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Thaksin Calls For Political Dialogue, Denies Involvement In Mayhem

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I humbly submit this video link and the video itself as evidence as to the ''Peaceful motives of the Red Shirt leaderes.

Robert Amsterdam please note the cause you are being paid to support.


Thaksin is no more one the terrorist-list.

Why? Thailand has the dealthpenalty. No Western Country can extrade a person in a country where the death penalty is applied.

Thaksin is no more one the terrorist-list.

Why? Thailand has the dealthpenalty. No Western Country can extrade a person in a country where the death penalty is applied.

Not so. USA will and several others. It's not universal.

It just means certain lawyers will exploit a few more loopholes before it happens.

And several small countries can and will definitely speed the process if money comes their way.

Even Thaksin doesn't have enough money to indefinitely fend off all the people he has now pissed off.

I humbly submit this video link and the video itself as evidence as to the ''Peaceful motives of the Red Shirt leaderes.

Robert Amsterdam please note the cause you are being paid to support.

I think Mr Amsterdam knows full well the cause he's supporting for money (just a higher than average paid red in that respect). There is an article by him in yesterdays "The Australian" titled "Red shirts had good reason to protest". To its eternal shame, at the foot of the piece the paper says "Robert Amsterdam is a human rights lawyer", (Human rights? What a joke. Inhuman wrongs is more appropriate), but somehow neglects to mention the very significant fact that he is paid by Thaksin.

'Course it is.

nice speech, he is a real man , he kept his word, at least in a coutry where it's rare to do so .

Maybe you're saying that tongue-in-cheek as in 'he kept his word' about burning Thailand.

But in reality, he's not keeping his word about 'taking responsibility.' He, like all the other Red shirts in jail, will squirm so much as to make worms jealous, while trying to weezle out of any responsibility for the problems they actively fomented.

yeah, next it was a figure of speech or a quote from someone obscure in history. I'm sure sooner or later, he'll get sorted out. Ol' Thaksin never really got away, looks over his shoulder, lives in misery, developed cancer and has rapidly aged. For some, remaining alive is the most suitable punishment.

The Farang did it.

Throw him in jail, for a very long time and then kick him out of the Kingdom :)


So we pretty much know formk that what Amsterdam will do for Thaksin. Cant wait for all the internet BS blogs and posters not that that is new to Thaksin but no doubt it will reach new heights

Whatever the silly things that posters are putting on here, the redshirts have changed the landscape. The government can only suppress a mob for a short time. The government will now have to really address the grievances of people from the North who, of course, live in massive numbers in BKK too. If they do not, they will lose any election, and there will be frequent yellowshirt actions at the airport

The Thai elite think that they are masters of the universe entirely due to their own abilities. Only when their businesses are severly hit by massive drop in tourists will it hit home that they are dependent on EVERYONE in the country being content with their lives. In the west capitalism realised that hundreds of years ago

The reds have lost all credability and much support, I don´t think they will win an election. Now when the money from Mr.T and others are blocked they can´t buy votes.

Also they don´t have a political agenda att all. Mr T. is in it for power and money as are the red leaders. Period.

Do you really want persons like Mr.T Dr.Weng, Arisman run the Kingdom?

Saw the video footage of the Red Leaders confinement at the military camp in Phetchaburi as depicted above and yes, hopefully it's only temporary and that once things are settled, they are transferred to an actual prison where the accommodations are much more in tune with the crimes they committed.

I have a firing squad I am not using - they are welcome to borrow them.

Free of Charge? :)


On the financial side, many independent analysts have pointed out that the amount of taxes evaded by Khodorkovsky was a multi-billion dollar sum (approximately 20-25 billion dollars, however, Russian prosecutors only recently uncovered this fraud). For those who have long followed the story of the oligarch who attempted to sell out Russia for his own gain, his past conviction, and the new charges filed against him should come as no particular surprise.

Another interesting observation is that Robert Amsterdam is crusading for Thaksin who is indeed a mirror image in many ways of Khodorkovsky.

Substitute Thailand for Russia and Thaksin for Khodorkovsky and one can see what attracts Robert Amsterdam .

The smell of corrupt money.

The full article can be found at the link shown. http://www.russiablog.org/2007/02/misrepresenting_the_truth_wsj.php

What the yellows did was bad but what the reds have done now is way way off the scale.

Only a complete indoctrinated fool or lunatic would ever use the "but the yellows" argument again.

PINNED!!! That will save all of us hundreds of unnecessary replies.

There is no moral high ground anywhere for the reds in this. They are now simply a terrorist group identified as such by the very words of their leaders and their actions.

Also agree very much.

I see thew reds are planning another demo in BKK in June. I wonder if it will be banned. I wonder if Al Qaeda are allowed to demonstrate in London and New York

Shockingly brazen. They haven't had enough? They're coming back for more?

Oh wait... I forgot.

There are still several target areas on Arisman's burn-to-the-ground list like Siriraj Hospital and All Muslim Mosques that they have yet to completely destroy.

What the yellows did was bad but what the reds have done now is way way off the scale.

Only a complete indoctrinated fool or lunatic would ever use the "but the yellows" argument again.

PINNED!!! That will save all of us hundreds of unnecessary replies.

I'm tempted to use it as a signature...

Perhaps this blog will get deleted by admin but this is the network of corruption attached to Thaksin. I hope it is read by all to understand the far reaching affects and how certain businesses remained untouched in Thailand when the mayhem died down. This will provide that answer. Similarly, I will never again buy fuel from PTT, have any financial dealing or support through my patronage, of any of these businesses. I have changed my phone provider today and will hope that all who read this, in our small way, will make a conscious decision to ban any future dealings with these people - for the sake of my family and our future here in Thailand. References provided below.

Here goes...



Shinawatra University

Thai Air Asia The Shinawatra family is said to hold a majority shareholder by nominee in Thai Air Asia, through Asia Aviation which is 51 percent owned by Sittichai Veerathummnoon, following the sale of Shin Corp. Note: The Thaksin government allowed Air Asia to open new domestic and international routes that overlap the routes of Thai Airways International. As a result, THAI was forced to reduce its domestic and international flights and cancelled profitable routes, amid allegations that it was forced by the government to make way for Air Asia.

<deleted>. an University? How bad and evil is that. Thaksin must be really the devil.

And he broke the monopoly of THAI Air, leaving customers with the option of flying with a different airline. Smells like the freedom of choice, capitalism. That is truly bad from a national-socialist viewpoint, where the uber-strong state is supposed to control everything.

Has your list any author, who wrote that all down? Did you wrote it yourself or is it copypasta from somewhere else?

A Red Terrorist "Instant Classic" -

The number of entertaining (and danming) videos is growing by the hour. Some are downright brilliant, like the one that uses the popular song "F You", which makes a link off limits on the forum.

The number of entertaining (and danming) videos is growing by the hour. Some are downright brilliant, like the one that uses the popular song "F You", which makes a link off limits on the forum.

Videos you consider as 'brilliant' are off limits on the forum? Who comes that?

The number of entertaining (and danming) videos is growing by the hour. Some are downright brilliant, like the one that uses the popular song "F You", which makes a link off limits on the forum.

Videos you consider as 'brilliant' are off limits on the forum? Who comes that?

The "F" word in the title of the song. :)

I have no problem with the F word, but I do understand TV's position. It's easy enough to find. I'm sure you'll love it!!

I humbly submit this video link and the video itself as evidence as to the ''Peaceful motives of the Red Shirt leaderes.

Robert Amsterdam please note the cause you are being paid to support.

I think Mr Amsterdam knows full well the cause he's supporting for money (just a higher than average paid red in that respect). There is an article by him in yesterdays "The Australian" titled "Red shirts had good reason to protest". To its eternal shame, at the foot of the piece the paper says "Robert Amsterdam is a human rights lawyer", (Human rights? What a joke. Inhuman wrongs is more appropriate), but somehow neglects to mention the very significant fact that he is paid by Thaksin.

No doubt Bobby A. at bills the high end monthly income of a Issan family of 6, HOURLY.

Including while flying and eating, if he reads or dictates while on the crapper; Billable.

And for the computer crew to spin the web, world wide, there is a premeuim charge,

but all for the cause of ' Billable hours and services'.

The guy will milk the Thaksin tit for all it's worth,

as long as he can show something like Non-results.

'See Mr. T. you're still free.'

500 quid, plus the phone charges thank you much...

Or look we have this nice publication believing out story now.

20,000 quid for this weekend, thanks for the suport.

Poetic justice, a hounds tooth shark gets a Armani lamprey.

The number of entertaining (and danming) videos is growing by the hour. Some are downright brilliant, like the one that uses the popular song "F You", which makes a link off limits on the forum.

Videos you consider as 'brilliant' are off limits on the forum? Who comes that?

The "F" word in the title of the song. :)

I have no problem with the F word, but I do understand TV's position. It's easy enough to find. I'm sure you'll love it!!

I guess it depends on the educational and social background if i consider something as brilliant or not or maybe off limit.

With a new lawyer, it seems Thaksin is ready to take his fight to the international level. He is no longer content with the game at Ratchaprasong and who knows what is up his sleeves; underground movement, inter-regional conflicts, or inter-class conflict.

Interesting to see that the lawyer Robert Armstrong is a leading Zionist and an avid supporter of right wing Zionist and Israeli terrorist groups, along with being a racist as his comments show , his views regarding non Jews are alarming as are his comments concerning the racial and religious superiority of the Jewish people and their being the ''Master Race.''

Seems a very familiar piece of rhetoric that was common place in the middle of the last century by another proponent of the ''Master race'' theory intent on world domination.

His trotting out and peddling of the old line'' The world is anti Semite '' is indeed a hackneyed phrase designed to invoke sympathy and to cover the Zionist repressive cause

Watching and listening to interviews by Robert Armstrong it becomes apparent that he has no love for the common man and woman in the street as is proved by his comments concerning the U.K trade union movement and the collection of socialists movements and presidents and grass roots labour movements he has dealt with over the years of his somewhat less than impressive career as an international rabble rouser.

Robert Armstrong is a racist Neo Facist who is embracing the red Shirt movement along with Thaksin to yet further extend their control over the common people.

Listening to Robert Armstrong it becomes apparent that Thaksin and Robert Armstrong are both megalomaniacs who share one common one aim, absolute power i.e. dictatorship.

One is left wondering if Robert Armstrong is actually as well qualified as he claims or is he in reality a world class rabble rouser ?

The Zionist cause is oppressive and the interference of a Zionist in Thailands internal matters is indeed a cause for concern, the Israeli lobbyists will of course be promoting the cause of Thaksin as their arms suppliers are intent on selling as many war weapons as possible, Thaksin would indeed be a fine client for them.

I would not discount the involvement of the N.W.O. or the Bilderberg group either, I certainly would not dispute those groups amongst others of indeed having stoked the fires (no pun intended) regarding the recent civil strife in Thailand.

One only has to look at some of Thaksins friends outside of Thailand Adnam Khashoggni a disreputable international arms dealer who has had a finger or two in conflicts around the world.

Incidentally, what actually did happen regarding the 35 tons of military ordinance that arrived at the airport, who sent it who paid for it and why ?

Thaksin is playing a seriously dangerous game where he is running with extremists who will destroy him and ultimately Thailand and its people if they get their own way.


R. Armstrong is a product of the education system, which is a gin mill for legal leeches who have virtually zero contributions to make to society, but find their way to the lowest niche in the system, as do the other shysters. The legal profession have some learned, caring, professional people, who are a needed/contributing part of the system, but this man would be hard pressed to be recognized by them. The individual who is paying for his services will probably fit in quite well with his professional integrity/mindset.

Hard to say which one is the lowest common denominator in this pair.


Thaksin is spending a lot of money on international media manipulation.

For example, take a look at the revision history of the Wikipedia article on Abhisit. Remember - everything on Wikipedia is information contributed by users. Wikipedia does not edit or check for accuracy or balance.

There were about 500 updates between 16 Apr and 22 May 2010 vs. about 500 between 8 Oct 2005 and 16 Apr 2010, the majority of which were made starting Dec 2008. Think about it.

The article is now a VERY professional piece of anti-Abhisit propaganda, entirely designed to portray him in the worst possible light. Unfortunately, many people people assume that Wikipedia is, like a reputable encyclopedia, an authoritative source.

I humbly submit this video link and the video itself as evidence as to the ''Peaceful motives of the Red Shirt leaderes.

Robert Amsterdam please note the cause you are being paid to support.

Well put together clip says it all

Thaksin is spending a lot of money on international media manipulation.

For example, take a look at the revision history of the Wikipedia article on Abhisit. Remember - everything on Wikipedia is information contributed by users. Wikipedia does not edit or check for accuracy or balance.

There were about 500 updates between 16 Apr and 22 May 2010 vs. about 500 between 8 Oct 2005 and 16 Apr 2010, the majority of which were made starting Dec 2008. Think about it.

The article is now a VERY professional piece of anti-Abhisit propaganda, entirely designed to portray him in the worst possible light. Unfortunately, many people people assume that Wikipedia is, like a reputable encyclopedia, an authoritative source.

Apparently their propaganda campaign on Wikipedia doesnt stop there.

The Central World entry now has this:

"On May 19, 2010, CentralWorld was seriously damaged by the fire that rioters caused in the aftermath of a military operation against anti-government protesters known as Red Shirts."

While sounding somewhat matter-of-fact, and noting the fire was indeed caused by "rioters", they make it seem like the Military "operation" was against peaceful protesters, implying suppression....no mention the Red Shirts were armed.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child



With a new lawyer, it seems Thaksin is ready to take his fight to the international level. He is no longer content with the game at Ratchaprasong and who knows what is up his sleeves; underground movement, inter-regional conflicts, or inter-class conflict.

Interesting to see that the lawyer Robert Amsterdam is a leading Zionist and an avid supporter of right wing Zionist and Israeli terrorist groups, along with being a racist as his comments show , his views regarding non Jews are alarming as are his comments concerning the racial and religious superiority of the Jewish people and their being the ''Master Race.''

Seems a very familiar piece of rhetoric that was common place in the middle of the last century by another proponent of the ''Master race'' theory intent on world domination.

His trotting out and peddling of the old line'' The world is anti Semite '' is indeed a hackneyed phrase designed to invoke sympathy and to cover the Zionist repressive cause

Watching and listening to interviews by Robert Amsterdam it becomes apparent that he has no love for the common man and woman in the street as is proved by his comments concerning the U.K trade union movement and the collection of socialists movements and presidents and grass roots labour movements he has dealt with over the years of his somewhat less than impressive career as an international rabble rouser.

Robert Amsterdam is a racist Neo Facist who is embracing the red Shirt movement along with Thaksin to yet further extend their control over the common people.

Listening to Robert Amsterdam it becomes apparent that Thaksin and Robert Amsterdam are both megalomaniacs who share one common one aim, absolute power i.e. dictatorship.

One is left wondering if Robert Amsterdam is actually as well qualified as he claims or is he in reality a world class rabble rouser ?

The Zionist cause is oppressive and the interference of a Zionist in Thailands internal matters is indeed a cause for concern, the Israeli lobbyists will of course be promoting the cause of Thaksin as their arms suppliers are intent on selling as many war weapons as possible, Thaksin would indeed be a fine client for them.

I would not discount the involvement of the N.W.O. or the Bilderberg group either, I certainly would not dispute those groups amongst others of indeed having stoked the fires (no pun intended) regarding the recent civil strife in Thailand.

One only has to look at some of Thaksins friends outside of Thailand Adnam Khashoggni a disreputable international arms dealer who has had a finger or two in conflicts around the world.

Incidentally, what actually did happen regarding the 35 tons of military ordinance that arrived at the airport, who sent it who paid for it and why ?

Thaksin is playing a seriously dangerous game where he is running with extremists who will destroy him and ultimately Thailand and its people if they get their own way.

My apologies to any lawyer call Robert Armstrong ( that is my lawyers name in the U.K. )

Classic Freudian slip.

Thanks to Plachon for pointing out my error.

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