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Red-Shirt Leaders Turn Themselves In At National Police Office

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WOW... This is the 3rd time challenging all Ahbisit bashers to come forth. C'mon StarWars boy... what's the hold up? So easy for you to sit there in the comfort of your home and draw your light sabre on the PM. I want ALL Red Tshirt Gang lovers to let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisits shoes. Pray tell how you would've dealt with unruly mobs burning your city, terrorizing government buildings and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families all while causing literally billions of baht in loss to the country and all the law abiding citizens.

I would have called an early election :-)

Abhisit offered that to the reds. They rejected it.

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clear your heads if you thing this is over.

you are smoking to many drugs.

The international community will crucify Thailand, tourists will avoid like the plague,

no investments,no cash for Thailand

Behind the sceens plansd will be hatched, and implemented, the reds will be back .

till they install their own govenment then yellows will hit the street.


I can't understand how so many posters on this forum are so staunchly anti Red.

The huge gulf between rich and poor in thailand is quite clear for all to see.


A lot of the pro-red supporters of a few weeks ago have become somewhat quiet as it became apparent that:

- This was NOT a fight for the rights of the poor people.

- Democracy was NOT what the redshirt leaders want, it is political power.

- Anarchy was taking over the place of fair politics on the streets of Bangkok.

Glad that the army has finally taken action on this.

Respects to all the brave soldiers, not an easy job!


So much vitriol and mindless postings on this thread (as usual). Let's try and be positive here.

The posters who are saying this is not over could well be right. we could get scattered terrorist activities dotted around Bangkok and even around Thailand. I've been through that in the sixties and seventies in London when the IRA were at there height and believe me it is not pleasant. Mind you - those guys didn't mess about . When they planted a bomb, it really was a bomb.

But let's try and be optimistic. I saw Korn (Finance Minister) and the BKK Governor interviewed this morning and they came across as practical guys and really seemed to have learnt from this and were talking a lot about addressing the plight of the rural poor. They appeared to be very genuine (although who knows for sure). If they are serious about it and the rest of the coalition allow it, they will need to act very quickly in politics of reconciliation and it must include a new date for elections - maybe the dates Abhisit offered in his road map.

OK I'm a glass half full kind of guy and it may never happen. (Actually "I'm a the glass isn't big enough" kind of guy!)

I seriously doubt that this crackdown or arrests will end anything. Central World reportedly on fire. So is Century Park Hotel. Here are some photos of Ubon: http://memock.wordpress.com/ a while ago. Khon Khaen riots in the streets. As well as Chiang Mai. Government building burning in Udon Thani.

Its a good start.

For civil war ?

Something any new prime minister should be proud of .... starting up a civil war.

Way to go Abhisit :)

No, for defeating the reds.

It was the reds who argued for civil/class war.

the perfume of defeat will put out your flames.

You can dream of further civil war, but its all downhill from now.

Star Wars it ain't.

Very well said.

Abhisit has handled this better than Obama or Cameron or any of them could have. Better than I could have, probably better than anyone on this forum could have, in my opinion.

Jugglling snowballs through hel_l, problably what he's got lined up for the encore. Abhisit is a star, keeping the brakes on for over two months, getting Med Teams in asap the whole time. In England those militant weapon-carrying reds would have been falling down the police-station steps on Day 1.

Reds cause was never "we want democracy" like those hilarious banners and stuff, we saw their true cause recently when they started ram-raiding the ATMs and looting the empty bank offices. They were never anything other than criminals. They should discuss that at their next 5-star banquet in luxury hotel where they check-in under cover of night and leave their honest-peasant disguises at the door, and their caviar & foie-gras delivered to their rooms by low-paid Bangkok serving-girls.

They're criminals. Their new banner should read "we are scared of working , and we want to loot stuff and robbing and intimidating old grannies". At least it would be honest. Although it could never be as honest as their murderous crime-lord boss, all alone on his luxury yacht,with his Lady Macbeth Syndrome, scrubbing his bloodstained hands forever, but they will never be clean.


Nutthawut Saigua's primary school teacher appealed in public to him urging him stop the nonsense and return home.

Nutthawut only laughed at the old fool with the words: "I now have 100 million Baht in my bank, I have all want."

So this is what this was all about. Who gets most of Thaksin's money.


It was down to Abhisit's, government and army tactics the women and children at Rajaprosong are unscathed.

The lawless anarchy by their supporters that is following is now overshadowing that achievement.

WOW... This is the 3rd time challenging all Ahbisit bashers to come forth. C'mon StarWars boy... what's the hold up? So easy for you to sit there in the comfort of your home and draw your light sabre on the PM. I want ALL Red Tshirt Gang lovers to let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisits shoes. Pray tell how you would've dealt with unruly mobs burning your city, terrorizing government buildings and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families all while causing literally billions of baht in loss to the country and all the law abiding citizens.

I would have called an early election :-)

Abhisit offered that to the reds. They rejected it.

Actualy he withdrew the offer

Don't u remember back in 2008 when PAD stormed and shut down the airport. they broke the law and no one was jailed.

They're currently in court about it. Read the news.

After that the late PM Samak was ousted due to the allegation of his TV cooking show. His successor and his party was later dissolved and banned for 5 years from politic.

because they broke the election rules.

So I don't see that Abphisit government was elected DEMOCRATICALLY. They used dirty tactics to rid of their opponents.

They were elected in exactly the same way the UK government has just been elected, via a coalition with other parties. They WERE democratically elected. You don't see the labor party in England burning down Westminster now do you?

All the reds: time to shut up now you terrorists losers, I just wish they take the IP address of every red sympathizer farang and deport him! red farangs OUT OF THAILAND NOW !

Now that's what I call democracy!

OK Loud Mouth, Please feel free to get my IP address and you can come take care of me yourself. You are a loud mouthed nobody. Sorry you have missed out on chasing your bar girls for the last few weeks and sitting around and getting sloppy drunk. But you obviously have no idea what is happening in Thailand and have no mind to even try to understand it.

You are a brown stain on the Farang community. Do us all a favor and and go stick you nose back in the bottle.

Hear Hear farfetched!!

I would have called an early election :-)

Abhisit offered that to the reds. They rejected it.

Actualy he withdrew the offer

One of the conditions was for them to end their protest. They rejected it when they continued their protest, so it was taken off the table.

clear your heads if you thing this is over.

you are smoking to many drugs.

The international community will crucify Thailand, tourists will avoid like the plague,

no investments,no cash for Thailand

Behind the sceens plansd will be hatched, and implemented, the reds will be back .

till they install their own govenment then yellows will hit the street.


Hatched that up in your brain did ya? Time for another Singha.

clear your heads if you thing this is over.

you are smoking to many drugs.

The international community will crucify Thailand, tourists will avoid like the plague,

no investments,no cash for Thailand

Behind the sceens plansd will be hatched, and implemented, the reds will be back .

till they install their own govenment then yellows will hit the street.


About 250 posts so far and only 2 posts, yours included, quoting the reaction of the international community. This is what frustrates people on this forum - too many posters with blinkered views, getting all their "information" from one source.

... The poor will still be poor no matter who wins. They are pawns and stooges. They have no true cause worth fighting for. They may have experienced some injustices, but then again we all have. Get rid of the brain washing campaign, and things return to normal.

Do you know the biggest brainwashing campaign ever? We're not allowed to talk about it here, so don't ask. :-)

You can talk about that tw@t Thaksin all you want.

It was always about him.... now its just turned into civil disobedience and civil disorder by a few hundred retards.

I just hope that all this tv and video footage is used as evidence to arrest these scum bags, and they get put away for a good few years!! Give them time to think about their loser leader Thaksin :)

Are you confused Jackn? I just said we're not allowed to talk about the biggest brainwashing campaign ever. And I was arguing against the belief that the Reds have only been brainwashed. So why would I talk about Thaksin more? You know what's going on, right?

And you mean the video footage of Abhisit's army being used to prosecute Abhisit? I'm sure it will be used.

I am making allowances for the fact that you are either a misled red supporter or you are simply trolling for an argument.

I am fully aware of what is going on, as I suspect you are too.

Abhisit has handled the situation in an exemplary fashion. My only criticism, is that he should have sent in the army 2-3 weeks ago, and crushed the scum then.

As it is, unfortunately innocent people have died, and I lay that blame firmly at the door of Thaksin and his terrorist cronies. Scum bags is too polite a word for them.

The international community will crucify Thailand, tourists will avoid like the plague,

no investments,no cash for Thailand

Sorry I disagree- this unrest has had little to no impact on the Thai currency or stock market. Sure it may knock a point or two off of GDP for the year, but fundamentally the Thai economy remains strong. In fact now that the red mobs have been sent packing I wouldn't be surprised to see some big gains on the SET in the next days and an upswing in foreign investment and exports.

Time for Thailand to move forward. Anyone's guess if Taksin and his henchmen will allow that to happen or if they'll continue to cause trouble.

... The poor will still be poor no matter who wins. They are pawns and stooges. They have no true cause worth fighting for. They may have experienced some injustices, but then again we all have. Get rid of the brain washing campaign, and things return to normal.

Do you know the biggest brainwashing campaign ever? We're not allowed to talk about it here, so don't ask. :-)

You can talk about that tw@t Thaksin all you want.

It was always about him.... now its just turned into civil disobedience and civil disorder by a few hundred retards.

I just hope that all this tv and video footage is used as evidence to arrest these scum bags, and they get put away for a good few years!! Give them time to think about their loser leader Thaksin :)

Are you confused Jackn? I just said we're not allowed to talk about the biggest brainwashing campaign ever. And I was arguing against the belief that the Reds have only been brainwashed. So why would I talk about Thaksin more? You know what's going on, right?

And you mean the video footage of Abhisit's army being used to prosecute Abhisit? I'm sure it will be used.

I guess you think its ok for these idiots to be running amok damaging Govt property, shooting at people.

Crazy thing is I have not seen 1 red supporter come on here and condone what the scum bags are doing.... NOT ONE!!!

That tells you the type of mindset the Red brigade have!! Its Sick

WOW... This is the 3rd time challenging all Ahbisit bashers to come forth. C'mon StarWars boy... what's the hold up? So easy for you to sit there in the comfort of your home and draw your light sabre on the PM. I want ALL Red Tshirt Gang lovers to let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisits shoes. Pray tell how you would've dealt with unruly mobs burning your city, terrorizing government buildings and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families all while causing literally billions of baht in loss to the country and all the law abiding citizens.

I would have called an early election :-)

Abhisit offered that to the reds. They rejected it.

Actualy he withdrew the offer

Actually the offer was there for over 1 week

clear your heads if you thing this is over.

you are smoking to many drugs.

The international community will crucify Thailand, tourists will avoid like the plague,

no investments,no cash for Thailand

Behind the sceens plansd will be hatched, and implemented, the reds will be back .

till they install their own govenment then yellows will hit the street.


About 250 posts so far and only 2 posts, yours included, quoting the reaction of the international community. This is what frustrates people on this forum - too many posters with blinkered views, getting all their "information" from one source.

He thinks he is watching the Terminator movie.


"No ceasefire until the army withdraws... No ceasefire until the government steps down... We will never give in... We will fight to the bitter end..."

Shinawatra money transactions frozen

"We've had enough... Don't shoot, we're coming out..."

Sure, it's got nothing to do with Thaksin :)

WOW... This is the 3rd time challenging all Ahbisit bashers to come forth. C'mon StarWars boy... what's the hold up? So easy for you to sit there in the comfort of your home and draw your light sabre on the PM. I want ALL Red Tshirt Gang lovers to let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisits shoes. Pray tell how you would've dealt with unruly mobs burning your city, terrorizing government buildings and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families all while causing literally billions of baht in loss to the country and all the law abiding citizens.

I would have called an early election :-)

Great! Finally someone responds... but "wrong answer". Most any government worth it's salt would never change the set rules simply to appease an angry mob. If you bow to this type of thing, it simply opens the door to more actions in kind.

Thanks for trying. Next?...

I can't understand how so many posters on this forum are so staunchly anti Red.

The huge gulf between rich and poor in thailand is quite clear for all to see.

Even if their cause has been hijacked by certain individuals for their own personal gain and their actions somewhat misguided there is still a class war at the core of these troubles. As long as there is a huge underclass in Thailand and until the poor rural folk and anyone not connected to the army, police force, or big business have fair access to healthcare and education and as long as there are monopolies held by the business owners over agricultural products such as Rice and rubber these troubles will continue.

I am glad that bangkok looks like it will be getting back to normal for my own interests, but i just hope that the next protest will be done in a way that will be less alienating for the reds (or whatever colour they choose to wear) and that the normal people of Bangkok wont have their lives turned upside down. I wonder how many people i have met in Bangkok would have been more sympathetic to the reds plight if the protest had been gone about differently.

I think the last couple of months has only strengthened the red cause and in time with the right leadership justice could one day be served in thailand, i hope so any way.

This is far from over.

If this was a real movement for poor people that were suffering under tyranny, I would support it for sure. But this? A fake revolution created by paid leaders and demonstrators, just to save an ousted corrupt criminal? NEVER IN MY LIFE!

well said and spot on. thailand does not have a cast system! all thais are free to geto ut of bed and go to school, study and apply what they learn to amke a better life for themsleves, get bank loans, take risk and do what they want to improve their life. Thailand is not a communist country where distribution of wealth is norm. many countries have a wide gap between the haves and have nots including developed countries such as the usa.

Don't be silly there's no comparison. I don't know what planet you live on but you don't see the same level of poverty in the developed west as you see in the provinces of Thailand. It has got better in Thailand but there's still many people living in leaky wooden shacks with a rusty roof. Yeah they seem happy as they don't have a culture of 'entitlement' like we have and usually have a close nit family to help them out.

In most of Europe the more kids you have the more money the government gives you, you get free accomodation if you don't have a job, everyone has running water, a bathroom and a flush toilet, a sterile kitchen if they choose to clean it and welfare and they don't have to pick rice in the blazing sun allday for a couple of dollars. Taksin gave the country free education and healthcare up to a limit but that won't get the poor through university as they still have to pay for that.

I have no sympathy for Taksin other than the above but he's one of the few sucess stories your talking about as it rarely happens. If your born poor in Thailand your extremly likely to stay poor.

I am happy those leaders came to their senses and did the right thing, both for their own followers and the other people of Thailand. I hope they get a fair trial and sentence.

I certainly hope that the government doesn't give these thugs bail. They have vowed to fight another day. They will lead further burnings of government buildings all over Thailand. Already their comrades are burning government buildings all over Isaan. These terrorists are definitely flight risks and there is a good chance that they would leave the country. Of course Thaksin may be angry that they did not fight to the death as the promised him they would do. On several occasions these Red leaders said they would fight to the death. But, it was all talk as long as they had women & children for shields and their lives were not in danger. If they get a "fair trial" they will get many years in prison. Attempting to overthrown any government anywhere in the world generally gets those perpetrators long sentences in prison. Even now their comrades continue to burn government buildings all over the north and northeast. This is the example they set and they should pay dearly for it.

WOW... This is the 3rd time challenging all Ahbisit bashers to come forth. C'mon StarWars boy... what's the hold up? So easy for you to sit there in the comfort of your home and draw your light sabre on the PM. I want ALL Red Tshirt Gang lovers to let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisits shoes. Pray tell how you would've dealt with unruly mobs burning your city, terrorizing government buildings and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families all while causing literally billions of baht in loss to the country and all the law abiding citizens.

I would have called an early election :-)

Abhisit offered that to the reds. They rejected it.

Yes, you are right but one thing i have to remind you.

He offered the date he k n e w they will not accept.

If you are in their shoes, would you wait 5 months (November) for some elections?

Anywhere in the world, matture. ressponsible and experienced politicians would not provoke another side in negotiations by giving them so long time for elections, especially if country is in civil war, especially if an eye of international community is on your country.

Would you be so stubborn and irresponsible to give to your opposition so long time, despite you know all is about your government stay or go?

Would you provoke protesters about your government and you, by cutting supplies, basic things as water and food and after they react about the ciolence-to blame them for violence?

Would you put the finger into an eye of tiger, especially if tiger is wounded? Would you?

Would you feel bad about making Warsaw gheto over your people, but people who are not thinking same as you?

Would you punish your opponents by taking water and food from them, same time affecting innocent citizens around rally point?

Would you use rubber bullets instead real ammo?

Would you allow Amnesty International has to involve in something what you, as PM, should to fix inside of your country?

Would you allow to yourself your people in capital wait in the line for food in 21st century?

Would you call yourself, in that case, modern politician even democrat?

Would you be able to accept your acting, even just by 10%, caused deaths of so many people?

Would you step down after so many tragical mistakes you made, as politician, as a matter of dignity and morality or you would be so stubborn to keep going on, despite new casulties and deaths?

Would you?

Please answer to me. :)

I doubt so.

Sorry I disagree- this unrest has had little to no impact on the Thai currency or stock market.

Well it has now, because the stock market building is currently burning down in flames.

It would have justified the (failed) attempt to have a peaceful 'million man' march at Phan Fa bridge. It could even have justified a protest at Siam Square insofar as it didn't interfere with ordinary people's lifes and jobs. I don't see how anyone can argue it justifies what actually has happened over the last five weeks or so - if you call this 'protest' I suggest you buy a new dictionary. Protest was what Gandhi did.

Gandhi was up against the British, not a British educated puppet to start with. and clearly had more restraint than by far any protest leader before and after that. clearly not a good comparison.

Also, all the unruliness started after being provoked by the army as everyone knows. they didnt shoot at people on streets etc like we have seen before (off guns stolen/given away from the parliament). And then the army comes out with what some called anti-aircraft weapons.. a very good excuse to use the double standards card. and the rest is history. Any competent govt would know this would happen specially when dealing with uneducated people, not to mention the army's bad reputation when it comes to this kind of trouble.

I guess you think its ok for these idiots to be running amok damaging Govt property, shooting at people.

Crazy thing is I have not seen 1 red supporter come on here and condone what the scum bags are doing.... NOT ONE!!!

That tells you the type of mindset the Red brigade have!! Its Sick

It certainly is sick that a minority ruling elite in Bangkok can use the labour force of a majority of country folk to create wealth, yes, I agree with you. If you think it's okay for this majority to have been repressed for decades (not being allowed to voice their opinion because of draconian laws), then I have to disagree with you. Rioting on the streets for a few days is nothing compared to decades of repression. BTW, this is just the beginning...

And stop calling people who post against you a troll, else I'll start calling you a buffalo. Okay? :-)

Does anyone know what happened to the Yellow Shirt leaders, after they closed the airport in Dec 2008? I have not heard of any of them serving jail sentences right now (I could be wrong) if so, seems a bit unfair to me that they can close down the airport and get away scott free. Or could be something to do with the fact that their side came into government afterwards, so they escaped punishment?

It will be interesting to see what happens to the Red Shirt leaders

PLEASE do a bit of research on the topic before posting! (The same goes for Gymboy)

Back off mate....give them some time to learn ....Research has more than 3 letters in it

"Please heed my call for an end to the rally so that we can continue fighting to advance democracy for the future," he said.

PRICELESS quote......continue fighting to advance democracy, yeah right. PATHETIC attempt. next?

Funnier still, this government boycotted an election, most probably will get caught out for electoral fraud shortly, are responsible for killing dozens of unarmed protesters and unarmed foriegn reporters, muzzle the media, got into power via a parlimentary deal rather then through elections , and only because the opposition was disqualified for a cooking show. And the most ironic thing of all, is that these people call themselves the DEMOCRATS !

At least the foriegn media for the most part knows that this goverment is full of sh## , pity some of the expats are still clueless though.

What a bunch of Sh...... To suggest that a dozens of innocents and unarmed protesters were killed is a lunacy. Were you turning your eyes away from the TV screen when the press, foreign and local, was showing and describing several hundreds "black shirt" individuals, within the Red Shirts encampment, were openly showing off and using rifles, molotovs and improvised explosives. How about the kidnapping and abuse of several army officers? You missed that also? Too bad it had to turn this way. There was an opportunity totally mishandled by the reds, probably because of their in fighting.

All this for what? The greed and ambitions of a power hungry fugitive who has been financing this charade?

This Government is legittimate, it was organized by parliament after the fall of the previous administration and as a result of various political group shifting their supprt. Some of the red shirt parties actually joined Abhisit in the coalition. That was done democratically.

I think the expat community is a bit more knowledgable and educated than you think. Possibly your Esan wife may have brainwashed you a bit. But then, they are quite good at doing that with Farangs.


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