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Expats Views Sought On Bangkok's Restoration

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Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

:), you're a funny man! Seriously, have another one...

"Many of us", that would be you, the misses and her family?

This board is always so pregnant with derisive, caustic, bitter ripostes’ it can only be populated by crabby bitter old men with a propensity towards indulging in too much drink and harboring unfulfilled wistful dreams of sex. I, of course, would exclude myself from this group of malcontents. :D

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Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

Yes, let's have a Thaksin Park; a Jeff Savage Memorial; an Arisman Adventure Park; and an Arsonists Arcade.

Shitter, get off this forum. You are sick

Don´t forget "Dr.Weng square" :)

Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

You and your friends believe the red terrorists who burnt down Central World. Fire comes out of your mouth.

Has it been established that the pro-democracy demonstrators burnt down Central World? I did not know that it had been unequivocally determined as a fact.


Expats views sought on restoration[size=5

Conclusive proof that they do NOT know that Thai Visa exisits.

Just one minute of reading TV posts would make them retract the headline.....

That you can get:

1. Stop fooling the people playing this face left-right paradigm, it's not football but a country!

2. Tell the NWO to F themselves and stop the 'war of terror' Agenda they present to the public

3. Get Abhisit out, the liar Nr.1 : one day "We don't use live ammunition" people die; next day "Now we use live ammo" !?!

4. Let the elites pay more than 150 Baht for their maids a day or better tax them!

5. Being G20 state obviously you have to play stuff like that on the road to more surveillance, ppl know that

6. Commemorate the death of the 88 people, mostly unarmed! and not the death of a fkn shopping mall

7. Get the rich ones and their 150 Baht ice-cram eating, iPhone twittering brats some education that teaches real values, like the life of others and not just how to wring out the next bunch of slave laborers and illegal immigrants which built BKK!

8. Get rid of the military rulers which actually via commands of their rich friends hold the country in their grip.

9. Tell the cyber-police to go and think a moment if they really want China style ruler-ship and 1984 happen to THEM.

10. Ask the real questions, like why are the Democrats not yet dissolved for their illegal party contributions? 236m Bt.?!?

11. Stop media censorship and so called ISA, curfew B$, this is not North Korea or China.

Get a life and move out of those control grid Moloch's like Bangkok. City of Angels and Demons...

Start thinking for yourselves.

All the best,

may Thailand reconcile and the people live in peace together, sharing the wealth of this beautiful, rich country!

Someone needs a hug :)

Do you have an example of a nation that fits the kind of ideal that you are suggesting?

Just name a few for starters, we'll get the idea.


You've got to be kidding Che was a mass murderer and you want to emulate Cuba? Surely you jest!


Every person making their home in Bangkok deserves to be heard about this.

Just because you don't vote doesn't mean you don't live here and deal with the city just as all others.

I think it is a very positive thing that the BMA asked for opinions of EVERYONE,

not just a few connected types...

Expats views sought on restoration[size=5

Conclusive proof that they do NOT know that Thai Visa exisits.

Just one minute of reading TV posts would make them retract the headline.....


r u tongue in cheeky....? or

r u serious.... as serious goes....? :D

i really have great faith in many members of the thaivisa community....

many if time permits would provide tremendous contribution to the upcoming meeting.... :)

how about your good self, justin....? come on.... you might learn to love it tremendously too....

besides, where else can you possibly have so many educated young persons gathering around you.... possibly seeking your autograph and all.... :D

Will the landowners agree? Will the leaseholder (Central) agree? And can we have another memorial to those killed and injured by non-military personnel?

I don't believe there are allegations that any great number of people were killed by non-military personnel. There were on-duty military and off-duty military, but all of the snipers were military.

Given the disclosure today as reported by Asia Times Online, you are right that they were all military (current fighting for the government and current and ex fighting for the Reds). The question is not whether this heavily armed rogue group existed, nor the damage they did, but rather who funded them?

2. Provide security in the tourist area especially Rachataprosong, buy getting especial security force to guard it instead of useless police

I suggest the silent army of the "Ministry of inactive posts" to do the job! :)

. . Go and open up your own topic in the General topic section titled - i'm mourning the people slain by the military come and join me (please wear a black armband if you're participating in this thread). Yeah, something like that. Go on, off you pop.

At least you have some compassion for those 88 poor souls who were massacre by the Abihsit government...may they rest in peace...but I don't think they can....

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration will actively seek suggestions from expatriates on ways to revive the capital after the political crisis ebbs.

I'm not entirely sure what the governor means by "revive the capital". Perhaps if that was clarified it would be easier to put forward ideas. That notwithstanding, I thought the replies in posts #34, #97, #100 and #108 addressed areas that I think would make Bangkok, (and Thailand in the case of beaches), a more interesting and beautiful place in which to live:

- creating many more spaces for parks

- utilising the klongs in the way they were intended

- clearing up rubbish and eyesores

- improving the traffic system

- controlling (or eliminating noise pollution)

- creating a set of laws that can be enforced and which are not mired in corruption, (this alone would probably take care of the 3 previous suggestions)

Sadly I think it's a cultural mindset that I don't think can be addressed unless corruption is eliminated, and social inequality is addressed. I shall dream on...


BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration will actively seek suggestions from expatriates on ways to revive the capital after the political crisis ebbs.

Governor Sukhumbhand Paripatra yesterday told the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand that Bangkok nowadays did not belong only to Thais but also to foreigners who work and live in the city.

They should be invited to share their ideas on rehabilitating their current hometown together with the locals.

The BMA plans to hold a forum for expats to provide input for restoration efforts and coordinate with state agencies.


I hope they don't seek suggestions from this forum... :)

Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

I'll only agree if I get 500 Baht like the demonstrators.

Has it been established that the pro-democracy demonstrators burnt down Central World? I did not know that it had been unequivocally determined as a fact.

I don't think it was pro-democracy demonstrators that burnt Central World down, i think it was red, pro-Thaksin terrorists.

Another idea for Bangkok: If you own a building and don't paint it like once every 10 years, you lose it. Seeing all these grime & fungus infested shophouses is disgusting and unnecessary. they're in very affluent parts of town, yet people can't bother to spend a couple thousand baht on a few buckets of TOA?

Thailand's chemists (are there such a thing?) haven't been able to invent a fungicide or mildewcide additive for paint. The evidence is nearly every building in Thailand has black mildew all over it. Best would be a mildewcide made from natural materials, rather than toxic chemicals. How hard would that be? Find the natural enemy of mildew and produce it in a form which can be added to paint.

Not that interested to read all the bs on here,but i would think that the expats,especialy from Bangkok,should be the LAST ones to get advise from
If you have a corner on wisdom, please enlighten us. Instead, a blanket aspersion like yours reveals an jealous/vindictive little person. Some farang could have a wealth of good ideas to offer. For starters, look at how Thais have designed their cities (oops, forgot, Thais don't design their cities - they're just globbed together willy nilly with minimal planning). If there is a small park in a large Thai city, then it's commandeered by vendors. Same for sidewalks. How many Km of bicycle trails in Bangkok? Zero, and that's not even mentioning bicycle trails which won't allow motorbikes and/or which ride through natural environments (grass/trees/brooks) - which is a no-starter for Thai cities. Thai cities are designed to fit as many large buildings as possible - that's it. All else is deemed unneeded, if thought of at all.
Bulldoze the lot of it. Use the rubble to build up the land higher than sea-level. Redesign the city with wider streets (no oxcart width sois) and more green areas, like something from a Buckminster Fuller concept drawing, except with the world's largest golden Buddha right in the city center.

World's largest Golden Buddha. I know you're kidding, but some people would consider that rather cool. True Buddhists might consider that the ultimate in crassness.

A tossy little park with fountains won't fix a thing, it'll just be over run by vendors and con men trying to take tourists on 10 baht tours. Deep rifts in society can't simply be mended by a bit of turf and a few roses.

Right. I doubt there's one city park in Thailand that is natural beyond some grass between cement walkways. Is there a Heritage Tree - type program in Thailand. If someone wants to seriously start one, I'd be willing to assist - even with some modest funding. For those who don't know, Heritage Tree designation is bestowed upon the largest tree of its kind anywhere in the country. A certificate is given, and it doubtless helps the local economy - if people come to visit. Where in Thailand is the largest Teak tree? The largest Bombax tree? The largest clump of giant bamboo? Frangipani, all types of fruit trees, bushes could be included, ...and so on. Wouldn't you like to know? I would.

They actually have an opportunity to rebuild something that is actually better than what used to be at the site. They could do something incredible if the will is there. Will they do that? No, probably not. It will mostly likely be like Phuket after the tsunami when they squandered a chance to start over and still got it wrong.

It is a very prime piece of land in the center sitting there. The possibilities are only limited by the imagination of the Thai government. :D Maybe that is the reason Thais have even come to admit that sometimes foreigners could provide some very constructive input.

Look at some of the various developments around the world that foreigners (foreigners of all nations not only farangs) have designed. Of course ideas are just not enough, it will come down to a matter of money. The worlds foremost architect could come in to advise the Thais but the price tag and time line to finish it would probably just be too high.

They should build the largest entertainment zone in Thailand there. A place that could conceivably rival Nana, Soi Cowboy and Patpong all put together. :) If they can't do that then just throw a Tesco on the spot and call it good enough.

To be serious though if the old mall was successful just do the same thing again but do it better.

More entertainment zones, more beer bars and more "lady bar" isn't really what Thailand needs... It wouldn't attract any high class tourists to Thailand nor would it improve the countrys' image...

Has it been established that the pro-democracy demonstrators burnt down Central World? I did not know that it had been unequivocally determined as a fact.

I don't think it was pro-democracy demonstrators that burnt Central World down, i think it was red, pro-Thaksin terrorists.

Well stated, Rixalex. We know the Thaksinista lies will be repeated ad nauseum, hoping that the mere act of repetition will make the rote-nurtured Thai populace accept them as truth.

In his latest inverview (on Aussie TV) T tried some new ruses (he's never at a loss for ever new lies to float). I would go in to details, but we've been told to stick to the OP topic. Hear the interview for yourself, and see how many desperate lies you can spot. I figure about twenty in three minutes.

Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

There are already monuments to the '76 and '92 demonstrations. I didn't know there were "pro-democracy" demonstrations this year. I do know there were hired thugs who terrorized the city and tried their best to create anarchy and bring back a dictator.

Anyway, nice gesture on behalf of the govt. Going green in some way would be nice. Grass, trees, water.

Not that interested to read all the bs on here,but i would think that the expats,especialy from Bangkok,should be the LAST ones to get advise from


Still with the inverted snobbery...


I have based my view on all the posts from all the bm and find the Bangkok farangs have a very twisted angle of certain political situations.

Prove me wrong or keep quiet

Seeing as its your view,how can Rix prove its right or wrong ?

At least understand what you are saying for gods sake

The Bangkok farangs have a diferent view, not a twisted angle as you so eloquently put it

Its that sort of attitude,that if you dont agree with me i will attack you that has led us to this point now

The likeness in attitude between the reds and the foreign supporters of them here on this forum,is staggering

They all share the same inabality to hold constructive arguments



Press parliament to allow the BMA to establish a separate capitol city police force, completely independent of the corrupt and non-responsive-to-public-need national police force that currently preys upon the city.

Bring in foreign experts in law enforcement to train NEW recruits (no hires from any existing Thai police force) in the fields of: riot control, investigation, ethics and internal control, public assistance, tourist response, public relations, traffic control, SWAT-type responsiveness, etc. In fact, each of those specialties could represent a specific unit or division of the city police force.

Perhaps an entirely new police force such as this could serve as a model within Thailand to slowly press for changes to the existing system, nationwide. Maybe for once, it could change the public psyche to see the police as someone you run to for help, not run from to avoid unsolicited trouble.

Right now, the pubic awareness of the ineffectual nature and impotency of the police force to deal with real serious trouble, is at its height. Now is the time to press fervently for meaningful reform or, as I have suggested--replacement.

Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

There are already monuments to the '76 and '92 demonstrations. I didn't know there were "pro-democracy" demonstrations this year. I do know there were hired thugs who terrorized the city and tried their best to create anarchy and bring back a dictator.

Anyway, nice gesture on behalf of the govt. Going green in some way would be nice. Grass, trees, water.

I was thinking -----

Clean the Khlongs. Make the boats (water taxi/busses) that use them more accessible. Provide better transportation options in town including bus lanes etc and enforce the rules. Impound any vehicle not meeting noise and emissions standards and repair them at a fair price, then if the owner cannot pay for the repairs, sell them at auction and give the owner any profit over the sale price after deducting repairs and 10%.

Enforce drink driving laws.

get on with the mass transit plans

I was thinking -----

Provide better transportation options in town including bus lanes etc and enforce the rules. Impound any vehicle not meeting noise and emissions standards and repair them at a fair price, then if the owner cannot pay for the repairs, sell them at auction and give the owner any profit over the sale price after deducting repairs and 10%.

I bet you dont use buses and you use more then your fair share of fossil fuels so dont give it the i care for the environment lie.

a few more bins in town would be nice.

I was thinking -----

Provide better transportation options in town including bus lanes etc and enforce the rules. Impound any vehicle not meeting noise and emissions standards and repair them at a fair price, then if the owner cannot pay for the repairs, sell them at auction and give the owner any profit over the sale price after deducting repairs and 10%.

I bet you dont use buses and you use more then your fair share of fossil fuels so dont give it the i care for the environment lie.

a few more bins in town would be nice.

your crystal ball may be on the blink, hansum. Guesswork of this kind doesn't really help a discussion. Which reminds me, do you use public transportation ?

Oh and regarding rubbish-bins, most removed after NewYearsEve bombs at CentralWorld some years ago. Even the 'transparent' ones seem no longer there :)

Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

Some, inappropriately, emotive words there.

No doubt you would like to call "Thaksin Park" ?

Not our business, let the Thais decide for themselves

Why inappropriate? Please explain.

Try "slaughtered"

Why not use those brain cells to think of ideas for Bangkok instead of acting like children?.

I have forgotten the amount of stories on TV about farang being classed as second citizens yet once we are asked for our opinion many carry on like the uneducated fools that have caused this mess.

Stop acting like spoilt brats and lets have some ideas.

p.s. not everybody just a select few.

Sorry, did I miss the specific idea that your brain cell came up with ?

Thankyou for the typical juvenile reply I would expect from such a member.

Member being the opertative word :) .

... and I am STILL waiting for YOUR idea.

Didn't you read the OP? It is our business. We've been asked for our opinion.

Yes, I read the headline.

Do you really think that the opinion of Farangs will count for one iota ?

I was thinking -----

Provide better transportation options in town including bus lanes etc and enforce the rules. Impound any vehicle not meeting noise and emissions standards and repair them at a fair price, then if the owner cannot pay for the repairs, sell them at auction and give the owner any profit over the sale price after deducting repairs and 10%.

I bet you dont use buses and you use more then your fair share of fossil fuels so dont give it the i care for the environment lie.

a few more bins in town would be nice.

your crystal ball may be on the blink, hansum. Guesswork of this kind doesn't really help a discussion. Which reminds me, do you use public transportation ?

Oh and regarding rubbish-bins, most removed after NewYearsEve bombs at CentralWorld some years ago. Even the 'transparent' ones seem no longer there :)

Occasionlly i get the bus to Pattaya but like most who can afford a better mode of transport i do ... i work in the oil industry flying 1000 of miles monthly so most certainly cant claim to be environmentally friendly ... but its the hypocracy of such folk (inc. Gore) that gets to me.

anyway more bins and decent pavements Mr Bkk for a start ... simple

When I go into BKK I come from the north and it seems to me that it would be a good idea to complete the partly built sky train to Don Muang and use the vacent parts of the old airport as a cheap parking area.

It's not a partly built skytrain extension. Its construction began and prematurely ended long before the skytrain ever existed.

Its name was the hopewell project and it remains as a monument to government corruption ..the only mistake the hongkong construction company made ( hopewell construction ) was to refuse to get involved in corruption ...a very sad story,

Locals often refure to this mass of concrete pillars as stone henge of bangkok!

Its name was the hopewell project and it remains as a monument to government corruption ..the only mistake the hongkong construction company made ( hopewell construction ) was to refuse to get involved in corruption ...a very sad story,

Locals often refure to this mass of concrete pillars as stone henge of bangkok!

Local are familiar with Stonehenge?! :)

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