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Cases Of 2,500 Drug-War Killings In Thaksin´s Government Can Be Renewed: DSI

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The police in Thailand really need reining in. Its for the courts to decide who is or not guilty, not the police. The point I am trying to make is that the police really do control what does or does not go on in most of Thailand. Corruption at its worst.

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I spoke to a former CIA operative ( for real...) who told me virtually all contract killings done in Thailand are performed

by off duty police. So if true, reopening this case is in essence a shot over the bow of the police dept........

A small example.....


I spoke to my wife (for real)......she has a relative who was a government hitman, he was sometimes in the Army...I have seen his photo and all. Basically when the government wanted someone removed, he did it for a generous fee.

The WoD was used by many police to settle old scores.


The more you can pin on this piece of trash (Thaskin)the better it becomes , as some one said , lets bring out the whole list of what he has done from day one , yeah , from when he fronted up in a yellow Porche.


Ordering indiscriminate killings - mafia or terrorism? I wonder what charge will be laid on Takky? But they are going to bury this man so deep they will never find the bones. This "Thaksin Bin Laden" has a lot to answer for including the suffocation of Moslems in the south and these are the ones we DO know about. I wonder how many others have been removed? Now if we can only find the link to Takky and the drug lords as the 2,500 was simply 'culling' of competition, we will have him by the short and curleys. :)


Let's not forget we're talking about the man who was also responsible for the bird flu cover up, a potentially far more devasting crime against humanity (if the initial hype had have actually been true). The man ultimately responsible for Tak Bai and Krue Sae. The man who used his power and money to stifle negative reports by suing (remember the multi billion baht law suit against the Bangkok Post for daring to say there were cracks in the runways at Suwannaphum? Shortly followed by the closing down of each runway as these non existant cracks were repaired?), and more nefarious methods. People with evidence against him either turned up dead, or never turned up at all.

It's most interesting to see that many of the "reds are not about Thaksin" posters are once again on here trying to defend this evil little tyrant. Their methods remain the same; either deny that any wrong doing took place, try and justify the deaths of 2500 "guilty" drug trafficers, or take the thread off on a slant and bring up the Rohingya. I suggest that those of the latter persuasion actually take the time to find out the facts though, as you'll find that any attack on the government's Rohingya policy is actually an attack on Thaksin's proxy PPP government, as is any attack on the Hmong repatriation, and you are in fact just adding to his charge sheet. Keep it coming boys.

Why do you assume Red?.....some criticism of the present incumbents?.

Because it's true. Most of the 'neutrals' here would never support a person who murdered 2500 people. The Reds however will ignore anything that's damaging to their beloved leader.


Not off topic here... but, there appears to be more of a drug trade now. Prior to Thaksins crackdown on drugs, there were traces of Ya Baa in cafeterias in the north. In the food, soft drinks and snacks. After that, nary any at all. I do not condone the extra-judicial killings as compared to incarceration with hard labor. An unfortunate method of drug eradication. Other countries have similar problems with the trigger-happy uniforms.

Maybe Interpol would arrest him and deport him back to Thailand on those charges. Since

terrorism and corruption do not warrant him being extradited.

Maybe not. The fact that the death penalty can be imposed on terrorist charges in Thailand, will effect any other charge which might result in successful apprehension and deportation back to Thailand. At least that's how I would interpret things.

Thailand rarely hands out the death penalty any more. Read "The Last Executioner".

Not off topic here... but, there appears to be more of a drug trade now. Prior to Thaksins crackdown on drugs, there were traces of Ya Baa in cafeterias in the north. In the food, soft drinks and snacks. After that, nary any at all. I do not condone the extra-judicial killings as compared to incarceration with hard labor. An unfortunate method of drug eradication. Other countries have similar problems with the trigger-happy uniforms.

The drugs come from Burma as did the heroin in the 1970's the rebels need money for arms to take down the Burmese government. Elections have been postponed in Burma due to the insurgency.

Any facts to backup that allegation scot? Or is it just your opinion?

I did say "it appears to", folks that work at schools up north that I am in acquaintance with "say" that students are into ya baa more this past year or so. It is hearsay, yes, however, further looking into wouldn't hurt anyone.

Any facts to backup that allegation scot? Or is it just your opinion?

I did say "it appears to", folks that work at schools up north that I am in acquaintance with "say" that students are into ya baa more this past year or so. It is hearsay, yes, however, further looking into wouldn't hurt anyone.

I see foreigners buying it on my street here regularly.

From an PR standpoint, it's also great for the government. Quite a few people(mostly idiot Reds and liberal foreigners) either don't know or have conveniently forgotten the murders committed by Thaksin when he was in power. They always like to talk about the coup that overthrew him but seldom about his misdeeds. I think the 3000 or so deaths(including the killing of the Southern Thais) will remind people what a truly evil person this man is.

What I remember about the war on drugs was that everybody thought it would be a great idea to make Thailand a drug free society to celebrate the King's birthday. I doubt very much that Thaksin was personnaly involved in the Police Operations to obtain this goal and it is just another sign of Abhisit's panic as he realises that he is on the way out and tries desperately to find anything, anything at all, to use as ammunition to keep him in power.

The way he is carrying on now is going to make him a laughing stock around the world if this is a another desperate attempt to involve Interpol in his vain attempts at extraditing Thaksin. Or perhaps he's going to bring criminal charges against individual police officers. Unfortunately that would require evidence which is something usually lacking in Abhisit and Suthep's wild accusations.

You will also remember (if you were in fact here at the time) that there were drug gang wars going on and so how many drug dealers were killed in shoot outs with the Police and how many were killed in shoot outs with other drug dealers would be hard to establish as many of those murders were not classed as being drug related as there was no evidence to confirm that they were in fact drug related. Perhaps the experts on this site can compile lists to present to the Police - I'm sure that they would be grateful.

I think you are wrong. The world is screaming because the police have to call Thaksin personally to confirm all the kill the police were about to pull the trigger. Hence it is Thaksin that directlu order all the 2,500 killing. That is why Mark and the world is so unhappy.

Thaksin should go to jail in ICJ.

I must admin I am surprised by all the negative reaction to these killings. Most people seem just fine with the concept of the war on drugs. Thailand kills people all the time over drugs. The catch a mule at the airport, they kill them.

And even if they don't kill them, think of all the people every nation on earth throws in jail all the time for drug offenses. In many places being in jail is about as bad being dead.

So is it the number 2500? Is it the process of how they were executed? Is it Thaksin?

I am against the war on drugs. I think what governments do the their citizens every year over the concept of illegal drugs is shameful. But I know from other topics in TV most posters do not oppose the war on drugs. Many do not oppose the death sentence.

I can see the argument that many of the 2500 did not receive due process, that is a valid argument. But the war on drugs is a violent war (against a passive activity) that governments all over the world bring to bear on the governed regularly. The war on drugs is the pretext for authoritative powers used all the time by ambitious leaders. The single action that would stop the most deaths from drugs is legalization. Drug abuse is a medical and physiological issue, not one of law enforcement.

I guarantee you some posters who support grilling Thaksin over this do not have a problem with dead drug dealers. They will get all up in arms about this, but then act complacent to all the other injustices as a result from the war on drugs.

You missed the point completely. ALOT OF INNOCENT PEOPLE WERE KILLED. They were not all drug dealers! Have you heard of innocent until proven guilty?

I suppose Seh Daeng is guilty too. I am sure the court said that. Or is it the decision of the sniper? Or perhaps the person that order the sniper?

I must admin I am surprised by all the negative reaction to these killings. Most people seem just fine with the concept of the war on drugs. Thailand kills people all the time over drugs. The catch a mule at the airport, they kill them.

And even if they don't kill them, think of all the people every nation on earth throws in jail all the time for drug offenses. In many places being in jail is about as bad being dead.

So is it the number 2500? Is it the process of how they were executed? Is it Thaksin?

I am against the war on drugs. I think what governments do the their citizens every year over the concept of illegal drugs is shameful. But I know from other topics in TV most posters do not oppose the war on drugs. Many do not oppose the death sentence.

I can see the argument that many of the 2500 did not receive due process, that is a valid argument. But the war on drugs is a violent war (against a passive activity) that governments all over the world bring to bear on the governed regularly. The war on drugs is the pretext for authoritative powers used all the time by ambitious leaders. The single action that would stop the most deaths from drugs is legalization. Drug abuse is a medical and physiological issue, not one of law enforcement.

I guarantee you some posters who support grilling Thaksin over this do not have a problem with dead drug dealers. They will get all up in arms about this, but then act complacent to all the other injustices as a result from the war on drugs.

You missed the point completely. ALOT OF INNOCENT PEOPLE WERE KILLED. They were not all drug dealers! Have you heard of innocent until proven guilty?

I suppose Seh Daeng is guilty too. I am sure the court said that. Or is it the decision of the sniper? Or perhaps the person that order the sniper?

You're comparing the hundreds of people who were NOT in the drug trade, killed in the 'War on Drugs' to Sae Daeng who wanted to overthrow the government with his 'Ronin'? Hahahahahhahahaha oooook!

I suppose Seh Daeng is guilty too. I am sure the court said that. Or is it the decision of the sniper? Or perhaps the person that order the sniper?

And maybe it was Thaksin that ordered the sniper ...

thanks again; who was in the containers then? I remember reading (BKK Post or the like) the govt said there was no way it could be from 1992 ; but surely it didn't date from Abhisit's days ?

Rumours abound about skeletons, etc. Dr. Pornthip c.s had a look, very carefully for fear of illegally dumped industrial waste (which would be more likely in Thailand). Found to be nearly empty with some rubbish, I think. And judged to be there for quiet some time already. Rumour died till brought up again here. Please let it rest (in peace :) ).

thanks I much prefer it this way.

Huh? Drug-laced food in school cafeterias? Now that's a stretch...

Ummm... no it's not kloghead. The private school where my kids went to (Thai private school) in the north for 4 years, had independent chemists come in and spot test the food, soft drinks, and snacks. There were traces of ya baa in the food and snacks. The catering staff got pulled into the cop shop and nothing / nobody was ever charged. That was during Thaksin's regime. These days it's not done I've heard.

Huh? Drug-laced food in school cafeterias? Now that's a stretch...

Ummm... no it's not kloghead. The private school where my kids went to (Thai private school) in the north for 4 years, had independent chemists come in and spot test the food, soft drinks, and snacks. There were traces of ya baa in the food and snacks. The catering staff got pulled into the cop shop and nothing / nobody was ever charged. That was during Thaksin's regime. These days it's not done I've heard.


Huh? Drug-laced food in school cafeterias? Now that's a stretch...

Ummm... no it's not kloghead. The private school where my kids went to (Thai private school) in the north for 4 years, had independent chemists come in and spot test the food, soft drinks, and snacks. There were traces of ya baa in the food and snacks. The catering staff got pulled into the cop shop and nothing / nobody was ever charged. That was during Thaksin's regime. These days it's not done I've heard.


Can't understand why you think it's funny re: traces of ya baa in school cafeterias....

Huh? Drug-laced food in school cafeterias? Now that's a stretch...

Ummm... no it's not kloghead. The private school where my kids went to (Thai private school) in the north for 4 years, had independent chemists come in and spot test the food, soft drinks, and snacks. There were traces of ya baa in the food and snacks. The catering staff got pulled into the cop shop and nothing / nobody was ever charged. That was during Thaksin's regime. These days it's not done I've heard.


Can't understand why you think it's funny re: traces of ya baa in school cafeterias....

Perhaps because the idea is ludicrous. Who put it there? Why would a drug dealer put it there? How did it get in there? What food was it in?

To be honest I don't believe you.

Maybe they should also renew the investigations into the hundreds of Rohingya boat people being pulled into open ocean on their barges with no food, water or gasoline. Oh wait, that didn't happen under Thaksin.

Amazing, what is the topic of this forum? I'm pretty sure it wasn't what you're talking about. Not unusual... :)

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