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I am from the land of sarcasm. (Seems to be de rigueur on this site :) ) It is a second skin in my daily discourse, and am well aware of the deer in headlights reactions from those not accustomed to barbed jokes told with wry smiles. I know that the concept at least exists in Thailand, and understand the expression for it to be 'phuud bpra chot'. I was informed by an educated Thai that; 'yes it exists, but do not talk like that, it is not polite'. I wonder if it indeed was understood in the way i/we understand it, or if the whole approach is truly deemed rude to a Thai.

Anyone with experiences on that?

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Not sure about rude, but certainly it can be mistaken as impolite. Sarcasm comes in many forms too, the jokey, friendly banter, and the deliberately rude. I tune mine according to whoever I'm talking too and test waters before I tend to do it, though like you I enjoy it as a playful means.

What I have ultimately found is that the more European educated Thais I know get it, along with accepting me for who I am and making allowances, even finding it funny. Others just won't get it so I adjust.

Sarcasm as a means to bully or put down is just rude in any country.

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