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Thaksin's Vendetta Is Wrecking The Country


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yeeowww' post>> Right Vindie... Try pulling any of the crap these zombies have in any other major city in the world and see how quickly the respective governments would break out the big guns. The problem with Thailand is they waited too long. This shi*t would have been mopped up in 72 hours in the USA, and the death toll would have been directly related to how many idiots chose to stick around after the authorities had given the order to disburse or face the consequences.

I challenge you to name one lawful event in US history where protesters were murdered in the streets. There are none.

Kent State

Chicago Republican Convention

LA Riots

Harlem race riots

Stone wall Inn riots.

The reds occupation of Bangkok is most certainly NOT lawful. However there are definitely cases in US history of authorities shooting at Americans. For example,


Lets add in The Boston Massacre, where future 2nd president John Adams

defended the British soilders who had shot 5 people in a crazed crowd.

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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

It's quite simple - YOU don't understand how Thai society functions!

That avoidance of conflict, to do no harm, harmony, understanding and universal love

are the very core of Buddhist teaching and widespread practice, woven deeply into the

social fabric of this society!

They will keep the step, by step approach, so far the government has done rather well

to avoid massive bloodshed!

Oh is that how it works? Is that why Thai society is so conflict free? and monks join the riots? Wow, that's real "universal love" !

I think you are the one that do not understand my society at all. "avoidance of conflict, to do no harm, harmony, understanding and universal love " has only existed in my society to prevent masses from taking actions and keep them controlled. Every time there is a real conflict, for how little it is, you see the real nature of Thai, even if just a quarrel among neighbors.

And regarding Buddhism, in Thailand anyone can be monk for just a few days. Rules are not enforced even inside a temple, that's why so many monks get arrested for various crimes almost weekly if not daily. My son can be monk tomorrow and for just 3 days, with no rules of admittance or any commitment to any religious principle.

Amazed how arrogant farangs want to teach about Thai society.

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The reds occupation of Bangkok is most certainly NOT lawful. However there are definitely cases in US history of authorities shooting at Americans. For example,


Don't you see the irony in naming the darkest, saddest days of US history as justification for murder in Bangkok?

If you want to argue that the the Reds "occupation" of Bangkok is "not legal" and therefore they deserve to be murdered in the streets, then why not say the same for all the other "not legal" activities in Thailand?????

Back off! :) I never said deserved to be murdered. You are now on ignore, I don't suffer people like you. Goodbye.

There's no arguement about it being legal - there's NOTHING legal about it and you can go ahead and call it an occupation no need for the quotes. Nobody is murdering anyone in the streets either give us a beak. They set up a containment around the camp if you come out to attack the soldiers you deserve whats coming to you. They got the war they wanted and should feel lucky Thailand still provides them a way out other than in a body bag. Suggest they get on those busses!

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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

It's quite simple - YOU don't understand how Thai society functions!

That avoidance of conflict, to do no harm, harmony, understanding and universal love

are the very core of Buddhist teaching and widespread practice, woven deeply into the

social fabric of this society!

They will keep the step, by step approach, so far the government has done rather well

to avoid massive bloodshed!

Oh is that how it works? Is that why Thai society is so conflict free? and monks join the riots? Wow, that's real "universal love" !

I think you are the one that do not understand my society at all. "avoidance of conflict, to do no harm, harmony, understanding and universal love " has only existed in my society to prevent masses from taking actions and keep them controlled. Every time there is a real conflict, for how little it is, you see the real nature of Thai, even if just a quarrel among neighbors.

And regarding Buddhism, in Thailand anyone can be monk for just a few days. Rules are not enforced even inside a temple, that's why so many monks get arrested for various crimes almost weekly if not daily. My son can be monk tomorrow and for just 3 days, with no rules of admittance or any commitment to any religious principle.

Amazed how arrogant farangs want to teach about Thai society.

I don't think that anyone understands how Thai society functions at this point. There is the business as usual group, and the people that do as they are told group, there are traditions, but as pointed out in other post here today, Thai society and it's values are changing. If not a political revolution, then certainly a cultural one. Thailand is changing... I pray it keep the good bits.

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Thaksin's vendetta? How simplistic - it's as if removal of Thaksin would make any difference to this mess, and return Thailand to a state of Utopia. It won't, because this problem extends far beyond Thaksin and Abhsit's blinkered clique.

There are two ingredients to civil unrest - public dissatisfaction and a personality to act as the catalyst, or lightning rod that channels the dissatisfaction into action. Thaksin was the catalyst this time around, but unless something is done to address the public dissatisfaction the instability that caused it will remain.

This is a Thailand problem, not a Thaksin problem. When he goes, another opportunistic politician will take his place and the unrest will continue unless something is done to address the root cause.

"unless something is done to address the root cause."

I can agree with that, but if amnesty is granted in this case it will set the precedent for the next group of people to storm the capital and expect to get away with it. I see vigorous prosecution as the only way to get to the root cause, this includes the Yellow airport mob as well.

In an ideal world that would be the way that things should be done. However, in the real world decsions to grant amnesty usually boil down to accepting the lesser of two evils.

The threat of prosecution may cause both sides to fight on forever, committing ever more heinous crimes which will only reinforce further their refusal to accept peace. Amnesty, on the other hand, gives both sides the opportunity to stopp killing each other without fear of furtehr reprisals.

There have been many cases of amnesty in the past, not because people agreed with it but because it restored peace and was necessary for the greater good. The British conflict against the IRA is a recent example. People who were once labelled terrorists became politicians.

Edited by clockworkorange
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I have been seeing this coming a LONG time.

It was never

'will Thaksin go for revenge big time?'

but was always

'WHEN will Thaksin go for broke with revenge or a power grab big time.'

Ever since his badly done attempt to keep his Temp PM chair in mid 2006,

with a ginned up S.O.E. or Martial Law stemming from that very badly done

'attempted assassination' I realized the guy has no limits or scruples.

I wasn't surprised he was removed from the scene, and only a little at the soft reaction to it,

but that always brought the worry about how and when he would seek to avenge his lost face.

When people post it's not about Thaksin, I can only surmise:

a ) they are on his payroll, spreading the PR message.

b ) they really don't understand the situation well.

c ) they are so lost in their ideological world that LOGIC and observation

are swamped out by philosophical desire.

He did build a huge patronage network in the old school style over 20 years or so,

and then used it for more modern style rapacious greed. But also developed the

untapped potential of Issan, by using a modern business organizational model

coupled with old school Communist cadre indoctrination techniques.

Machiavelli would be proud; well actually Ceaser Borgia, whom Machiavelli was commenting on.

Thaksin took policy corruption to levels never seen, even in Thailand.

And then a step too far with Temasek.

Money = Power = Face and this all feeds a severely damaged ego.

His whole life was nouveau-riche striving for Hi So acceptance. Power

with money was the sole route there... problem was he completely forgot

that "having class" is more important than being accepted in first class.

He married up, way up, and was always pushed to fit into a world that

he was not prepared to enter, and that rejected him no matter how much cash he had.

After his return from self imposed exile, but before the 2nd self imposed exile,

he went to Anupong's mother's funeral, uninvited, and faced off with Prem and Anupong.

The pictures made clear they though he was in exceedingly poor taste to go there.

and made no efforts to hide this, a very un-thai action, but Thaksin did a very un-thai act

to try and reinstall himself at 'Prems level' at Anupong's time of mourning.

To this day Prem has pictures of the incident on his website... quite tellingly.

So rather than the public forgiveness he sought Thaksin got dissed big time.

Som nom na. Except this fed kerosene onto Thaksin's inflamed damaged ego.

Most people deal with others as if they are typically rational, not sometimes or often

slightly ting tong. Mental stability is not solely judged whether you are incoherent when speaking.

This guy is damaged goods, and shows instability under stress, letting him regain control

of the country through proxies is a non-starter, no matter what it takes to get that dirty job done.

:D :D

I wonder if The Jackal is still hanging around Paris? :)

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.... seconded and the violence started way before the military showed up.

Yes, the violence started after the government shut down the PTV station (Red Shirts TV station) and sent in police who then murdered Thai citizens (Red Shirts).

Of course the violence started after Red Shirts were murdered and their basic rights of freedom of speech were violated.

First their rights were violated by the government, then the police (ordered to kill by the government) and then the military (ordered to kill by the government).

Everyone knows that the government is afraid to hold elections because the UDD and Red Shirts will regain power. This is why there are no elections. What kind of democracy is this?

It is called "democracy as long as the winner is not who we don't want to win!"

wrong again. so many way off track points for me to correct so it's easier to just place you on ignore and not have to read posts by someone so clueless. last Songkran anyone?

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Based on tidbits of information I am receiving from "contacts" at US Pacific Command (PACOM), I would "highly" recommend avoiding the general protest area for the next 2-3 days....nuff said!

PACOM has issued a Travel Restriction for Bangkok, Thailand

Who: All DOD personnel and unofficial travel by DOD Military Personnel in the city of Bangkok

What: CDRUSPACOM directs a travel restriction for Bangkok, Thailand

Where: Bangkok, Thailand

When: 14-31 May 2010

Why: Due to Political Protest Violence and Unrest

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12 Yr Old Allegedly Responsible for Din Daeng Fire

Police have in custody a twelve year old boy who they believe is responsible for the fire at a 5-storey building in the Din Daeng area.

During questioning, the boy admitted that the wandered into the rally by mistake, but stayed because he enjoyed the free food and activities.

He claimed that setting fire to the building made him feel like a man.

-- Tan Network 2010-05-18

12 years old. Very sad. Very very sad :)

Another victim of terrorism. Victims are not just the dead and injured.

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This is not the 60s... and "race riots" are considered to be the darkest days of US history. Do you recall all the discrimination against African Americans?

I am not ignorant of US history; but you are obviously someone who believes in oppression and violence.

All you have done, in your goofy reply, bring up military law and race riots, is to simply confirm what the Thai government is doing is wrong. Because everyone knows that violence in the US was mistake, as was racial discrimination, etc.

Do you actually understand what the underlying social issues are in Thailand? Do you actually know why a father and mother from the rural provinces send their children to work as sex slaves in other provinces? Do you know the degree of poverty in Thailand? Do you understand how very rich many people are here and how very poor others are, and how the poor have almost no hope?

I think you would prefer the government simply murder the "poor animals" since you obviously condone murder against people who protest for social justice.

What have I written that makes it so 'obvious' that I believe in oppression and violence.

Being an American from the Deep South I grew up in a segregated world. I thank my father and mother for not teaching me to be a racist as so many around me were. The violence in the US was on both sides and the govt. was not about repressing but restoring order after rioting broke out. People businesses, homes and jobs were being destroyed by the rioters.

My best friend in the world is Amataya and Mom Luang and he is also a red-shirt supporter. His best Thai friend is a yellow supporter. I carry three photos when I travel in Thailand. One is of my friend arm in arm with Dr. Taksin on his last trip to Houston, the second one is of my friend with the Queen, and the third is of he and I arm in arm. I have dear friends in Yasothorn, Buri Ram, Pit'loke, and Chiang Mai. My friends are humans first and political second. I have chosen not to join any political side in Thailand. I merely answered your challenge.

You don't know anything about me except from this forum yet you accuse me of ignorance, insensitivity, hate for "poor animals" (your words not mine), and condoning murder.. I grew up poor (one pair of shoes a year and hand-me-down clothes) and sympathise and empathise with the poor of Thailand. This protest is not about the poor of Thailand unless you count it as 'Who will control the poor of Thailand'. This protest is an attempted soft coup de etat' by a fugitive ex PM who wants his access to the money trough back as today's news about where the money is coming from proves.

You are insulting and narrow minded and I will not be reading your response as you are on my 'ignore' list

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12 Yr Old Allegedly Responsible for Din Daeng Fire

Police have in custody a twelve year old boy who they believe is responsible for the fire at a 5-storey building in the Din Daeng area.

During questioning, the boy admitted that the wandered into the rally by mistake, but stayed because he enjoyed the free food and activities.

He claimed that setting fire to the building made him feel like a man.

-- Tan Network 2010-05-18

12 years old. Very sad. Very very sad :)

Another victim of terrorism. Victims are not just the dead and injured.

Very true and very sad, irresponsible to involve children in this.

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Thaksin's vendetta? How simplistic - it's as if removal of Thaksin would make any difference to this mess, and return Thailand to a state of Utopia. It won't, because this problem extends far beyond Thaksin and Abhsit's blinkered clique.

There are two ingredients to civil unrest - public dissatisfaction and a personality to act as the catalyst, or lightning rod that channels the dissatisfaction into action. Thaksin was the catalyst this time around, but unless something is done to address the public dissatisfaction the instability that caused it will remain.

This is a Thailand problem, not a Thaksin problem. When he goes, another opportunistic politician will take his place and the unrest will continue unless something is done to address the root cause.

"unless something is done to address the root cause."

I can agree with that, but if amnesty is granted in this case it will set the precedent for the next group of people to storm the capital and expect to get away with it. I see vigorous prosecution as the only way to get to the root cause, this includes the Yellow airport mob as well.

In an ideal world that would be the way that things should be done. However, in the real world decsions to grant amnesty usually boil down to accepting the lesser of two evils.

The threat of prosecution may cause both sides to fight on forever, committing ever more heinous crimes which will only reinforce further their refusal to accept peace. Amnesty, on the other hand, gives both sides the opportunity to stopp killing each other without fear of furtehr reprisals.

There have been many cases of amnesty in the past, not because people agreed with it but because it restored peace and was necessary for the greater good. The British conflict against the IRA is a recent example. People who were once labelled terrorists became politicians.

Yes and that was wisdom on the part of the British Govt, but the UK had a stable system of govt and law in place with a few hundred years of growth in it's legal institutions and as a democracy. I think the IRA had a just cause in their demands... They were occupied by the British. Here we have Bangkok occupied... but not by a foreign aggressor but by Thais. Yes I think that amnesty would solve the immediate problem and send everyone home. But it wont get to the root cause of the problem in the long run. It will just extend it, unless there is serious judicial and constitutional reform.

Edited by DeadPuppy
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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

It's quite simple - YOU don't understand how Thai society functions!

That avoidance of conflict, to do no harm, harmony, understanding and universal love

are the very core of Buddhist teaching and widespread practice, woven deeply into the

social fabric of this society!

They will keep the step, by step approach, so far the government has done rather well

to avoid massive bloodshed!

Oh is that how it works? Is that why Thai society is so conflict free? and monks join the riots? Wow, that's real "universal love" !

I think you are the one that do not understand my society at all. "avoidance of conflict, to do no harm, harmony, understanding and universal love " has only existed in my society to prevent masses from taking actions and keep them controlled. Every time there is a real conflict, for how little it is, you see the real nature of Thai, even if just a quarrel among neighbors.

And regarding Buddhism, in Thailand anyone can be monk for just a few days. Rules are not enforced even inside a temple, that's why so many monks get arrested for various crimes almost weekly if not daily. My son can be monk tomorrow and for just 3 days, with no rules of admittance or any commitment to any religious principle.

Amazed how arrogant farangs want to teach about Thai society.

I don't think that anyone understands how Thai society functions at this point. There is the business as usual group, and the people that do as they are told group, there are traditions, but as pointed out in other post here today, Thai society and it's values are changing. If not a political revolution, then certainly a cultural one. Thailand is changing... I pray it keep the good bits.

I'd like to jump back to the initial (still unanswered?) question...

Thailand's Supreme Court HAS issued several arrest warrants and they have been forwarded to foreign governments/executive institutions. Whether there is an Interpol warrant, I do not know.

Thaksin is moving around on various non-Thai passports, travels in private jets, invests a lot of money into the fragile economies of those countries protecting him and so forth.

Just look how long it took to arrest rapist movie maker Roman Polanski.... alsmost 30 years arrest warrants issued by the US (!) have been out there and Polanski freely traveled all over Europe and else.

Or Osama Bin Laden: The first Interpol arrest warrant was issued long before the planes crashed into WTC and Pentagon. It was issued by Libya for Bin Ladens involvement in the murder of two Germans (correct me if I am wrong).

Thaksin was sentenced to 2 years and not for rape or murder but corruption. The circumstances are probably not clear enough for western states to risk getting into legal or other trouble for arresting this crook.

Thailand's judiciary is also fighting an uphill battle against other authorities involved and needed in to legal and logistical battle against Thaksin. Legislative and ececutive powers in Thailand are unfortunately far from being free from bias.

Thailand extradition agreements (existing and non-existing) with many countries pose another legal hurdle for the arrest of Thaksin. Who wants to arrest this man, knowing that the legal battle would be just as complicated as can be. Thaksin would certainly involve international courts and dozens of high profile lawyers. The arresting authority might also fear repercussions from Thaksin's extended criminal arm.

Again, just look at all those corrupt and violent fugitive leaders of Africa living happily in the US, France or elsewhere.

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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

It's quite simple - YOU don't understand how Thai society functions!

That avoidance of conflict, to do no harm, harmony, understanding and universal love

are the very core of Buddhist teaching and widespread practice, woven deeply into the

social fabric of this society!

They will keep the step, by step approach, so far the government has done rather well

to avoid massive bloodshed!

Oh is that how it works? Is that why Thai society is so conflict free? and monks join the riots? Wow, that's real "universal love" !

I think you are the one that do not understand my society at all. "avoidance of conflict, to do no harm, harmony, understanding and universal love " has only existed in my society to prevent masses from taking actions and keep them controlled. Every time there is a real conflict, for how little it is, you see the real nature of Thai, even if just a quarrel among neighbors.

And regarding Buddhism, in Thailand anyone can be monk for just a few days. Rules are not enforced even inside a temple, that's why so many monks get arrested for various crimes almost weekly if not daily. My son can be monk tomorrow and for just 3 days, with no rules of admittance or any commitment to any religious principle.

Amazed how arrogant farangs want to teach about Thai society.

Relax - your response only reflects how little you really know about the social fabric of this country!

A few crooked elements don't make a whole society bad or puts the entirety of practicing Buddhists in question!

Remind you there was a monk arrested who as a monk,

but was a red guard armed with a .38 with a laser pointer and 35 bullets...


courtesy of...(?)

Yes, even the monkhood isn't sacred for the mob and is exploited too!

And I agree that Thai-Society is on the brink of a massive change, but the events unfolding in BKK aren't part of this -

they are in their entirety instigated by some very sore loser!

Civil demonstration are different - very different - this quest could have been different, but someone usurped the cause

and turned this into his very personal agenda... it looks as if there are a couple more wrestling now for the power - the (in)famous "can of worms"! has been opened!

edited to add text...

Edited by Samuian
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He was in Paris last Saturday, in a Louis Vioutton shop buying his daughter an expensive handbag while his followers were on the streets.

What about his boast 'to come back when the first bullet is fired'?post-55921-1274145786_thumb.jpg

Hey, maybe he needs luggage for the flight back. :D

I think he's negotiating a discount forgetting he's in Paris and in a real Louis Vuitton shop and not On Nut somewhere and it goes something like this:

Thaksin: You give discount?

Salesman: No, no this is original Louis Vuitton very high quality and expensive, not fake..

Thaksin: Yes, but I'm former PM of Thailand!

Salesman: Oh well!! In that case then it's double price! Farang price scheme and all that.........

Thaksin cursing, hands him his credit card and a few minutes later the salesman comes back....

Salesman: Sorry sir your credit card has been rejected! Something about being more broke then those poor peasants you sent to their deaths on your behalf and I should confiscate your card immediately...

Sorry, I tried hard to inject some humor but it drifted away as I wrote, as I'm so disgusted and appalled by a hypocrite such as this that campaigned on slogans such as "Thai Rak Thai" and how he loved Thailand and the Thai people so much and now goes shopping with his children, safely out of the country. All the while blind followers on his behalf are shamefully placing their own children in harms way on top of tire barriers as if their life was so much less important and valuable then his and his family..

What really is just as demeaning and shameful is the fact that he only has a 2 year jail term hanging over his head which if he began serving likely would be commuted anyway by the great one and even if not, with his money and stature, 2 years would be a holiday even in a Thai prison and once done all forgotten and move on. But instead, this childish and vindictive display of self importance and omnipotence at the expense of other peoples lives just for the purpose of saving his precious "face" and fighting his battle for him since he is too cowardly to do it himself .... They're right, I don't understand Thailand and with this sort of logic have no real desire too, it's less then civilized.....

I have far more respect for a figure like Benazir Bhutto who knew she was going to be a target but still stood up and paid the ultimate price, what a lowly and as someone else here stated "soulless"coward Thaksin is... :)

Soap box off....

Edited by WarpSpeed
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good comments from Amnesty pointing out the illegality of the military shootings, oddly enough I raised this earlier in this thread, unarmed people are being shot that pose no immediate threat, amnesty have no highlighted this also in their report, link in the Tuesday news thread.

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No red apologists !

No point is there you lot have hung drawn and quartered them long before any form of proper judicial investigation has gone on.

Ironic that you say the whole society is corrupt and that therefore must include the Courts that convicted Thaksin.

I am an outsider and do not say that the Reds are right or that the Yellows are. I have read things that impress on both sides. I have read things on here that have altered my opinion. Those opinion altering things are mainly the ones that are not wrapped up in abuse or knee jerk reactions. What is clear though is that the Country needs to move on and i include in that Mr Thaksin. I feel more drawn to the reds, but can see that Mr T and family have acted corruptly on the face of the evidence i have seen.

Something like the truth and reconciliation commission that South Africa undertook is the way forward. That Country had far worse divisions and problems between different peoples but in the main they have managed to put that behind them.

There is no simple answer but something needs to happen as the bulk of the victims dying in red shirts appear to be innocent ones.

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Enough about Thaksin, he is not even worth a post anymore.

Bangkok is a disaster area and all he cares about is Louis Vutton apparel.

Not even a slight effort about the country he was born in, the country he screwed up, the country he leeched his riches of, or the people he used.

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I'd like to jump back to the initial (still unanswered?) question...

Thailand's Supreme Court HAS issued several arrest warrants and they have been forwarded to foreign governments/executive institutions. Whether there is an Interpol warrant, I do not know.

Thaksin is moving around on various non-Thai passports, travels in private jets, invests a lot of money into the fragile economies of those countries protecting him and so forth.

Just look how long it took to arrest rapist movie maker Roman Polanski.... alsmost 30 years arrest warrants issued by the US (!) have been out there and Polanski freely traveled all over Europe and else.

Or Osama Bin Laden: The first Interpol arrest warrant was issued long before the planes crashed into WTC and Pentagon. It was issued by Libya for Bin Ladens involvement in the murder of two Germans (correct me if I am wrong).

Thaksin was sentenced to 2 years and not for rape or murder but corruption. The circumstances are probably not clear enough for western states to risk getting into legal or other trouble for arresting this crook.

Thailand's judiciary is also fighting an uphill battle against other authorities involved and needed in to legal and logistical battle against Thaksin. Legislative and ececutive powers in Thailand are unfortunately far from being free from bias.

Thailand extradition agreements (existing and non-existing) with many countries pose another legal hurdle for the arrest of Thaksin. Who wants to arrest this man, knowing that the legal battle would be just as complicated as can be. Thaksin would certainly involve international courts and dozens of high profile lawyers. The arresting authority might also fear repercussions from Thaksin's extended criminal arm.

Again, just look at all those corrupt and violent fugitive leaders of Africa living happily in the US, France or elsewhere.

Money Talks .... Thaksin Walks ....

Thaksin is among the 'elite' of the world. That's why he's worshipped.

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good comments from Amnesty pointing out the illegality of the military shootings, oddly enough I raised this earlier in this thread, unarmed people are being shot that pose no immediate threat, amnesty have no highlighted this also in their report, link in the Tuesday news thread.

Tony I don't think that there are any precedents for a live fire zone in Thailand. If your in that area with out cause, you will be shot. There was a post earlier today somewhere on the forum by Orchidlady or a name similar to it. She described the LA riots where the National Guard was brought in to bring things under control. She explains the situation very nicely. Now, the Thai military has set up these perimeters and they are enforcing them. If you are where you should not be, you will be shot. There is nothing illegal in this. It's according to the law in the S.O.E.

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good comments from Amnesty pointing out the illegality of the military shootings, oddly enough I raised this earlier in this thread, unarmed people are being shot that pose no immediate threat, amnesty have no highlighted this also in their report, link in the Tuesday news thread.

And where was your AI during Thaksin's extra judicial drug killings?

How about during the men in black snipers that are now coming to light with SD's assitant being grabbed.

Don't pat yourself on the back so soon Tony, there's more to the story than a bent AI report.

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they backed him into a corner..

using any dirty underhand method they could use..

what is he supposed to do???

60+ people are dead because 1 man has a bruised ego, and you ask "what is he supposed to do???" Do you understand the word "sociopath"?

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they backed him into a corner..

using any dirty underhand method they could use..

what is he supposed to do???

Retire, as he promised to do at least three times, on a couple billion dollars. Could have made a nice life for himself; now he will die a tired, sick old man.

I'm not so sure about the "old"

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good comments from Amnesty pointing out the illegality of the military shootings, oddly enough I raised this earlier in this thread, unarmed people are being shot that pose no immediate threat, amnesty have no highlighted this also in their report, link in the Tuesday news thread.

And where was your AI during Thaksin's extra judicial drug killings?

How about during the men in black snipers that are now coming to light with SD's assitant being grabbed.

Don't pat yourself on the back so soon Tony, there's more to the story than a bent AI report.

I have an interesting FACT for you (and those here on Thaksin's crackdown on drugs.) The UN wanted to get involved then, you recall? He said they are not his father, they have no authority. Now he is asking the UN for their help! What a sad puppy with his tail between his legs.

The poster who praises amnesty must love all of the mayhem here, they're the same brothers with the same cause to wreak havoc against the state (we know who Amnesty IS!)

As to why the protestors aren't coming out: they must leave their ID cards. then they threaten to avenge you later once you leave!

Amnesty for these people?!?!

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good comments from Amnesty pointing out the illegality of the military shootings, oddly enough I raised this earlier in this thread, unarmed people are being shot that pose no immediate threat, amnesty have no highlighted this also in their report, link in the Tuesday news thread.

And where was your AI during Thaksin's extra judicial drug killings?

How about during the men in black snipers that are now coming to light with SD's assitant being grabbed.

Don't pat yourself on the back so soon Tony, there's more to the story than a bent AI report.

Can you actually read? I clearly say that unarmed people that are posing no immediate danger are being shot and killed, if someone is a sniper then they do pose an immediate threat so I have no qualms about them being killed. However some somchai walking down the road, with no weapons suddenly gets his brains blown out, I have seen some video were the person is neither armed or an immediate threat dead, shot by the army, two people with him are trying to crawl to safety, no weapon on them.

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In case you're wondering why girlfriends and wives are crying. Sorry if this has been done before. Hard to wade through pages and pages.

Girlfriend's explanation of awards ceremony speech to me. (unedited and unabridged except my son's name has been removed - she did it as fast as she could).

This show was like Oscar which shown yesterday. That guy just got voted to get the award as a charector of father in a Thai series. As he got the award as a charector of father, he liked to say something about being father.

This is what he said (he compared his family as Thailand and his father as the KING):

---Thais respect the king as a father.---

Father (KING) is a center of family (Thailand). I have a big family (Thailand) and there are so many members (Thai people). I was born in a great beautiful and warm family (Thailand). Before my family (Thailand) located in this land, my forefathers had been working hard to get me and family's members a house (Thailand). Now, it's Majesty the king (Bhumibol) turn and he has still been working hard for his family. One day, one of the family's members (Taksin) got angry with whoever (Brame; King's consultant-Army-Prachatipat---), he complained to his father (KING) , said that was father's false, I hated you (father-KING) and I wanted you (father-KING) to go away (It's like son's name has problem with his friends but he is in bad mood with you and need you to leave.).

This guy on the award show who is one of the family (Thailand), he wants to say to that angry person "If you hate your father and don't love him anymore, go away because this is father's house (land), it's not yours"

And he finished with "I love the king and I belive that everybody here loves him too. We are same colour and my head is for the king"


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Right Vindie... Try pulling any of the crap these zombies have in any other major city in the world and see how quickly the respective governments would break out the big guns. The problem with Thailand is they waited too long. This shi*t would have been mopped up in 72 hours in the USA, and the death toll would have been directly related to how many idiots chose to stick around after the authorities had given the order to disburse or face the consequences.

Hi Yeeoww.....

Your statement about the US is a complete fabrication.

You cannot name one respected instance in US history where protester's who were peacefully assembled were subject to being shot at and murdered by the US government. Even in the most emotional protests against the US war in Vietnam, when 100s of thousands came to Washington DC and camped out on the mall, there was virtually no violence.

The problem is Thailand is just the opposite. The people cannot assemble peacefully without being murdered. They cannot voice their opinion without their TV stations being shut down. They cannot speak out against social injustice without fear of arrest. They cannot even peacefully assemble on public fields without fear of arrest.

Anyone who says the US would "crack down" on something like this is completely wrong. In the US, citizens have a birth right to assemble peacefully. They can have their own TV stations, new papers, web sites, full freedom to assemble and to protest and to express themselves. In Thailand, the citizens to not have these basic rights, especially the rural poor.

When read these threads and post, I am truly amazed at misinformation and lies posted here. In the US, what is happening in Thailand would never happen because in the US, when you cast your vote at the polls, the military does not kick out the winner just because the elite do not agree with the results. In the US, there is a working form of democracy and the bulk of the power is with the people. Not in Thailand. The power is in guns and murder of people who protest. You can easily witness this in the streets of Bangkok today.

I challenge you to name one lawful event in US history where protesters were murdered in the streets. There are none.

Not a yank history buff, but Kent State seems to fit.

More to the point, nmae one lawful event in US history where a significant proportion of protesters showed with assault rifles, grenade launchers, molotov cocktails.......?

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Thaksin's vendetta? How simplistic - it's as if removal of Thaksin would make any difference to this mess, and return Thailand to a state of Utopia. It won't, because this problem extends far beyond Thaksin and Abhsit's blinkered clique.

There are two ingredients to civil unrest - public dissatisfaction and a personality to act as the catalyst, or lightning rod that channels the dissatisfaction into action. Thaksin was the catalyst this time around, but unless something is done to address the public dissatisfaction the instability that caused it will remain.

This is a Thailand problem, not a Thaksin problem. When he goes, another opportunistic politician will take his place and the unrest will continue unless something is done to address the root cause.

I think you are confusing your western ideals with the Thai love of a quick buck. Without the incentive of getting paid for attending the rallies/protests/terrorist gatherings (choose one to suit your political bent), I very much doubt we would be having the current problems.

Whoever said money is the root of all evil was pretty close to the mark. I support no faction in this current situation, I do, however support the rule of law!

Your response appears as a modification to my original post. Tip - when posting reponses, place them after the unquote mark that marks the end of the original post, so it is clear who said what :)

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