expat4life Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 Sadly, he can use his large stash money to hide in a country, that will refuse extradition, and deny all claims he is a terrorist, even if someone produce a video of him calling for the burning of the country and the assassination of all the royals. Deal with the fact if you want him to take responsibility for his actions, somebody needs to bag him and smuggle him back to the Thai authorities.
nullx8 Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 including weapons. you mean the handmade weapons they used .. where almost 90% of them not worked (proofed in hundreds video reports while the protests still active) ? looks more like David against Goliath to me ... where Goliath had tanks, fully automated weapons and combat trained Soliders... and David comes with Bamboosticks, old tires and stuff anyone can buy in any department store.
Gluestick Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 @themagician - Nice magic trick there. The only problem is the upper class hardly pay as much as the middle class does. In fact, the rich often pay the least amount of taxes because of breaks or loopholes that they are able to exploit. The middle class pays for the majority of public services. Taksin exploited this by taking their money and giving it to the poor. He hardly ever gave his own wealth. Smart by taking from others and then giving it away in your own name. Why do you think the poor people love him and the middle/upper middle hate him so much? Besides, when would would a rich guy drink with a bunch of poor people?
Jimmu Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 including weapons. you mean the handmade weapons they used .. where almost 90% of them not worked (proofed in hundreds video reports while the protests still active) ? looks more like David against Goliath to me ... where Goliath had tanks, fully automated weapons and combat trained Soliders... and David comes with Bamboosticks, old tires and stuff anyone can buy in any department store. So who was firing rounds at the firemen?
TAWP Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 The only dialog I want to see Thaksin have is with a prison wall.
IMA_FARANG Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 There is a certain type of personality...common among politicians....who are simply unable to believe that anything they did was "bad", "evil", or simply "wrong". In their mind, and in their self-inflated ego, all they ever did was for the betterment of all mankind; and any criticism of them comes only from those other evil ill-intentioned people who are trying to stop their well intentioned plans. Mr Thaksin is one of those....as the saying goes, "A Legend in his own mind". That type of personality has a high capacity for delusions of the grandiose type. Those who oppose him (or her as in Maggie Thatcher) simply can not appreciate the vast wisdom and scope of their plans. In that regard Mr Thaksin ranks up there among such notables as Dick Chaney, George W. Bush, Maggie Thatcher,etc. That's why Mr. Thaksin will never admit any responsibility for any mistakes he made. If he did it would ruin his own self-generated justification for everything he has done in his life. The American novelist Kurt Vonnegut called them,"those C students from Yale"; those who were jumped up to a position of power and influence...referring specifically to George W. Bush....and then attained power without the experience or the real ability to handle it. (Yale University, in case you don't know, is an American Ivy Leauge school where the sons of the rich go...their Dad's having the money and influence to send their sons to that school by donating enough money to the University). Mr. Thaksin is a Thai version of that type of person. Vonnegut refered to them as, "self-inflating Egos."
givenall Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 I am confident the Red Leaders, had one year to prepare for this event. And Government was taken off guard. I hope the government learn this time (unfortunately I don’t think so) so nothing like will happen again. Especially keeping track of the money movement between all Thakisin’s family and all his thugs. I also hope they will take more of his money to pay for all the damaged he has caused
321niti123 Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 The problem is even though everyone in Thailand knows how bad he is, there is just not enough detailed knowledge or understanding of Thailand's political situation for the international community to know who thaksin is or what he is up to.
SomTumTiger Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 The problem is even though everyone in Thailand knows how bad he is, there is just not enough detailed knowledge or understanding of Thailand's political situation for the international community to know who thaksin is or what he is up to. True - Average international person doesn't give a rats ass about him. Hopefully, he will enjoy a long long life in obscurity - far away from Thailand.
deepskyfreak Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 He also added that in the same PR: He denied his involvement with "any illegal or violent activities in the Kingdom of Thailand". "I fully reject the allegations� which underscore the fact that this heroic and inspiring grassroots movement is autonomous and independent from myself," he said Brave as always. Any Thai or Mossad agent to chuck the coward a M79 in Paris' Louis Vuitton shop? Or a Russian... more soffisticated. Plenty of them in Pattaya
elcent Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 The arson attacks were planned to open way for him to get into prime locations. It's not a coincidence that he was in Paris during the arson attacks. Remember, many brand names have it's headquarters in Paris, London, Zurich. It was never a fight for the poor. Hopefully the poor will wake up to the facts.
deepskyfreak Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 The problem is even though everyone in Thailand knows how bad he is, there is just not enough detailed knowledge or understanding of Thailand's political situation for the international community to know who thaksin is or what he is up to. True - Average international person doesn't give a rats ass about him. Hopefully, he will enjoy a long long life in obscurity - far away from Thailand. But world brain wash media BBC, CNN and else don't want to drop him... Amazing how long the press is already supporting the coward, or maybe... is he supporting them through financial crisis???? Who knows...
Steely Dan Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 There is a certain type of personality...common among politicians....who are simply unable to believe that anything they did was "bad", "evil", or simply "wrong". In their mind, and in their self-inflated ego, all they ever did was for the betterment of all mankind; and any criticism of them comes only from those other evil ill-intentioned people who are trying to stop their well intentioned plans. Mr Thaksin is one of those....as the saying goes, "A Legend in his own mind". That type of personality has a high capacity for delusions of the grandiose type. Those who oppose him (or her as in Maggie Thatcher) simply can not appreciate the vast wisdom and scope of their plans. In that regard Mr Thaksin ranks up there among such notables as Dick Chaney, George W. Bush, Maggie Thatcher,etc. That's why Mr. Thaksin will never admit any responsibility for any mistakes he made. If he did it would ruin his own self-generated justification for everything he has done in his life. The American novelist Kurt Vonnegut called them,"those C students from Yale"; those who were jumped up to a position of power and influence...referring specifically to George W. Bush....and then attained power without the experience or the real ability to handle it. (Yale University, in case you don't know, is an American Ivy Leauge school where the sons of the rich go...their Dad's having the money and influence to send their sons to that school by donating enough money to the University). Mr. Thaksin is a Thai version of that type of person. Vonnegut refered to them as, "self-inflating Egos." Hmmm. You used the word grandiose, I think that is one of the clinical indicators for malignant narcissism (Megalomania). If you want to see the other indicators here is a link. http://www.healthyplace.com/personality-di...n/menu-id-1471/
xenomorph Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 How sweet of him! As the opportunist he is... Now he wants to create an image of himself as the big savior who saved Thailand from collapse and destruction. This have been practiced in the historic times as well. Emperor Nero had Rome burned down so he could strengthen his power and political influence even more. I hope the government doesn't fall for it give this maniac any positive credits of any kind. He's simply a predator that will chew whatever he could feed on. Wikipedia on Nero: Nero and the Great Fire of Rome ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yesterday I posted a link to the song 'Square-faced man': http://soundcloud.com/expat/song-about-thaksin Today I received a great translation of the song in English from a fellow expat here on TV. The translation were posted by Siripon 2006-03-31 21:47:15 http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Square-faced...832#entry699832 The lyrics are great and makes sense for a Thai. This song really needs to be re-seedad among the population, in order to prevent him from doing more harm to this country. Download it from the link above and give it to your GF, BF, wife, husband, lover, mea-noi or whatever : A rough translation of 'A square-head man'. Our square shaped friend is a thick-skinned man, A Singapore lackey, he's hellbound, so brazen, His staff, how they lick and fawn, A mixed breed man, mixing Thai and English- cheap show-off. The Opposition boycott, public start to stir, but he's unfazed, Our insensitive dude is no real man, afraid of exposure, he dissolves Parliament, Square-face head, handing crisp new banknotes to those going to ballot booths, Some fake ballot papers too, to get 19 million votes, Under pressure to resign -in the next life he says, Sold Shin, sold the country, devoured it for his Chinese clan. Power, he bought with currency, Conspiring in the baht's flotation, he damaged the economy with his dollar hoarding, If the law has a loophole, he emerges with a business, When it's exposed, hiring a lawyer, he forgets to mention ethics. Buying land for speculation, insider information told him about the sky train, Vested interest policy,all the family rich, even the maids and gardeners! Foreign products promoted in Thailand, it's free trade exchanged for IPstar, Acting as mafia, extorting, fraud, even kidnap and killing. Always devious, looking for underhand moves, When hungry he consumes all the airwaves, Post Office, Egat, For snacks he eats longan, for appetizers TPI and also rubber seedlings, For take- away it's PTT with the shares given to Oak( his son) and Or( his wife), At his home ,'The moonlit dogs'. Thinking deviously, he can't get enough sleep, Concealing the CTX scandal, sex is forgotten, an activity he loves, Worried about Ample Rich, he forgets to zip his trousers after a leak( meaning can't control all his staff), Concerned his fate is declining, his assets may be seized, he's afraid of higher powers. The populist policies of square-head, what a boon! Village funds debts for the grass-roots, Debts postponed, money left over for mobile phones for all, The 'caring' housing programme, shoddy, sloppy quality, cheaper to build your own, 'Silence killings' in the drug trade because the big fish fear exposure. Legalised underground lottery, 75 percent for fraud, 25 percent for education, 30 baht scheme, every disease, diabetes, bird flu but just paracetomal, When the square face man's popularity wanes, like a loose woman he hugs, All those he sees, weeping crocodile tears. Endless cheating, He pays the Constitutional Court to not pass a verdict regarding asset concealment, He finds and buys eunuchs for the independent organisations, Corrupts the Civil Service, his minions promoted, The tyrant square face, so conceited, Wants to be a statesman, the short tail dog with a rotten face,( ie wants to look good but isn't), Not knowing high from low,( respect for those senior), he insults Royalty, Boasting he appoints The Supreme Patriach, the devil himself. Square- head man, a Nazi who only lies, Says he can catch the southern terrorists, but innocents are framed or die, Claims he's a good person, but cheating on tax he sends his son to face the rap, Claims to follow the system, but when disadvantaged he changes the rules. He'll buy Liverpool, Fulham, fabricating news to hide his sins, Asked to sign an agreement, he produces another one he's prepared, Claims to suppress corruption, his dirty mouth should be suppressed, Talks of Buddhist teachings, but when asked he just says 'so be it'. Square-face geometrically sound, His younger relative fatter, smaller brain, faked diploma to get a degree, His daughter not bright,even after cheating GPA only over 2, His son a low IQ, wearing shades to hide his drug addiction. His wife unashamedly corrupt, strolling in the Emporiom is criticised, So many more cases,from the monkhood to mega projects, suffering from insomnia, he must have injections, Soon he'll be neurotic,maybe strip off, hollering at an advertising sign. In the future Thailand, Singaporeans can come and go,well connected, no need for visas, Khmer witchdoctors will be wealthy from casting spells to send square-head to Parliament, Embezzling Thailand's money, he'll use to support Burma's economy. Thailand will sell its shares , one baht as per par, The national anthem will be changed, copyright monopolised this life and next, Hitler will be reborn, his last son called' gold plated collection'. There then follows a long list of Thaksin's colleagues. I apologise for not being able to get the rhymes or rhythms of the original- it's so long! There's many puns and references to scandals in this song , ie the longan scandal involving Thaksin's close relatives, the unprecedented opening of the entrance exam papers for university last year by a man recently promoted by Thaksin, etc. .
A_Traveller Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 Greetings Benben91, 2 points 1: All CAPS posts are considered shouting [though it looks like you had caps lock on, hence the lower case bin bEN] and 2: email address should not be placed into posts. Regards
benben91 Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 HI AS OUTSIDER - I VISIT THAILAND NOW AND THEN I FEEL THAT THE RED SHIRTS HAD THE RIGHT TO PROTEST PEACEFULLY TO GET A MESSAGE TO THEIR LEADERS. HOWEVER (1) THEY WENT TOO FAR AND SHOULD HAVE GONE HOME ONCE THE PRIME MINISTER AGREED TO ELECTIONS WITHIN 6 MONTHS (THIS WAS A SUITABLE TIME TABLE GIVEN WHAT IT TAKES TO RUN AN ELECTION AND FOR ALL PARTIES TO CLEARLY STATE THEIR POLICIES ) (2) NO GROUP HAS THE RIGHT TO DISRUPT SOCIETY AND THE ECONOMY LIKE THE RED GROUP DID. THIS WAS AN INFRINGMENT OF PEOPLES RIGHTS AND WORK. LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE SUFFERED ECONOMICALLY. MANY FAMILIES SUFFERED. (3) THAKSIN (SPELT WRONG?) HAD A MORAL OBLIGATION TO ASK FOR CALM AND TELL THE RED SHIRTS TO GO HOME AND PREPARE FOR THE ELECTION IN NOVEMBER. THOUGHT HIS LACK OF ACTION WAS NOT CRIMINAL, I DID SHOW A GROSS LACK OF LEADERSHIP. A SHAME BECAUSE HE SEEMED TO BE A REASONABLE ECONOMIC LEADER BUT SEEMS TO LACK SOCIAL LEADERSHIP. i GUESS IT NOT MY COUNTRY SO I SHOULD MIND MY OWN BUSINESS BUT IT IS A SHAME TO SEE SUCH A WONDERFUL COMMUNITY ATTACK ITSELF. TAKE CARE bEN International wheels of justice turn really slowly. BUT they do turn, eventually, in most cases. Look at cases against the Khmer Rouge, even Nazi guards. If there is any satisfaction in the fact that Thaksin will never be able to have a good night's sleep , and likely has not had a good night's sleep in the last few years, then it's small justice served already.Now, Thaksin, please stay away from my home countries, get out of Europe, go to a little island somewhere and stop making noises. You are a thug, a criminal, a dictator, a liar. And you are represented by a "Canadian' (oh what shame!) "human rights" lawyer? What a farce. I don't know why the world has to have such evil characters running around when most of us are just trying to find a way to be a friendly face on this planet. Shame, shame, shame on him, his disgusting family (shopping while people bleed to death for his cause), and shame on those who facilitate this awful behaviour.
benben91 Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 Thanks sorry i type with looking at screen.... ie look at bad grammer and spelling thanks ben Greetings Benben91, 2 points 1: All CAPS posts are considered shouting [though it looks like you had caps lock on, hence the lower case bin bEN] and 2: email address should not be placed into posts.Regards
cougar52 Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 Shock at this: Organisers confirmed that the event organised by the Centre of Political and Foreign Affairs was still expected to go ahead, but added that the fugitive former Thai leader had temporarily left Paris for London. I thought He was not to go to England, Does he have a waiver????
siampolee Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 benben91. You as self proclaimed casual visitor to Thailand who drops by now and again wrote a hard hitting truthful post. I found your simplistic view very pertinent and to the point. Reminds me of the song. ''The Emperors New Clothes.'' Highlights the fact fact that some of the people who are here can't always see the wood for the tree's. Damm good post
A_Traveller Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 Thankssorry i type with looking at screen.... ie look at bad grammer and spelling thanks ben Greetings Benben91, 2 points 1: All CAPS posts are considered shouting [though it looks like you had caps lock on, hence the lower case bin bEN] and 2: email address should not be placed into posts.Regards No problem, you can also edit your posts for @ 30 minutes by clicking on the edit button on the bottom right.HTH Regards
stingray Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 Following the unforgivable violence in Bangkok, here is something that all citizens, from all countries need to understand, especially those who criticize the 'so-called' wealthy elite. Suppose that every day, 10 men go out for beer and the bill for all 10 comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this: The first 4 men (the poorest) would pay nothing. The fifth would pay $1. The sixth would pay $3. The seventh would pay $7. The eighth would pay $12. The ninth would pay $18. The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59. So, that's what they decided to do. The 10 men drank in the bar every day & seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. 'Since you are all such good customers, he said, 'I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20. Drinks for the 10 now cost just $80. The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first 4 men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other 6 men - the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?' They realized that $20 divided by 6 is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man & the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, & he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay. And so: The fifth man, like the first 4, now paid nothing (100% savings). The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33% savings). The seventh now paid $5 instead of $7 (28% savings). The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings). The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings). The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings). Each of the 6 was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings. 'I only got a dollar out of the $20', declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man,' but he got $10!' 'Yeah, that's right', exclaimed the fifth man. 'I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got 10 times more than me!' 'That's true!!' shouted the seventh man. Why should he get $10 back when I got only $2? The wealthy get all the breaks!' 'Wait a minute,' yelled the first 4 men in unison. 'We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!' The 9 men surrounded the tenth and beat him up. The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the 9 sat down & had beers without him and celebrated their victory. But when it came time to pay the bill they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even 1/2 of the bill! That, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, and Red-Shirts is how our system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy & they just might not show up anymore. ©2010theMagician this is a very good example, but even in Eruope, Goverments fail to understand that. Taxes and rules are so hard that most of big companies move out to China, which causes joblesses in Europe. Sozialism doesn't work. Obama is on the way to do the same mistake!
benben91 Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 opps.... I dont mean to tell anyone how to run their country but its sad to see wonderful people fighting each other. Thanks again ben benben91.You as self proclaimed casual visitor to Thailand who drops by now and again wrote a hard hitting truthful post. I found your simplistic view very pertinent and to the point. Reminds me of the song. ''The Emperors New Clothes.'' Highlights the fact fact that some of the people who are here can't always see the wood for the tree's. Damm good post
Skywalker69 Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 forces.Thaksin was seen shopping at a Louis Vuitton shop in Paris on May 15 and even expressed willingness to participate in an evening discussion with French journalists on May 31. .... Organisers confirmed that the event organised by the Centre of Political and Foreign Affairs was still expected to go ahead, but added that the fugitive former Thai leader had temporarily left Paris for London. So all the recent Pravda articles that Thaksin is dead were wrong then? And how can he go to London, given that his UK visa was revoked? He is dead!!!!(braindead)
Skywalker69 Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 According to the Swiss News Paper "Tagesanzeiger" Thaksin has a Passport from Montenegro and is planning to buy a Island there and open a Bank. Lets go there and burn his bank down
Skywalker69 Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 of course he denies it, like everything else he's done. best choice for him would be to not comment on it at all. i think he starts to forget all of the things he said on video. He claims no involvement so why should he be listened to? He's not involved so he should butt out of Thailand internal affairs. Reality is touching him on the shoulder. His attempt to distance himself from recent events illustrates that he is scared. If I were in his shoes, I would be scared too. Can´t wait for reality to hit him in the head!
benben91 Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 not brain dead.....he is being political.... he will now pretend he had nothing to do with the death and destruction. well morally I feel he is guilty as anything. He could had stopped this by simly saying the election compomise was a good one and suggest protesters go home and prepare for the elections. Shame on thaksin forces.Thaksin was seen shopping at a Louis Vuitton shop in Paris on May 15 and even expressed willingness to participate in an evening discussion with French journalists on May 31. .... Organisers confirmed that the event organised by the Centre of Political and Foreign Affairs was still expected to go ahead, but added that the fugitive former Thai leader had temporarily left Paris for London. So all the recent Pravda articles that Thaksin is dead were wrong then? And how can he go to London, given that his UK visa was revoked? He is dead!!!!(braindead)
bhakta Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 In his situation what else can he say. I hope they find out if his cash funded everything, including weapons. Thaksin is a lying sack of crap. He is 100% responsible for what happened in Thailand this week. He is a traitor to his own country and people. No one in modern history of Thailand has done more irreparable harm to this wonderful country than Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra. I just hope he is arrested and extradited and convicted of murder, mayhem, arson, treason, insurrection and every other crime that he is guilty.
bhakta Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 YES! Thaksin was shopping for Louis Vuitton bags while Bangkok was being terrorized by his paid thugs...
truthfulfox Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 "Today Thailand is mourning. I join all Thai patriots in their immediate call for calm, order and non-violence, and fully condemn the actions of those who acted with opportunism and impunity to cause reckless damage to Bangkok, which is completely alien to the cause of the protest movement," he said in the statement. 'Course it is. /edit - nice shirt Nattawut is wearing. Where can I buy one (and live)? nice speech, he is a real man , he kept his word, at least in a coutry where it's rare to do so .
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