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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone


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Don't you have something better to do than to scream at Unknown farangs on a message board.

It is not farang that are fighting is it.

It is you Thais that are killing each other.

Get a clue.

And it farangs like you who moraly support the bad elements in our society.like some here on this forum, by spreading false information about how good Thaksin was/is and how bad Khun Abhisit.

Sorry to all you nice one who condemn the redshirt violence

Hey, iciparis, do not take things in this forum to serious! Most Thais realize within little time that the crap so many farangs spit out in Thailand is just hot air. Today they might admire them for their ideas but their inability move things forward in Thailand becomes obvious very soon. Those farangs who are helpful parts in Thai society don't make big stories of their successes. And they are just as frustrated with all those bar-stool strategists complaining about Thai society while watching the tragedy with a beer in one hand and a prostitute in the other. Just ignore them.

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What a disgrace. Shooting at 70% women and children now :)

Indeed it is .

Reading 101, you fail.

The shots are NOT aimed at women and kids.

Infact, there are mostly young males being wounded by anything these last 24 hours. As they are attacking the army lines.

The army has no will to try to break through - only way to reach the old women and kids - the red lines to start firing at a few hundred sitting down eating.

So, please, do tell us, where is the army firing at women and kids at will?

Good - finally someone who has the FACTS and not post just mere speculation.

Can you please name the source for this- "mostly young males being wounded"? What is their total number? They attacked the army lines with what kind of weapons?

And what about the dead ones? 22 was the last number i heard, all civilians. mostly young males as well?

And the others, outside this 'mostly' group, what kind of people, what age group?

And also good to hear that the army will not fire at women and children. That will set some minds at rest. A couple of posters were really worried about them. All-clear now.

Please keep us updated.

Dear Comrade, look here: http://www.ems.bangkok.go.th/report/listdead%2022.00.pdf

Also, in most videos and photos from the last days we have seen mostly young males being wounded or killed (aswell as arrested).

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I like to put people on notice that they are to be ignored, it makes me feel special. :emot-kiss:

Welcome to the club.

And why are you telling us this? You think we wanna be in your club? 555+ Strange man you are. He we are talking about politics and you're telling us who and who's not on your Christmas card list - very strange. Just goes to show you what these Yellows see this struggle as. 555+ It makes me laugh. I come out with a political statement and the best they can come up with (for the whole Internet to view) is "I'm going to put you on ignore you now" 555+ It makes you wonder, eh?

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It is getting ridiculous the excusses that the Farang yellow shirts are comming up with to justify the shooting of a 10 yr old child as we have seen thoughout these last 86 pages.

1. He was armed and threatend soldiers.

2. He was in a van speeding towards a check point packed with explosives.

3. He was in a van packed full of weapons.

4. he was in a van full of Red propaganda

5. He was outside the van and armed threatening soldiers

6. it was a school night and he refused to go to bed.

Please, stop posting lies.

And no-one have claimed the kid threatened the soldiers, many have however claimed that he was hurt as an accident due to his location and that the van driver is ultimately responsible.

No-one? How about a comment like this:

Regardless of where the kid was, it is tragic even if the reports are true the kid was armed, harassing soldiers and refusing to leave the area. But this is what happens in a battle. Regrettable but common. We need to grow up and face reality that this is a big bad world sometimes and when you provoke and take on lawful authorities this stuff happens ... especially when you take on authorities with violence and weapons.

So who make a mistake and who is posting 'lies' as your preferred choice of words would be? Is it time for an apology?


Odd thing, the time stamp of moetownblues post say in my view of the thread 21:09:06 and not 19:09:06 like indicated in your reply. probably a glitch in the board software, maybe depending on your own and my personal adjustment of the 'board time.' moetownblues clearly posted after the jcbangkok comment (post #3602548 vs post #3602494)

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The Thai military is very very upset with the order from on high that gave way to the assassination of a Thai General.

Look over at each other Thai military.

How do you know that as fact? Word on the street is it came from within the red shirts...or are you just posting rumors as facts?

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Any idea which weapon the this is?


Which program you made this on, Would like to download it too, bought it in panthip?? 80bath?? not too much!!

its actually from the BBC website, you expert computer graphics guy....


Guys the military have said their snipers are armed with sighted M16s which looks right. They have also stated that one of their snipers blew away a red sniper, so I doubt this is contentious

Good quality photo-shop job by the BBC. Well done BBC.

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The arrogance AND utter disregard for human rights by the ruling regime and law is made clear to us all

by their shooting of women and children in the streets.

It is made clear to us all by the now 19 or more coups.

It is made clear now to Thai military by the ordered assassination of a Thai general.

it is made clear to the world by the arrogance and hate of killing same General while he is being interviewed by the Wall Street Journal.

It is made clear to Europe.

It is made Clear to North America.

It is made clear to Asia.

It is made clear to the world.

Thailand is now entering the same category as Myanmar in world ranking.

It is run by an illegal regime which uses extreme military force against its own people.

BUT now the real kicker.

The Thai military is very very upset with the order from on high that gave way to the assassination of a Thai General.

Look over at each other Thai military.

That man next to you might shoot you in the back.

Do you Thais still believe you are loved by the leaders?


You better run, because they are already looking up your IP adress and they might stand next to you already in ten minutes and then your lie might come true

Edited by iciparis
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From Georges:

Din Daeng: EMS units all left Din Daeng in big hurry /via @photo_journ

Any info about that?

If i had to guess the heavy armor is about to roll in.

What does EMS mean?

It is the people who deliver male protesters to the hospital :)

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From Georges:

Din Daeng: EMS units all left Din Daeng in big hurry /via @photo_journ

Any info about that?

If i had to guess the heavy armor is about to roll in.

What does EMS mean?

EMS is worldwide known, they are same like FEDEX and DHL??!!

or Emergency Service!!!

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Countries warn against travel to Thailand

<H2></H2> By Ploy Ten Kate, Reuters May 15, 2010 9:33 AM showTab("text/html"); function resizeImage() { var imgBox = document.getElementById('imageBox'); var photo = document.getElementById('storyphoto'); if (imgBox != null && photo != null) { if(photo.width >= 460) { imgBox.className = 'imagesize460'; } else { if(photo.width >= 300) { imgBox.className = 'imagesize310'; } else { imgBox.className = 'imageboxpadding'; } imgBox.style.width = photo.width + 'px'; } } } function getStoryFontSize() { var storyfontsize = getCookie('storyfontsize'); var storyfontimage = getCookie('storyfontimage'); // use cookied value, if present if (storyfontsize != null) { setClass('story_content',storyfontsize); if (storyfontimage != null) { setClass('fontsizecontainer',storyfontimage); } } else // default it to para14 if no cookie { setClass('story_content','para14'); setClass('fontsizecontainer','size02'); } } function setStoryFontSize(storyfontsize,storyfontimage) { setClass('story_content',storyfontsize); setClass('fontsizecontainer',storyfontimage); setCookie('storyfontsize', storyfontsize, '365', '/', '', ''); setCookie('storyfontimage', storyfontimage, '365', '/', '', ''); } function setCookie( name, value, expires, path, domain, secure ) { // set time var today = new Date(); today.setTime( today.getTime() ); if ( expires ) { expires = expires * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; //days } var expires_date = new Date( today.getTime() + (expires) ); document.cookie = name + "=" + escape( value ) + ( ( expires ) ? ";expires=" + expires_date.toGMTString() : "" ) + ( ( path ) ? ";path=" + path : "" ) + ( ( domain ) ? ";domain=" + domain : "" ) + ( ( secure ) ? ";secure" : "" ); } function getCookie( check_name ) { // split this cookie up into name/value pairs var a_all_cookies = document.cookie.split( ';' ); var a_temp_cookie = ''; var cookie_name = ''; var cookie_value = ''; var b_cookie_found = false; // set boolean t/f default f for ( i = 0; i < a_all_cookies.length; i++ ) { // split apart each name=value pair a_temp_cookie = a_all_cookies.split( '=' ); // and trim left/right whitespace while we're at it cookie_name = a_temp_cookie[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); // if the extracted name matches passed check_name if ( cookie_name == check_name ) { b_cookie_found = true; // we need to handle case where cookie has no value but exists (no = sign, that is): if ( a_temp_cookie.length > 1 ) { cookie_value = unescape( a_temp_cookie[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') ); } // note that in cases where cookie is initialized but no value, null is returned return cookie_value; break; } a_temp_cookie = null; cookie_name = ''; } if ( !b_cookie_found ) { return null; } } BANGKOK, May 15 (Reuters) - Many countries have issued travel advisories for the Thai capital since Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva declared a stage of emergency in April to quell unrest that has killed 27 people and wounded around 1,000.

Tensions are returning after troops fired at protesters on Saturday in a third day of fighting that has killed another 22 people on Bangkok’s streets as soldiers struggle to isolate a sprawling encampment of demonstrators seeking to topple the government.

The U.S. Embassy offered to evacuate families and partners of U.S. government staff based in Bangkok on a voluntary basis, and is urging its citizens against any travel to Bangkok, in its latest update to be issued soon. _ 1/8nSGE64E033_ 3/8

Arrivals at Bangkok’s main Suvarnabhumi airport dropped by a third in April, putting a government target of 15.5 million tourists this year in doubt and dealing a blow to an industry that supports 6 percent of the economy.

Tourist arrivals to Thailand were 16,989 per day on May 5, or a 3.6 percent drop from the same period of 2009, according to the latest industry data.

Following are some advisories from foreign governments:

THE UNITED STATES - The U.S. Embassy will soon issue a new alert urging its citizens against any travel to Thailand’s capital, the embassy spokesman said on Saturday.

"Before we were advising against all non-essential travel to Bangkok. Now we are asking for Americans to stay away from Bangkok, essential travel or not," spokesman Michael Turner, told Reuters.

The last U.S. travel advisory, issued April 28, warned only against non-essential travel to Thailand.

In 2009, 627,000 Americans came to Thailand.

BRITAIN - The British Embassy warned on Saturday of "intense violence" in two areas of the capital. "We expect shooting and intense violence in Ratchaprarop, Din Daeng area and other violent areas," the embassy said in a statement, referring to areas in Bangkok where troops and protesters have clashed.

"As a further precaution, please avoid department stores in Bangkok. If safe to do so, please return home or stay where you are safe."

In 2009, 841,000 British tourists came to Thailand, more than from any other European country, according to government data.

"There is a high threat from terrorism throughout Thailand. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers," it said in its website.

In 2009, 841,000 British tourists came to Thailand, more than from any other European country, according to government data.

GERMANY - The German government has issued a heightened security alert for Thailand and tour operators have cancelled tours to Bangkok and some destinations in northern provinces.

Some 573,000 Germans visited Thailand in 2009.

CANADA - Canada warned against non-essential travel to Thailand. "The situation is very volatile and it is unclear for how long these protests will continue and which areas may be affected."

Canadians should exercise high degree of caution, and, if violence erupts, remain indoors. About 170,000 Canadians came to Thailand in 2009.

AUSTRALIA - The Australian government has also advised its citizens to "reconsider your need to travel to Thailand".

"There is a strong possibility of violent clashes in Bangkok and in other parts of Thailand between demonstrators and security forces. These clashes could involve the use of lethal force and could occur at any time."

In 2009, 647,000 Australians visited Thailand.

NEW ZEALAND- New Zealand warned against non-essential travel to Thailand and advised citizens concerned about their safety to consider leaving the country.

"The situation is highly volatile and dangerous."

"We strongly advise New Zealanders remaining in Bangkok to avoid and stay well clear of all areas where protest groups, police and troops are assembled as violent confrontation between the groups could erupt with little or no notice," it said.

Some 88,000 New Zealanders visited Thailand in 2009.

JAPAN - Japan raised its security risk level for Thailand to 2 out of the maximum 4 since April 27, advising its nationals to seriously reconsider travel plans to the affected areas and take precautions if they did decide to make a trip. Just over a million Japanese tourists came to Thailand in 2009.

CHINA - Beijing warned its people not to visit and to "temporarily leave Bangkok if possible" if already there.

Chinese tourists cancelled in droves in April after violence on April 10 that spilled into the Khao San Road area, popular with low-budget travellers. Some 778,000 people travelled to Thailand from China in 2009. Another 319,000 came from Hong Kong.

SINGAPORE - Singaporeans have been advised against non-essential travel to Bangkok since April 10. "Singaporeans who are already in Bangkok are strongly advised to remain indoors as far as possible and avoid unnecessary travel within the city, in particular to avoid the areas where demonstrations are occurring."

SOUTH KOREA - South Korea is advising its citizens to avoid travel to Bangkok and other parts of Thailand.

TAIWAN - Taiwan is maintaining its "red" level alert on travel to the Bangkok area. Red is the highest level of alert in Taiwan’s four-tier warning system and urges nationals to refrain from travelling to the affected area. About 350,000 Taiwanese tourists visited Thailand last year.

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Second paramedic shot today.

From what I can gather the reds shot a female paramedic and they wonder why no medical staff are in sight? What about Weng? Isn't that his duty?

Isn't there an international standard against shooting medics and rampaging through hospitals?

Yes, Geneva Convention - war crimes.

I had thought the same thing. Do you know if this includes events such as the Chula incident and the shooting of two paramedics today killing 1 and injuring 1. If it does, it will be interesting to see if any action is eventually taken against the leaders for this.

I have been in a former life red-cross paramedic with instruction together with police-men and fire-fighters. Our instructor gave us informations about our legal rights. He quoted the Genava Convention: Helpless people in need and the rescue team are "tabou". Any attack to hinder their duty is a crime. The rescue-team has the duty and the right to take care. The rescue team has the right to prevent any damage for the helpless and this includes the use of all "weapons" they have. The police-man can use his gun, when after a big bus accident people try to mauraud the casualities ....

You see, the Geneva Convention is applicable in time of "peace"-

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Please inform us how to differentiate between a person in black, possibly carrying arms, that is crawling behind cover towards the army and a person in black, possibly armed, that is hiding or crawling behind the cover after being hit by a bullet. Infact, seeing the film, I would guess he got hit by 3 rubber bullets or has minor through-and-through wounds, atleast the initial hits, due to the way he moves. But we can only speculate.

Here is a tip: get your behind down to the barricades and try to ID who is doing what at 100-200m distance. Easy, isn't it?

Fire only if you can place a clear shot at an armed terrorist and when it is clear that your shot will not hit any innocent bystander. Don't fire at random just on suspicion into an area because a wearer of a black shirt who looked like up to no good was seen nearby somewhere there.

Isn't that the international standard?


Where are you born?

Remember the G8-summit in Italy when the Carabinieri killed a protester carrying a fire-extinguisher?

International standard, what is that?

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We have to feel sorrow for our country's soldiers who have been ordered by our government to kill their friends and neighbors and fellow Thais.

When this bloodbath is over these soldiers will have to return to their homes and try to reconcile with the families of these friends and neighbors who they were forced to kill.

FYI, many of them are not from up country. I live in Donmueng area and many red guards are from this area. I sympathise the true believers but those are not the guards. Those are the human shield. Last year, a friend of mine joined the protest. He took his wife and daughter with him. There was a time when he and his family couldn't leave the site because the bloody guards didn't let them. Most of these people are not the violent ones. Many of the red guards are hired hands and on a daily wage and a contract. They boasted to me how much money they'd got since the whole thing started. For these people it's a good income. I definitely don't want to mess around with these people. There was another group which got paid to sit in as protesters. They didn't get as much money as the first group and have been inactive for a while now. There is also a red supporter's funeral at Wat Nawong.

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"The reds don't want reconciliation. They want to be in power. They only want one thing. That's why they don't want to negotiate."

That may be your take, but things look very different to the Thais in the upcountry villages – which is surely what is more germane than farang opinion. If you doubt me, read the international press, rather than The Nation & BKK Post, which are propaganda outlets for the BKK 'elite'.

We have no sure idea of what Abhisit wants, or how genuine are his conciliatory offers. Relevantly, the Reds apparently do not trust him. I'm sure he would be very happy if they all went quietly home. But from their viewpoint, what would they have gained, apart from a politician's promises?

As from the start, the peaceful solution is seemingly for dissolution of a government founded on an army coup & political horse-trading, then a new election. The alternative is more bloodshed & chaos, but that's just my take.

The farangs who take a violently partisan approach in this crisis are crapping in their own nest, IMHO. This is a very unstable part of the world. Thailand is surrounded by some very dodgy regimes. Not the least problem is the Moslem violence in the south. Inernal strife weakens Thailand. If you want to continue enjoying its benefits, you might do well to tone down your calls for 'crackdowns' & 'firm action' – the old jackboots & bullets treatment for the ungrateful poor

Some of the above comments are right on and worth thinking about, but I am no longer so sure about the international media. There were several articles today about how journalists are being targeted because the military doesn't want them to see what they are doing (which of course would make sense)...although shooting a Nation pro "propaganda outlet" is like shooting yourself in the foot...the same international media also talked about the poor defenseless protesters who have no escape and no recourse and if they are reporting stuff like this, then it makes me wonder if they even are in Bangkok...c'mon, anyone who has been out on the streets and seen what is going on realizes that there are certainly a very large number of anti government people who are armed with guns, knives, slingshots, rockets, grenades, petrol bombs, kerosene covered tires, and bamboo spears....oh, but i guess those cannot be red shirts or protesters who want democracy, they must be government plants right? I actually have started using the Nation for a lot of my feeds...they might have a pro gov slant, but at least the reports are regular, and friends on the ground have corroborated many of the stories and pics as they come through...at this point, there is a lot of propaganda on both sides......what people also seem to be forgetting is that just one week ago, whether lying or not, the govt offered to dissolve the House and have an election on Nov 14...and evidently the moderate Red leaders accepted...they could have walked off and taken that as full victory, and if the PM did go back on his word, he could then be crucified...but obviously, the big boss who only cares for himself vetoed the truce, and that is why we are here today....and the Reds still have the audacity now to demand that the troops pull out and then they will go home? Baloney. Given the timing of this entire movement, it is so easy to smell a rat, just sad that so many will have their lives wasted because of it.

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Abhisit has become an ugly dictator.

For a red supporter, your post was almost sounding rational and informed until the ridiculous 'dictator' bit on the end.

Trollbait, I suspect. Or just another English-as-second-language ranter that should look up the definitions of words like 'dictator' before attempting to use them.

In red lingo, "dictator" simply means not caving in to all their insane demands.

I think it's just the result of seeing all the government apologists band the word dictator around when justifying the 2006 coup. Then you get the word back, and cry foul, ignoring the actual points made. I personally wouldn't call Abhisit a dictator, for starters, not too many people actually follow anything he might dictate. However you can't go around slandering the other side with all kinds of names, and then not expect to get some of those back on occasion. 'Terrorist' is another one of those words you may expect to get back. (Not by me of course, but don't start crying when you hear the word back to describe the actions of the military.)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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The arrogance AND utter disregard for human rights by the ruling regime and law is made clear to us all

by their shooting of women and children in the streets.

It is made clear to us all by the now 19 or more coups.

It is made clear now to Thai military by the ordered assassination of a Thai general.

it is made clear to the world by the arrogance and hate of killing same General while he is being interviewed by the Wall Street Journal.

It is made clear to Europe.

It is made Clear to North America.

It is made clear to Asia.

It is made clear to the world.

Thailand is now entering the same category as Myanmar in world ranking.

It is run by an illegal regime which uses extreme military force against its own people.

BUT now the real kicker.

The Thai military is very very upset with the order from on high that gave way to the assassination of a Thai General.

Look over at each other Thai military.

That man next to you might shoot you in the back.

Do you Thais still believe you are loved by the leaders?


I'm all for listening to reasoned, rational support of the red side, but why is it all your red apologists just rant like crazed nazis? Really, I can't figure whether you're for real or just taking the piss.

Anyway, join the list. You're on it already. :)

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Thai Elite love the Thai people?

Shooting women and children is love I could do without.

Armed people behind a human shield is a war crime. You vote for Taliban-fighters?

Next step is suicide-bombers?

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Had a phone call today with a doctor friend in hongkong inquiring if this mayhem puts me in danger as she read about it in one of the latest asian news articles in a news paper ( small print) I asked what the hongkong people think about whats going on in bkk at the moment,

Her answer was, Oh thailand does,nt really make the news much here in hk now and the people arn,t interested, Thailand for the hk people is nothing more than a place for a cheap weeks holiday to buy tshirts you can only wear one time and many of my patients come back from there with std.

That probably says more about the denizens of HK than Thailand to be honest.

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It is getting ridiculous the excusses that the Farang yellow shirts are comming up with to justify the shooting of a 10 yr old child as we have seen thoughout these last 86 pages.

1. He was armed and threatend soldiers.

2. He was in a van speeding towards a check point packed with explosives.

3. He was in a van packed full of weapons.

4. he was in a van full of Red propaganda

5. He was outside the van and armed threatening soldiers

6. it was a school night and he refused to go to bed.

Please, stop posting lies.

And no-one have claimed the kid threatened the soldiers, many have however claimed that he was hurt as an accident due to his location and that the van driver is ultimately responsible.

No-one? How about a comment like this:

Regardless of where the kid was, it is tragic even if the reports are true the kid was armed, harassing soldiers and refusing to leave the area. But this is what happens in a battle. Regrettable but common. We need to grow up and face reality that this is a big bad world sometimes and when you provoke and take on lawful authorities this stuff happens ... especially when you take on authorities with violence and weapons.

So who make a mistake and who is posting 'lies' as your preferred choice of words would be? Is it time for an apology?

Wow, English is clearly not your first language.

'even if ' does not mean 'he did', it is a pre-lude to say that even if a hyphotecical scenario, however unlikely, is true, is is however 'x', where 'x' is a viewpoint the poster has in regards to the event, example: tragic.

I.e., he did NOT say that the kid threatened the soldiers.

So we have no cleared up that you are wrong on that line. Next?

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The arrogance AND utter disregard for human rights by the ruling regime and law is made clear to us all

by their shooting of women and children in the streets.

It is made clear to us all by the now 19 or more coups.

It is made clear now to Thai military by the ordered assassination of a Thai general.

it is made clear to the world by the arrogance and hate of killing same General while he is being interviewed by the Wall Street Journal.

It is made clear to Europe.

It is made Clear to North America.

It is made clear to Asia.

It is made clear to the world.

Thailand is now entering the same category as Myanmar in world ranking.

It is run by an illegal regime which uses extreme military force against its own people.

BUT now the real kicker.

The Thai military is very very upset with the order from on high that gave way to the assassination of a Thai General.

Look over at each other Thai military.

That man next to you might shoot you in the back.

Do you Thais still believe you are loved by the leaders?


I'm all for listening to reasoned, rational support of the red side, but why is it all your red apologists just rant like crazed nazis? Really, I can't figure whether you're for real or just taking the piss.

Anyway, join the list. You're on it already. :)

What's the point of joining a discussion forum if you're going to ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you? Kind of defeats the purpose right? If all you want to read is the same comments from the same side then just get a subscription to The Nation and be done with it?

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Some of the above comments are right on and worth thinking about, but I am no longer so sure about the international media.

Yep, I have to say I've been disappointed in CNN and BBC - the last one just started giving some bleeding heart spiel about how hard it is for protesters to lie on the floor for two months - please!

I guess part of the trouble is

i. they don't speak Thai and the majority have been flown in here from somewhere else, having read up from their own sources what is to be reported on.

ii. they are playing to int'l audience, who always love the 'poor protesters' versus 'authoritarian gov't' pitch.

Al Jazeera have had the best reports that i've seen, but haven't seen one from them today.

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Here in Jatujak just past midnight I heard what sounded like gunfire or a series of small explosions, presumably from Din Daeng. Does anybody have a report from that area? I don't think I'll be getting back to sleep for a while. :(

Maybe some fire crackers from a birthday party or something JatujakShopper. I haven't seen anything on the news.

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