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I Hate Thailand!


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Axel...tutsiwarrior...aka 'Mr Personality'...

has anyone figured out how to stop kway teeow noodles from sticking together? If not then I declare that kway teeow eaters posting on this forum are frauds and that collectively have a perverted attraction for McDonalds 'fillet of fish'

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Axel...tutsiwarrior...aka 'Mr Personality'...

has anyone figured out how to stop kway teeow noodles from sticking together? If not then I declare that kway teeow eaters posting on this forum are frauds and that collectively have a perverted attraction for McDonalds 'fillet of fish'

You soak 'em first for a couple hours...especially the real thin ones...

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Axel...tutsiwarrior...aka 'Mr Personality'...

has anyone figured out how to stop kway teeow noodles from sticking together? If not then I declare that kway teeow eaters posting on this forum are frauds and that collectively have a perverted attraction for McDonalds 'fillet of fish'

You soak 'em first for a couple hours...especially the real thin ones...

You can also rub a little vegtable oil on them after you dry them.

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One of the things I love about Thailand is being able to eat a different kind of Kway Teeow every day of the year.  Just finished a big plate of Kway Teeow Hang/Gai just now - man, that was great! :D

Viva la food. :D

And, the unbelievable variety of fruit! Give me a bowl of fresh-picked Lynchees for desert...it doesn't get any better... :D

prefer lam-yay and mang-khut and cold sap-pa-rot sprinkled with gleu-uh and crushed prik. :o

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sontaya...well, you know there are worse places and I presently have no alternatives...

but I have venom that I shall with hold in this instance...

a monitor lizard tried to eat my 18 month old niece this afternoon and I had to club it while chasing it away...so now I have a large brain damaged reptile living behind the house and stalking young children at play.

This would never happen in pasadena...

If that sucker gives you any more hassles, give me a call and I'll come round and deal with him (the monitor that is, not Sontaya). Pad pet hia - aroy maak! Yes, the variety of edible delights in this country does it every time! :D And it shouldn't happen to a vet in Pasadena neither..... :o

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I hate Thailand, I love Thailand....

Well I can say I have a love/hate relationship with Thailand...

I hate Thailand....I have known this girl, non-bargirl for ten years, supported her and her mother and younger sister, bought her houses and cars gave her capital for business (none is successful ) etc etc, but in the end she dumped me.

My friends said I was stupid, her mother asked me to forget about her, when she was with me she was the envy of her friends and neighbours.

Even her late father used to describe me in a Thai saying...I can't remember the Thai words but it goes somthing like this in English......

" If you bring a bowl of rice out there to look for someone you can never find

someone like me ".....maybe some Thais could translate it into Thai...

I love Thailand....I like the people especially the villagers (my ex is a city-girl)...

khon ban nor..have more warmth than those in the cities.

I have read this forum and found that many are happily married to Thai even BG and it brightens up my days...Maybe one day I would be able to have a happy relationship with a Thai like many of you..... :o:D:D

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  • 3 months later...
Mostly positive comments. There must be something on living in Thailand that's better.

Once in a while it helps to go back to old posts.

Why not, Thailand is nice to live in....

Ah, yes, on television you also find repeated movies. :o

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I would rather have HK cantonese food, would rather go to an Aussie beach, would rather visit a national park that is actually CLEAN, and I dont get charged 10 times as much for

So why still in Thailand, no passport, no money for a Ticket?

Planes leave everyday, why torture yourself any longer?

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You are boring, go get a life.

Rooboy as popular as ever....................................

TGT is right mate.

If i was putting up with the crap that you put up with, i would be gone, back to my great social life and good mates and genuine smiles and good food and clean Beaches............

Mate, what the f##k are you doing in Thailand?

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Mate what the F##K business is it of yours, I am very content with my life, you stick to your pickup truck and your rosey specs ok.

You and your little pommie mate who trolls bangkok chat should wake the F##K up and get it through your thick heads there is more to Thailand than LBFM's and cheap smoke.

Your mundane pommie humour wears pretty thin when all you can do is post the same inane flames over and over. Nothing better to do eh?

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Your mundane pommie humour wears pretty thin when all you can do is post the same inane flames over and over. Nothing better to do eh?

I guess i could sit about complaining all day long instead..........

Nah, i will leave that up to you. :o

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I am very content with my life

Content with what ?

The food that you think is better elsewhere? Getting ripped off at parks? The false smiles? Dirty Beaches? Breathing in a few Kgs of Diesel fumes each week?

What is it you are content with,,,,apart from whinging like a sissy? :o

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Woh Roo,

Begs has always been the Thai-Girl's knight in shining armour - coming to their defence and stating, just as you said, there is more the LOS than BG's (find LBFM a little offensive and a little 70's - isn';t it the term for Philipino BG's?).

There's things to moan about where ever we lay our hats. There's also good things that make us happy and make us stay too. The foruim is full of moans, because that's what people do - they always moan quickly and hold back on the back-patting. 'tis human nature.

Oz attracts plenty of expats too - I doubt you are suggesting that more Brits hit those shores than presently do? It may have good/clean beaches (if you ignore the jellyfish, sharks, stonefish etc) and less polution, but that's not the sole reason for choosing a new domicile (hat rack). Enough Ossies in London to proove that - no beaches, crap weather and polution up the wazzoo, but London's West-End seems the Antipodean paradise from the amount of Oz/NZ/SA people there.

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I am very content with my life

Content with what ?

The food that you think is better elsewhere? Getting ripped off at parks? The false smiles? Dirty Beaches? Breathing in a few Kgs of Diesel fumes each week?

What is it you are content with,,,,apart from whinging like a sissy? :D


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whinging like a sissy?

Schoolboy taunts Begs, its funny to read posts from people like you, MATE :D

Funniest thing is, I have stated observations, and alot of truths, not whinging, thats the bane of you Poms MATE.

You see I am very happy with what I do and what I have, I dont spend hours a day in a pathetic forum chasing after the flame posts, you on the other hand don't seem to have much else to do...MATE. :o

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forgive my bad english please but what does "pommie" mean ?

Claim: "Pommy" (or "pom"), a slang term for a British person, comes from the acronym POHM, which was used to designate a "Prisoner of His Majesty."

Status: False.

Origins: "Pommy" (or "pom" or "pommie") is a primarily Australian (and largely derisive) slang term used to indicate a recent immigrant from Great Britain, or a Brit in general. The origins of "pommy" having been lost in the mists of time, someone needed to cook up an etymology for it, preferably one equal to the pejorative sense of the word. Accordingly, we now have the story that criminals transported to Australia were designated "Prisoners of His Majesty" or "Prisoners of Mother England" (some versions claim the convicts bore one of these legends printed on the backs of their shirts), and thus the acronym "POHM" or "POME" eventually evolved into the slang term "pom" or "pommy."

This amusing anecdote is doubtful as anything more than a fanciful invention, as acronymic origins antedating the mid-twentieth century are automatically suspect, and the use of "pommy" has been recorded at least as far back as 1915. Moreover, nobody has yet turned up corroborating evidence that "Prisoner of His Majesty" or "Prisoners of Mother England" were actually common designations for criminals transported to Australia. The best guess at this time is that "pommy" was based on the word "pomegranate" -- either because the redness of the fruit supposedly matched the typically florid British complexion, or because (like "Johnny Grant") it was used as rhyming slang for "immigrant."

I've quoted Chonabot from another thread as it was a good explanation. (cheers)

totster :o

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Enough Ossies in London to proove that - no beaches, crap weather and polution up the wazzoo, but London's West-End seems the Antipodean paradise from the amount of Oz/NZ/SA people there.

We send em there so they realise how good they have it back home :D

As for LBFM, it came from the "older" generation of tourist I met when first in Thailand :o

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