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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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This is awful. Thai army firing at civilians. And all the 20+ deaths so far have been civilians. I can't see things calming down after this. Isaan and northern people will be seething.

Don't you mean criminals? Thats what happens when you go up against trained soldiers. Whats that saying? "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight"?

They started this and could end this with their hands on their heads walking out.

BLACK SHIRT SNIPER w/REDS outside red fortress --- be sure to freeze frame at 1:03

Edit: This was posted yesterday May 15th

And Yes, he does have an assault rifle.


You are a Red Shirt supporter...and clearly do not believe in democracy. Your comments do not address anything I said. You can cry about past coups....and the boogiemen Elites..but a free and fair election was held in 2008 in which your leader the richest Thai in the world...Thaksin.. couldn't win the majority votes after spending millions and millions to smear his opponents. Democracy is not furthered by "a new stage in Klong Toie". You and I know that Klong Toie is one of the poorest parts of Thailand. People there have a tough life....so the Red Shirts move in.. and how many innocents in Klong Toie will die trying to get Thaksin back his 1.4 billion in illegal profits.

This is from the official RED SHIRT THAILAND website:

i have to assume you only saw the headline, that you didn't read past that.

otherwise that would be beneath you.

this is an anti-red website.

Yes, I saw that as I read later on. Good site though with many videos that I hadn't seen.

For me too. The Thai Government has just blocked www.ireport.com

What's next? Kick out international media journalists? Arrest foreigners?

its still up, don't overreact and simply get a decent connection

some 'media'' ought to be kicked out

CNN, BBC and the like daren't report the truth

only Al Jazeera comes close

at least they dare to show film of reds carrying guns instead of covering it up like its a dirty little red secret

try this link for CNN i-report


works for me

Works for me too, I'm in Bangkok.

iReports works fine for me....

I really don't know why you have problems.

Likely just too many people accessing at once.

Actually http://www.ireport.com/ is being blocked by True (for me) but certainly not http://www.cnn.com

As I mentioned before, it is likely due to software. Somebody probably posted something there that had inflammatory words close to speaking about the Monarchy or somebody posted sexual words in a way that the software assumed pictures or video were pornographic. This is not an uncommon occurrence in the US when a company has blocking software in place.

However, it could be something that is completely untrue and inflaming to the situation if believed by people here. Last month there was a big stink about something posted there that turned out not to be true but I cannot remember what that was. Something about a fake news report or pictures that turned out to be true???

They're not done blocking CNN through all service providers yet, but it's 100% blocked on TRUE internet. Not just for me, but for many others here as well. If you can still access it, enjoy it while it lasts.

Again total BS I have true and have no problem

Working well here (TOT)

Fine here as well (TRUE). I've had lots of problems with sites in the past using TRUE's DNS server. Google OPENDNS and use those numbers instead.

It appears there may be Red Shirt "trolls" amongst the commentators. Everyone has a right to their opinion...but fabricated bs is not needed. Thailand, its government and its people are going thru a very tough situation. This government is the most fair, democratic and even handed government as I have seen in Thailand and all SE Asia in the past 10 years. The government is trying to resolve this without more bloodshed...but the damage to the country, economy, innocent Thai citizens wrought by Red Shirts now demands that the protests be ended. The Western media is just finally "getting it". After two months of repeating Thaksin's "talking points".... they are finally seeing that the Red Shirts represent Thaksin and his effort to violently overthrow the duly elected government of Thailand so that he can get his 1.4 billion of ill gotten profits back and take control of the country. The next election by law is not for two more years...but the government agreed to move it up to six months just to get these thugs and their mobs off the streets...but that wouldn't satisfy Thaksin...who wants a violent overthrow of the government by his Red Shirts. The Red Shirts are the violent mob wing of the Puea Thai party..which did not get a majority, and whose efforts at forming coalition governments failed after the 2008 election..in which the Red Shirts/Puea Thai opening campaigned and championed as a free election. They...and more importantly Thaksin...is a sore loser. Abhisit is a fine and good human being..trying to guide this country peacefully. He is the duly elected Prime Minister.

If Thaksin got shot in the head the next day, there will still be "reds". This isn't really about Thaksin. If you don't understand this, you don't understand the situation. The harder the elites stamp out the "protest", the harder the reds will come back -- maybe not this year or next, but they will. They are the majority -- as the previous "real" elections have showed us... in retrospect, they are the "people of thailand".... When this all ends within perhaps the next few days, will you still be willing to wear a yellow shirt in public? How about the other places in thailand? The north... the south.. As a movement the yellow shirts are done.

Good luck in trying to put those "stupid, rural" thais back "in their place"... These people want more.. they are tired of being 2nd rate citizens... Maybe it will take a civil war for some people to see the writing on the wall. I hope it doesn't come to this, but as of now, it seems inevitable...

What's next? Kick out international media journalists? Arrest foreigners?

its still up, don't overreact and simply get a decent connection

some 'media'' ought to be kicked out

CNN, BBC and the like daren't report the truth

only Al Jazeera comes close

at least they dare to show film of reds carrying guns instead of covering it up like its a dirty little red secret

try this link for CNN i-report


works for me

All those who don't want or like reports by reputed International media can themselve go out on ground zero and see it for yourself and maybe make a video to inform and educate us also... or just watch those media reports which satisfy you :)

the truth satisfys me

gunfire is being EXCHANGED between army and reds

its really not a one way street as most media report it to be

there are many video examples and qualified reports of red with guns but few western media dare to show them

From the reports, it sounds like hundreds of explosions are going off everywhere. How many are M79 grenades? For an upper estimate, do you (everyone) remember the news report a few months ago about police raiding a small factory in Ahyuttaya that was manufacturing components for M79 grenade launchers? The guy was caught with a few hundred pieces but said he had already delivered about 1000.

Add to that, one guy on a motorbike caught delivering 63 grenades during the fighting near Don Muang on April 28th.


You guys do dream of Thaksin a lot.

He was legally elected and ouseted in a coup by the army which is illegal. No country would send him back here even if they wanted to.

Thaksin was ousted by a coup..not one drop of blood. I don't condone it, but understand that many thought it was the only way to stop the buying up of the nation by Thaksin and his megalomania. AFTER the coup....A new constitution was written and approved by the people by referendum..Then free and fair elections were held. And Thaksin's party the Puea Thai...WAS ALLOWEd to participate fully...but he did not win..they could not gain a majority. The Abhisit government is a coalition of 5 parties voted into office by the parliamentarians elected in a free democratic election. Governments around the world are slowly getting on board to keep him out of their countries and/or stop him from inciting violence by phone and video from their countries. It sad that people like you want to help Thaksin get his 1.4 billion dollars back and don't give a dam_n about his corruption and abuse of freedom of speech and abuse of human rights (Tak Bai massacre/war on drugs...2500 extrajudicial killings). And this is your hero?


I just had no problem accessing that ireport showing the red protester getting shot in the foot.

according what has been said and the fact that the government has asked the Thai red cross to go in tomorrow and persuade as many as possible to leave it is pretty obvious that tomorrow evening those who choose to remain are in for a rather bad time - looks like it is going to be over by Tuesday they should look out for red shirt leaders trying to sneak out in woman's clothing though

i think the red leadership understand what this means.

so i would expect them to make their big push tonight.

they need casualties, preferably women and children, to elicit sympathy.

if the 'hostages' leave tomorrow with the red cross, where does that leave the hard core and the leadership?

the news on TV has just shown the footage with the three fakers and one dead man, and proven the fake and misleading images presented by red shirts. one can see the street later cleared with no traces of blood except for the one man (and their prior positions) doctored images and staged situations.

also, they did find a red shirt on camera firing his M79 at troops right near Lumpini park.

Hope that shows some on here the true face and lack of credibility of the red shirt followers. please tune in and you'll see a huge case built against the red shirts

also see the footage of the man who tries to ignite the gas truck, and the troops simply shoot him below the waist.

The military sure is showing restrain against these vandals and crooks who are nothing short of just that.

CORRECTION: red shirt protester trying to ignite the gas truck was shot in FOOT as he tries to set truck on fire.

This goes in the face of reports that snipers firing only to kill.

Great shot and then he was allowed to hobble away.




CRES freezes 106 bank accounts to cut support for red shirts

I am wondering where the information came from about these 106 people. Could it be that Veera who has been missing in action for awhile has made a deal for Himself ?

They're not done blocking CNN through all service providers yet, but it's 100% blocked on TRUE internet. Not just for me, but for many others here as well. If you can still access it, enjoy it while it lasts.


however, it appears (probably through automated software) that the readers forum section called iREPORTS is being blocked through True.

No trouble getting it down here in Phuket

You guys do dream of Thaksin a lot.

He was legally elected and ouseted in a coup by the army which is illegal. No country would send him back here even if they wanted to.

they just play Kasit and abhisit and suthep for the muppet they is. Obama "oh yes khun muppet er I mean Mr Muppet, I mean Mr Sooty er Sweep er Khun Sooty Mr Suthep, we'll send him back. Now can you tell me when you see him children?"

Abhisit, Suthep, Kasit togeher: "He's behind you"

Obama; "where" and so on

Thaksin was expired as caretaker PM.

He had called the snap election, which removed him as LEGALLY ELECTED PM.

He was legally caretaker for 6 months, but failed in his only duty to run a free

and fair election, and his mandated term had run out.

He had resigned, after a visit to the palace,

and then UNILATERALLY decided to take the job back a week later, on his own.

This means:

At the time of the coup he was NOT legally elected PM of Thailand.

There was also a totally faked attempt on his life, and it was obvcious to all,

this was an attempt to create State of Emergency and Martial law giving him back full powers.

The army put a stop to his powerplay... new we see him try yet again to wrest control of Thailand,

this time from a legal government.

He is an amoral megalomaniac with delusions of granduer and

and incredible need for approval in a kow tow society. We now witness his legacy.

Destruction of Thailands equalibrium. He is a pathetic excuse for a human being

sick as a red parrot maybe? post-105662-1274009911.gif

It is an ex red parrot, and it has ceased to be.

Sometimes when a PR firm isn't paid on time, or all the advance is used up, they stop working until someone pays up again.

Time to pay the machine again, or the media might start digging up videos of someone saying, when the shooting starts I'll be there to lead you", "keep fighting" etc. etc.

Is there any way to get al jazeera English online? I keep reading that they are giving the best reporting, but can't get it in my building.


I read all this tit for tat comments and one upmanship......

Look at what is happening around you......

Why do you think the Reds have offered.... right now...to follow the road map.......

Who would then look like the fools if the confrontation steps up another level???......if more damage and killings now emerge......

Government supporters better hope this is finished quickly.....or they will lose credibility for their arrogant stance on this day

Think about it!!!

This is awful. Thai army firing at civilians. And all the 20+ deaths so far have been civilians. I can't see things calming down after this. Isaan and northern people will be seething.

Ok let me explain to you.

Government governs a country.

Everybody has the right to demonstrate.Nobody has the right to occupy someones lives.

Government been tolerant for 2 months,would not happen in any other country in the world.

Governement has listened to the demonstrators unreasonable demands and discussed them until the demonstrators refused to discuss anymore because they could not discuss with reason.

Government has softened their stance to satisfy the protesters and came up with a very reasonable roadmap.

Demonstrators give new demands every other hour.When government meets their demands they come up with others.Street without an end.

Governement loses patience,which would have happened at least one month earlier in any other country opf the world,and gives the protesters time to leave but warns that they gonne play hardball if they don't.

Demonstrators keep acting as terrorists,launching grenades and hurting and killing civilians which disagree with their demands,because they think they can play their terrorist game forever.

Now that they are loosing the game big time they start crying that they accept the roadmap and want negotiations again.

If I was the government I would shoot them all. Lucky for them I'm only a farang.

It appears there may be Red Shirt "trolls" amongst the commentators. Everyone has a right to their opinion...but fabricated bs is not needed. Thailand, its government and its people are going thru a very tough situation. This government is the most fair, democratic and even handed government as I have seen in Thailand and all SE Asia in the past 10 years. The government is trying to resolve this without more bloodshed...but the damage to the country, economy, innocent Thai citizens wrought by Red Shirts now demands that the protests be ended. The Western media is just finally "getting it". After two months of repeating Thaksin's "talking points".... they are finally seeing that the Red Shirts represent Thaksin and his effort to violently overthrow the duly elected government of Thailand so that he can get his 1.4 billion of ill gotten profits back and take control of the country. The next election by law is not for two more years...but the government agreed to move it up to six months just to get these thugs and their mobs off the streets...but that wouldn't satisfy Thaksin...who wants a violent overthrow of the government by his Red Shirts. The Red Shirts are the violent mob wing of the Puea Thai party..which did not get a majority, and whose efforts at forming coalition governments failed after the 2008 election..in which the Red Shirts/Puea Thai opening campaigned and championed as a free election. They...and more importantly Thaksin...is a sore loser. Abhisit is a fine and good human being..trying to guide this country peacefully. He is the duly elected Prime Minister.

If Thaksin got shot in the head the next day, there will still be "reds". This isn't really about Thaksin. If you don't understand this, you don't understand the situation. The harder the elites stamp out the "protest", the harder the reds will come back -- maybe not this year or next, but they will. They are the majority -- as the previous "real" elections have showed us... in retrospect, they are the "people of thailand".... When this all ends within perhaps the next few days, will you still be willing to wear a yellow shirt in public? How about the other places in thailand? The north... the south.. As a movement the yellow shirts are done.

Good luck in trying to put those "stupid, rural" thais back "in their place"... These people want more.. they are tired of being 2nd rate citizens... Maybe it will take a civil war for some people to see the writing on the wall. I hope it doesn't come to this, but as of now, it seems inevitable...

No one is trying to "put any one back in their place". You are just spinning Thaksin's talking points. This is not about rural poor versus Elites. Many of the Red Shirt Leaders and Puea Thai leaders are enormously wealthy. These demostrations started because the government confiscated 1.4 billion dollars of illegal profits from Thaksin. Hello? Are you completely ignorant of the facts? The South of Thailand.. from Petchburi down to Pattani....include large majorities of farmers and poor. They do not support Thaksin. He lost the vote in the South in every election. The myth of the Thai poor versus the rich Elites has some distant truth in the past....but not now....now it is just a talking point of Thaksin, spoken to incite people against this duly elected democratic government.

You guys do dream of Thaksin a lot.

He was legally elected and ouseted in a coup by the army which is illegal. No country would send him back here even if they wanted to.

they just play Kasit and abhisit and suthep for the muppet they is. Obama "oh yes khun muppet er I mean Mr Muppet, I mean Mr Sooty er Sweep er Khun Sooty Mr Suthep, we'll send him back. Now can you tell me when you see him children?"

Abhisit, Suthep, Kasit togeher: "He's behind you"

Obama; "where" and so on

Thaksin was exppired as caretaker PM.

He had called the snap election, which removed him as LEGALLY ELECTED PM.

He was legally caretaker for 6 months but failed in his only duty to run a free and fair election.

He had resigned, after a visit to the palace,

and then UNILATERALLY decided to take the job back a week later on his own.

This means:

At the time of the coup he was NOT legally elected PM of Thailand.

There was also a totally faked attempt on his life, and it was obvcious to all,

this was an attempt to create State of Emergency and Martial law giving him back full powers.

The army put a stop to his powerplay... new we see him try yet again to wrest control of Thailand,

this time from a legal government.

He is an amoral megalomaniac with delusions of granduer and

and incredible need for approval in a kow tow society. We now witness his legacy.

Destruction of Thailands equalibrium. He is a pathetic excuse for a human being

What other famous Thai person would that desription fit?

"He is an amoral megalomaniac with delusions of granduer and

and incredible need for approval in a kow tow society. We now witness his legacy.

Destruction of Thailands equalibrium. He is a pathetic excuse for a human being"

You know who.

Dear other than Americans.


Most Americans are not as right-wing and dense as the angry white yanks posting here against the Reds.

The losers are still upset that Obama was elected and are taking it out on Thai poor people.

Just say this to them no matter what they post.

Obama won

Get over it you pathetic cry baby losers.

Now about Thailand.

Most Thai people on all sides do not want to fight.

The problem is that there are powerful people on both sided who can and will back violence.

So far, as bad as it has been, the Thai people have shown restraint.

A huge compromise is needed.

My best wishes to all Thai people.

May times be better soon.

Of course, I'm a southern democrat from way back. However, I'm just curious, what is the relation between how people voted in America and the rather complex political situation in Thailand?

I share your best wishes for Thailand, and for Obama for that matter. Go AirForce too, if that's what you are.

You guys do dream of Thaksin a lot.

He was legally elected and ouseted in a coup by the army which is illegal. No country would send him back here even if they wanted to.

they just play Kasit and abhisit and suthep for the muppet they is. Obama "oh yes khun muppet er I mean Mr Muppet, I mean Mr Sooty er Sweep er Khun Sooty Mr Suthep, we'll send him back. Now can you tell me when you see him children?"

Abhisit, Suthep, Kasit togeher: "He's behind you"

Obama; "where" and so on

Thaksin was expired as caretaker PM.

He had called the snap election, which removed him as LEGALLY ELECTED PM.

He was legally caretaker for 6 months, but failed in his only duty to run a free

and fair election, and his mandated term had run out.

He had resigned, after a visit to the palace,

and then UNILATERALLY decided to take the job back a week later, on his own.

This means:

At the time of the coup he was NOT legally elected PM of Thailand.

There was also a totally faked attempt on his life, and it was obvcious to all,

this was an attempt to create State of Emergency and Martial law giving him back full powers.

The army put a stop to his powerplay... new we see him try yet again to wrest control of Thailand,

this time from a legal government.

He is an amoral megalomaniac with delusions of granduer and

and incredible need for approval in a kow tow society. We now witness his legacy.

Destruction of Thailands equalibrium. He is a pathetic excuse for a human being

good summary of the timeline.

but don't waste wits on Viking75, I think the 75 indicates his IQ.

CRES freezes 106 bank accounts to cut support for red shirts

I am wondering where the information came from about these 106 people. Could it be that Veera who has been missing in action for awhile has made a deal for Himself ?

i do hope so

i have been saying they should grab Veera for weeks

i even sent an SMS to Abhisit this morning to tell him to make Veera a top priority

it was clear from the televised sitdowns with Mark, he wanted to make a deal but was shouted down by Thaksin and the monkey Jutapon

Veeras body language told me he that he did not sign up for this violence

i advocate he should be given amnesty in exchange for his story

i know it won't be popular but it will save lives

if he does turn, it will all be over in 24 hours

the red would kill their own leaders when they found out how they had been played ..........

This is awful. Thai army firing at civilians. And all the 20+ deaths so far have been civilians. I can't see things calming down after this. Isaan and northern people will be seething.

Ok let me explain to you.

Government governs a country.

Everybody has the right to demonstrate.Nobody has the right to occupy someones lives.

Government been tolerant for 2 months,would not happen in any other country in the world.

Governement has listened to the demonstrators unreasonable demands and discussed them until the demonstrators refused to discuss anymore because they could not discuss with reason.

Government has softened their stance to satisfy the protesters and came up with a very reasonable roadmap.

Demonstrators give new demands every other hour.When government meets their demands they come up with others.Street without an end.

Governement loses patience,which would have happened at least one month earlier in any other country opf the world,and gives the protesters time to leave but warns that they gonne play hardball if they don't.

Demonstrators keep acting as terrorists,launching grenades and hurting and killing civilians which disagree with their demands,because they think they can play their terrorist game forever.

Now that they are loosing the game big time they start crying that they accept the roadmap and want negotiations again.

If I was the government I would shoot them all. Lucky for them I'm only a farang.

How ... by typing S H O O T

Keyboard rambos

You guys do dream of Thaksin a lot.

He was legally elected and ouseted in a coup by the army which is illegal. No country would send him back here even if they wanted to.

they just play Kasit and abhisit and suthep for the muppet they is. Obama "oh yes khun muppet er I mean Mr Muppet, I mean Mr Sooty er Sweep er Khun Sooty Mr Suthep, we'll send him back. Now can you tell me when you see him children?"

Abhisit, Suthep, Kasit togeher: "He's behind you"

Obama; "where" and so on

Thaksin was exppired as caretaker PM.

He had called the snap election, which removed him as LEGALLY ELECTED PM.

He was legally caretaker for 6 months but failed in his only duty to run a free and fair election.

He had resigned, after a visit to the palace,

and then UNILATERALLY decided to take the job back a week later on his own.

This means:

At the time of the coup he was NOT legally elected PM of Thailand.

There was also a totally faked attempt on his life, and it was obvcious to all,

this was an attempt to create State of Emergency and Martial law giving him back full powers.

The army put a stop to his powerplay... new we see him try yet again to wrest control of Thailand,

this time from a legal government.

He is an amoral megalomaniac with delusions of granduer and

and incredible need for approval in a kow tow society. We now witness his legacy.

Destruction of Thailands equalibrium. He is a pathetic excuse for a human being

What other famous Thai person would that desription fit?

"He is an amoral megalomaniac with delusions of granduer and

and incredible need for approval in a kow tow society. We now witness his legacy.

Destruction of Thailands equalibrium. He is a pathetic excuse for a human being"

You know who.

no, not really.

tell us who you mean?

If Thaksin got shot in the head the next day, there will still be "reds". This isn't really about Thaksin. If you don't understand this, you don't understand the situation. The harder the elites stamp out the "protest", the harder the reds will come back -- maybe not this year or next, but they will. They are the majority -- as the previous "real" elections have showed us... in retrospect, they are the "people of thailand".... When this all ends within perhaps the next few days, will you still be willing to wear a yellow shirt in public? How about the other places in thailand? The north... the south.. As a movement the yellow shirts are done.

Good luck in trying to put those "stupid, rural" thais back "in their place"... These people want more.. they are tired of being 2nd rate citizens... Maybe it will take a civil war for some people to see the writing on the wall. I hope it doesn't come to this, but as of now, it seems inevitable...

How does what they are doing to Bangkok and Thailand improve their cause?

How will it change their status from "2nd rate citizens"?

There are ways and means to improve your social and economic standing,

what the are doing is not include in those ways and means.

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