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My Past And Effect On UK Settlement Visa

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First time post long time reader,

I have been reading this forum for many years now and have been able to find lots of great advise. Even more so over the past few months where i have been preparing my wife's visa application. I believe that we have a very good folder and using other members experience i feel that we have everything that we need.

But i was wondering if people recommend that we use a visa agency to have a look over our case/application before we submit it? I know that this does not cost as much but is it worth the cost and if so what agency's would you recommend.

Also i have been seeing my wife for over a year now and we got married early in the year. This will be her first visa for the UK as we picked to do a settlment vis rather than a tourist visa.

But in the past my ex girlfriend also a Thai, did travel to the UK on a tourist visa which i help her with. Although she is now back in Thailand and did not over stay her visa or have any problems. I am wondering what, if any effect this would have on my wifes application now. Also should we mention this in the application because i am assuming that the embassy we keep records. I know that it is nothing to be ashamed off and many people date many people, but it just has me worried a bit

I look forward to hear you answers and thank you in advance

ciao for now

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Up to you if you want to use an agency; but read this first.

Previous sponsorships by you should not be a problem; but to avoid any questions or problems you should mention this in your sponsor's letter and what happened to that relationship.

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i was in the exact same position as you. only when we applied for th wifes sett visa, they would not give it till i could provide them with a sighd photo copy of the previous girlfriends entry stamp back in to BKK. this was not easy for me to get and the b??ch wanted 15000bht for it. good luck.

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I cant comment on your previous application, but I would warn you that the embassy will look for any reason to fail you. The same that they did with my wife, so i would think it an idea to mention you previous relationship.

Although when we first applied like you we did the application ourselves. We both felt that we have a great folder and doing much research and adding everything that we can think off. But after learning that we where rejected i was shocked, and wondering what the hel_l extra we can add. So we are using a agency to do the appeal for us to make sure that we have the best chance. So it might be a good idea just for piece of mind to have somebody to check over the application, although i would look around for the best prices and review if possible.

Because the are many out there who say that they can guarantee the visa for sure, but i can not see how this is possible.

But good luck with the application and i hope that you have better news than we did.


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When my wife got her application back, one of the plastic sleeves had words imprinted on it (i.e. a post it note or something had been removed and the writing on it had pressed into the plastic). It said "previous sponsor of MissXXXXX, Sep 200x" (my ex). It was about 4 years prior to our application but they had obviously considered it. We hadn;t mentioned it when applying but if it was recent it might be worth doing so.

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When my wife got her application back, one of the plastic sleeves had words imprinted on it (i.e. a post it note or something had been removed and the writing on it had pressed into the plastic). It said "previous sponsor of MissXXXXX, Sep 200x" (my ex). It was about 4 years prior to our application but they had obviously considered it. We hadn;t mentioned it when applying but if it was recent it might be worth doing so.

Similar story. Married my first Thai wife in 1995 and took her to live in the UK. She became a British Citizen 3 years later but we separated after 8 years then divorced in Thailand 2-3 years later. She still lives in the UK. My current (Thai) wife has had 3 visit visas and a settlement visa to the UK in the last five years, all without a problem or one single query about my ex. I supplied my Thai divorce papers and put all the information asked for on the visa application forms but apart from that I made no special mention of my ex.

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I am reminded of an incident when my wife and I were at the embassy submitting her spouse visa application (applications were submitted at the embassy in those days, and sponsors were allowed in).

While we were waiting, a tearful young girl came out from one of the interview rooms clutching a refusal notice. Seeing us she came over and asked my wife if I could explain the refusal to her as she couldn't read English and didn't really understand what the ECO had said to her.

I don't remember the exact wording, but it was along the lines of: "You have applied to visit the UK in order to meet the family of Mr X, who you say is your fiance. However, you have not said what has happened to Miss Y, who also claimed to be Mr X's fiance when we issued a visit visa to her for the same reason last year!"

From what he has posted elsewhere, it is clear that Rushdentillidie's wife was refused mainly because her application did not mention previous dealings she or he had with the UKBA. (I am not saying that their situation is the same as the example above, and I hope they get it sorted and the refusal overturned.)

So, based on these two examples, my advice is to always mention any previous applications that you have sponsored, and briefly explain what has happened to that relationship.

If everything is genuine and above board, as I'm sure it is in both the OP's and Rushdentillidie's cases, then mentioning it should not be a problem. But not doing so means that the ECO may feel you have something to hide when they discover it from their records.

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Thank you all for the reply.

I think as above that i should mention that my ex girlfriend i was the sponsor but this was only for a tourist visa, nothing like a finacee visa which maybe i could understand the reason why. She was only in the country (UK) for 2 weeks and then i took her back to Thailand. So i will mention this is the case, although i think it would be hard to provide proof of this should they ask. Surely the embassy would have access to immigration records from the UK border as everything i noted on computer now days.

So fingers crossed it will not be much of a problem, i cant understand why the embassy would hold it against people for old relationship that have failed, as people move on.


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The ECOs do not "hold it against people for old relationships that have failed," they do understand that "people move on."

However, some applicants and sponsors are not genuine; they attempt to obtain a UK visa for purposes other than that stated in the application. Sometimes the ECOs catch these people, sometimes they don't.

It is the activities of these criminals that mean genuine applicants and sponsors need to provide answers to any possible questions the ECO may have about previous applications that they've been involved in with the initial application.

As I said to you in post 2, you should not have a problem with this provided you briefly mention what happened to that relationship.

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The OP's wife hasn't been refused.

They would seriously refuse based on the fact that you failed to mention it, even though the application form doesn't state anything about previous spnsors? I find this quite worrying as if you subsequently re-marry, what does it matter about previous girlfriends and to be honest what business is it of theirs anyway. Surely, they should just judge on the current relationship (provided everything was complied with before). If not and they refuse based on that in a way they are telling you how to live your life which surely can't be right.

If you were to provide this information, where would you include it, in the sponsors accompanying letter or on the application form?

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Relationships do end, and the ECOs are aware of this. Just because the sponsor has previously sponsored a different applicant is not grounds for refusal.

However, I do think it is reasonable for the ECO to be concerned about previous applications in which the sponsor has been involved. As much for the protection of the applicant as for any other reason; e.g. the prevention of people trafficking.

To repeat what I said in a previous post: if everything is genuine and above board mentioning it should not be a problem. But not doing so means that the ECO may feel you have something to hide when they discover it from their records.

So, I recommend a brief paragraph in the sponsor's letter.

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Relationships do end, and the ECOs are aware of this. Just because the sponsor has previously sponsored a different applicant is not grounds for refusal.

However, I do think it is reasonable for the ECO to be concerned about previous applications in which the sponsor has been involved. As much for the protection of the applicant as for any other reason; e.g. the prevention of people trafficking.

To repeat what I said in a previous post: if everything is genuine and above board mentioning it should not be a problem. But not doing so means that the ECO may feel you have something to hide when they discover it from their records.

So, I recommend a brief paragraph in the sponsor's letter.

Fair enough, but some sponsors might not want the new partner to know about previous relationships for whatever reasons and expressly putting this in the letter divulges it. It's personal and hence should be treated as such and if so required by the sponsor as confidential between sponsor and ECO in my view.

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Just be aware that there is a central database that contains the details of all sponsorships worldwide, be it in Thailand, Timbuktu or Tajikistan, which is accessible to all ECO's around the globe, though I don't know if the database is routinely interrogated.

Of course the application form, for a visitors visa, does ask if the person you are staying with in the UK has sponsored anybody else in the last two years, though obviously as you will be sponsoring your wife, and you currently live in Thailand this would not apply.

On a personal note, I was previously married (well actually still am) to another Thai woman and I noted on this fact in my sponsorship letter for my current partner adding that the previous relationship had broken down, I was aware that previous sponsorships would be detailed on the database so I didn't want to think the ECO to think I was a serial sponsor. Despite the fact I was still married my girlfriends visit visa was granted on her first application. Now it's for you to decide if you want your wife to know about your previous application, but chances are that she would find out eventually.

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