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Defense Minister Concerned About Plots To Kill Thai Govt Leaders

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Since Thailand is G20 member you clearly see how they follow up on the global Agenda.

- wars of (self-created) terror

- tougher 'security' measures

- martial law being used

- killing unarmed people is made day to day practice as part to de-sensitize people

- creating images of violence via agent provocateurs, yes I mean all them fake M-79 attacks + the 2 real ones

- massive pressure on the media to conformationally report and keep the 'good image' of the lying politicians

- double speak: One day it's "We did not use real ammunition" but people die; next day it's "Now we are allowed to use live ammo" ?!?

- Greedy bastards and the elite steer this fake two-party paradigm aka yellow vs. red to keep the masses dumb

It's all smokescreens, while Abhisit is laughing his butt off, thanks to the reds he is still in power, otherwise the government would be dissolved already (236Bt mil. taken from petrochemical company and 30Bt mil. are allowed as party 'contribution')

Guys wake up, Thailand is being marched into the new world order B$ big time, right now. And who will rise again now, since all them yuppies in BKK and their offspring rather tweet where the heck they're having a 150Bt. ice-cream, the days wage of 'normal / rural' people.

I dislike seeing the 'happy country' image to fade away between them angry red's, the government agents / military and the Chinese descendants elite ruling the country from Sathorn and Silom via economics.

May the people unite and see the game of the puppet masters! Bless Thailand!!!


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Can I ask a slightly off topic question: Why are the sentences handed out by the courts so lenient? I mean isn't going to prison supposed to be a deterrent to crime and if you are only sent to prison for a short time, where is the deterrent? So if people get such lenient sentences there is no incentive to give up crime? So if Taksin does return to Thailand and does get prosecuted, will he be able to pay money and not spend any time in prison? What I mean is some terrible acts have occurred and the people who did them get off with such lenient sentences that there is no incentive to give up crime. So why don't we all just become criminals and give up the poorly paid day jobs?

As for the OP, let's see how good the General's quick justice is by how long it takes to process Sondhi's charges and get him behind bars where he belongs. He could easiliy share a cell with his old partner in crime, Thaksin. [Everybody knows they are letting the sand run out on the Made in Thailand 'limitations' hour glass that all Thai elite keep on their dressers.]

Light sentences? Tell that to those who are stacked in cells for speaking out in favour of a more progressive Thailand. It's ironic people can go to jail for sharing their opinions and beliefs, in an officially Buddhist Nation, where speaking the truth is a requirement for Betterment. [puzzling that one] Has anybody ever tried freedom of religion as a legal defense?

*This is the way I have been able to figure it. It's a bit like diplomatic immunity. Some are born with 'get out jail' cards and a very few earn them in their life, Leekpai's brother is one example, humble beginnings, brother was PM, swindled millions, travelled abroad for some years until he could return home with no charges. Most countries have lighter sentencing for the rich and elite; it is just really PRONOUNCED in Thailand, to the point it still follows lines of arisitocats and nobles. The Khana Ratsadon left this group alone when they changed Thailand because they were all members of the Upper Crust themselves.

A few years ago TV was filled with a story about a drunken son of rich and famous parents who mowed people to death in his new Mercedez. I can't remember if he actually, finally, was punished? Compare that to a drunk Thai biker,sans helmet, who plows into a farang's car and dies. Guess who gets very quick processing and punishment?


I Said it before . Take the heads off the Beast and it will be leaderless. As far as attempts on Ministers life ....well thats the way these terrorists behave to achieve their aims, witness the last 2 and half months. The whole Red organizational structure, TV any publications Etc must be outlawed , They have to treated like the terrorist group they are.


speed up prosecution of red lawbreakers

protect the immunity of yellow lawbreakers

discuss national reconciliation

*** This Thread should be moved to Joke of the Day subforum!!!

I Said it before . Take the heads off the Beast and it will be leaderless. As far as attempts on Ministers life ....well thats the way these terrorists behave to achieve their aims, witness the last 2 and half months. The whole Red organizational structure, TV any publications Etc must be outlawed , They have to treated like the terrorist group they are.

I think that has been the wrong decision all along. Seh Daeng was shot and the "men in black" went crazy. Then the red shirt leaders were arrested and the city went up in flames.

I'm sorry to say but the only way out of this, in the long term, will have to be through negotiations between the 2 big political parties in Thailand. The Democrats and Puea Thai. Abhisit (or whoever tells him what to do) and Thaksin. Otherwise all we'll have are "breathing periods", but no real solution.

Since Thailand is G20 member you clearly see how they follow up on the global Agenda.

- wars of (self-created) terror

- tougher 'security' measures

- martial law being used

- killing unarmed people is made day to day practice as part to de-sensitize people

- creating images of violence via agent provocateurs, yes I mean all them fake M-79 attacks + the 2 real ones

- massive pressure on the media to conformationally report and keep the 'good image' of the lying politicians

- double speak: One day it's "We did not use real ammunition" but people die; next day it's "Now we are allowed to use live ammo" ?!?

- Greedy bastards and the elite steer this fake two-party paradigm aka yellow vs. red to keep the masses dumb

It's all smokescreens, while Abhisit is laughing his butt off, thanks to the reds he is still in power, otherwise the government would be dissolved already (236Bt mil. taken from petrochemical company and 30Bt mil. are allowed as party 'contribution')

Guys wake up, Thailand is being marched into the new world order B$ big time, right now. And who will rise again now, since all them yuppies in BKK and their offspring rather tweet where the heck they're having a 150Bt. ice-cream, the days wage of 'normal / rural' people.

I dislike seeing the 'happy country' image to fade away between them angry red's, the government agents / military and the Chinese descendants elite ruling the country from Sathorn and Silom via economics.

May the people unite and see the game of the puppet masters! Bless Thailand!!!



So much of your Post is great observation, however Thailand is not even on the Next 11 List, let alone a G20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Eleven

Now, if Thailand would implement The Joseph Solution; it would be a G30 Nation within a decade.

Also, drop the 'Chinese' thing if you want World acceptance. Sondhi, Thaksin, Leekpai: there are Chinese Thais on all sides of the Issues. Rama 1's grandmother was Chinese.

It's NOT a race issue, it's a fight for the seats of corruption. There are freak of nature *historical reasons why so many Chinese/Thais fluked into upper class, don't blame them by their heritage. There are corrupt Thai/Thais as well.

*While Chinese immigrants were excempt from corvee status, this was NOT a privlege. They were shunted off to menial tasks, laundry, pahtangoh stands. With the effect of some treaties with Western powers, land swaps were made and trade agreements were made to save Thailand from colonialism. Out of that rose free enterprise and the business class. It was just historic dumb luck the 'lowly' Chinese were already conversant in running businesses. It just washed up on the beach for them. They were well adjusted to grow with the new socio economic order imposed by Browning and others.

Not sure what is wrong with this government to act on the evidences they have to put stop on this terrorism acts. I am sure they can get help from US anytime they need and want

One might think so.. after all the side which is ruling now has been one of america's most loyal friends for 60 years.. but the US doesn't seem to be doing anything to help them. Perhaps they felt comfortable with Thaksin (probably a mistake as he's the sort who would favor Chinese influence), or perhaps their analysts feel the writing is on the wall for the old regime. Hard to say.

If Thailand would implement The Joseph Solution; it would be a G30 Nation within a decade.

What is the 'Joseph Solution'?

Since Thailand is G20 member you clearly see how they follow up on the global Agenda.

- wars of (self-created) terror

- tougher 'security' measures

- martial law being used

- killing unarmed people is made day to day practice as part to de-sensitize people

- creating images of violence via agent provocateurs, yes I mean all them fake M-79 attacks + the 2 real ones

- massive pressure on the media to conformationally report and keep the 'good image' of the lying politicians

- double speak: One day it's "We did not use real ammunition" but people die; next day it's "Now we are allowed to use live ammo" ?!?

- Greedy bastards and the elite steer this fake two-party paradigm aka yellow vs. red to keep the masses dumb

It's all smokescreens, while Abhisit is laughing his butt off, thanks to the reds he is still in power, otherwise the government would be dissolved already (236Bt mil. taken from petrochemical company and 30Bt mil. are allowed as party 'contribution')

Guys wake up, Thailand is being marched into the new world order B$ big time, right now. And who will rise again now, since all them yuppies in BKK and their offspring rather tweet where the heck they're having a 150Bt. ice-cream, the days wage of 'normal / rural' people.

I dislike seeing the 'happy country' image to fade away between them angry red's, the government agents / military and the Chinese descendants elite ruling the country from Sathorn and Silom via economics.

May the people unite and see the game of the puppet masters! Bless Thailand!!!



So much of your Post is great observation, however Thailand is not even on the Next 11 List, let alone a G20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Eleven

Now, if Thailand would implement The Joseph Solution; it would be a G30 Nation within a decade.

Also, drop the 'Chinese' thing if you want World acceptance. Sondhi, Thaksin, Leekpai: there are Chinese Thais on all sides of the Issues. Rama 1's grandmother was Chinese.

It's NOT a race issue, it's a fight for the seats of corruption. There are freak of nature *historical reasons why so many Chinese/Thais fluked into upper class, don't blame them by their heritage. There are corrupt Thai/Thais as well.

*While Chinese immigrants were excempt from corvee status, this was NOT a privlege. They were shunted off to menial tasks, laundry, pahtangoh stands. With the effect of some treaties with Western powers, land swaps were made and trade agreements were made to save Thailand from colonialism. Out of that rose free enterprise and the business class. It was just historic dumb luck the 'lowly' Chinese were already conversant in running businesses. It just washed up on the beach for them. They were well adjusted to grow with the new socio economic order imposed by Browning and others.

Why do you post the "Joseph Solution" as the answer to nearly every single one of your hundreds of responses? I'm getting tired of it, seriously.


Having read there are around 700 Generals in Thailand drawing salaries how does this compare on a world ranking I wonder? Any experts out there?

From various Googled sources;

"As of February 28, 2009 1,454,515 people are on active duty in the U.S. military with an additional 848,000 people in the seven reserve components."

In all, there can be only 302 general officers (generals, lieutenant generals, major generals and brigadier generals) in the U.S. Army. "

Appreciate your providing numbers, however, there is incongruity in them.

Your first number includes all military (Marines, Air Force, Navy, and Army) whereas your second number only includes Army.

Also appreciate serithai's post, but does anyone have more definitive linkable information on Thailand's rank structure?


Having read there are around 700 Generals in Thailand drawing salaries how does this compare on a world ranking I wonder? Any experts out there?

From various Googled sources;

"As of February 28, 2009 1,454,515 people are on active duty in the U.S. military with an additional 848,000 people in the seven reserve components."

In all, there can be only 302 general officers (generals, lieutenant generals, major generals and brigadier generals) in the U.S. Army. "

Appreciate your providing numbers, however, there is incongruity in them.

Your first number includes all military (Marines, Air Force, Navy, and Army) whereas your second number only includes Army.

Also appreciate serithai's post, but does anyone have more definitive linkable information on Thailand's rank structure?

Id like to know the rank structure too. :)

Violent crackdown.

Banning opposition media.

Removing/side-lining non aligned civil servants, police ect.


Spurious charges against opposition figures.

Targeted assassination of opposition figure.

Demonising entire sections of the country.

Demonising foreign media.

Use of LM laws.

SOE and continuing curfews.

I course I could be wrong and Thailand is now headed for a bright future.

I hear what you say but you don`t back it up with any proof... I think thats a list of whats in your immagination.. please give evidence and not spurious hearsay and The curfew is necessary since all the arson attacks happened at night..

Can I ask a slightly off topic question: Why are the sentences handed out by the courts so lenient? I mean isn't going to prison supposed to be a deterrent to crime and if you are only sent to prison for a short time, where is the deterrent? So if people get such lenient sentences there is no incentive to give up crime? So if Taksin does return to Thailand and does get prosecuted, will he be able to pay money and not spend any time in prison? What I mean is some terrible acts have occurred and the people who did them get off with such lenient sentences that there is no incentive to give up crime. So why don't we all just become criminals and give up the poorly paid day jobs?

:) Well his wife has been convicted and sentenced but has yet to see the inside of a jail. In Thailand it depends on who you are.


One would hope that he is concerned about this ALL the time.

The complete lack of structured press conferences with the "scrum" of reporters on the step outside the government office thrusting their microphones under the minister's noses are a complete disaster waiting to happen.

The total and utter lack of risk assessment about how and where government members travel and are approached by the media and the public lets me think, that the security services feel that if someone feels strongly enough to kill a politician, they must be justified.

Since Thailand is G20 member you clearly see how they follow up on the global Agenda.

- wars of (self-created) terror

- tougher 'security' measures

- martial law being used

- killing unarmed people is made day to day practice as part to de-sensitize people

- creating images of violence via agent provocateurs, yes I mean all them fake M-79 attacks + the 2 real ones

- massive pressure on the media to conformationally report and keep the 'good image' of the lying politicians

- double speak: One day it's "We did not use real ammunition" but people die; next day it's "Now we are allowed to use live ammo" ?!?

- Greedy bastards and the elite steer this fake two-party paradigm aka yellow vs. red to keep the masses dumb

It's all smokescreens, while Abhisit is laughing his butt off, thanks to the reds he is still in power, otherwise the government would be dissolved already (236Bt mil. taken from petrochemical company and 30Bt mil. are allowed as party 'contribution')

Guys wake up, Thailand is being marched into the new world order B$ big time, right now. And who will rise again now, since all them yuppies in BKK and their offspring rather tweet where the heck they're having a 150Bt. ice-cream, the days wage of 'normal / rural' people.

I dislike seeing the 'happy country' image to fade away between them angry red's, the government agents / military and the Chinese descendants elite ruling the country from Sathorn and Silom via economics.

May the people unite and see the game of the puppet masters! Bless Thailand!!!



So much of your Post is great observation, however Thailand is not even on the Next 11 List, let alone a G20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Eleven

Now, if Thailand would implement The Joseph Solution; it would be a G30 Nation within a decade.

Also, drop the 'Chinese' thing if you want World acceptance. Sondhi, Thaksin, Leekpai: there are Chinese Thais on all sides of the Issues. Rama 1's grandmother was Chinese.

It's NOT a race issue, it's a fight for the seats of corruption. There are freak of nature *historical reasons why so many Chinese/Thais fluked into upper class, don't blame them by their heritage. There are corrupt Thai/Thais as well.

*While Chinese immigrants were excempt from corvee status, this was NOT a privlege. They were shunted off to menial tasks, laundry, pahtangoh stands. With the effect of some treaties with Western powers, land swaps were made and trade agreements were made to save Thailand from colonialism. Out of that rose free enterprise and the business class. It was just historic dumb luck the 'lowly' Chinese were already conversant in running businesses. It just washed up on the beach for them. They were well adjusted to grow with the new socio economic order imposed by Browning and others.

Why do you post the "Joseph Solution" as the answer to nearly every single one of your hundreds of responses? I'm getting tired of it, seriously.

LOL. We may not agree on much else Mr. Clown, but on this we are sympatico. I've asked several times for a link or explanation from Mr. Egg. Nothing in response. No link, no detail, just endless promotion of a nonexistent platform, or one that exists only in the mind of one poster. Incredible.

Mr. Egg. If you wish to be taken seriously at all you need to find somewhere to host the details of your plan. You then need to provide a link here in the open forum or through PM. You are a self-described genius so I imagine this wouldn't be too difficult. Heck, you'd probably even get a decent spot in google searches for it given the hundreds of times you've shamelessly promoted it here.

Since Thailand is G20 member you clearly see how they follow up on the global Agenda.

- wars of (self-created) terror

- tougher 'security' measures

- martial law being used

- killing unarmed people is made day to day practice as part to de-sensitize people

- creating images of violence via agent provocateurs, yes I mean all them fake M-79 attacks + the 2 real ones

- massive pressure on the media to conformationally report and keep the 'good image' of the lying politicians

- double speak: One day it's "We did not use real ammunition" but people die; next day it's "Now we are allowed to use live ammo" ?!?

- Greedy bastards and the elite steer this fake two-party paradigm aka yellow vs. red to keep the masses dumb

It's all smokescreens, while Abhisit is laughing his butt off, thanks to the reds he is still in power, otherwise the government would be dissolved already (236Bt mil. taken from petrochemical company and 30Bt mil. are allowed as party 'contribution')

Guys wake up, Thailand is being marched into the new world order B$ big time, right now. And who will rise again now, since all them yuppies in BKK and their offspring rather tweet where the heck they're having a 150Bt. ice-cream, the days wage of 'normal / rural' people.

I dislike seeing the 'happy country' image to fade away between them angry red's, the government agents / military and the Chinese descendants elite ruling the country from Sathorn and Silom via economics.

May the people unite and see the game of the puppet masters! Bless Thailand!!!



So much of your Post is great observation, however Thailand is not even on the Next 11 List, let alone a G20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Eleven

Now, if Thailand would implement The Joseph Solution; it would be a G30 Nation within a decade.

Also, drop the 'Chinese' thing if you want World acceptance. Sondhi, Thaksin, Leekpai: there are Chinese Thais on all sides of the Issues. Rama 1's grandmother was Chinese.

It's NOT a race issue, it's a fight for the seats of corruption. There are freak of nature *historical reasons why so many Chinese/Thais fluked into upper class, don't blame them by their heritage. There are corrupt Thai/Thais as well.

*While Chinese immigrants were excempt from corvee status, this was NOT a privlege. They were shunted off to menial tasks, laundry, pahtangoh stands. With the effect of some treaties with Western powers, land swaps were made and trade agreements were made to save Thailand from colonialism. Out of that rose free enterprise and the business class. It was just historic dumb luck the 'lowly' Chinese were already conversant in running businesses. It just washed up on the beach for them. They were well adjusted to grow with the new socio economic order imposed by Browning and others.

I gave Mrs. Egg my own "Joseph Solution" last night - :D

It might be wise to monitor some communications between Montenegro and Thailand....Just in case...

As far as i know, Montenegro has no any level of diplomacy with Thailand. If true, will be not possible to even scratch Thaksin if he get the passport from Montenegro...

Can I ask a slightly off topic question: Why are the sentences handed out by the courts so lenient? I mean isn't going to prison supposed to be a deterrent to crime and if you are only sent to prison for a short time, where is the deterrent? So if people get such lenient sentences there is no incentive to give up crime? So if Taksin does return to Thailand and does get prosecuted, will he be able to pay money and not spend any time in prison? What I mean is some terrible acts have occurred and the people who did them get off with such lenient sentences that there is no incentive to give up crime. So why don't we all just become criminals and give up the poorly paid day jobs?

Perhaps, it has to do with the social hierarchy of institutionalized inequality through law that the Sakdina* system established in Thailand. Persons considered of higher stature, owing to wealth and occupational status, have higher influence in the courts and receive lighter sentences than common people.

* http://www.hrsolidarity.net/mainfile.php/1999vol09no06/1018/

(edit - link didn't activate)

Violent crackdown.

Banning opposition media.

Removing/side-lining non aligned civil servants, police ect.


Spurious charges against opposition figures.

Targeted assassination of opposition figure.

Demonising entire sections of the country.

Demonising foreign media.

Use of LM laws.

SOE and continuing curfews.

I course I could be wrong and Thailand is now headed for a bright future.

I hear what you say but you don`t back it up with any proof... I think thats a list of whats in your immagination.. please give evidence and not spurious hearsay and The curfew is necessary since all the arson attacks happened at night..

I grant it to you that i havent seen proof for all .

But deadly crackdown yes

Banning opposition media yes (Prachatai f.e)

Censorship yes (most websites critical of the governement are banned)

SOE and continuous curfew damaging the economy

Demonising the reds by saying they are terrorists Yes

I would add double standards (the yellows extremist fringe at the airport stunt are not in jail )

I grant it to you that i havent seen proof for all .

But deadly crackdown yes

Banning opposition media yes (Prachatai f.e)

Censorship yes (most websites critical of the governement are banned)

SOE and continuous curfew damaging the economy

Demonising the reds by saying they are terrorists Yes

I would add double standards (the yellows extremist fringe at the airport stunt are not in jail )

You tend to speak in absolute proofs which have no value without a context. If I say "Americans killed people" is true but without proper context meaningless.

Can I ask a slightly off topic question: Why are the sentences handed out by the courts so lenient? I mean isn't going to prison supposed to be a deterrent to crime and if you are only sent to prison for a short time, where is the deterrent? So if people get such lenient sentences there is no incentive to give up crime? So if Taksin does return to Thailand and does get prosecuted, will he be able to pay money and not spend any time in prison? What I mean is some terrible acts have occurred and the people who did them get off with such lenient sentences that there is no incentive to give up crime. So why don't we all just become criminals and give up the poorly paid day jobs?

You mean like all the scum on Wall Street?

Can I ask a slightly off topic question: Why are the sentences handed out by the courts so lenient? I mean isn't going to prison supposed to be a deterrent to crime and if you are only sent to prison for a short time, where is the deterrent? So if people get such lenient sentences there is no incentive to give up crime? So if Taksin does return to Thailand and does get prosecuted, will he be able to pay money and not spend any time in prison? What I mean is some terrible acts have occurred and the people who did them get off with such lenient sentences that there is no incentive to give up crime. So why don't we all just become criminals and give up the poorly paid day jobs?

Well, they start out as long sentances but because the police are too lazy to investigate they are halved if the accused puts up his/her hand! Pretty simple really!

Of course if you're a doctor, a politicians son or any member of the perceived elite then there's a very good chance that, no matter what the crime, you wont even go to jail!

Think about the doctor who drugged and killed his wife, he then chopped her up and tried to flush the bits down the toilet, the judge said he was loath to send him to jail because he was a "good" doctor and seeing his mother was dead it would be bad for the young son to have his father in jail?

Imagine that the Chief Whip of the opposition is your father, who incidently, is thought to be the Capo de Capo in Thailand, you murder a senior policeman in the street in front of maybe, 100 witnesses, what is the result? "I can't be guilty" said the son "it was my drivers gun!". You'll see the young man walking around the streets today! :):D

- some deleted -

Imagine that the Chief Whip of the opposition is your father, who incidently, is thought to be the Capo de Capo in Thailand, you murder a senior policeman in the street in front of maybe, 100 witnesses, what is the result? "I can't be guilty" said the son "it was my drivers gun!". You'll see the young man walking around the streets today! :):D

K. Chalerm in his position in the PTP doubted the valid reasoning for the curfew. Probably because his sons really wanted to go have fun in a nightclub (hoping some-one would step on their toes :D ).

Can I ask a slightly off topic question: Why are the sentences handed out by the courts so lenient? I mean isn't going to prison supposed to be a deterrent to crime and if you are only sent to prison for a short time, where is the deterrent? So if people get such lenient sentences there is no incentive to give up crime? So if Taksin does return to Thailand and does get prosecuted, will he be able to pay money and not spend any time in prison? What I mean is some terrible acts have occurred and the people who did them get off with such lenient sentences that there is no incentive to give up crime. So why don't we all just become criminals and give up the poorly paid day jobs?

Perhaps, it has to do with the social hierarchy of institutionalized inequality through law that the Sakdina* system established in Thailand. Persons considered of higher stature, owing to wealth and occupational status, have higher influence in the courts and receive lighter sentences than common people.

* http://www.hrsolidarity.net/mainfile.php/1999vol09no06/1018/

(edit - link didn't activate)

Aaaaah! Clarity at last! :)

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