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The Old Timer !

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A warm feeling came over the Bangkok 'old timer' as he exhaled deeply and finally vented his spleen in a dark, safe recess of the forum.

He came here seeking acceptance, he came here seeking approval, he came here seeking recognition from his fellow cyber brothers and sisters that was patently lacking from within the nouveau forum generation and also the Bangkok streets in the real world around him.

They slowly came one by one, post by post, members of the 'old skool', the ones he had known since the beginning of his time within the Thai cyberscene ... they would understand him, they would support and nurture him, they would expunge his insecurities and give him the cyberlove he so badly needed.

The chatter of agreement grew like the noise from a growing pack of hyenas around a carcass, and as the momentum of the group increased, he wrapped his arms around himself and slowly swayed to and fro on the edge of his sofa, a soft sucking, clucking sound came from his mouth, like the sound you would hear from someone who has just taken their first gulp from an ice cold, refreshing glass of 'weizen beer' on a hot, humid, steamy day.

His confidence increased with the corresponding approval and now nodding, he quietly spoke to himself, "new ones you will listen, new ones you will learn, new ones you will conform".

He had consciously omitted to use the word 'newbie' as it sounded crass and vulgar, and after all, he was a man of class, he was a man who deserved recognition.

His kettle shrieked in the kitchen like a wild banshee, smarting him from his fantasy, and he smiled broadly as he strode purposely towards his pack of noodles he was about to prepare.

This was now going to be a delicious meal indeed !

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