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I admire the foks on this form and send this with all due respect

From Maui, Hawaii....

One of the best videos on the net now... on this extremely, life or death kind of topic!


Think this is just the USA?

Think again…

A few days ago in the skies over Phuket

Yes the chem trails are causing the droughts for sure...

I understand the physics now...

heating the upper atmosphere creates and inversion of the temp gradient...they are finding temps in excess of 100F 30,000 ft up...where it should be well below freezing

and the clouds just won't rise (warm air rises) and normally would cool off and condense ...but now because the air above is so warm above...the columns of air don't rise and they can't condense the water because the temps are just too high......I am seeing chem trails above every rain cloud passing over Maui...intentionally I believe creating a drought...and causing serious damage to raising food and livestock on Maui.

By spraying aerosol metals in the upper atmosphere, these particles absorb the radiation from the sun...and heat the ionosphere to way high temps

and thus no rain...the larger the rain droplet the higher the cloud must reach up in elevation

the water particulates aggregate on the way up as they cool in "normal" systems making a larger and larger drop let until it gets so heavy it falls to the earth below...now if we get any rain at all the droplets are wimpy little sprays (not a heavy rain that can really restock ground water reserves)

A comment from the 1st video above on you tube

"Famine will be themethod of population control. Think and see the connection with these metals in destroying our food supply. We die while the elite hide in their underground habitat. When the population is culled they come out and start a new world.

Scary hey! But becoming more real to me as time goes by.

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That also explains the very dry weather in Europe............ oh stop, there it is raining all the time. Must have a different effect there.

Btw. if you ever get a email from Nigeria, promising you some millions if you help them to get there money into safety, do it. Its true and you will be rich. :)


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 – 1860)



Before the jetliners and chem trails Thailand had hot dry weather...any ideas on the cause of that? :)


sorry I dont have all the answers

let me assure you this is a massive subject and a heck of a lot more smarter people than me are invloved in it

get on the net and study something for yourself if you dont beleive me

here is further info and corrspondences from true modern heros of our times

and a petition re this subject below

My friend in Maui, is now highly active with the chemtrail issue since they started spraying over Maui. He has been connecting with people all over the world on this issue and networking intensively. Every day, I feel the growing outrage in my body over what is being perpetrated upon us. This is not the language of my personal victimhood. This is the language and voice of an ever growing number of people around the globe. I used to think I was somewhat alone in my feelings of outrage. I am finding I am only one of many thousands, millions of voices all around the world who understand the implications of what is happening on a global level, the destruction being perpetrated upon us from highly corrupt corporations and the wealthy elite who control the world according to their heartless and selfish agendas of control and dominance. According to the esoteric wisdom teachings, this is the "dark side" of the Aquarian Age. There is of course the lighter side of this Aquarian Age in terms of global awakening, this is what we all like to focus on. However, there is a hidden shadow side of this Aquarian Age as well, ruled by the planet Saturn. The Aquarian Age is supposed to about the incarnation of Divine Will and Order. However, to the controlling elite who do not want to lose their hold, this gets interpreted as their the will and order of a controlling elite who want to hold their power. My words can be verified by esoteric astrology and they need to be understood so we have a balanced and educated perspective of the dark and the light that is expressing on the planet at this time.

I received an email today about how beautiful New Zealand is and how it is a wonderful place to live and get away from the USA. I searched "New Zealand Chemtrails" and found they are getting slaughtered there as well. Then later in the day today, I received this email from Maui, forwarding me another voice. He apologized for the harsh language of this email.

However, not in any way do I consider the language of this sweet lady harsh. This language is the growing power and "awakening" of the outrage, the environmental awakening if you will.

Here is an email from a person in New Zealand...please read and feel...

"Kia ora Mani,

I'm Rose from New Zealand. Thanks for allowing a connection. Nothing could be more serious than what you are doing [for the chemtrail issue] so may I offer my encouragement and offer an eye from this side of the Pacific. Who would believe that our peaceful pacific existence would suddenly turn into something out of a big budget Hollywood movie. I'm so glad that Nina and I have been preparing for this time or the stuff going on now would be to hard for my little brain to comprehend.

We've got some work to do to shake these people awake friends.

Let's collectively connect some dots and pull these bastards out of our skies, earth and bodies.

These creatures openend up our mother's veins in the Gulf of Mexico.

She is now bleeding into her own womb and for them this is the ultimate blood sacrifice. They have poured their filth over her for long enough. How long can we shut our eyes?

This is war. It really has begun, only THIS TIME we are not gonna sit on our asses and do nothing about it.

I really look forward to information sharing with you. Attached is my second attempt at a you tube clip - something to show you what we are dealing with. It is BAD mate. Really, really bad. I have to fight the tears almost every single day, when i watch these bastards destroying her & us below. I have often wondered if those cowardly little chemtrail pilots feel powerful when they fly their shitty little jets over top of me and my child. I wonder if they see us below? Me with my finger raised at them in a fruitless attempt to make someone take notice of something!

Talk soon, NZ Rose"

Again, this is not strong language. This is what people all over the world are starting to feel each and every day. I have been telling people for years now, "true awakening is a multilevel business...it is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, environmental, social, and political". In my opinion, here is our next step to initiate...

We need to gather our forces as a team and create a global "cease and desist order" to the governments and military all over the world to stop spraying the skies. This plan needs to be well orchestrated and will need top level people, environmentalists, international lawyers and politicians.

The people of the world versus the governments and military in an international court of law, providing a cease and desist order. It will take nothing less than this unless we want to sit back while we are systematically exterminated.

Please take some time, do your own research, read about how the trees, plants, soil, and human beings are being destroyed by the intense increase of the aluminum and other heavy metals falling out of the sky.

- Neil

Please read info just below>>>>


Neil Steven Cohen

Naljor Creations

SourcePoint Global Outreach

PO Box 1177, Mount Shasta CA 96067

(530) 918-4200 (877) 277-6075



Subject: Stop Chemtrail spraying in our skies.

Chemtrails are sprayed worldwide!

It is criminal to poison us, our land. air and water by poisoning our skies

with harmful chemicals.

Please feel free to pass this petition on.



this great man has been aware of them and taking action for a long time:


Good on him...

Sometimes I am in need of hope...our species is quite insane...starting perhaps with cooking and processing our food and serving the food of death and depricated consciousness to people through KFC, McD, etc etc... we are insane.

Really it is time to wake up.

My experiment now is to see how I can contribute to the awakening over the next 20 years...starting with NOW...



who ever these guys are they are serious...check these pics out

please compare the 2 days in a row of these satellite pictures of Hawaii islands chain and tell me what would cause this huge difference....


see the aerosol spray on both sides and over of the big island (bottom portion of picture is full of chem trails seen blowing into the Big Island of Hawaii)

they are doing this now on Samui daily.... i get reports from Thai people telling me (not crazy strange Farangs mind you)

compare to the next day,,,very different

in Hawaii



Verygood girl are you sure it is not all the people using microwave ovens around Thailand that is causing this and not chemtrails after all microwave ovens kill the life force in pies etc so must effect the atmosphere as well ? :)


Mmm the Phuket video is rather interesting , if real. http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=093G7eTHwAI

"vapor" trails lasting an hour even while clouds are coming through is very interesting.

I also saw this particular trail and noted to myself the plane was lower than most passing by ,and going in the wrong direction from usual.

If it was approaching HKT it was too high.

moderator please help me here

why did this thread get put into Jokes - puzzles and riddles - make my day!

thread I submitted in the general form?

really makes me wonder?

i am not joking either

You are lucky, it shouldn't even be in this section, but just be deleted, what a load of <deleted> coming from an obviously very deluded person, and I am being nice here.

moderator please help me here

why did this thread get put into Jokes - puzzles and riddles - make my day!

thread I submitted in the general form?

really makes me wonder?

i am not joking either

You are lucky, it shouldn't even be in this section, but just be deleted, what a load of <deleted> coming from an obviously very deluded person, and I am being nice here.

You seek to attack, analyze and deny this user her thoughts and expression because you think it's "<deleted>".

Why would you even come back to the thread, then ?

Trolling is why.

moderator please help me here

why did this thread get put into Jokes - puzzles and riddles - make my day!

thread I submitted in the general form?

really makes me wonder?

i am not joking either

You are lucky, it shouldn't even be in this section, but just be deleted, what a load of <deleted> coming from an obviously very deluded person, and I am being nice here.

You seek to attack, analyze and deny this user her thoughts and expression because you think it's "<deleted>".

Why would you even come back to the thread, then ?

Trolling is why.

I'm with Carib on this one. This thread is hilarious - it belongs in the 'jokes' section. This is my first visit to this thread - so you (tigerwan, I'm not going to assign a gender to you as you seem to do to others) can't accuse me of trolling. Have you actually read post number 8? Let's just isolate some of the <deleted>;

According to the esoteric wisdom teachings, this is the "dark side" of the Aquarian Age. It's all English words - but I have no idea what it means. Please enlighten me.

However, there is a hidden shadow side of this Aquarian Age as well, ruled by the planet Saturn. Saturn is about 840 million miles away from us at the moment. It doesn't rule anything here, certainly not what people are doing in aeroplanes. At one and a quarter light hours away - it can't even see what we're doing.

My words can be verified by esoteric astrology and they need to be understood so we have a balanced and educated perspective of the dark and the light that is expressing on the planet at this time. <deleted> does 'esoteric astrology' (whatever that is), have to do with the subject at hand? And how can such an intangible concept verify anything?

I searched "New Zealand Chemtrails" and found they are getting slaughtered there as well. I've checked the news diligently, and there doesn't seem to be many reports of New Zealanders getting 'slaughtered' at the moment. I'm sure John Key would be shouting about it if there were.

I could go on for a while, but I'm sure people have got my drift by now

Therefore, <deleted>. Hilarious <deleted>, but still <deleted>.

Bring back the jokes into the jokes forum. Altum Angel - where are you??

Mmm the Phuket video is rather interesting , if real. http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=093G7eTHwAI

"vapor" trails lasting an hour even while clouds are coming through is very interesting.

I also saw this particular trail and noted to myself the plane was lower than most passing by ,and going in the wrong direction from usual.

If it was approaching HKT it was too high.

You a pilot then?

However, there is a hidden shadow side of this Aquarian Age as well, ruled by the planet Saturn. Saturn is about 840 million miles away from us at the moment. It doesn't rule anything here, certainly not what people are doing in aeroplanes. At one and a quarter light hours away - it can't even see what we're doing.

Yeah, but those rings! Think, man, think! Don't let those beardy real scientists fool you into thinking they're actually lumps of ice, held in orbit by Saturn's gravitation pull. They're in on it too. No, the rings are actually Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Please guys "don't shoot the messenger"!

You're playing around with a very serious topic and one day you will feel very much ashamed for your school boyish immature comments.

I challenge you to see the vdo below again


and tell me that wasn't true

Watch the whole thing please… the end of the VDO... he slows it down for those with bad vision.

For me it's so revealing how the Thai air traffic controller just totally blows off the obvious fact that in this vdo you can…. see clearly for yourself that the tanks were squirting out an aerosol… and the film maker caught it just as the tank (s) was running out...

It was so obvious my 4 year old daughter can see that too!

But why cant you?

This is a very very excellent rare vdo and we are extremely fortunate this brave man recorded it for us all to see…. with our very own eyes.

If you can't see it was being sprayed out of the tanks take a closer look really do it I challenge you.

I am telling you, you have to have very poor mental state or very bad eyes not to see this clear as day.

Such a daring and well made video like this is what it's going to take to get people off their asses to start asking the hard questions.

It's up to you and I to spread this info you think the Governments are going to do that for you?


Yeah, but - yeah, but. If you think this is a serious subject and don't want the mickey taken, WhyTF did you bring astrology (whether esoteric or otherwise) into it? You appear to be claiming that governments are poisoning us, with the help of Saturn and the age of aquarius. Loony-tunes!


Floods in Tennessee May 6-7, Rhode Island April 2, Massachusets April 2, North Dakota and Minnesota March 22. Northwest England in late November last year - the worst floods in memory. Poland right now - flood levels unseen since 1884.

I guess none of these places have been hit by the "we're gonna stop it raining planes"?

And PLEASE goodgirl give me a link to wherever you've got the information from that there are temperatures of 100F at 30,000 feet. Someone seems to have rewritten physics.


oh stage two already how ironic... that guy really knows common and simple man's minds

"All truth passes through three stages.

First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 – 1860)

Floods in Tennessee May 6-7, Rhode Island April 2, Massachusets April 2, North Dakota and Minnesota March 22. Northwest England in late November last year - the worst floods in memory. Poland right now - flood levels unseen since 1884.

I guess none of these places have been hit by the "we're gonna stop it raining planes"?

And PLEASE goodgirl give me a link to wherever you've got the information from that there are temperatures of 100F at 30,000 feet. Someone seems to have rewritten physics.

i will look into it

I didnt write that it was written by a layman like me and I have no idea where he got his info

but I will ask and get back

thanks for asking a good question though... unlike some of our "smart" friends here :)

Floods in Tennessee May 6-7, Rhode Island April 2, Massachusets April 2, North Dakota and Minnesota March 22. Northwest England in late November last year - the worst floods in memory. Poland right now - flood levels unseen since 1884.

I guess none of these places have been hit by the "we're gonna stop it raining planes"?

And PLEASE goodgirl give me a link to wherever you've got the information from that there are temperatures of 100F at 30,000 feet. Someone seems to have rewritten physics.

i will look into it

I didnt write that it was written by a layman like me and I have no idea where he got his info

but I will ask and get back

So, er, what you're doing is passing off guff and tittle tattle as fact?

oh stage two already how ironic... that guy really knows common and simple man's minds

"All truth passes through three stages.

First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 – 1860)

It is a fine quote, especially when it's applied to things that actually are true. I'm sure Schopenhauer would be turning his grave if he knew decadent halfwits were defiling his philosophy in such a cringeworthy fashion.

And I see no violent opposition. What level is pity - that's all I have for gullible misfits who believe this nonsense.

Have you got any more conspiracy theories? There hasn't been a real humdinger for ages and there are great fun. The lonely 9/11 darkened bedroom-dwellers seem to have gone quiet too.

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