is still alive.  I saw him in Villa last month.

M J's nose is definitely dead

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