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Work Permit

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Hi guys

I have posted something similar to this question before but cannot seem to find it and is now slightly different

I obtained a non imm o multi entry from Hull last year. About 5-6 months into it I was given a teaching work permit which my agency sorted out. The work permit was longer than the contract. I finished the contract with no problems and signed out saying I had received my bonus etc and finished my contract. I am still waiting for my tax refund which is due soon apparently.

During the holidays my now ex boss and myself have soured our relationship. She wants/is going to cancel my work permit next tuesday and has asked me to come to immigration with the her and to bring my passport. As far as I knew the cancellation of a work permit would not effect my visa as I obtained before I had a job with her, I finished my contract and also I have only ever done the three month extension thing on border runs, never at an immigration office like the rest of the teachers, can anyone shed some light...? Also will I still get my tax back if its gonna be cancelled...?


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Has nothing to do with your 90 day visa entry - or your next entry if visa is still valid. As for tax your work permit after end of work should not have any effect as far as I know (but don't have detailed knowledge).

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Your work permit needs to be cancelled, with a letter from your employer stating when your employment ended. It was only valid for working for the employer mentioned in there.

The need to go to immigraiton depends on your current permisison to stay. If you are still using your multiple entry non-O and leave the country every 90 days as you seem to do, there is no need to visit immirgaiton and your permission to stay is still valid.

(If you however visitied immigraiton for an extension of stay based on your employment, than you do need to visit immigration. Your right to stay in Thailand ended the same day your job ended. Any day staying loger means overstay).

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lol no I didnt. As for the extension of stay, Im on my last three months of the non imm o as I did a border run to Burma about a month, never extended it in Thailand. I also didnt lose my job just didnt sign a new contract if that males a difference but reading it again it wouldnt seem to.

Thanks for your help guys :-)

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