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Thai Court Approves Arrest Warrant Against Thaksin On Terrorism Charge


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I think it should be made clear that most people (red) were just regular folks from Isaan who just wanted what they were told and promised-simply mislead with false promises and finger pointing. They deeply believed that Thaksin was the savior.

However the leaders and few others have taken advantage of the situation and extremists have gone way to far.

We do not have ALL red protesters burning down the city, only a very small number

Sadly it is the people who suffer on both sides-red,yellow and every other color.

These are not legitimate protesters. The women, children and poor farmers paid off to protest were not burning down Bangkok and are not burning down their own infrastructure in their own cities. These are ex convicts, drug addicts, discontented youth, former army members, former cops, active criminals and the like. This is what composes the heart and soul of this movement and of course their leader Thaksin. Does the 5000 number not tip anyone off? If this was the great democratic uprising so many have spoken of then you would see close to a million protesters. This was never the case. This is a wolf in sheep's clothing but now the wolf has been revealed.

do not get me wrong, i do not disagree with you, but a very large number of people were mislead and used.

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I doubt that anyone will act on the arrest warrant. They have a arrest warrant already and no one is doing anything.

The other truth is all these things that people on here are suggesting should happen to Thaksin are never in reality going to come to pass. "a short trip to the gallows...." Well they don't even have death by hanging. Death by lethal injection is the follow up to the machine gun that was previously used. If they did put a warrant out for something that carried the death penalty then no first world Country would extradite him save for America as they all have prohibitions on extradition where the life of the person is at risk.

The problem it appears to me is that the charges have suddenly appeared and have all the hallmarks of being politically motivated. I really can't see anyone buying into it at all.

The other thing the Thai government has to be wary of is taking extra judicial steps. The very thing that people accuse Thaksin of ! They cannot impound people's monies without taking steps - one would assume that they have the process that would allow them to re-install the freeze that was on the accounts not that long ago. At least that would keep it where they can ensure it is not moved.

I still go back to the theme that i and i am pleased to say a number of people have sort of agreed with. The Country in my humble farang opinion needs to step back and try to move forward in a different way. It won't happen in the short term but it needs some kind of leadership. I don't know where it is going to come from.

It is true that the majority support the Reds. What is clear also is that most of them are misguided and miss led by the various party leaders. How therefore the impasse is broken is a question for debate and one that perhaps would be the area that those who love the Country should concentrate on.

That is not true at all. I think they won 35% at last elections and have lost seats since. You think the killing, burning, looting is gaining them more devotees?

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So many farmers remain pathetically attached to the prehistoric (basically) economy of goats, buffaloes, chicken and some land to grow cabbage or some other such commodity. They haven't any idea of the human resource requirements of the modern (post Industrial Revolution) economy.

I agree Publicus.

That's exactly the point since the Thai elite governments, since memory, didn't invest in (agricultural) education whatsoever.

They were only interested in expanding their own interests....not the farmers' ones.

The poor had to be kept poor and uneducated to let their wealth grow and their sons and daughters educated abroad.

Thanks to Internet and Mobile phones the farmers woke up and are learning fast. They don't accept their prehistoric fate anymore and want to be taught also; their kids demand the same.

I'm afraid his is only the beginning.

The Thaksin era is just an accelerator in Thai -rapid changing- history, nothing more.

In the end, the elite have to bow and give way and accept there are dozens of millions of poor people, demanding their future as well as the future of their children are as important as the elite's.

History in so many countries have told us the same story, over and over. You can't suppress the poor much longer, not in the 21st century with Internet, YouTube, Mobiles and other sophisticated communication systems.

The Thai government is blocking like heck, but you can't stop the people to shut up their mouths.

It will take time but the time WILL come that your "prehistoric" farmers will become educated more and more.


Every one of your contributions attempts to absolve Thaksin.

He is the 'elite' you identify with.

Not that the word 'elite' explains anything at all.

Are you proposing an alternative to the capitalist mode of production?


Are you proposing land reform?


Do the reds have any economic programme?


All that remains is Thaksin.

Bogus and fraudulent arguments can be pushed.

But from you they are all confetti.

Edited by yoshiwara
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who are under paid and over worked

Don't know even one such of person (I am an employer).

MOSTLY they are much MUCH relaxed at work, always pay a HUGE attention to their off-duties - and, of course, snacks-aftersnacks-gossips-sanookdotcom-online games-snacks-skin whitenings/blackberries-iphones blahblahblah.

Following by very irresponcible even on their direct duties. Should I call this all "overworked"? Or should I pay for that?

It took me more than 8 yrs to find just a COUPLE partially-responsible persons to be the project's leaders....

why is it us farangs who have businesses have to pay the minimum, wage regardless and so many other businesses pay what they want to some less than 50% of the minimum wage.

The answer is simple: because you'll fail to name me even ONE world-level THAI businessman. Even the beloved Thaksin has chin/sin roots.....

Most of mosts of Thais are NOT suitable for this task. Nothing offencive - just a soft and relaxed mentality by their born.

That's why.

lazy to pay overtime to the labour departments employees.

It is not the overtime to be paid, but over-production. :D

Noone is going to pay you if you sit overtime and doing completely nothing (i.e. same as you do in your in-duty time too).

Or may you think that Thaksin will pay this? 55555 he (as a businessman in his roots) is the 1st to count his money. Dont be naive.

:) oh how true, this one just HAD to be repeated!! I'd love to know what you're asking of them to be actually satisfied with their work ethic, lemme guess, you've a bar in Pattaya and your ladies are very, should we say, accommodating?? :D :D

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All his and his family's funds should be seized to help rebuild the country he has tried so hard to tear apart.

so many people lost their lives because the believe in a cause and yet again, the leaders who pushed them all to carry on have surrendered in order to cover their ass:impressive!!!

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The Criminal Court has taken back the arrest warrant for convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra on terrorism charges on Wednesday night, Department of Special Investigation (DSI) director-general Tharit Pengdit said.

Mr Tharit said the court had issued arrest warrants for Thaksin and nine other anti-government core members on terrorism charges earlier today but it had decided to recall Thaksin's arrest warrant.

"Further investigation will take place on May 24 at 9.30am," the DSI chief said.

The attorneys had already approved the 10 arrest warrants but the DSI would have to wait for the court's deliberation on Thaksin's case again, he added.

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I doubt that anyone will act on the arrest warrant. They have a arrest warrant already and no one is doing anything.

The other truth is all these things that people on here are suggesting should happen to Thaksin are never in reality going to come to pass. "a short trip to the gallows...." Well they don't even have death by hanging. Death by lethal injection is the follow up to the machine gun that was previously used. If they did put a warrant out for something that carried the death penalty then no first world Country would extradite him save for America as they all have prohibitions on extradition where the life of the person is at risk.

The problem it appears to me is that the charges have suddenly appeared and have all the hallmarks of being politically motivated. I really can't see anyone buying into it at all.

The other thing the Thai government has to be wary of is taking extra judicial steps. The very thing that people accuse Thaksin of ! They cannot impound people's monies without taking steps - one would assume that they have the process that would allow them to re-install the freeze that was on the accounts not that long ago. At least that would keep it where they can ensure it is not moved.

I still go back to the theme that i and i am pleased to say a number of people have sort of agreed with. The Country in my humble farang opinion needs to step back and try to move forward in a different way. It won't happen in the short term but it needs some kind of leadership. I don't know where it is going to come from.

It is true that the majority support the Reds. What is clear also is that most of them are misguided and miss led by the various party leaders. How therefore the impasse is broken is a question for debate and one that perhaps would be the area that those who love the Country should concentrate on.

That is not true at all. I think they won 35% at last elections and have lost seats since. You think the killing, burning, looting is gaining them more devotees?

40%. The same number as the Democrats.

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I can understand the Govt's restraint over the last few days/weeks not wanting to be accused of jumping the gun during the protests, and will wholeheartedly agree Abhisit's a pretty sharp cookie, mostly allowing the red clowns to play into his hands, certainly as far as the history books will assuredly agree later. As many others have stated, even on this topic, his reforms and improvements in structure have been overshadowed by these thuggish idiots, dam-n shame. At the same time we've now unrest in the provinces, in my humble opinion purely because he allowed them the time to retreat & regroup in their home towns, I for one am very worried indeed this latest unrest may take quite a while longer to stamp out?

Unsure about you other ex-pats in the tourism game, but our numbers are well down since these clots began their unethical, unwarranted (now obviously ineffective), led by the incapable and therefore quite frankly pointless; so-called 'class struggle' for the one against the many? Makes me sick it does, the ramifications of these selfish, cowardly & stupid acts will reverberate long after the troubles themselves die down. A crying shame so many allowed themselves to be duped AGAIN after Thaksin had already stolen billions from each & every Thai's own pocket with his swindling ways. Never mind the many other abuses of power...

They always say a country gets the leader it deserves?

I don't believe the Thais deserved this little lot, foisted on them by a megalomaniac's lust for power! Pioneered by the greedy & assisted by the uninformed. Abhisit, highly (and appropriately awarded too, not with some bought on-line degrees, lol! You couldn't POSSIBLY earn any kind of degree honestly with Thaksin's garbled/mangled English skills!! Could you??) educated and reasonable though he is, should have acted more quickly, his only mistake thus far IMHO. Too many on TV here alone calling him weak & worse, consider this; with his background and therefore inherent sensibilities, knowledge of the global scheme included, he really is Thailand's last, best hope. Worried now? Like it or not this country needs an honest, decent & upstanding leader demonstrating the wherewithal to make it as a world player. Alternatively a xenophobe only out to line his own pockets? Jeez, it really IS that simple folks, or are some of you honestly that misinformed?!?! And still wondering WHY the Baht stays so strong on the world stage? Duh...* The current PM will indeed shine once the Red Lights have been extinguished, mark my words.

My best wishes to Thailand and her good people, praying for an end to this fiasco before too much longer. I for one am looking forward to greeting our guests with a smile & relaxed attitude come next touring season, ready once again to display with pride some of the wonders that are Thailand's alone. Could quite possibly become more than just a little cynical if these flaming red idiots continue to shoot themselves in the foot with such spectacular aplomb, lol!!

Me, I'll just stay here - 9yrs & counting, enjoying the good weather & company, never forgetting; wealth is only an illusion created by those who want you to buy something off them! Enjoy what you have over here folks, worth it's weight in gold.


*Yes, of course I'm fully aware there's more to the Baht's current strength than purely Abhisit at the helm, but that's for a different thread. However, it still stands as a poignant reminder that the country isn't disappearing down the tubes as the naysayers would have us believe.

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It seems that most people who live in Thailand have a pretty good understanding of the bull*hit behind the red shirts and Taskin's disruption of the country. However, from over here in the US, people are relatively clueless. The news has no in-depth reporting and it appears on the surface that the red shirts are a group of poor oppressed people fighting a corrupt government in order to restore democracy. What a load of ^$%&^%$#@$#%!!!!

A fake "movement of the people". The powers behind this did a pretty good job of hoodwinking a lot of people. I'll give them that much. Most of the red shirts are pawns in a game they don't even understand, so even they have been hoodwinked.

I hope there is an end to the violence soon.

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Has there been any mention of bringing in hundreds of parliamentary observers for the next election, whenever that might be?

If not, corruption, intimidation & vote buying will be the norm, yet again.

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Courts should immediately confiscate all houses, property, cars, bank accounts, pensions and any other assets of the Red shirt leaders and participants including Mr. Toxin and that of their families to help pay compensation to those whose property was destroyed as a result of the riots they caused.

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It seems that most people who live in Thailand have a pretty good understanding of the bull*hit behind the red shirts and Taskin's disruption of the country. However, from over here in the US, people are relatively clueless. The news has no in-depth reporting and it appears on the surface that the red shirts are a group of poor oppressed people fighting a corrupt government in order to restore democracy. What a load of ^$%&^%$#@$#%!!!!

A fake "movement of the people". The powers behind this did a pretty good job of hoodwinking a lot of people. I'll give them that much. Most of the red shirts are pawns in a game they don't even understand, so even they have been hoodwinked.

I hope there is an end to the violence soon.

Yes when the US should be debating its own inequality issues it is much easier to focus on Thailand and make a nice story about the poor fighting for democracy. Most Americans are probably saying to themselves "thank God we have democracy here and this could never happen... they are fighting for what we have". This is a dumbed down public at best. Most bizarre thing is that Thailand in many ways is too democratic in allowing these demonstrations to exist in the first place. As I've said all along try this in any Western democracy and it would be lights out within a week or days. If anyone can prove to me otherwise please present your argument.

Edited by losworld
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All his and his family's funds should be seized to help rebuild the country he has tried so hard to tear apart.

how can he sleep at night knowing he has caused death and turmoil, is money and (power) that important...

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Well there are also terrorism charges out against Kasit and he became minister of foreign affairs. From Kasit can be proven that he was there and played a roll, from Thaksin you can only assume that he was involved. Fact is that this government does not get it. Was there buzz word Reconciliation? First we need a new PM, a man with big big balls who does not hide and leave the interviews to his buddy Korn but who assures the people of Thailand. For now I would say Thaksin is as much to blame as Suthep and Abhisit. It will become very cozy in prison soon.

I'll have 2 of what ever you have been drinking

or is it you have been eating Som Tam again

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The rank and file reds (NOT the paid protesters and worse, the mercenaries on the red payroll in BKK) have legitimate complaints ...... but the show in BKK was about one thing and one thing only. Thaksin

- Do you really believe people are preapred to die, suffer injuires, cause mass destruction just because of one man? Surely, it's about something much more than that.

How about money?

Lots of it!

A few hundred thousand baht dangled in front of a poor SOB who never saw as much money in his life, how can he refuse?

A cynical piece of excrement this rich guy is. I wish him a long life with an enduring, painful illness.

Too harsh? Ok, I take it back.

I hope he departs very soon.

Is he gone yet?

if hes lucky he will come back as a parasite on the back of a flea on the back of a dog ...

Wonder what he will become in his next life, any ideas?

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It is hard to get a extradition order to the numerous country's.

They will not honor it.

It will be soon that Thaksin goes to Fiji.

As the UAE is starting to be embarrassed by his actions.

My thoughts go to all the Thailand people who are suffering at this time

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So many farmers remain pathetically attached to the prehistoric (basically) economy of goats, buffaloes, chicken and some land to grow cabbage or some other such commodity. They haven't any idea of the human resource requirements of the modern (post Industrial Revolution) economy.

I agree Publicus.

That's exactly the point since the Thai elite governments, since memory, didn't invest in (agricultural) education whatsoever.

They were only interested in expanding their own interests....not the farmers' ones.

The poor had to be kept poor and uneducated to let their wealth grow and their sons and daughters educated abroad.

Thanks to Internet and Mobile phones the farmers woke up and are learning fast. They don't accept their prehistoric fate anymore and want to be taught also; their kids demand the same.

I'm afraid his is only the beginning.

The Thaksin era is just an accelerator in Thai -rapid changing- history, nothing more.

In the end, the elite have to bow and give way and accept there are dozens of millions of poor people, demanding their future as well as the future of their children are as important as the elite's.

History in so many countries have told us the same story, over and over. You can't suppress the poor much longer, not in the 21st century with Internet, YouTube, Mobiles and other sophisticated communication systems.

The Thai government is blocking like heck, but you can't stop the people to shut up their mouths.

It will take time but the time WILL come that your "prehistoric" farmers will become educated more and more.


Every one of your contributions attempts to absolve Thaksin.

He is the 'elite' you identify with.

Not that the word 'elite' explains anything at all.

Are you proposing an alternative to the capitalist mode of production?


Are you proposing land reform?


Do the reds have any economic programme?


All that remains is Thaksin.

Bogus and fraudulent arguments can be pushed.

But from you they are all confetti.

Your comment shows you're so ignorant of what I'm saying OR not understanding that it is sad and pathetic to read your comment.

The only thing you're capable of is labeling everyone who doesn't agree with your views as a Thaksin fan.

That's so silly and cheap and it also shows that you absolutely didn't understand what I wrote; I'm not labeling Thaksin as "the" elite or part of the elite.

I couldn't care less if he once was part of the elite or not; if you wish to say so....up to you; I couldn't care less about Thaksin.

I was writing about the elite governments, pre- and post Thaksin who (also) didn't care for the almost 43% of the TOTAL Thai labour force, working in agriculture, but delivering just 12.3% of the Thai GDP.

I'm talking more than 16 Million workers here...16 million people with wives/husbands, children and grandparents to take care of and those 16+ million create just 12.3% of Thailand's GDP. :D

I think I'm on the safe side to conclude that those 16 million workers represent some 30-40 million Thai, including their spouses/kids/grandparents.

THAT is where Thailand's problem is concentrated since those people are dead poor!

NO government in the world can keep their poor poor and make their wealthy more wealthy without serious consequences.

But, what do you care....other than concentrating and bashing upon members who do not walk in the same lane as you do.....? :)


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All his and his family's funds should be seized to help rebuild the country he has tried so hard to tear apart.

Do you honestly think that there is anyone with any political power what so ever in Thailand today that would use Thaksin's seized Billions of Bahts to rebuild... the country? :)

Try "help rebuild their personal wallets" and you might be closer to the truth... :D

But I agree, it would be the right thing to do, if it could be done...

I prefer to think all this will have a big impact on Thailand

The world is now watching

our PM is no fool he has proven that, and out smarted the red shirts and Thaskin

Maybe today is the start of a New Thailand

Search out all those who financed the protest

that will be a good start to putting an end to curruption

Seems there are lot of TV members ho just want to spread doom and gloom

Even against all odds against us, the only way we can develop a better Thailand is to believe it can change

I love Thailand

and want to be a believer it will get better when all the money trail is exposed

Thai thugs do not do things for Thailand

Thai thugs do things for money

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How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

LOL....but happy for you that at least you know how to spell/write democracy. Fact is, all the trouble is because of him and his vendetta! How can you be so biased not to understand it? Have a few drinks to enlarge your mind.

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So many farmers remain pathetically attached to the prehistoric (basically) economy of goats, buffaloes, chicken and some land to grow cabbage or some other such commodity. They haven't any idea of the human resource requirements of the modern (post Industrial Revolution) economy.

I agree Publicus.

That's exactly the point since the Thai elite governments, since memory, didn't invest in (agricultural) education whatsoever.

They were only interested in expanding their own interests....not the farmers' ones.

The poor had to be kept poor and uneducated to let their wealth grow and their sons and daughters educated abroad.

Thanks to Internet and Mobile phones the farmers woke up and are learning fast. They don't accept their prehistoric fate anymore and want to be taught also; their kids demand the same.

I'm afraid his is only the beginning.

The Thaksin era is just an accelerator in Thai -rapid changing- history, nothing more.

In the end, the elite have to bow and give way and accept there are dozens of millions of poor people, demanding their future as well as the future of their children are as important as the elite's.

History in so many countries have told us the same story, over and over. You can't suppress the poor much longer, not in the 21st century with Internet, YouTube, Mobiles and other sophisticated communication systems.

The Thai government is blocking like heck, but you can't stop the people to shut up their mouths.

It will take time but the time WILL come that your "prehistoric" farmers will become educated more and more.


Every one of your contributions attempts to absolve Thaksin.

He is the 'elite' you identify with.

Not that the word 'elite' explains anything at all.

Are you proposing an alternative to the capitalist mode of production?


Are you proposing land reform?


Do the reds have any economic programme?


All that remains is Thaksin.

Bogus and fraudulent arguments can be pushed.

But from you they are all confetti.

Your comment shows you're so ignorant of what I'm saying OR not understanding that it is sad and pathetic to read your comment.

The only thing you're capable of is labeling everyone who doesn't agree with your views as a Thaksin fan.

That's so silly and cheap and it also shows that you absolutely didn't understand what I wrote; I'm not labeling Thaksin as "the" elite or part of the elite.

I couldn't care less if he once was part of the elite or not; if you wish to say so....up to you; I couldn't care less about Thaksin.

I was writing about the elite governments, pre- and post Thaksin who (also) didn't care for the almost 43% of the TOTAL Thai labour force, working in agriculture, but delivering just 12.3% of the Thai GDP.

I'm talking more than 16 Million workers here...16 million people with wives/husbands, children and grandparents to take care of and those 16+ million create just 12.3% of Thailand's GDP. :D

I think I'm on the safe side to conclude that those 16 million workers represent some 30-40 million Thai, including their spouses/kids/grandparents.

THAT is where Thailand's problem is concentrated since those people are dead poor!

NO government in the world can keep their poor poor and make their wealthy more wealthy without serious consequences.

But, what do you care....other than concentrating and bashing upon members who do not walk in the same lane as you do.....? :)


Those figures might be the same or even worse in India, Brazil, Russia and all other developping countries. That's not nice but somehow a fact.

But Thaksin made it to a Thai problem and use it for his personal revenge and benefit. That's the crime.

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How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

LOL....but happy for you that at least you know how to spell/write democracy. Fact is, all the trouble is because of him and his vendetta! How can you be so biased not to understand it? Have a few drinks to enlarge your mind.

How is that crackdown on the reds working out for you?

A few more weeks of this and the WAR will be in full start.

I like how you are happy with how it turned out.

You have a ticket out when things get worse?

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How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

Well here we have a new member who is most likely been suspended under his proper name telling we are stupid

Maybe if he was in Thailand and in the North he would soon learn Thaskin is not that popular there these days

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Now we're talking. Contrary to corruption charges, a lot of countries have the legal framework to arrest and extradite people wanted on terrorism charges. Thaksin can at least say bye bye to any first-world country for the foreseeable future - and maybe with a bit of luck see the inside of a jail cell very soon.

Couple of poolside cells at Gitmo would be satisfactory

I'ad that Thaksin in the back of my cab the other day. If you ask me hangings too good for them. If it were up to me I'd shoot the lot of 'em. They've got colour TV's in prison these days. You can thinkwhat you like, at least Hitler made the trains run on time. . . . :D:D


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This government is the worst I have ever seen.. and some of the people here..may have studied for quite sometimes.. become the second class or higher who claims they knows what is the meaning of "democracy".. Thailand has become the biggest joke in international for attacking and hurting those unarmed people.. Those "educated" person thought they can rule the country with their limited knowledge without providing the real care to the people.. definitely will get revenge one day.

From the beginning, the red-shirt gangs is only looking for Election but not a War. Any smart politician should know how to solve the problem UNLESS they worry their power are being stolen after election..

What a mess

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level - then beat you with experience.

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