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In The Chiang Mai Heat, Yet With An Absence Of Rain


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Sawasdee Khrup CM TV Friends,

Whilst contemplating the absence of water falling from the sky in Chiang Mai, and trying not to think about the current horror unleashed in another city, we picked up the road-map and tried to find where we were. We know where we are, we thought, but the road-map changes frequently, and it's on-again, off-again, to the point we get topsy-turvy.

How did the road-map get illegible when it has not rained !

We began to formulate a hypothesis: the problem was that every single official in a certain country, in the government, and the military, the police, people in one color shirt, people in another color shirt, and people in multi-colored shirts, had all completed their complete denial of an astronomical number of acts of commission, and omission, with which they have been charged/indicted/named in numberless lawsuits, criminal warrants, various legal torts in diverse and sundry courts, etc., etc., Oyez, Oyez.

Then, like the surface of a frozen lake cracking at random, a second wave of denials began in which first-wave deniers denied they had denied the charges. A further complex (fractal ?) form of denial then also spread like swine flu: those who had made charges, filed suits, etc., denied they had done so irregardless of whether there was still a warrant, or a writ, or a mandamus, or lawsuit pendulous.

Which then led to fresh accusations (by the original accusers) of lack of "showing responsibility" by not maintaining the first, ab origine, denial on life-support. And, au naturel, fresh accusations that a withdrawn denial of the first accusation then becomes, prima facie, evidence of culpability, and guilty as charged even though the power went out.

But the beauty of a retroactive denial of a denial is it that tosses the grenade back in your opponents hands, and its hazard is that the last person who catches it may have more than their hands blown off. This is actually a form of the old "hot potato" game.

And thus, its energy sucked away by a vortex of an infinite regress of denials and accusations, the "road map" became so soaked in tears and blood: it became indelible, illegible, and no one could remember who had promised what to whom, or which tit was required to reciprocate for which tat.

Some claimed the people in one color shirt "split down the middle:" others denied there had ever been a middle to split.

It was just as Jonathan Swift once wrote:

"A flea hath fleas that on him prey, and so on, 'til infinity."

Meanwhile watermelons abound, and durian season is here, and it's damned hot in Chiang Mai.

What, we ask ourselves, can we do to get the Nagas to make rain ?

If you laughed while reading this you are doomed, but you are also doomed if you didn't, but that's not the same thing as "Catch 22:" ask Yossarian about that: he lives, you know.

Is to say: "nothing is funny," when you experience nothing funny: unreasonable ?

wearily and sorrowfully, with parched throat, heart, and thirsty garden, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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If you laughed while reading this you are doomed

'Laughed' orang37? I only wished i could understand it! :D Must be written in a language from a bygone age :) Either that or I'm just a dum cluck. Probably a bit of both to be honest, but i shall just end by saying: "What on earth are you talking about man?" :D


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And thus, its energy sucked away by a vortex of an infinite regress of denials and accusations, the "road map" became so soaked in tears and blood: it became indelible, illegible, and no one could remember who had promised what to whom, or which tit was required to reciprocate for which tat.


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Orang. ..you are just too intelligent and introspective for most us normal humans to follow...so that is why you often talk talk thru your orangtan. I understand that at least and know that you are and the ape are often issuing a cry for communication with another fellow human on your same level.

Ignore the crypics and keep talking. I hear you loud and clear !!!!

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I think I have deciphered this.

He is saying that it isn't raining in CM but at the same time, he is posing the question "Then where IS it raining?" All the talk about the road map, the political strife and the laughing is just to see if he can shake you from the original trail of thought.

I have the answer. It is raining hard in Chiang Rai and has been for the last two hours. Coming your way, I suspect. Protect your road-maps.

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Rrrrright! Makes sense if in the right mood.

Seriously though, do you write any philosophy or that sort of stuff that you publish, like a blog or something?

You sound like a Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance man (monkey) to me.

Would be intrested in reading it if you do.

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Orang. ..you are just too intelligent and introspective for most us normal humans to follow...so that is why you often talk talk thru your orangtan. I understand that at least and know that you are and the ape are often issuing a cry for communication with another fellow human on your same level.

Ignore the crypics and keep talking. I hear you loud and clear !!!!

What is a crypics?

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Orang. ..you are just too intelligent and introspective for most us normal humans to follow...so that is why you often talk talk thru your orangtan. I understand that at least and know that you are and the ape are often issuing a cry for communication with another fellow human on your same level.

Ignore the crypics and keep talking. I hear you loud and clear !!!!

What is a crypics?

Does it really matter? :)

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Orang. ..you are just too intelligent and introspective for most us normal humans to follow...so that is why you often talk talk thru your orangtan. I understand that at least and know that you are and the ape are often issuing a cry for communication with another fellow human on your same level.

Ignore the crypics and keep talking. I hear you loud and clear !!!!

What is a crypics?

The pics we see coming out of BKK everyday :)

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