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Glitterman Speaks About Girls [the Good, The Bad And The Ugly]

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The very very ALmighty and Powerful Glitterman is back, with another new article to wrap your eyes around.

A few years ago when i was much less of a recluse than i am now, i only socialised with the good girls who worked in 'Mike Shopping Mall'. Not the hard sell "One T'SHIRT mister, lookin lookin" of the Plaza side, But the good brand name side. I would spend hours in there on all four floors, going from counter to counter and having fun. I was friends with about 80% of all the girls in that entire department store, and then when 'Central' opened last year,i did the same there too. Thats alot of 'good' girls that i knew, while you on the outside had to put up with "hellooo welcaaam, i go wiv yoooou, one dliiiink".

Alas many of these 'good' girls were 'goldiigers' and within days of meeting me demanded that i bring western style food and drinks to their counters, such as pizza, K.F.C., ice cream, coke ect [ i never did], for them ferrang = big free A.T.M.

The following is NOT a critisism it is just an observation from the many stories those girls have told me over the years, and that is that it seems a good girl will only abandon her own Thai race and be interested in a foreigner [like you lot] with MONEY in the girls mind. Therefore giving a good girl 'suspicious motives' and 'hidden agenders' turning her bad. No romance can ever work with hidden agenders.

The only difference between a bad girl and a good girl is that a bad girl will go with a foreigner DIRECTLY for money. Whereas a good girl will go with a foreigner INDIRECTLY for money. Not much difference is there.

It is also a case of 'supply and demand' the guy can not even get a girl to look at him back home in his own country, so he comes to Pattaya and buys the girls, rather cheaply in comparison. Together they look like 'beauty and the beast'; young Thai lady and dirty old man.

Every time i ask a guy here the question; "if you had a free choice of either a beautiful Thai lady or a beautiful Western lady, what would you choose?" Their answers are always "well ofcourse, the Western lady" . This means that men see the Thai lady as a substitute for the real thing.

Every time i am in these internet shops, i overhear Thai girls on the webcam speaking to her 'out of country free A.T.M. and i think to myself 'how can he be so STUPID and fall for her double talk. And then a few minuits later she says the same shit to another poor guy.

Also be suspicious of any good respectable girl who has just arrived in Pattaya. Why choose Pattaya? when she could of gone to say Sri rathcha, = for fellangs money.

I am not here for the thai girls, i am here purely for my bike shows, the day my bike dies is the day i go home, [dont quote me on that],i am a loner and i am always happiest in my own company.

So it seems there is NO good or bad girls here in Patts, they are ALL mosquitoes [but adorable ones never the less] The love of money corrups, alcohol kills. I choose my very close good respectable girlfriends from Bangkok, who are not keen on Pattayas bad reputation. They are slighly better quality there.


Girls, i am sure you are fully aware of your worldwide terrible reputation, and i am sure you do not care, just as long as you have his money. You will quite happily take evey baht he has , and when it all gone, then move on to the next soft heart, like a bee collecting pollen or a butterfly. DO NOT TURN LOVE INTO A BUISSNESS!!!! In Pattaya there seems to be no shortage of foolish old men, and as the saying goes 'there is no fool like an old fool' [said with respect] they will buy your false love and then after will have to keep paying out for fear of losing you.

Girls Your motto is 'take take take NEVER give' when was the last time you bought your man a nice gift [other than birthdays etc] =NEVER.

Your body is not like the curvy venus of Western ladies, say Pam Anderson etc etc

So what is it exactly you offer?...Well apart from being very 'easy' , it is CONTROLABILLITY, you can be manipulated and very easily controlled just like a dog. You are subservient, almost characterless and will do exactly what the white man commands. THIS the man can NOT get from the Western lady.

Guys unless you are temporarily in love, therefore blinded , the chances are that you will agree with me, if not then its 'up to you' if you want to be dragged of to the gold shop tomorrow. You are going to split up with her in the end, so why lose alot when you can lose only little.

The Royal Glitterman hath Spoken.

Okay who is first in line to reply from the 'Grumpy Mens Club'?....and oh look its him again, its.....................

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I'll start.

The novelty has long worn off. I was right, Glitterman has too much time on his hands and not enough between his ears.

These are now becoming troll posts worthy only of the round receptacle in the corner.



I am not here for the thai girls, i am here purely for my bike shows, the day my bike dies is the day i go home, [dont quote me on that],i am a loner and i am always happiest in my own company.

Are you being truthful?

Pattaya long-stay residents will always be tempted by physical activity with the easily available 'friends' whether male or female.

Unless the constant bicycle riding had squashed all the testosterone out of your orchids then I find the above quote hard to believe.


Day late, Dollar short with an IQ of a gnat. I wish you well, and hope your mam keeps taking care of you glitterman

Right on the ball. :)


His entire life seems to revolve around his 90 minute show/attention grab. What is left to do for more attention? You guessed it. Pathetic and boring. As you have been an expat many years, why not use the time online to impart your knowledge of Thailand so we may learn something new rather than only speak from your imaginary throne and never ever contribute anything else?


I read it all, just for the sheer hel_l of it. I get the impression that Gman (in red) is a native English speaker, but his spelling and grammar fall somewhere short of atrocious. His point falls between 'I haven't a clue what he's on about' and '<deleted>'. I think I'll give all future missives a miss.

I am not here for the thai girls, i am here purely for my bike shows, the day my bike dies is the day i go home, [dont quote me on that]

if that were really true, why wouldn't go to say... Sri Racha? sorry but, you're coming off like a guy who wears all gold and rides a bike up and down beach road.


I doubt this is the real GM. If you ever stop and talk to the guy, he doesn't sound like the loon that would write in this manner or say the things he says here.

"The very very ALmighty and Powerful Glitterman" Naaw, don't buy it.

I read it all, just for the sheer hel_l of it. I get the impression that Gman (in red) is a native English speaker, but his spelling and grammar fall somewhere short of atrocious. His point falls between 'I haven't a clue what he's on about' and '<deleted>'. I think I'll give all future missives a miss.

So where do you think HE was when the other kids were getting an education ?

I read it all, just for the sheer hel_l of it. I get the impression that Gman (in red) is a native English speaker, but his spelling and grammar fall somewhere short of atrocious. His point falls between 'I haven't a clue what he's on about' and '<deleted>'. I think I'll give all future missives a miss.

So where do you think HE was when the other kids were getting an education ?

Having his cogs looked at. Another attention seeking PR stunt.

Cheers, Rick


Always great fun to see what people come up with.

And it doesn't stop there -- the reactions of the TV crowd, as predictable as they might be, never fail to amaze me. Goes all the way from glitter to pitch black :)

I'll start.

The novelty has long worn off. I was right, Glitterman has too much time on his hands and not enough between his ears.

These are now becoming troll posts worthy only of the round receptacle in the corner.

Shouldn't this be a BLOG and not threads? Since we can't really address some of the issues without garnering the wrath of the folks that so avidly protect the fine reputation of Pattaya?

Day late, Dollar short with an IQ of a gnat. I wish you well, and hope your mam keeps taking care of you glitterman

The problem is, severely mentally ill people don't 'KNOW' that they are sick; in fact mental illness is often discounted as eccentricity or bizarre behaviour.

If the OP was back in his home country (U.K.) he would almost certainly be sectioned for observation and evaluation.

His recent posts (notice sudden increase in postings) are typical of some kinds of mental illness.

I would suggest that Thai Visa limit further posts until proper medical evaluation of the OP has been proven.

No flame posts required. This is a serious post. Thanks.


I find it strange that a loner and someone who like his own company thoroughly enjoys hanging around in shopping malls for hours on end.

I agree with Syd, this fella is definately a nut job. Probably the type you see back home sitting on the special bus, licking windows.



This guy admitted it, he said he was not successful with western women. If he had any success, he would realize that western women want money too. If you are poor and unemployed, you will not have the best luck on western dating sites either.

Also, Brad Pitt is a farang, Is Glitterman suggesting that he would be ripped off too ?

Do Thai women not want to fall in love ? Not want to have their own families ? They are just heartless greedy capitalists ? Glitterman thinks so.

Sorry to be harsh but maybe the girls at Mike Shopping mall where not as good of friends as you thought. Maybe these girls did not want to be in your presence when the guy they really wanted was walking by.

Thai women will take a free ride if you offer it to them and I would not fault them for it.


Oh Glitter, your adorable,

Our favorite rain man, the kid we use to let ride with us because you had gas money,

give it to Mikey, he'll eat anything, ...

Your departure from performance art into social commentary, well, ah,

please get back on the bike.



Why was this linked from the main Thai-visa Twitter feed? Obviously I'm missing something apparent to longer term readers.

Glitterman is not saying anything that hasn't already been said a thousand times in a thousand forums (conservative estimate). If we were to print out and stack up warnings about how Thai women are after nothing but money, the pile would be visible from space.

The benefit of this post would I guess be for the guys cruising for women at the malls in Pattaya. I reckon Glitterman is right in that regard and that many are there in the hopes of getting a chance to shake the money tree that is a foreigner. I asked an acquaintance in my building who was planning on moving there why she was doing it and she was pretty frank, saying it was in the hopes of finding a foreigner who was, "Laaw, lu-ay, ngo"(handsome, rich and stupid). She was living with her sister in pretty comfortable circumstances, but I guess she had broader goals.

That said, I would not have opened this thread had it not come up on the twitter feed. I don't think there's anything more to add to the "Thai girls are evil money-grubbers 'debate". It's all down to the people you meet and how realistic your expectations are in specific circumstances.

Day late, Dollar short with an IQ of a gnat. I wish you well, and hope your mam keeps taking care of you glitterman

The problem is, severely mentally ill people don't 'KNOW' that they are sick; in fact mental illness is often discounted as eccentricity or bizarre behaviour.

If the OP was back in his home country (U.K.) he would almost certainly be sectioned for observation and evaluation.

His recent posts (notice sudden increase in postings) are typical of some kinds of mental illness.

I would suggest that Thai Visa limit further posts until proper medical evaluation of the OP has been proven.

No flame posts required. This is a serious post. Thanks.

..quite right..for a middle aged male to be going into shopping malls and approaching young women (from counter to counter) ..on a regular basis..loitering with intent, harassment, stalking to name but a few serious sexually oriented offences, all involving sexual depravity and attention seeking..my 2 bobs worth


To a certain extent i'd have to agree with this waffling idiot.......About the gold diggers and the stupid farangs...... I disagree totally about western girls being more beautiful.

The amount of farangs i see with "some girl they picked up last night"...... They must be out of their minds.

One rule i always keep to is that when you're out drinking, if the ugly girls start looking attractive STOP DRINKING.

How many times have i seen someone being taken for a ride and losing everything? All i say is som num nah!!


After reading all the posts here....there must be some truth in what he is saying, as it seems to have touched a nerve with our Pattaya based OAP's..who have not debated any of the points raised but mearly attacked the person...

I doubt this is the real GM. If you ever stop and talk to the guy, he doesn't sound like the loon that would write in this manner or say the things he says here.

"The very very ALmighty and Powerful Glitterman" Naaw, don't buy it.

it is the real GM, its been confirmed in the past by moderator Raro

After reading all the posts here....there must be some truth in what he is saying, as it seems to have touched a nerve with our Pattaya based OAP's..who have not debated any of the points raised but mearly attacked the person...

Thats what allot of western people say about people inside Thailand, that includes you. Funny all the farangs in Thailand, who's claim to fame is that they do not live in Pattaya.

After reading all the posts here....there must be some truth in what he is saying, as it seems to have touched a nerve with our Pattaya based OAP's..who have not debated any of the points raised but mearly attacked the person...

He claims not to be here for Thai women, but then talks about "spending hours" bugging all the girls working in a department store. It does not sound like riding his bicycle is all that is on his mind.

The statement below is another example of delusional thinking:

Every time i ask a guy here the question; "if you had a free choice of either a beautiful Thai lady or a beautiful Western lady, what would you choose?" Their answers are always "well ofcourse, the Western lady" . This means that men see the Thai lady as a substitute for the real thing.


After reading all the posts here....there must be some truth in what he is saying, as it seems to have touched a nerve with our Pattaya based OAP's..who have not debated any of the points raised but mearly attacked the person...

Thats what allot of western people say about people inside Thailand, that includes you. Funny all the farangs in Thailand, who's claim to fame is that they do not live in Pattaya.

:) ...<deleted> are you talking about.....bit early for the Chang isnt it..??

After reading all the posts here....there must be some truth in what he is saying, as it seems to have touched a nerve with our Pattaya based OAP's..who have not debated any of the points raised but mearly attacked the person...

Thats what allot of western people say about people inside Thailand, that includes you. Funny all the farangs in Thailand, who's claim to fame is that they do not live in Pattaya.

:) ...<deleted> are you talking about.....bit early for the Chang isnt it..??

you heard me.

You are mocking the farangs that go to Pattaya for the same reason that people in the west mock farangs that go to Thailand in general.

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