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Troops, Armoured Vehicles Converge On Bangkok Protest Site


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Fake monks and injured soldiers:


Soldiers strip a Buddhist monk to search him after his arrest in the anti-government encampment on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand.


A Thai soldier wounded in a grenade attack, waits for help during clashes in central Bangkok May 19, 2010.

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Any confirmation on the report that Arisaman has been arrested?

According to some moronic post he is still running the mob and why he ran away but I think logic would dictate he is doing everything possible to get out of the country.

EDIT: Been away and trying to catch up on the news but Thai PBS says he has been arrested.

Edited by jcbangkok
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Could be there are breakaway factions. The "formal" Red shirt leaders have surrendered, but it appears other members are intent on continuing, and doing so as anarchists would: Just mayhem and destruction. A lot of pent-up frustrations after generations of BKK elite lording over them. None of this bodes well. Hope Aphisit can somehow find a way to include the rural poor. Otherwise this could turn into outright rebellion. Is that what's starting in the provinces?

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Hey TV reds - your "Freedom fighters" just bombed a Lotus. Why don't you guys go help them in their mission to liberate Bangkok? We are all so oppressed from the evil government. In fact, the government just blew up a Lotus...oh wait, no they didn't.

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Could be there are breakaway factions. The "formal" Red shirt leaders have surrendered, but it appears other members are intent on continuing, and doing so as anarchists would: Just mayhem and destruction. A lot of pent-up frustrations after generations of BKK elite lording over them. None of this bodes well. Hope Aphisit can somehow find a way to include the rural poor. Otherwise this could turn into outright rebellion. Is that what's starting in the provinces?

They got paid and now are trying to play "We are good guys". Throw the book at all of them.

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Hey TV reds - your "Freedom fighters" just bombed a Lotus. Why don't you guys go help them in their mission to liberate Bangkok? We are all so oppressed from the evil government. In fact, the government just blew up a Lotus...oh wait, no they didn't.

Trying to get caught up on the news and thread ... are there still people here supporting the reds?

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Personally I feel sorry or all the dumb animals and I am not being sarcastic nor facetious.

The poor cats and dogs in the surrounding Soi’s must be traumatized by all this s**t... They don’t understand <deleted> is going on. Spare a thought for them.

And now as if Bangkok was not polluted enough they burn old tires and pollute the already polluted air...UNBEF**+INGLIEVABLE!

Plus every one knows you should never mix Radials with Cross Ply...


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Taksin and his cronies started the looting of Thailand when they were in office. It is only fitting that the minions would go the same way. Like the leader, when you do not get your way, what you can't trash, sh.t on it, so no one else can use it. Welcome to Thailand, talk about a psychiatrist;s day care dream!!

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CRES Announces a Curfew, Public Prohibited from Leaving Domiciles between 8 P.M. - 6 A.M.

UPDATE : 19 May 2010

The CRES has announced a curfew, banning the public from leaving their houses between 8 P.M. until 6 A.M.

Checkpoints have been set up around Bangkok.


What about Soi Cowboy and those going to and from Soi Cowboy ... any exemption? :)

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Hey TV reds - your "Freedom fighters" just bombed a Lotus. Why don't you guys go help them in their mission to liberate Bangkok? We are all so oppressed from the evil government. In fact, the government just blew up a Lotus...oh wait, no they didn't.

Trying to get caught up on the news and thread ... are there still people here supporting the reds?

Most of the well known ones are noticeably absent. Seems they've either run out of excuses or are out firebombing the city.

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REDS ARE TERRORISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nearly hit by bombs and guns here at On Nut. More terrorist monkeys looting the local Bangkok bank. don't pass here! the ambulance can't get through! I ran for my life just coming home from work! Shots fired on the Lotus side. Still sweating from my sprint home. PLEEZ Atake out these animals so they don't hurt all the innocent civilians.

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Hey TV reds - your "Freedom fighters" just bombed a Lotus. Why don't you guys go help them in their mission to liberate Bangkok? We are all so oppressed from the evil government. In fact, the government just blew up a Lotus...oh wait, no they didn't.

Trying to get caught up on the news and thread ... are there still people here supporting the reds?

No, they are all out on the streets attacking reporters, burning people in TV stations that dared air something negative towards the reds, looting, bombing supermarkets, burning shopping centres, robbing banks, shooting at firemen and showing the world what a bunch of scum they are so that no one will care when the government deal with them accordingly.

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CRES Announces a Curfew, Public Prohibited from Leaving Domiciles between 8 P.M. - 6 A.M.

UPDATE : 19 May 2010

The CRES has announced a curfew, banning the public from leaving their houses between 8 P.M. until 6 A.M.

Checkpoints have been set up around Bangkok.


What about Soi Cowboy and those going to and from Soi Cowboy ... any exemption? :)

Best question so far. :D

It's a diabolical plot to make you go long time...

Gotta supplement the lost wages somehow! :D


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Any confirmation on the report that Arisaman has been arrested?

According to some moronic post he is still running the mob and why he ran away but I think logic would dictate he is doing everything possible to get out of the country.

EDIT: Been away and trying to catch up on the news but Thai PBS says he has been arrested.

We will see but I think like Pedro01; it looks like something very organised. The moderate leaders have washed their hands of what is going to happen. The moderate leaders cannot anymore soften the situation and block extremists, we are on the worse scenario, if some military units join the Red Shirts we are in the Civil war....

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Hey TV reds - your "Freedom fighters" just bombed a Lotus. Why don't you guys go help them in their mission to liberate Bangkok? We are all so oppressed from the evil government. In fact, the government just blew up a Lotus...oh wait, no they didn't.

Trying to get caught up on the news and thread ... are there still people here supporting the reds?

Most of the well known ones are noticeably absent. Seems they've either run out of excuses or are out firebombing the city.

I've not seen this poster writing here today

Some of those arrested so far including

a Che Guevara t-shirt wearer:


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incite - provoke or stir up; "incite a riot"; "set off great unrest among the people"

All the so called red leaders should be tried in a court of law for every death caused in this fiasco. Mr. t included as he was partially funding it. Also every person in Thailand found to have funded the rally.

Now they have created an uncontrollable mob of misfits who have absolutely no sense of responsibility. It is like any other time in history when a charismatic leader shouts lies long enough people will start to believe them. There comes a point where the people form their own opinions and become uncontrolable. They take on their own mob identity and will no longer listen to anyone.

They now get a high out of total destruction of the preceived enemy at all costs, even death. I don't think the stooges on stage were smart enough to realize this or maybe they were. Maybe this was their intentions all along.

It just proves the age old statement "you reap what you sow (sew)".

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A coup? Let's hope not. Complain about Thaksin or complain about Abhisit, but nowhere can a military operate a government. Dictators can operate a government but a military can't, in matters both foreign and domestic. After the Sept '06 coup the military announced it would get out of government and it indeed did 14 months later, after 14 months of ineffective and inactive government except for the commissions and constitution the military wanted. In Burma, to cite one typical instance, the military in government are simply thieves and murderers who steal from the state while the population lives in anarchy peppered with fear.

Ordinary Thais must solve the urgent problems free of all coercion and passe' institutions.

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REDS ARE TERRORISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nearly hit by bombs and guns here at On Nut. More terrorist monkeys looting the local Bangkok bank. don't pass here! the ambulance can't get through! I ran for my life just coming home from work! Shots fired on the Lotus side. Still sweating from my sprint home. PLEEZ Atake out these animals so they don't hurt all the innocent civilians.

Wow - how quickly we change our tune. I thought they were "Fighting for democracy". Stay safe.

Edited by SomTumTiger
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Gov't on TV saying they have gained control of main areas with the exception of a few pockets of problems they will deal with tonight and that is why they ask everyone to stay inside and have imposed curfew from 8 PM.

IF YOU MUST TRAVEL such as to the airport or court you are to make sure you have your passport/ID and tickets or other documentation.

They are also going to be switching over TV on some channels to government announcements through out tonight that will provide updates and directions for foreigners(?)

Foreigner safety very important and gov't asks for our cooperation as they restore peace.

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A coup? Let's hope not. Complain about Thaksin or complain about Abhisit, but nowhere can a military operate a government. Dictators can operate a government but a military can't, in matters both foreign and domestic. After the Sept '06 coup the military announced it would get out of government and it indeed did 14 months later, after 14 months of ineffective and inactive government except for the commissions and constitution the military wanted. In Burma, to cite one typical instance, the military in government are simply thieves and murderers who steal from the state while the population lives in anarchy peppered with fear.

Ordinary Thais must solve the urgent problems free of all coercion and passe' institutions.

they're NOT! They're not solving it! This city is out of control! I was almost hit a half hour ago. I am guessing you are not in BKK at the moment!

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Do not be too optimistic, the moderate leaders have surrender leaving an angry mob uncontrolled... as Tulsahit has tweeted everyting may happen from now ... or only some pockets of resistance... or a bigger insurrection.

Praying everything go to normalcy, but difficult with moderate leaders "neutralised".

That's been a problem for a couple weeks hasn't it? The moderates wanted to accept the "road map" but the hard liners overruled. Maybe it's better with them out of the way.

In France, we have learnt that it was better to keep the structured leaders controlling a mob, than to let a mob uncontrolled...We will see what happens.....

Do you read or watch the news? Those leaders who have not fled have lost control of the mob. The remaining mob has refused their orders to disburse and now claim to be a break off group ... which is setting fire to the city.

One does have to wonder if the red leaders gave this break-off group all their weapons.

Apparently this is just another excuse to blame the government and leave the red leadership that was calling for exactly this type of violence blameless.

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