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Cloud Ring Around The Moon


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The moon can produce interesting optical effects when conditions are right. The most common of which are moon rings, moon bows, which are similar to rainbows, moon dogs and moon pillars. A rainbow is produced when sunlight is refracted through water droplets - A similar effect is produced when moon light refracts through ice crystals.


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A lunar halo is caused by the refraction, reflection, and dispersion of light through ice particles suspended within thin, wispy, high altitude cirrus or cirrostratus clouds. As light passes through these hexagon-shaped ice crystals, it is bent at a 22 degree angle, creating a halo 22 degrees in radius (or 44 degrees in diameter).


But ain't it purrty :D


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I don't get it... is it a joke?

No, it's ice crystals in the high stratosphere. Beautiful in the Arizona high desert. Just imagine, the Thais have never seen the Milky Way. So sad.

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its aliens, I suggest you leave Thailand immediately

agreed.. They actually live in the Moon, but its not really the Moon as we've previously known & understood it. No, its a giant hollowed out spaceship whose alien inhabitants have been beaming down to Earth mind controlling energy to Humanity for aeons..

...well, that's the new theory acording to .David Icke. :)

so the 'ring' could be one of their transmissions...

Quick.. run !!

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OK, I understand the moon ring thing.

I also understand the associative connection between Icelandic ash clouds and moon-ring-ice-crystals.

But.. ..in the 'similar topics' list on the bottom of this page I read: "Thailand Child-Sex Ring Run By Monk Busted In Chiang Mai "

Now, tell me, what is the similarity between a monk-run child-sex ring and a moon ring ?

Assuming the monks are not disguised aliens originating from a hollow-moon-base of course. :)

On another note:

NASA runs a lovely website with pictures of various sky phenomena and other space related things:

Astronomy Picture Of The Day [APOD]

There are some nice moon-rings to be found there, too.

Edited by JohanV
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A lunar halo is caused by the refraction, reflection, and dispersion of light through ice particles suspended within thin, wispy, high altitude cirrus or cirrostratus clouds. As light passes through these hexagon-shaped ice crystals, it is bent at a 22 degree angle, creating a halo 22 degrees in radius (or 44 degrees in diameter).


But ain't it purrty :D


..nice to take one's mind of all the blood and carnage of recent weeks..

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