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Uk Settlement Application

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My Thai g/f and I will be getting married in Thailand during my next visit: hopefully inside the next 2 months. We will then apply for a settlement visa to the UK. I am fairly happy with the application itself: we got a 6 month visitor visa last year without any problems.

I have 2 questions for those in the know however.......

How much time should I allow from marriage, through to changing names on documents, getting the TB test, dropping in the application, and waiting for the answer? I recall someone posted a timeline/project plan on this a year or so back, but cannot find it. In short, if I come for a month, is that long enough?

I was made redundant a month ago, and will be coming out to 'do the deed' once I secure a new job, but prior to starting work. My intention is to include my old contract of employment, payslips etc and my new contract of employment as part of the application pack. Any view on how this will sit with the powers that be? i.e. would they view this as okay re: proof of maintenance?


Edited by Suhari
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Day 1 Hand affirmation of freedom to marry in.

Day 2 Collect get it translated into Thai, get a taxi to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the will stamp and authenticate the document after this you may enter any Amphur and marry.

Day 3 Go for the x ray and submit the application at UK/VAC total of 3 days if everything goes as planned :) .

If you plan to change her family name etc and her passports/ID card you must add further time to allow for this but this is your personal choice

If you require professional help with your application feel free to contact me.

Edited by ThaiVisaExpress
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I would advice you to get the TB test done ASAP. If there are any problems with the X ray it could take you 2 months to get the certificate after sputum tests etc if required.

My GF now wife is healthy but had scarring on the xray and had to wait for the sputum tests. This put bay to our original plans for February 2010. Application put in beginning of March.We are now waiting for the Settlement visa but guess there is a delay due to the troubles in BKK.

RIP all those killed as I do not want people to think I am complaining about the delay as the needs of the people of Thailand are much greater than mine

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