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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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"Nelson Rand is an ................................................................................








His audacious journey also took him to southern Thailand in search of Islamic extremists, who have turned the region into a war zone.

While travelling in Cambodia, he accompanied government soldiers on their final offensive against the Khmer Rouge. Rand's book is a highly informative but sobering portrait of Southeast Asia and its secret conflicts."

Its a very informative book actually and an easy read I can recommend it.



If you care to look at the post my angry screaming friend this was wrapped in quote marks and I linked to website from which I took the quote if you are interested in these conflicts why don't you take the time to read the book, and now that you know what quote tags are it should be all the more enjoyable for you. :)

Conflict by Nelson Rand $16.50

Nelson Rand is an intrepid adventurer. Despite the warnings and threats against his life, he journeyed into the most dangerous parts of Southeast Asia to witness the plight of the oppressed. He hiked through the jungles of Laos to interview Hmong guerillas, the remnants of the rebel army that refused to surrender to the communist government.

In Vietnam, he ventured into the central highlands to document the civil rights abuses suffered by the Montagard people, persecuted by the communist government because they fought alongside American forces in the Vietnam War.

He saw action in Burma where he joined forces with the Karen National Liberation Army and accompanied the insurgents as they mounted full scale attacks on Junta forces. Rand describes the Karen's plight as one of the worst humanitarian disasters of our time. He documented cases of rape, killings, torture and the forced relocation of Karen villages.

His audacious journey also took him to southern Thailand in search of Islamic extremists, who have turned the region into a war zone.

While travelling in Cambodia, he accompanied government soldiers on their final offensive against the Khmer Rouge. Rand's book is a highly informative but sobering portrait of Southeast Asia and its secret conflicts.

Sounds to me like his luck ran out if he went into all the above situations as he did this one in BKK.

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I still believe if the military rolled out the welcome mat for these folks and made their job easier and safer that they would get better reporting on their side. As you mentioned about not being native speakers ... they should have translators available all the time for the non-Thai press as well as scheduled news conferences throughout the day. If the authorities and gov't could show they have their act together for reporters it would really go a long way to getting their message out through these same reporters.

And yes, this is manipulative but it is done all the time as standard operating procedure.

Yes, I do agree with this jc.

I think essentially we are making the same point - that the media should not be running around at will, and should be properly managed. Unfortunately, good management seems to be lacking in a lot of areas around this issue. :D

Chaps, this is Thailand ... Abhisit can't do everything himself and has to rely on staff to take care of some details and we know how that turns out - also don;t forget the US had a long time to prepare before going in - here the government and the country was attacked and had to organize things while the <deleted> was hitting the fan - until than Ab was trying and surely hoping to resolve the situation peacefully

So his government so corrupted that best man for job is suthep? criminal and banned politician?

of course true Abhisit cannot do everything, he can not get elected for start, even when his elites help rig elections :) Then his elite have control over gov and is them that give suthep job to head CRES. NOT abhisit, he is just their smile boy for tv.

Gov will be overthrown as it is elite control of population for two long. Hope it is quick by election and not have many more die. these problems only going to be bad now as gov decide assasination is best way as their advisers all from old army guys before is all they know.

The situation is like that in Gaza. Protestors with stones and slingshots get killed by indiscriminate fire. The claims of the government that the reds have weapons (real ones) are ridiculous. Not one soldier in hospital, while to official figures of CRES say 16 killed 141 injured. Abhisit has turned in the Suchinda II cabinet.

The journalists in the cross fire were all shot by the army. An other example why the elite do not care about human life. First of all the Police need to take care of protests not army. only in banana republics the army is in charge. Secondly the soldiers are looking 17, 18 years old frightened and badly trained. They have no idea how to handle crowds.

Abhisit and his cronies should end up in the international court of justice.

So, you've missed all the videos of reds with weapons... Oh ... FAKE weapons!

From The Nation

Weng calls on reporters to return to Rajprasong

Weng Tojirakarn Saturday morning called on reporters to return to cover the demonstration at Rajprasong.

He said no reporters turned up at the rally stage apparently because their editorials did not allow them to cover the demonstration.

Weng said red-shirt guards would provide protection to reporters.

The no-show of reporters indicated that troops were about to suppress protesters at Rajprasong, weng said.

Please come and film us! Our human shield of women and children is far less effective without cameras present. We guarantee you protection (just as we did for Seh Daeng).

easy, just PAY the reporters and give them red shirts !

I am mad !

The journalists in the cross fire were all shot by the army. An other example why the elite do not care about human life. First of all the Police need to take care of protests not army. only in banana republics the army is in charge. Secondly the soldiers are looking 17, 18 years old frightened and badly trained. They have no idea how to handle crowds.

Abhisit and his cronies should end up in the international court of justice.

Exactly. One only has to look at the casualty statistics to realise who the real killers are. :)

Am utterly appalled at the reds. They had such sympathy a month and a half ago, now they are just a bunch of criminals working for their master Thaksin to the detriment of the entire nation. Disgusting.

OK. However, I can't understand any civilized person having any sympathy for them at all after Pattaya Asean and Black Songkran.

So, you can't understand half of the population. That is not surprising. I've met Red-supporters, rich and poor and middle class, actually I've known many for years. They are good people who, frightening to some, support greater democracy and less military intervention in Thai politics. I've met a few Yellows too and some are also good people. The most rabid yellows seem to be the farangs who are unnecessarily afraid of being lifted off their pedestal.

I agree with you totally. Your experiences are very similar to mine.

To those farangs who for the last two months have been calling for the use of lethal force I say be careful for what you wish for. You just might get it and you may not like the outcome.

Hard to believe farangs back the yellows as the yellow want to expell all foreigner and foreign influence. Most farangs on this site, IMO, are not for either shirt but are for sanity. We, in the West kinda got used to living among sane people.

I just watched a BBC video on the net and they interviewed an English guy who had joined the protesters and was with them in their camp - <deleted> now we have some idiot foreigner joining this rebellion - thats just what we need to turn the locals against the foreigners......who is this <deleted>?

I think his name is Richard Cranium :):D

Unfortunately there is always the odd NUTTER about to commit an act of madness which he probably also is. You have no idea how many farang crystal meth users are here who are paranoid schizophrenic with delusions added in - I would assume a large number of the reds are on the stuff anyway including the red posters here - the level of obvious delusions they suffer seems to indicate this strongly :D


Anyone heard about something like that? Or misleading information?

Tweeter @freakingcat

# TNT reports 4 civilians got shot at Bon Kai. Shots are fired from buildings and people get hit! 4 minutes ago via web

# Thai Radio just said that at Bon Kai Reds shot civilians! Many injured...trying to get confirmation now...

:) I wonder what way Condo Security guards will swing if it gets to civil war....lots of farangs living in expensive condos rely on these guys to protect them, will they?

You already know the answer to your question. It was quite rhetorical.

The answer is NO !!!!!!!

What you can in fact rely on is that when the reds come knockin' your friendly guard in will give you away. 100% bankable, guilt edged, guaranteed!

Chai khap. me farang yer khap. Farang yoo hong 123, 345, 678, 789, gor, 909 duay khap. khaa mort loei.

:D:D:D:D:D !!!

Am confident the looting will start the moment the authorities pass one of the medieval barricades. Then the fires will come to cover up any evidence.

it's already started. if you watch the video of sae daeng after the shooting, you'll see of his assistants

wearing a piece of clothing with the product tag still attached, minnie pearl style.

QUOTE (RussellHantz @ 2010-05-15 10:28:32)

Abhisit is such an idiot.

He knew exactly what would result if he used force. Congratulations Abhisit, now you have it

He should have stuck to negotiations.

Abhisit is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

''A picture is worth a thousand words.''

Perhaps your choice of avatar indicates your stage of evolution and mental development.

Abhisit is an honest man who has bent over backwards to avoid conflict yet the psychopathic leaders that manipulate the rank and file Red Shirt Brigade were and still are bent on extreme violence e and hatred from the start as their rhetoric so clearly showed and indeed still shows..

Twenty years here and Abhisit is the most progressive Prime minister to date willing to listen to all and his administration has implemented measures to assist the less well off in Thai society and indeed would have done more if it wasn't for the Red Shirt Brigaded actions to stall further measures as it was damaging thug Thaksin his family and their acolytes money stealing and law manipulation to yet further boost their fortunes at the expense of the majority.



The irony of Abhisit's patience to "wait it out" (the Red's occupaton has been going on for three months now and the PM's offer for early elections (the Red's wouldn't accept it without more requests), he gets accused being a "softy" or not tough enough. Now he is accused by one of the forum members (Mr. Hantz) as being "disgusting". (sigh) :)

The situation is like that in Gaza. Protestors with stones and slingshots get killed by indiscriminate fire. The claims of the government that the reds have weapons (real ones) are ridiculous. Not one soldier in hospital, while to official figures of CRES say 16 killed 141 injured. Abhisit has turned in the Suchinda II cabinet.

The journalists in the cross fire were all shot by the army. An other example why the elite do not care about human life. First of all the Police need to take care of protests not army. only in banana republics the army is in charge. Secondly the soldiers are looking 17, 18 years old frightened and badly trained. They have no idea how to handle crowds.

Abhisit and his cronies should end up in the international court of justice.

Several soldiers have died in the last weeks. Civilians as well. Wake up and face facts please!

The army is not being atacked by the reds at this moment, they are atttacked by Bangkok motor taxi gangs!

Why don't we just chop up Thailand? Everything north of Chai Nat can be called Thailand and Chiangmai as the capital and everything south be called Siam and Bangkok as capital. Reds in the North Yellow in the south problem solved the only problem is then the farangs will have nothing to bitch and fight about.

Will have lot for falang to bitch about.

no cheap workers, drivers, cleaners and bar girls. This is only people from north that too many falang know.

this why some falang support a government they know nothing about it. It is all they know and they like to think that because falang, they are different from poor workers and bar girls so must be hi-so and then support gov.

From The Nation

Weng calls on reporters to return to Rajprasong

Weng Tojirakarn Saturday morning called on reporters to return to cover the demonstration at Rajprasong.

He said no reporters turned up at the rally stage apparently because their editorials did not allow them to cover the demonstration.

Weng said red-shirt guards would provide protection to reporters.

The no-show of reporters indicated that troops were about to suppress protesters at Rajprasong, weng said.

Please come and film us! Our human shield of women and children is far less effective without cameras present. We guarantee you protection (just as we did for Seh Daeng).

Sadly they are under the false impression that not only people care what they have to say but at this point really care much about their health, rights or well being. But I guess this is what happens when for two months you show you don't care about these same things when it comes to others.

Why can not we see armored vehicles yet....I think the army should really hit these terrorists hard now, enough is enough

How many dead bodies will give u an erection....

TAN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn says some police and even soldiers are shooting at their peacekeepers, demands govt stop operations now.

These poor peacekeepers.

A link would be useful many here post leads without link and nobody can verify the info

Why can not we see armored vehicles yet....I think the army should really hit these terrorists hard now, enough is enough

Why you cannot watch real news chanels? We see armoured vehicles yesterday with sand in petrol tanks.

wakey wakey try to turn tv away from Nation and TAN sometime...... or look like you know nothing :)

3hrs of sunlight left before the spooks come out. Hoping the army are fully prepared.

Thaksin wanting to negotiate a sign the reds are on the back-foot, or is he merely reading from the script...?

Well, Abhisit used the illusion of negotiations as a prelude to his murderous military offense against civilians. Might Thaksin stoop to Abhisit's level? Why not?

And the Taksin support continues.....

Guess you have been out of Thailand or not in a drunken comma for the past few weeks, as Abhisit did negotiate it was the reds that refused to quit protesting, Abhhist agreed to new elections and dissolving the house which is what the red's wanted, but then no they dont want that, they want this, it is agreed to and then no they want this, just shows no matter what is agreed to they will come up with a new demand to postpone stopping the protests which just showed Abhisit the Reds will never be happy no matter what is agreed to and had no choice, so dont put this on Abhist the reds refused to stop protesting after everything they wanted was agreed to.

Abhisit is an honest man who has bent over backwards to avoid conflict yet the psychopathic leaders that manipulate the rank and file Red Shirt Brigade were and still are bent on extreme violence e and hatred from the start as their rhetoric so clearly showed and indeed still shows..

Twenty years here and Abhisit is the most progressive Prime minister to date willing to listen to all and his administration has implemented measures to assist the less well off in Thai society and indeed would have done more if it wasn't for the Red Shirt Brigaded actions to stall further measures as it was damaging thug Thaksin his family and their acolytes money stealing and law manipulation to yet further boost their fortunes at the expense of the majority.

The guy is an incompetent, irresponsible leader that has just brought the country to the edge of civil war, due to his impatience, frustration and unwillingness to show flexibility in negotiations. How much blood needs to be spilled under this idiots leadership before you tell him to resign ?

The blood lust on this forum is disgusting.

Way off base here can you imagine any other leader being in charge now, say Thaksin? If this was reversed and Thaksin was in power I would put the number of casualties in the hundreds already. You are a fool to think that Abhisit hasn't bent over backwards to give these idiots every possible way out and each time they have spit in the face of him and the rest of Thailand.


An idiot crazed Londoner shown on BBC TV speaking in the Terrorist Red shirts grouping . Always a few Idiots who think they are Thais when they and know nothing. THESE PEOPLE HAD EVERY CHANCE to move with a deal for early election but they want Their Victory and NOW Its over . CLEAR THE AREA GET OUT OR GET HIT

And those who compare this to Gaza . no nothing about anything.

Anyone heard about something like that? Or misleading information?

Tweeter @freakingcat

# TNT reports 4 civilians got shot at Bon Kai. Shots are fired from buildings and people get hit! 4 minutes ago via web

# Thai Radio just said that at Bon Kai Reds shot civilians! Many injured...trying to get confirmation now...

I am reading the same. <snip> He appears to be the mastermind behind this. "...would unleash a nightmarish night for Bkk."

TAN Network: Red-shirt leader Kwanchai Praipana has been quoted as saying, "We will surrender in our next life."

Excellent. I trust that will be a reality soon. The sooner Kwanchai and his terrorist band surrender the better.

If they could just shut the leaders up for a while or make them disappear, as soon as the remaining supporters were allowed to think for themselves for a few minutes, the first thing they would think about is how to get out of there.

Yesterday he instructed everyone to "stay in the area, we cannot protect you if you go elsewhere ......"

Kind of like standing in Hiroshima and saying, "See that little thing floating down from the sky? Keep your eyes on it and whatever you do, don't move"

The situation is like that in Gaza. Protestors with stones and slingshots get killed by indiscriminate fire. The claims of the government that the reds have weapons (real ones) are ridiculous. Not one soldier in hospital, while to official figures of CRES say 16 killed 141 injured. Abhisit has turned in the Suchinda II cabinet.

The journalists in the cross fire were all shot by the army. An other example why the elite do not care about human life. First of all the Police need to take care of protests not army. only in banana republics the army is in charge. Secondly the soldiers are looking 17, 18 years old frightened and badly trained. They have no idea how to handle crowds.

Abhisit and his cronies should end up in the international court of justice.

So, the journalists were caught in the cross-fire of slingshots?????????????

And by law, you have to be 21 to join the army.


Hard to believe farangs back the yellows as the yellow want to expell all foreigner and foreign influence. Most farangs on this site, IMO, are not for either shirt but are for sanity. We, in the West kinda got used to living among sane people.

Farangs are not backing the yellows. They are backing the government against a group of armed thugs.

There is enough evidence of RED DEMOCRACY out there, that a lot of farangs don't think that is good for them or for Thailand.

BTW, what gives you the idea that the yellows want to expel foreigners?


I wish the situation ends soon without any more deaths...

but I so hope all the Farangs/expats calling for more military power gets a rubber bullet on their nuts in the crossfire... tht might keep their war rhetoric down for remaining of their life.... :)

Why can not we see armored vehicles yet....I think the army should really hit these terrorists hard now, enough is enough

How many dead bodies will give u an erection....

Mate, this place is crawling with blood hungry westerners who cant seem to get enough.

Abhisit should listen to the US, UN, and Thaksin and return to the negotiation table.

Why can not we see armored vehicles yet....I think the army should really hit these terrorists hard now, enough is enough

How many dead bodies will give u an erection....

a couple more - Arisman and Jatuporn either behind bars or in a wooden box would chub me up pretty good right about now as it would mean the end of Bangkok being held hostage by terrorist.


The red shirt group has shown signs that it might just fall apart by its own doing as rifts amongst core red-shirt leaders have begun to surfaced.

Starting with Weera Musikapong; the core-leader who's allegedly resigned from being one of the movement core leaders. Though attributing his decision to oppositions towards his agreement with the prime minister's reconciliation plan, it can also be speculated that he was offended by the fact that the title of red shirt chairman was symbolic at best and granted him no actual authority or leadership.

News of disunity amongst the red shirts have intermittently been picked up by the media. The group's leaders have not seemed to be able to agree on any major matters with the interests of their individual factions always getting in the way. Their discord has been exacerbated by each faction's claim that they are answering to the anti-government movements main benefactor.

The fall out 'bloomed' recently as Weera will allegedly surrender himself the authorities. The remaining leaders do not, however, seem to care and instead focusing even more on asserting their factions' key interests. The differing interests of the red shirt chiefs are, to their disadvantage, likely irreconcilable with such radical extremes as Major General Kattiya Sawasdiphol's support for outright violence.

The only glue still holding the red shirt leaders together is the threat that a complete fall out would leave them all vulnerable to arrests and lengthy and very real prison sentences. Their only hope to avoid such a fate is seeing their protest through to the end. They have effectively pushed themselves into a corner, like desperate animals who will fight amongst themselves and at anyone who approaches.

All of this would be of little significance if it were not for the fact that the red shirt leaders are not alone, but are surrounded by thousands of citizens that have become little more than human shields. Whether it be the now desperate leaders, or the swindled masses, the fact remains that the protest group is in shambles while their 'leader' and figurehead is living a life of luxury worlds away.

Post Today Editorial, May 14 2010

TAN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn says some police and even soldiers are shooting at their peacekeepers, demands govt stop operations now.

These poor peacekeepers.

A link would be useful many here post leads without link and nobody can verify the info

From the ThaiVisa news clippings forum:


TAN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn says some police and even soldiers are shooting at their peacekeepers, demands govt stop operations now.

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