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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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I think we have to be careful, it is more complex: even Abhisit differentiate between the "demonstrators" and the "terrorists". we have certainly different groups with superimposed interests and certainly different aims, (like in every similar situation). The evolution will depend on the leading group.

One certainty: the utilisation of official militias (the Rangers) then the progressive reduction of their strength has put on the market some jobless 'professional" adventurers. Some are hired by yellow shirts, newin militia, ronin... most of those people are not interested by a pacific solution and they will not be trapped in the crushing, so the crushing will not be the end...

Only a negociation with the real demonstrators (the majority) bringing a peaceful solution may put a final end...Then a lot of works:

- restructuring the Police

- creating an anti riot force (Why not by integrating the militias from every sides for getting rid of them)

- limiting the circulation of weaponry

- implementing the Roadmap.....and so on....

Restrucuring the police is an understatement.

An anti-riot force is needed, more from an image point of view than anything. Worst case would be an But it will still need to be armed, as I would expect protest groups are still going to armed for a while.

Limiting weaponry would be fairly difficult with all of the porous borders.

Roadmap ... agreed ... except for elections ... December 2011 for them.

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It has become "all or nothing" for both the parties now...

It Reds win they will hunt down each of the present government..

And govt is anyway going to do all it could to stop that happening...

The losers of this battle is surely not goin to have a further political career for sure....

There is a way out for both sides. Elections. Now. And the violence stops immediately because everyone will be out campaigning.

The reason is simple, Abhisit does not want women and children dead and in general as little collateral damage as possible - he is a decent chap, may be too decent for his own good - if this was the other way round and Thaksin was in government, this whole thing would have been over a long time because he wouldn't give a <deleted>

If almost any other Thai politician were in power. BEST POST of the day! :)

Agreed, and with Ulysess too.

Looks like it is going to be a long night in Bangkok

Fires, shooting, looting ...

IMO this will be the last night for the reds.

After tomorrows 3pm deadline, you can be sure

that once that is passed the gov't/army are going

to lower to boom on the whatever red shirts are left.

I believe they wil send in the full force of all their

military and clear central Bangkok the "peaceful protestors"

Say good night Alice ... party is almost over

This is what it looks like and ( I really mean this in a good way) I would urge the red's on this forum who have any relatives out there who are not part of the terrorists to convince them to get out - they will come home but likely in a box

If they could do it so easily, they would have done it 8 weeks ago.

Last time they charged the area at the WTC, 250 army shot with rubber bullits and their leader killed with real ones.

I know you might not be aware of it but the thai group of Reds is on internet TV 24 hours a day speaking from the shopping area.

The snipers are not near them now because the fight is spreading into other areas.

Maybe your area soon.

Burn baby burn

hope you are not at rachaprasong tomorrow night, I would miss you

So we have one armed blackshirt.. One guy shooting a Grenade.. And the army guys in the truck..


100's possibly 1000's of youtube clips of army firing, including BBC, Al Jazera, CNN, and 100's of blogers and people on the street..

Your point is...that you are surprised that the military is using weapons, as announced, against criminals?

My basic point is I dont support violence on either side..

And secondly I think the army response is vastly disproportional.. To fire is self defence is one thing.. To have sharpshooters taking head shots at people presenting them no direct threat or actual bodily harm is simply escalating this and not solving it.

In Thai we say "Ride an elephant when you go out hunting for crickets". Kee Chang Jap Takatae.

Thai army snipers in action

The last few seconds was really good, if you understand what they were saying. Unfortunately it is in Thai. I don't want to translate it for you.

Could you translate please? I watched the video and I'm quite curious.

You don't believe me anyway. Go and get your girl friend to translate it for you.

He fell down already, don't shoot more.

The government just declared a government holiday for Monday & Tuesday. The average Thai still has to go to work and risk being shot by army snipers in the head. Only government officials will get to stay safely at home. What a joke.

Now they're showing their true intentions. If they cared about every Thai, they would declare a national holiday, not just a public holiday. :)

It's not up to the government to tell private companies to give their staff a day off.

Looks like it is going to be a long night in Bangkok

Fires, shooting, looting ...

IMO this will be the last night for the reds.

After tomorrows 3pm deadline, you can be sure

that once that is passed the gov't/army are going

to lower to boom on the whatever red shirts are left.

I believe they wil send in the full force of all their

military and clear central Bangkok the "peaceful protestors"

Say good night Alice ... party is almost over

This is what it looks like and ( I really mean this in a good way) I would urge the red's on this forum who have any relatives out there who are not part of the terrorists to convince them to get out - they will come home but likely in a box

If they could do it so easily, they would have done it 8 weeks ago.

Last time they charged the area at the WTC, 250 army shot with rubber bullits and their leader killed with real ones.

I know you might not be aware of it but the thai group of Reds is on internet TV 24 hours a day speaking from the shopping area.

The snipers are not near them now because the fight is spreading into other areas.

Maybe your area soon.

Burn baby burn

In an earlier post I said that they are mentally like children or actually mad .. this post is a perfect example see "burn baby burn" clearly a paranoid delusional person who responds with threads - probably caused by excess jaa baa (an amphetamine) use causing amphetamine induced psychosis

sorry, I'm on Sathon Soi 1 and I saw in the daily update thread that some people are tweeting that they're trapped inside an apartment here and the reds are about to set tires ablaze.... I just went out and didn't see anything.... although all the street lights are off and there are groups of scary looking men about.... how do I get in touch with that person?

I wanted to start a new thread but didn't know how. thanks!

It's from Freaking Cat on Twitter.com, these are the posts.

# Many children in here..PLEASE inform police & army now! They have exploded 6 grenades outside now PLEASE RT!!!!! GET HELP FOR THEM!!! 33 minutes ago via web

#We are trapped in Sathorn Soi 1. The Reds have surrounded our apt bldg with tyres and are about to burn. 33 minutes ago via web

* Reply

It has become "all or nothing" for both the parties now...

It Reds win they will hunt down each of the present government..

And govt is anyway going to do all it could to stop that happening...

The losers of this battle is surely not goin to have a further political career for sure....

There is a way out for both sides. Elections. Now. And the violence stops immediately because everyone will be out campaigning.

It will keep simmering even after the elections.. Revenge would keep fuelling this divide... there is no short term solution for this situation.. it will set it off itself in the long run.

They just had some army guy on Tele explaining a lot of the photos and video that has been shown on the internet. Sowed that the phot of the 7 dead bodies had been photoshopped. Was one dead which is still many.

He also showed footage of a red firing a M79 grenade launcher. A red trying to get into the fuel truck of a fire truck but was hit with a rubber bullet.

Was also saying that a photo showing troops firing M79 launchers was false and it was a tear gas launcher.

I guess that in todays age it is too easy to forge images, either to make them look worse or better.

Who do you believe.

Edit Sorry just seen this has been posted.

Good detective work. Was this on one of the military-owned stations or the government station?. Or perhaps, the yellow shirt ASTV?

Some of you people make me sick! :) Ordinary people are dying from the work of snipers, not terrorists. And who would be the employer of snipers????

From UN definition of terrorism

"In November 2004, a United Nations Secretary General report described terrorism as any act "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act". "

By this definition the Issan Army occupying central Bangkok are terrorists.

Sad but Funny.

Sad but Funny and by a UN definition......true

ironically by the very same people the reds want to ride in on a white horse to get them out of the mess they created...........

The government just declared a government holiday for Monday & Tuesday. The average Thai still has to go to work and risk being shot by army snipers in the head. Only government officials will get to stay safely at home. What a joke.

Now they're showing their true intentions. If they cared about every Thai, they would declare a national holiday, not just a public holiday. :)

Actually they cant. It is down to private employers due to the law on holidays. As an employer of government workers the government can give their workers a day off but they cant force other employers to do so as there are already loads of public holidays every year and employers pick and choose to only give the minimum legally allowed number unless they declare martial law, declare no go zones and and a curfew which will stop employers making employees work in those zones. Really it is down to how monety grabbing and callous emplyers are going to be in th next two days. Lets hope they are all enlightened people.

Plenty to blame government for but not this one.

according what has been said and the fact that the government has asked the Thai red cross to go in tomorrow and persuade as many as possible to leave it is pretty obvious that tomorrow evening those who choose to remain are in for a rather bad time - looks like it is going to be over by Tuesday they should look out for red shirt leaders trying to sneak out in woman's clothing though

i think the red leadership understand what this means.

so i would expect them to make their big push tonight.

they need casualties, preferably women and children, to elicit sympathy.

if the 'hostages' leave tomorrow with the red cross, where does that leave the hard core and the leadership?

the news on TV has just shown the footage with the three fakers and one dead man, and proven the fake and misleading images presented by red shirts. one can see the street later cleared with no traces of blood except for the one man (and their prior positions) doctored images and staged situations.

also, they did find a red shirt on camera firing his M79 at troops right near Lumpini park.

Hope that shows some on here the true face and lack of credibility of the red shirt followers. please tune in and you'll see a huge case built against the red shirts

also see the footage of the man who tries to ignite the gas truck, and the troops simply shoot him below the waist.

The military sure is showing restrain against these vandals and crooks who are nothing short of just that.

CORRECTION: red shirt protester trying to ignite the gas truck was shot in FOOT as he tries to set truck on fire.

This goes in the face of reports that snipers firing only to kill.

Great shot and then he was allowed to hobble away.



not for me........

It has become "all or nothing" for both the parties now...

It Reds win they will hunt down each of the present government..

And govt is anyway going to do all it could to stop that happening...

The losers of this battle is surely not goin to have a further political career for sure....

There is a way out for both sides. Elections. Now. And the violence stops immediately because everyone will be out campaigning.

Elections are not a way out. That's giving in to a violent mob of thugs. All that will do is encourage the next mob of a few thousand to come out fighting when they want the government to step down.

Latest Death Toll: '29' (All Civilians). Injured: '221' /via @tulsathit

shows who the main aggressors are, the army!!

facts to back up the statement!!

Shows who are using better combat tactics. And in terms of weapons, the military is actually out-gunned, Reds are using grenades, military isn'

Arguable, but I'd prefer the M-16, much better range, rate of fire, and the M-79 ammo is really bulky. Best of both worlds, M-16 with the 203 underslung launcher :)

Of course you are right about the M16 vs the M79 but you can see why the reds placed some bulk orders for M79s. It has been very useful for firing isolated grenades at buildings before the clashes started in earnest. In fact the first trial orders must have been placed in 2008 as there were several incidents then with grenades fired at buildings and yellow shirt protestors at Government House and at Don Meuang Airport. The M79 is only a single shot, break barrel weapon but in urban guerilla warfare it is very useful for popping out of a dark alley and firing a single round at a concentrated body of soldiers and then disappearing. The confusion caused by the explosion of the grenade helps the shooter disappear. It's barrel doesn't produce much noise or flash to give away the shooter's location and the troops and it has a fairly wide killing and maiming range which means the shooter doesn't have to be a well trained shot. It can be fired up to 400 metres, although it is not very accurate beyond 150 metres as the shooter has to allow for a trajectory arc a bit like a mortar which is significant at longer ranges. This doesn't matter much as most urban fire fights take at 100-200 metres. Anyway it takes also a good marksman to use an M16 accurately at its maxium effective range 400 metres. (The M16 is at its best up to 200 metres.) Finally for the convenience of urban guerillas the M79 also comes in a stockless version that looks a bit like an old fashioned muzzle loading pistol. It is not so accurate but is easier to conceal or dispose of than the full length version. There is a clip here of a red shirt firing what looks like the stockless M79 blindly over a wall like a mortar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ4e6Thkc00 I don't know why some much smoke is coming out of it but there is a wide variety of shells made for these, some of which may well use cheap powder and produce a lot of smoke.

Here goes the reconciliation ...
RT @georgebkk: Tweets saying Sathorn Soi1 has been invaded by redshirts. Residents stay home until confirmation. (TBC)

... another Embassy area.

immigration is not far... Australian Embassy has put some crocs in its pond :):D:D

So we have one armed blackshirt.. One guy shooting a Grenade.. And the army guys in the truck..


100's possibly 1000's of youtube clips of army firing, including BBC, Al Jazera, CNN, and 100's of blogers and people on the street..

Your point is...that you are surprised that the military is using weapons, as announced, against criminals?

My basic point is I dont support violence on either side..

And secondly I think the army response is vastly disproportional.. To fire is self defence is one thing.. To have sharpshooters taking head shots at people presenting them no direct threat or actual bodily harm is simply escalating this and not solving it.

In Thai we say "Ride an elephant when you go out hunting for crickets". Kee Chang Jap Takatae.

we say don't take a knife to a gunfight........


I can't believe what i just saw on tv , soldiers just shooting people on the street like that .

I can't believe how Abhisit can think he will get away with ordering everyone coming in 36m of a soldier

they are allowed to shoot and kill . Okay the reds are dangerous but still .

Whatever you think of him and the redshirts and whatever the solution may be , this man

should resign immediately , the army will retreat the reds will go home and partly arrested ,

that is good for Thailand , not refusing to resign and thinking killing them is the answer , and they call

themselves Buddhist , my God no they are not .

For whatever reason I think he is not allowed to resign , there is much more going on .

Anyway whatever happens next , probably reds defeated at very big costs , he should still immediately resign after that for

all this mess and let the people decide who or what side they choose next to get in government .

They just had some army guy on Tele explaining a lot of the photos and video that has been shown on the internet. Sowed that the phot of the 7 dead bodies had been photoshopped. Was one dead which is still many.

He also showed footage of a red firing a M79 grenade launcher. A red trying to get into the fuel truck of a fire truck but was hit with a rubber bullet.

Was also saying that a photo showing troops firing M79 launchers was false and it was a tear gas launcher.

I guess that in todays age it is too easy to forge images, either to make them look worse or better.

Who do you believe.

Edit Sorry just seen this has been posted.

Good detective work. Was this on one of the military-owned stations or the government station?. Or perhaps, the yellow shirt ASTV?

you think it was a conspiracy theory? he proved his case, and showed red shirts in action with M79's. Also showed the standard riot control issued weapons USED BY THE ARMY which shoots riot gas.

maybe you would be more content on a: bring thaksin the crook back as demagogue forum?


Lots of false stuff going out on twitter agin tonight just like last night. One is telling people of places of shelter that are actually places where red guards are massed. Some real sickos out there

CRES freezes 106 bank accounts to cut support for red shirts cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif som nam naa

It's a start, and I bet it is also to try and cut off Red leaders making a runner with their paychecks in hand...

However, if any Red dogs get to Thaksin's feet, they get a pat on the head, and rewarded with a doggie biscuit with a roll of money inside.

Ah yes.

Cry HAVOCK, and let slip the dogs of war!!!!

"Likewise be all manner of beasts,

when they be brought into the field and cried havoke,

then every man to take his part."


Blood and destruction shall be so in use

And dreadful objects so familiar

That mothers shall but smile when they behold

Their infants quarter'd with the hands of war;

All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:

And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge,

With Ate by his side come hot from hel_l,

Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice

Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;

That this foul deed shall smell above the earth

With carrion men, groaning for burial.


"Do not cry havoc, where you should but hunt with modest warrant."

Elections are not a way out. That's giving in to a violent mob of thugs. All that will do is encourage the next mob of a few thousand to come out fighting when they want the government to step down.

nonono, this can work. mr A can call for immediate elections.

provided there is a time period for parties to organize or re-organize,

candidates to be selected, election monitors to be hired and trained.

let's see.........16 months should be sufficient.

The government just declared a government holiday for Monday & Tuesday. The average Thai still has to go to work and risk being shot by army snipers in the head. Only government officials will get to stay safely at home. What a joke.

Now they're showing their true intentions. If they cared about every Thai, they would declare a national holiday, not just a public holiday. :)

You can't call it a National Holiday since it only applies to BKK.

But I'm concerned that by calling a holiday that things will never get resolved ... doesn't the army stop working on holidays and if it rains?

They just had some army guy on Tele explaining a lot of the photos and video that has been shown on the internet. Sowed that the phot of the 7 dead bodies had been photoshopped. Was one dead which is still many.

He also showed footage of a red firing a M79 grenade launcher. A red trying to get into the fuel truck of a fire truck but was hit with a rubber bullet.

Was also saying that a photo showing troops firing M79 launchers was false and it was a tear gas launcher.

I guess that in todays age it is too easy to forge images, either to make them look worse or better.

Who do you believe.

Edit Sorry just seen this has been posted.

Good detective work. Was this on one of the military-owned stations or the government station?. Or perhaps, the yellow shirt ASTV?

you think it was a conspiracy theory? he proved his case, and showed red shirts in action with M79's. Also showed the standard riot control issued weapons USED BY THE ARMY which shoots riot gas.

maybe you would be more content on a: bring thaksin the crook back as demagogue forum?

The Army guy was Sansern, Head of CRES or holding a senior post.... u can have ur own opinion on what he's saying though :)

CNN ireporters pages now being blocked. I cannot view any of my or other ireports about Thai protests. how about anyone else?

this is what pops up now

The iReport website of CNN is Blocked now.

This is the Google Translation.

Access to this information. Suspended temporarily

By virtue.

Emergency Decree on Public Administration.

In emergency situations, BE 2548.

The command center of the emergency situation.


This is awful. Thai army firing at civilians. And all the 20+ deaths so far have been civilians. I can't see things calming down after this. Isaan and northern people will be seething.

For me too. The Thai Government has just blocked www.ireport.com

What's next? Kick out international media journalists? Arrest foreigners?

Not in songkhla I look at it now.

is boring and nothing you not see already.

can I change my handle here to songkhlasam to impress my mates and all the goons with BKK or Bangkok or Inasia in their handle?

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