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Hangover Thailand / Hangover My Land

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There must also be some psychology involved, because if you are happy, ie.the sunshine, the friendly ladies etc. the brain chemicals will actually block out your hangover. It is rather like telling an addict, the 'fix' is on the way, the unpleasant craving stops temporarily (for them).

Seasonal affective disorder syndrome - SADS. It is actually quite common, although I don't know anyone who has been diagnosed with it. Basically SADS is caused by a chemical imbalance in the hyothalamus due to the shortening of daylight hours and lack of sunshine during winter. Symptoms vary, but most common is severe depression (again a chemical imbalance in the hypothalamus) and immune deficiency - Perhaps this has something to do with hangovers being uncommon in LOS compared to back home in the UK... As the weather in the UK is almost always miserable especially in comparison to Thailand.

I've always had my own little theory on this subject and it basically comes down to tea and coffee, believe it or not... I think I'm right in saying people in the UK drink tea and coffee, a lot. However when you are on holiday you tend to drink a lot less if any (I think). As previously mentioned by someone tea and coffee have extremely high levels of cafeine, which is a diuretic, screwing up our water retention... - less water = less blood plasma and higher blood viscosity causing hypertensions amongst other things. With decreased blood flow, alcohol should stay in our systems longer, therefore we wake up to a dreaded hangover, more so with headaches as this is due to dehydration. Suppose this links with more water being ingested on holidays, so same results really.

The rate at which alcohol is absorbed is dependent on our mood. Adrenaline facilitates in processesing alcohol quicker, therefore we get drunk quicker, but sober up quicker resulting in a lesser chance of a hangover. When your sorrounded by beatiful women, I suppose this only increases the release of noradrenaline, possibly another good arguement.

I suppose eveything, even the smallest things can contribute towards a hangover... The actual cause of a hangover is not known.

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