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Briton In Red Shirt Demonstration Regrets Video Arson Gibe


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Personal attacks on each other are not tolerated. I know these are emotional times and the discussion is running red hot, but by attacking eachother things are only getting worse and than I will have to give some people time to cool off.

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Think maybe we should change the order though :)

Your right...

* Hunted down by a pack of katoeys on viagra

* Interrogated as above

* Tortured as above

* Two years of continual Thai Karaoke as above

* Imprisoned as above

* Raped as above

* Hung as above

* Decapitated / castrated, as above

* Feed to crocodiles as above

That'll teach him.

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I just sent someone away for a month, who wants to be next?

This is a forum for discussing the news, not for acting like a bunch of 12 year olds.

Stop the fighting or I start a mass cull of troublesome posters.

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"Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved."

Isn`t it an criminal act to join and support an mob trying to destroy the country ?

I don`t call this political involment.

Maybe the steroids can explain it, but it does not make it any better.

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Right at the start I wondered whether our friend Jeff was just a pumped up fool who got caught up in the heat of the moment.

Making threats but leaving the situation unclear as to how far he had gone.

The more I read about him the less prepared I am now to cut him any slack.

The first point is that although he denies taking part in the destruction of Bangkok, he regards his associates as heroes.

Since he admitted being there it is possible for him to have been a look-out etc. without lighting a match.

If his associates are his heroes then he is unlikely to have been there doing nothing. He was with them.

There is also now video probably of him throwing stuff.

Not an open and shut case but then he goes on to make the standard red cheerleader comment of predicting more mayhem in two months time.

For reds predicting = wanting.

I think he is hard-line.

That the authorities may now go for him is not surprising.

During the last few days a few wannabes have turned up on the forum (eg Ernie) threatening to burn down Bangkok in round 2.

Dealing with Jeff may cause them a little pause for thought.

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Bad for him that he gave the authorities someone to be tuff with. Right now whatever lose of face people can feel about Thais killing Thais or Thais burning Bangkok, can be somewhat assuaged by finding an idiot ex-pat threat to deal with. Many here want to see this as a free speech issue...no one is stopping you from giving your speech...but when a country is going through very uncertain times non Thais (even married to Thais), should have the sense to stay out of the protests. If that is not clear to you maybe Jeff will be providing a useful lesson in Thai civics for guests in the Kingdom. That lesson is one the authorities are always happy to give !!!!!!

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Right at the start I wondered whether our friend Jeff was just a pumped up fool who got caught up in the heat of the moment.

Making threats but leaving the situation unclear as to how far he had gone.

The more I read about him the less prepared I am now to cut him any slack.

The first point is that although he denies taking part in the destruction of Bangkok, he regards his associates as heroes.

Since he admitted being there it is possible for him to have been a look-out etc. without lighting a match.

If his associates are his heroes then he is unlikely to have been there doing nothing. He was with them.

There is also now video probably of him throwing stuff.

Not an open and shut case but then he goes on to make the standard red cheerleader comment of predicting more mayhem in two months time.

For reds predicting = wanting.

I think he is hard-line.

That the authorities may now go for him is not surprising.

During the last few days a few wannabes have turned up on the forum (eg Ernie) threatening to burn down Bangkok in round 2.

Dealing with Jeff may cause them a little pause for thought.

You are full of it.

I never threatenned to burn anything down. It is not my fight.

You are a Joe MaCarthy mudslinging wanna be.

Look up the name and see what I just called you.

It is not good.

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the video has not been removed.... not at all...., it has just been relocated.... LOL

ok.... how much are you guys willing to pay in euro terms.... to see the video....?

that is just to see.... ok? the price of being able to hear the audio too would cost a little more, alright?

here is the link:

enjoy, everyone

But it was him in the other photo on the BTS stairs too so how does he explain that?

He should be punished just like others but he knew that if he took part what the consequences would be for foreigners and should expect nothing less that what was stated prior to the demonstrations.


Does someone have that photo we can see?

This dude needs to be exported to England. He can play terrorist there with the _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

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i'd love to look into this idiots background and see what else he's be up too both in Thailand and UK, I'm sure there's a sordid history to uncover, hope he gets locked up.....serves him right

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Deary deary me... what and arse.

But please spare us all the anti brit comments bordering on racism please - colonial power etc. etc. Every country has skeletons in the closet which can be dragged out by angry / narrow minded people. I've seen enough of those comments directed at Thai people by TV posters to last me a life time.

Lets keep the comments focused on a single <deleted> and HIS words and actions.

Notice that he uses 'we're gonna...' obviously a sheep following the flock, who gave the order??

Worst part of this is: law abiding Farangs in Thailand may now be at risk , and may have more Beurocracy thrown

at them as a result of his actions,when it comes to Visa renewal time.

Nobody likes interference in their Countries Politics

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Grenades still blowing up in Bangkok according to friends and the government says all is fine.

Only a complete fool would believe this government.

Any of you fit?

We know who your friends are.

They wear tyres for earrings.

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Any of you bounty hunters find him and string him up yet?

Honestly, I've never seen anything like this on any message board. You guys have turned into a true mob. Relax guys, drink some beer, eat a few sleeping pills, bang your woman. Enjoy the good life. Whatever will happen to this guy will happen without your help. As you all say, "we're guests in this country" so it's time to take your own advice and be a guest, not part of a foreign lynch mob.

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"I hold my hands up — it was me, and I'm ashamed that I lost my temper," he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya. "I was tired and emotional and full of steroids. I said we're going to burn down Central — I was being sarcastic."

A Brit, tattoos, steroids, empty threats, throws tantrums, home in Sisaket and lives in Pattaya. I get the picture.

I didn't see the pictures but it doesnt surprise me that he had tatoo's.

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Wasnt Jeff the same guy the BBC aired in their news report last week? I am pretty sure he was on the TV here last week at the end of the report. Anyone else pick up on this?

Yes that was him,I was thinking at the time that he had a screw loose

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Thai govt accuses foreigners of arson


Thailand's government said on Saturday that two foreigners were involved in arson attacks on major buildings....

"A white Westerner was involved in the arson attack on Central World, convincing them to set fire to it. And an Asian was also involved in the arson attacks on the banks," said government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn.

Panitan did not give any names, but a video of a British man urging the burning and looting of the shopping mall, taken several days before it was set on fire, has been circulating on the YouTube video sharing website.

The man was identified by the British media as Jeff Savage, a resident of the seaside resort of Pattaya, east of Bangkok. In interviews he reportedly defended his conduct, but said he did not take part in the arson attack.

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Is he in Jail yet? I'm not sure why they haven't arrested him yet. He is a threat not only to Thai people but to foreigners are well. He has admitted to being at other events to protest the Thai government. Mentioned he almost killed someone. I think someone likes this needs to be removed from society before someone else dies.

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Nowhere in his rant does he claim to be offering a translation. It is quite obvious that he is expressing his own perverted views and desires, and the act that he promotes was carried out.

I'll accept that he approved of the looting and burning, but I see no evidence that it wasn't others' decision rather than his.

That indicts him as inciting arson (a felony)...

I can't read incitement into his declaration. He wasn't recruiting arsonists.

...and quite possibly conspiracy to commit said arson (another felony).

That I do see.

I'm not sure from the video that he was making a threat - it sounded more like an announcement of an unavertable plan. If it was a threat, then I believe non-specific threats of arson had already been made from the stage.

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If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, Than it must be a duck.,

This person was not only acting like a red shirt, notice how he is dressed all in black (more Like a Black Shirt) . He has been involved in other demonstrations and caught on tape. He also stated in a interview he came from Pattaya with his friends mostly ex-military.

There also is footage of a farang as part of a mob in C.M. that was actively throwing stones, also caught on tape.

We as farangs are guest in the country of Thailand, and as such are not allowed to participate in Demonstrations or their Political process.

Leave it to the Thais to address their grievances and to solve them.

These misguided individuals do not deserve the benefit of the doubt, for their illegal actions and must pay the price for their indecretion in accordance with Thailand's laws.

Cheer :)

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Whilst I agree this fool needs to be bought to justice we need to put things into perspective. A simple education on what sickening things humans can inflict onto other humans may well be just the humbling that is needed to put anyone on this planet on a level of peaceful yet shameful existence is to study the likes of the after effects of Agent Orange for example.

How one nation can afflict such mind boggling inhumane atrocities is beyond our very own human existence.

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Jeff Savage arrested in Pattaya




May 22 2010

A British ‘Red shirt’, caught on tape saying he was going to burn down one of Asia’s biggest shopping malls after Thai troops fired on demonstrators in Bangkok, was last night seized by Thai police.

Jeff Savage, 48, from London, was arrested in the Thai resort of Pattaya, 100 miles east of Bangkok, less than 24 hours after he was filmed behind red-shirt lines in Bangkok.

His arrest followed a statement by a Thai Government spokesman last night that two foreigners were had roles in the burning and looting last Wednesday.


Edited by blackman
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He should be deported in shackles and tried in the UK for aiding, abetting, and directly participating in terrorist acts in a foreign country that indirectly resulted in the deaths of 77 people and the injury of over 1,400 others. Someone should start a petition requesting the UK government to come pick up their garbage while at the same time we can send a message to other idiots that this behavior won't be tolerated by those of us in the foreign community who still have a few morals left, who care about our connection to Thailand, and who genuinely wish to see Thailand prosper. Send him home in shackles.

I can not believe how many times comments like this have been posted. Seriously, could you honestly share with the forum how much thought was applied before you hit the reply button, was it seconds or minutes? Tell us to the nearest minute, starting from zero.

Did it not occur to you that Thailand has a police force, justice system and prisons? Maybe when you had more than just a few morals left you might have had a little respect for the country your so fond of, and maybe some confidence that would make you sleep easier knowing that when laws are broken foreign goverments don't need to be petitioned by foreigners to have the terrorist removed from the country. Would any country want a foreign goverment to remove and try a terrorist in his home land? Lets have a little example:

Libyan nationals living in Britain petitioned their goverment to come and pick up terrorist Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi and have him tried for terrorist acts in a foreign country resulting in the deaths of 270 people. The morally correct Libyan foreign community in Britain also stressed they will not tolerate this behavior by other terrorist because they care about their connections to Britain.

Still confused? Try this

Why don't you be that someone who starts the petition at the UK goverment website?

'Use reason, not emotion. Avoid politics and political questions' - Try giving a few more seconds before hitting reply.

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"I hold my hands up — it was me, and I'm ashamed that I lost my temper," he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya. "I was tired and emotional and full of steroids. I said we're going to burn down Central — I was being sarcastic."

A Brit, tattoos, steroids, empty threats, throws tantrums, home in Sisaket and lives in Pattaya. I get the picture.

I didn't see the pictures but it doesnt surprise me that he had tatoo's.

Ignorant thing to say.

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"I hold my hands up — it was me, and I'm ashamed that I lost my temper," he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya. "I was tired and emotional and full of steroids. I said we're going to burn down Central — I was being sarcastic."

A Brit, tattoos, steroids, empty threats, throws tantrums, home in Sisaket and lives in Pattaya. I get the picture.

I didn't see the pictures but it doesnt surprise me that he had tatoo's.

Ignorant thing to say.

Facts are a bummer are they not. :)

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Jeff Savage arrested in Pattaya




May 22 2010

A British 'Red shirt', caught on tape saying he was going to burn down one of Asia's biggest shopping malls after Thai troops fired on demonstrators in Bangkok, was last night seized by Thai police.

Jeff Savage, 48, from London, was arrested in the Thai resort of Pattaya, 100 miles east of Bangkok, less than 24 hours after he was filmed behind red-shirt lines in Bangkok.

His arrest followed a statement by a Thai Government spokesman last night that two foreigners were had roles in the burning and looting last Wednesday.


Ahhh some good news on this fine Sunday morning :)

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Jeff Savage arrested in Pattaya




May 22 2010

A British 'Red shirt', caught on tape saying he was going to burn down one of Asia's biggest shopping malls after Thai troops fired on demonstrators in Bangkok, was last night seized by Thai police.

Jeff Savage, 48, from London, was arrested in the Thai resort of Pattaya, 100 miles east of Bangkok, less than 24 hours after he was filmed behind red-shirt lines in Bangkok.

His arrest followed a statement by a Thai Government spokesman last night that two foreigners were had roles in the burning and looting last Wednesday.


Ahhh some good news on this fine Sunday morning :)

No sympathy what so ever, what a mindless ''prick'' . . . . . .

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