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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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If true then I bet it is not the PM agreeing to this. There continues to be those in the ranks who want to be the hero by ending this and each time they shoot themselves in the foot because the reds show they cannot be trusted. There is NOTHING left to negotiate, they simply need to vacate the area.

Edit: Even under curfew the authorities can arrange for reds to vacate the area through one of the exits to board buses or be taken to a staging area to later be escorted to their vehicles when timing permits.

and for some, they've even arranged accommodation for the next 6 months, at least! :)

I am not for amnesty but I would agree (if I had any power beyond posting) that they should not arrest ANYONE willing to leave the area nor should they check IDs as a tonight only type of deal. You can always round up these guys later. Plus you could see just how red police are by showing wanted pictures and giving rewards for tips that would be kept confidential and would also be available to the police in Issan.

not checking ID's could cause some real after effects that are catastrophic. Many who have active arrest warrants will slip out and vanish, or raise hel_l in another location. Why do they deserve any rewards?

Way things are looking up tonight, it may be some from the red camp doing the arresting of certain toads holed up in army barracks spouting bull for more shooting.

notice new faces at CRES

Another new batch of failures.

Leg it Mark, they going to string you up for all this, and you propose to kill more people.

As we knew, mark is smiley boy at front of old mans facist club.

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the nice peaceful protesters following Thaksin's command.

RT @veen_NT: Urgent TR @jin_nation: Lotus Express (Bon Kai) is on fire. # Ch. 7 (19.24)
Why is it some people cannot respond to a post they disagree with without name calling? Do they not realize it will almost surely result in a suspension? Reminds of this illegal red mob who just keep shooting themselves in the foot in terms of having any of their grievances heard ... if they have any real ones beyond house dissolution.

oic You strictly observe your own warning! Are you exempt from you own rule?

Quoted from your post " illegal red mob "


wow, some reds here really should visit a psychiatrist quickly!

" illegal red mob " is a statement of fact - its a mob and it is illegal and to take it further, its a mob with a strong terrorist fraction mixed in

Now I get it! Your name calling is fact, BUT something you disagree with is name calling. Is there dictionary readily available to all people, rich and poor alike, so that the poor and disenfranchised can keep up with your fact and name calling?

Why is it some people cannot respond to a post they disagree with without name calling? Do they not realize it will almost surely result in a suspension? Reminds of this illegal red mob who just keep shooting themselves in the foot in terms of having any of their grievances heard ... if they have any real ones beyond house dissolution.

oic You strictly observe your own warning! Are you exempt from you own rule?

Quoted from your post " illegal red mob "



1) Illegal --- under the law the gathering is not legal.

2) Red --- they declare they are redshirts

3) Mob --- This has been used by the Thai newspapers from day one. They are not organized and have no command and control. They are a mob.

Seems pretty cut and dry to me!

Pull the Army out. Dissolve parliament. Then the reds will go home. Dont be fooled. The army is killing civillians, just like they killed Seh Daeng. The government is stupid. Why do they think ths is going to work? Its taking Thailand back 30 years in the eyes of the world. You have to compromise and find a resolution. The government should dissolve immedaitely and elections should follow. It is the will of the people of Thailand.


such intelligence for a 1st time poster

Can I ask you how many times have you been banned from TV

He forget to mention amnesty for all reds.

Well Australian National News tonight Thailand was the main story

Videos where shown and a reporters opinion given

then we swiched to Sydney Interbnational airport to see people arriving home from Bangkok

Now this is where it gets interesting

Not one person said anything bad about the PM, the government or the army

what was said is

The red shirts are a mob controlling the streets, pushing the security forces into conflict

Tourists have no problems with the army around, it the mob that are burning the city. looting shops, hiding behind young children and mothers with babies in their arms.

The red shirts have no leadership at all, they are just running riot on the streets

No if this is true or not, the fact is this is what they see and are telling the world

So if the red shirt leader think the world will come to their aid, their propoganda machine has failed somewhere

The news in Australia shows you for what you are

an illegal mob on the streets upsetting law abiding people

Here goes the reconciliation ...
RT @georgebkk: Tweets saying Sathorn Soi1 has been invaded by redshirts. Residents stay home until confirmation. (TBC)

... another Embassy area.

The embassies can look after themselves. The people I feel for are people like Maneechan http://twitter.com/Maneechan who is tweeting from Bon Kai. "Red shirts surrounding my apartment." "Hearing yabbering in Khmer & Burmese downstairs. Where r the soldiers?!""Red shirts won't allow us to call for an electrician, they took out all the wires" "Saw lots of Red khmers & Burmese threatenning my aunt! OMG" "*Prays* Please don't storm our apartment!!." "Fire engine can't come in to stop the fire@Bon Kai Lotus."

Is there a point in there somewhere?Stop making silly excuses. Time for some real leaders take over to stop this insanity and think about the people they are klilling.Saying we can't stop now is stupid. Can't anyone see the need to think outside the box?

excellent!! i'm so glad you agree with me.

no more silly excuses.

time to stop this insanity........end the protest.

think about the people they are killing.......let the women and children go home, stop attacking the soldiers.

yes, let's stop now.....yes, we can!!!

Does the use of white space in your post imply your power. Let me see if I understand you. Your idea on how to resolve a dispute between two parties is for them to allow you to dictate what they must do?

Just exactly how does that reach an agreement? Resolving a dispute usually involves reaching some kind of agreement between the disputing parties. Oh! That is except in a dictatorship.

Are you implying that you want to be the dictator?

My dear James, you hit the nail on the head with "Your idea on how to resolve a dispute between two parties is for them to allow you to dictate what they must do?"

That is EXACTLY what the reds have been doing since day1.

Got your point! I'll just put you contribution in the category of never mind. No chance of thinking outside the box there.

Here goes the reconciliation ...
RT @georgebkk: Tweets saying Sathorn Soi1 has been invaded by redshirts. Residents stay home until confirmation. (TBC)

... another Embassy area.

Would be interesting to see if they storm and take over the US Embassy to see if the US would head its own advice of negotiating and talking and not using force.

why not confine your idle day dream to your head or wife.

US will be insensed with gov now they refuse talks and have shun UN again and show all day live on TV that soldiers shoot indiscrim because cannot see who they shoot.

shoot some coke delivery man, ambulance man, 10 year old boy and taxi driver. that sound like crack force in control or more like scared consripts scared not to obey orders because they get kill from army generals like 5 men in thread yesterday.

Army even kill 5 of its own and dump in sea for now kill farmers. nice guys it is you love. lucky you know nothing at all about them so you cannot be scare yet.

Pull the Army out. Dissolve parliament. Then the reds will go home. Dont be fooled. The army is killing civillians, just like they killed Seh Daeng. The government is stupid. Why do they think ths is going to work? Its taking Thailand back 30 years in the eyes of the world. You have to compromise and find a resolution. The government should dissolve immedaitely and elections should follow. It is the will of the people of Thailand.

Actually it is working and without ANY doubt will end with the reds going home. And don't fool yourself about the world eyes. They really could care less, they just want to be friendly with whoever comes out on top and why many call for talks even though they would NEVER put up with the red mob in their country.

And unless you want to see the house dissolved each time a TINY portion of the population take to the streets violently then the PM cannot dissolve the house under these conditions. In fact the PM went wayyyyy beyond what most would do in his shoes in terms of agreeing to sit down with protest leaders live on TV and negotiate and then offer to hold elections before the end of the year but the reds walked away from that negotiation and then went on to do all it could to provoke the gov't because they believe as you do that people will care if the gov't tried to enforce the law and the reds made it impossible without violence.

But what you and the reds leaders fail to understand now is people are fed up with the red mob and do see them as the problem and either understand or have demanded the gov't to take actions and accept that in doing so their will be numerous injuries ... the reds have left no other options in a civilized society.

There can be no democracy if a gov't is unable to enforce laws.

The government are sending the red cross in tomorrow to persuade women and children and anyone who wants to to leave - anyone who does not ... well I'll guess within a few hours after the red cross has left, will be in for interesting times. There is no way that anyone in his or her right mind can blame the government for any of the deaths and injuries that will no daubed occur.

The reds had more chances than they would have had in any other country and were even offered fast tracked elections but refused .

So far 58 dead in political crisis since Apr10. Apr 10-25 dead, Apr22-one dead,Apr 28-one dead,May 7-2 dead, May 13-16-29 dead. via @KANG_NT
Nuttawut: Ready to return to table of talks but govt must first call back troops and allow UN to be the mediator

This lying two faced coward has no honour no rights at all.

The rectum wants the U.N. involved , remember you hypocrite the comment from your thug paymaster Thaksin

''The United Nations is not my father.''

No ifs, no buts, straight into gaol arrest warrant executed and his henchmen to follow.

Refuses to talk, asks for a fight, gets one, innocent (and some not so innocent) people get killed as a result, and then he wants to talk. And I'm guessing the only reason for that is because he wants to save his own skin. Scumbag.

According to international news, the government is sending the Thai Red Cross into the mob's encampment tomorrow to try and convince women, children and anyone who want's to t leave - can't say fairer than that. Those who remain will have to accept the consequences.

There is no way anyone in his right mind can blame the government for any deaths after so much effort.

Get out, go home or ..........

Interesting film coverage of reds looting shops and banks - the only thing where they get it wrong is that some woman reporter pointed at rocks and molotov cocktails and saying those are the mobs weapons .... there are so many pictures of them with guns and of course their favorite M79 grenades that this comes down to bad reporting.

anyone who want's to leave - does it include Natthawut, Jatruporn . . . :)

If anyone is interested in the reality of what really is happening in BKK go the NY Times and do a search on the current situation.

I dont think I can include the link due to censorship!

Uh, what? NY Times is not censored nor a banned medium here, stop the hyperbole crap...

I provided a link to the Economist earlier today, and later received a warning from moderators of being banned if it happened again. You know exactly why.

PS. I just read the article. It cannot be shared here.

It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

:) Excellent post!

Couldn't agree more..

Couldn't agree less.

Does independant reporting not fit your beliefs.

Here goes the reconciliation ...
RT @georgebkk: Tweets saying Sathorn Soi1 has been invaded by redshirts. Residents stay home until confirmation. (TBC)

... another Embassy area.

The embassies can look after themselves. The people I feel for are people like Maneechan http://twitter.com/Maneechan who is tweeting from Bon Kai. "Red shirts surrounding my apartment." "Hearing yabbering in Khmer & Burmese downstairs. Where r the soldiers?!""Red shirts won't allow us to call for an electrician, they took out all the wires" "Saw lots of Red khmers & Burmese threatenning my aunt! OMG" "*Prays* Please don't storm our apartment!!." "Fire engine can't come in to stop the fire@Bon Kai Lotus."

Ah the old race cards again. LM talk and threat to monarch was last ploy to fail so some child play on computer and say OMG some burma people here try kill me.

Most gonna laugh and laugh at that pityful trick, but you belive it, so can laugh you as well.

Next she gonna say bogey man and thaksin in under her bed.

According to international news, the government is sending the Thai Red Cross into the mob's encampment tomorrow to try and convince women, children and anyone who want's to t leave - can't say fairer than that. Those who remain will have to accept the consequences.

There is no way anyone in his right mind can blame the government for any deaths after so much effort.

Get out, go home or ..........

Interesting film coverage of reds looting shops and banks - the only thing where they get it wrong is that some woman reporter pointed at rocks and molotov cocktails and saying those are the mobs weapons .... there are so many pictures of them with guns and of course their favorite M79 grenades that this comes down to bad reporting.

anyone who want's to leave - does it include Natthawut, Jatruporn . . . :D

Sure, straight to the Klong Prem nick :) aka the Bangkok Hilton


Farang got angry at the 7-eleven staff. Thai lady was just closing the store and he started to shake her, shouting "Thailand crazy, Thailand crazy... I don't come back for sure"

You were there?

Yeah, the 7-eleven at beginning of Yenakard road corner Sri Bumen, some very odd farangs you can spot from time to time in that area, no kidding.

Unrelated later we tried to cross Praram 4 near Lumpini tower, but were told by unarmed people sitting/ waiting there around that it will dangerous and random shots are fired there across the road, we wanted to go there because friends have their flat rightside of Praram 4. but hanging out at the road as it become dark is not my sport, so we went back.

Stucked now and se7en is closed and the chinese mama store who supplies me with the best durian is closed too, omg.

Why is it some people cannot respond to a post they disagree with without name calling? Do they not realize it will almost surely result in a suspension? Reminds of this illegal red mob who just keep shooting themselves in the foot in terms of having any of their grievances heard ... if they have any real ones beyond house dissolution.

oic You strictly observe your own warning! Are you exempt from you own rule?

Quoted from your post " illegal red mob "


wow, some reds here really should visit a psychiatrist quickly!

" illegal red mob " is a statement of fact - its a mob and it is illegal and to take it further, its a mob with a strong terrorist fraction mixed in

Let me say it is a different way so you will understand.

Without calling another poster a name.

I thought that most would understand this since it is against the rules and I mentioned suspension. However, saying the Military or the RedShirts are dumb is not against the rules as far as I know.

As foe Illegal Red Mob ... that is not name calling, that is an accurate description of this Illegal Red Mob as they are illegal, they are red shirts and they are a mob. So, for more clarification.

When I say "name calling" I am referring to verbal abuse to other posters. Think about "sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me"

Certainly things have names and we must use them when talking about these things.

Hopefully this will help you a little bit but if not, I have a feeling it will not matter as you will likely not be here for long.

According to international news, the government is sending the Thai Red Cross into the mob's encampment tomorrow to try and convince women, children and anyone who want's to t leave - can't say fairer than that. Those who remain will have to accept the consequences.

There is no way anyone in his right mind can blame the government for any deaths after so much effort.

Get out, go home or ..........

actually I don't understand 'it is tomorrow' and why it is not TODAY ?

Why is it some people cannot respond to a post they disagree with without name calling? Do they not realize it will almost surely result in a suspension? Reminds of this illegal red mob who just keep shooting themselves in the foot in terms of having any of their grievances heard ... if they have any real ones beyond house dissolution.

oic You strictly observe your own warning! Are you exempt from you own rule?

Quoted from your post " illegal red mob "


wow, some reds here really should visit a psychiatrist quickly!

" illegal red mob " is a statement of fact - its a mob and it is illegal and to take it further, its a mob with a strong terrorist fraction mixed in

I am sure we all understand that one man's terrorist could very well be another's freedom fighter and Patriot. The dems were calling Bush a Nazi and the repubs in America were upset. Now the Repubs call Obama, a Dem, a Nazi, and-it is just fine for them and the Dems cry.

Of course it would be good to see legal means taken to solve the problems in Thailand but when one group has overwhelming power and simply rejects any loss in an election as against the law, things are bound to deteriorate.

It is truly amazing how so many defend a regime that has done 18 coups or more in the last 70 years. These defenders seem to have selective Armenia when they say the regime never shoots unarmed people. All one has to do is do a google search to see the murders in the past.

<H1 id=firstHeading class=firstHeading>6 October 1976 Massacre</H1><H3 id=siteSub>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</H3>Jump to:navigation, search 6 October 1976 Massacre250px-Sculpture_of_6_October_1976_Memorial.jpg

6 October 1976 Massacre Memorial in Thammasat University, BangkokLocationThammasat University and at Sanam Luang in Bangkok, ThailandDateOctober 6, 1976 (UTC +8)TargetDemonstrationAttack typeShootingWeapon(s)Small armsDeath(s)46Injured167Belligerent(s)Pramarn Adireksarn (deputy prime minister), Lieutenant-General Chumphon Lohachala (police), Prachuap Khirikhan (Border Patrol Police)The Massacre of 6 October 1976 ( เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา) was an attack on students and protesters that occurred on the campus of Thammasat University and at Sanam Luang in Bangkok. Students from various universities were demonstrating against the return to Thailand of Field Marshall Thanom Kittikachorn, a former military ruler. By the official count, forty-six people died in the attack, during which protesters were shot, beaten and their bodies mutilated.[1]

Following the Fall of Saigon in April 1975, rightists became convinced that Thailand would be the next Communist target and that the country's unruly left-wing students promoted the enemy's interests.[2] Major-General Pramarn Adireksarn plotted and organized a coup for months, at first as defense minister and later as deputy prime minister. Right-wing paramilitary groups were armed and trained and a crackdown was prepared.

The day before the massacre, a photo of a mock hanging by Thammasat demonstrators was published in the Bangkok press. To many, the students in the photo appeared to be hanging the Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn in effigy. In response, outraged paramilitary forces gathered outside the university that evening.

Lieutenant-General Chumphon Lohachala, deputy director of the national police, ordered an attack in the morning and authorized free fire on the campus. A junta headed by Admiral Sa-ngad Chaloryu seized power immediately after the massacre. The membership of the junta was more moderate than that of Pramarn's faction and the relationship between the factions remains poorly understood.[1] The junta appointed Tanin Kraivixien, a hard-line anti-communist and a royal favorite, as prime minister.

Now before you say that was a long time ago, this is the same ruling regime.

It has used over 18 coups and endless murder to hold power against the will of the people.

Now we can all watch the propaganda machine Thai style and laugh.

Remember Thais.

When the regime falls someday, and it will, you will be judged. if you write nonsense here, it will likely be used against you if the government takes revenge for the killings by the ruling Junta.

Does the use of white space in your post imply your power. Let me see if I understand you. Your idea on how to resolve a dispute between two parties is for them to allow you to dictate what they must do? Just exactly how does that reach an agreement? Resolving a dispute usually involves reaching some kind of agreement between the disputing parties. Oh! That is except in a dictatorship. Are you implying that you want to be the dictator?

the use of white space is how i decide to format my post. has nothing to do with power.

or are trying to dictate to me how to post? that would be mean.

the two parties came close to reaching an agreement. the roadmap.

it was accepted/rejected/accepted/rejected by one of the parties.

that same party has been trying to dictate terms to the government,

by changing demands each time an agreement was reached.

this shows that one of the parties is not interested in resolving the dispute,

as their fortunes lie in continuation of the conflict.

According to international news, the government is sending the Thai Red Cross into the mob's encampment tomorrow to try and convince women, children and anyone who want's to t leave - can't say fairer than that. Those who remain will have to accept the consequences.

There is no way anyone in his right mind can blame the government for any deaths after so much effort.

Get out, go home or ..........

actually I don't understand 'it is tomorrow' and why it is not TODAY ?

Because otherwise they have to delay it already today and now they can wait with that announcement till tomorrow.

Pull the Army out. Dissolve parliament. Then the reds will go home. Dont be fooled. The army is killing civillians, just like they killed Seh Daeng. The government is stupid. Why do they think ths is going to work? Its taking Thailand back 30 years in the eyes of the world. You have to compromise and find a resolution. The government should dissolve immedaitely and elections should follow. It is the will of the people of Thailand.

It's raining? Toadstools grewing up quickly (Fly agarics with the red head).

Politician game, Sure Abhisit cannot accept a mediationof UN as it is "Thai Internal Affairs" .....

He should have ask himeself UN mediation long time ago. What it means that it is Thai internal affairs? The Ireland case was not internal affairs? The Cyprus case is not internal affairs? The Darfur case is not internal affairs? Give me a break all of you that you don't want to talk about the possibility of having UN mediation! WHY? What the government afraid of asking UN mediation? To loose face? He has lost face long time ago! The US embassy is evacuating non-essential staff. Do you know what this means in the diplomatic language? It means that they do not trust the country's government as a credible government that can assure the public safety of civilians!

It means that your Ambassador was one of the coward who was the first on the roof in SAIGON and thinks I don't wanne miss that chopper now.

Guess that some on this forum already have started packing, because Viking 75, redparot and many other reds weren't here for some time, or have they joint the protesters???

I doubt it!!

But we have new arrivals. :)

CRES financial blacklist include Thaksin, family members, relatives and some pro-Thaksin politicians as well as Seh Daeng. /via @tulsathit

now know why they left yesterday, probably tipped off

This should have been done months ago especially on Thaksin , now they should freeze all his and the familys overseas accounts and thet will slow him down , as for the leaders freeze all there assets have them put on terrorist watch lists in

case they escape.

See how far these reds go with out funding . :)

The analysts on CNA believe the Reds are receiving funds from Thai Army Generals aligned to Thaksin. If this is true what will happen if the army actually manage to surround the encampment. It may be possible that the Thaksin generals will call out their army. Not worth thinking about

as far as I know, all the supporting money are bought in from someone else in CASH !

anyway, this is an effective measure yet it may take sometimes for true result.

Resolving a dispute usually involves reaching some kind of agreement between the disputing parties. Oh! That is except in a dictatorship. Are you implying that you want to be the dictator?
Sure, how much does it pay. Can I be dictator for life, or do I have to be pestered by an election. And by the way, what principality can I be dictator of? I heard there's a new sandbar in the Mekong River btwn Thailand and Laos, can I set up my flag, with coat of arms and start issuing postage stamps?
Who was it that stated emphatically, "The UN is not my father"

Could that have been the guiding force behind the "help, we need the UN to save our skins!" Reds?

Stranger than fiction.

Oooh, was it the same man who said

"Democracy is not my ultimate goal"

"I regret the loss of lives in a way that should not have happened, due to suffocation. I will order a committee to be set up to investigate the situation,"

"The government definitely has to extend the state of emergency, ... The situation requires us to do so."

"If the incidents have spilled over to other areas, it is possible to use martial law to solve problems in such areas. This has nothing to do with the government, ... could do it on their own."

"The protesters are exerting mob rule over the rule of law, which I can't accept."

"I am ready to sign the decree if the situation becomes violent."

"I will not resign because my resignation will not resolve anything."

"There may be someone wanting to incite the situation."

"Be patient until July 2nd. When Mars leaves, the situation will improve."

"Today is not my day."

"It's hip to be square"

(A prize for anyone who spots the one he didn't really say, all the others are true quotes).

The last one has to be Huey Lewis. But here's another classic from Thaksin's sage mind: "That's it, I'm through with politics!" He actually stated that several times over a period of months/years.

One thing you can always rely on from this forum is the intelligent, informative and astute comments. Many governments around the world could benefit greatly by appointing these people as senior advisors.
.....of advisers, perchance. Advisor sounds like something I add to my beanie cap when watching ducks mate on a sunny day. But really, thanks for noticing how well suited I'd be as an adviser for governments around the world. The first thing I'd advise is to outlaw religion, then I'd allow spaghetti straps in public for any girl who passes the personal interview at my private office. 10 pm sharp, demerits for being late or talking back.
According to international news, the government is sending the Thai Red Cross into the mob's encampment tomorrow to try and convince women, children and anyone who want's to t leave - can't say fairer than that. Those who remain will have to accept the consequences.

There is no way anyone in his right mind can blame the government for any deaths after so much effort.

Get out, go home or ..........

actually I don't understand 'it is tomorrow' and why it is not TODAY ?

I think the reason is that they have been increasing the pressure over the last few day's hoping to persuade more people to realize that if they stay, they will get hurt or die. Tomorrow will be the last attempt to remove as many as possible and than, serious action will follow shortly


Latest Death Toll: '29' (All Civilians). Injured: '221' /via @tulsathit

shows who the main aggressors are, the army!!

facts to back up the statement!!

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