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Desperate British Expat Searches For Kidnapped Son In Bangkok


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I find this report misleading:

1) Why ask if anyone has seen the baby when the whereabouts are roughly known already?

2) Secondly, all the talk of the kidnap authorites when clearly it's a family problem. Personally, I'm not surprised the Thai police are not involved at this stage. Grand Mum is considered as close family as the real mum and in many cases is responsbile for the upkeeping of a child.

I also find somethings unusal:

1) Why the mother isn't on speaking terms with (it seems) any of her family?

2) Why don't the parents just pay 10,000 baht, go see and take their baby???????

2) The mother doesn't seem as upset about things as the father unless under reported here.

3) Howcome it's been going on for two months but you only went to the police during the riots?

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if you find the police not helping enough, offer a reward to them directly... sad but true.. i've done this with a car that was 'stolen' by the brother of my wife and after 2 weeks or normal 'reporting it stolen' they caught his ass within 24 hours of the 10k reward i told them about.

and good luck Martin!!

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Well, I am sure he is the father and based on the picture the mother is Thai. The mother has no right to deny the father the right to the child. She is not the judge or she thinks because this is Thailand and the father is a foreigner that she is above the law. In the west , she would be in jail. In fact Westerners have no rights in Thailand unlike the west. The only thing is that Thailand is cheaper than the west.

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Money will most likely point you in the right direction ... or at least the promise of money. If I was in your situation I would start to make 'large reward' noises even if you don't have the money to back it up. See what happens. See who responds. Don't publicly announce it, but throw it out there slowly to anyone you suspect, one at a time (starting from the person closest to you) and see what comes back. Give it a couple of weeks per person so that you can match the response. Watch out for those 'coincidences'. People will invariably start to give themselves away by taking more risk for a larger potential payoff.

I wish you the best of luck.

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Very sad story indeed, and by the sound of things its all about money, which just shows family true colors.

As someone has already mentioned, i am also inclined to believe the mother(your wife ) is involved.

I was in a long term relationship with a Thai girl(lucky no baby) and 1 day i met the entire family, this was my last day with her.

You know the saying "apple does not fall far from the tree" if indeed family are a bunch of $^%^$, i do not think its worth sticking with the wife.

I would suggest you contact Interpol office in Thailand and with some help from Consular get them to act.

Your child was taken away from you without your permission and your knowledge-this is a kidnapping, irrespective of who has him(grandparents of cousins, etc)

They then made a demand for money-this is a clear case of extortion.

You will need to get your wife to prepare a declaration stating that she did not permit or authorised anyone to take away the baby and confirming the demand for money.

With all the documents visit Interpol office and get Consular involved, i am pretty sure with all the papers, they will have to act and rescue the baby.

In my opinion and knowledge, because baby was taken without permission, it is totally irrelevant if they relatives or not and as such are actually criminals.

I do wish you all the best and only wish i could offer more.

If you like i can put you in touch with my lawyer. She is very very well known with many "powerful" friends, perhaps she could be of assistance.

From what i know and have seen she is on board of a few corporations along with a few generals and people of a kind.

If you do like her details, please send me PM and i will forward info for you

Wow. Its like reading the book Private Dancer, but its real life.

I dont think the mother is involved in this case. It says she is the same age as the father, 32? Not like 22 and the father being 72 - as is usually the case when the thai girl is doing it just for the money.

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Well, I am sure he is the father and based on the picture the mother is Thai. The mother has no right to deny the father the right to the child. She is not the judge or she thinks because this is Thailand and the father is a foreigner that she is above the law. In the west , she would be in jail. In fact Westerners have no rights in Thailand unlike the west. The only thing is that Thailand is cheaper than the west.

Read the article again. It is not the mother who kidnapped the child.

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Well, I am sure he is the father and based on the picture the mother is Thai. The mother has no right to deny the father the right to the child. She is not the judge or she thinks because this is Thailand and the father is a foreigner that she is above the law. In the west , she would be in jail. In fact Westerners have no rights in Thailand unlike the west. The only thing is that Thailand is cheaper than the west.

This is so tragic and another knife in the back of 'gentle peaceful Thailand'. I am so sorry for you.

My son was emotionally kidnapped by my former Thai wife last year. He is almost 11 years old.

We lived in the UK and she walked out when he was 4 and hardly bothered with him. She earned enough money to pay child support but absolutely refused to do so and she was forever letting him down - ie making arrangements to pick him up and then not turning up. The height of cruelty to a kid and he was emotionally scarred by this.

Anyway I moved to Thailand with her agreement (cost me £30,000 to secure the agreement) last year and she stayed in the UK.

Then she visited him and took him on holiday. The manipulative little basked turned him against me and he screamed about wanting to go back to the UK with her. After a few days I relented and now he's back in the UK.

I have spoken to him and seen him. She wanted him so much she's organised a boarding school for him from September! She lied and cheated to get a free scholarship at a leading school in Oxford.

What I really want to do is wipe my hands of it all and just put both of them behind me but it is so difficult when it is your son.

Anyway, I hope you get your child back intact, my heart goes out to you. I'm in Chiang Mai so of little help here.

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Hmmm, a lot of these kind of stories are going around/have gone around............ and to be blunt. most of them end in heartache. Emotions get strong but Asian emotions are nowhere the same as those from the west and this is where the problems start.

All I can say is be strong - but do not expect things to go as they do in the west. Be strong!

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I have been present on occasion in Thai Family Court listening to a case in which the Thai mothers family asked the Judge for for 20-30,000 baht/month to take care of the child. The female Thai Judge with a clearly upset facial expression told the mothers family very clearly that the father, be he Thai or non Thai responsibility is the childs food and school, and NOT supporting the wifes family. The wifes family must support themselves.

Rest assured, Judges in family court are well paid, highly educated, and do not identify with low life scum that use children as a way to get money.

I am very sorry to hear about your child.

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Very best of luck in your search for Tristan. Please consider :

1. Hire a reputable PI to track down the little lad AND

2. Hire a reputable PI to keep a tab on your MISSUS.

Something stinks ... And it doesn't seem to come from Daddy's pants .....

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Get a lawyer specialising in family law and start the process to become father, it will take approx 3 months, max 4 months if the mother does not contest. Regardless of it you trust the mother or not, get this started now

I think you missed this post Mikey. He says he has already registered his marriage to the mother, therefore no need to legalize.

Yes, my son's mother is Thai. My son has dual nationality both Thai and British. Yes, we registered our marriage at the district office and I am named twice on his birth certificate both as his father and the person who registered his birth. So we both hold joint custody of our son as far as I understand Thai law on this.


I think most of us are confused however as to whether the wife took the child and left him with the family, or the wife's family took the child. (I know I am when reading this story.)

If the family took the child, it truly is kidnapping. If the wife took the child, it is nothing more than a dispute between the wife and husband and there is nothing he can do unless he can find a legal basis for divorcing the wife and forcing a custody hearing.

I am surprised there is so little action by the police in this case. I understand they may not care, but the police are like everyone else. They are fundamentally lazy and always want to take the easy way out. It seems to me the answer is simply to make tracking down the child an easier path for them than not tracking down the child.

Given that a crime has been committed if it was not the wife who walked off with the child, it seems that the boys in brown just haven't been pushed strong enough or the problem escalated high enough yet.

I think getting the British embassy involved is a good thing. At some point they will have to act simply because doing nothing will cause them more pain than doing their job. The embassy may be able to help make that happen.

But yes, reading this story I am left with a staggering lack of understanding as to the real situation. It is not well presented. If mjperry wants to truly get a groundswell of support, he is going to need to define the exact circumstances of what took place. Nobody wants to look foolish trying to help only to find out there is no crime and this is just a dispute with his wife.

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Yes, my son's mother is Thai. My son has dual nationality both Thai and British. Yes, we registered our marriage at the district office and I am named twice on his birth certificate both as his father and the person who registered his birth. So we both hold joint custody of our son as far as I understand Thai law on this.


Martin - Is your sons mother Thai? Is your son a Thai citizen and if he is, did you register the marriage to the mother?

If the mother is Thai and you did not register the marriage with the mother (and havent's specifically petitioned juvenile court to get legitimized), then you are NOT the legal father of your son, you do not have custody and the mother has sole custody - which would explain why the police doesn't act. You have in that case no right to call it kidnapping, the mother does though

Martin - Is your sons mother Thai? Is your son a Thai citizen?

Good, you are legal father and as such, you do hold joint custody. The mother and the father both have the right to decide where the child should live, and both have the right to just take the child away... The only thing the other parent can do is to sue if this happens.

It is not a parent but another party who has taken the child away (doesn't matter if it is the childs relatives or someone totally unknown). The police will (normally) not act against a relative without a court order - or money. They will choose to do nothing. But be very clear on that they will act when they get the court order, they must.

You should now contact a lawyer and hire him to help you do a kidnapping case with the police. I am a bit surprised that you haven't done it yet actually. There are 2 steps at the police, 1) the standard first report (jaem kwam) that one means nothing really. Then there is step 2 (saab - like the Thai word for exam), that's the step when you force the whole thing to be taken to the district atterney and he will decide to pass on to court case or reject. The district atterney will not reject a kidnapping case made by a legal father. The police, if they don't want to act, will try not to do step 2. Fact is that if you do have legal grounds to stand on (i.e., evidence that you are the legal father) and a name to give them, then they simply cannot refuse you, they have no right to. Once the police have done step 2, then there is no return if I'm not wrong, (i.e., you cannot request to get it withdrawn and neither can the police, the legal way that is )

You should need: The Thai birth certificate of the child and the Thai marriage certificate between you and the mother, that should be enough to prove that you are legal father and have custody, that proves grounds for kidnapping. You need you passport and copies too of course. And a name or an address, preferrably a full name in Thai. Getting the full name (from the mother) could be more difficultr than getting the police to do the kidnapping case. No use to push the police before you have what is legally required. I would assume that name of person doing the kidnapping is required

"They then made a demand for money-this is a clear case of extortion." - Forget extortion, this is about getting your beloved child back. The relatives who has taken the child will be fined maximum 2,000 bath anyway, why bother?

I hear nothing about a mother going to bits because her daughter has been kidnapped so I'd take the opportunity to check the mother at the same time. She is to provide to you full name of the relative that called / have the child / whatever - in writing. Never mind if she is not 100% sure that the child is there, the main thing now is to get the kidnapping case started. Once that person is summoned to court for kidnapping, then it will suddenly get easier to get the truth out of people. If you don't trust the mother to want to go all the way with kidnapping charges against a relative (which could be family suicide, sort of) then simply do not bring her to the police station when doing the formal kidnapping charge. There is no law saying that she must be there (although the police will want her there)

Be patient and Good Luck

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I find this report misleading:

1) Why ask if anyone has seen the baby when the whereabouts are roughly known already?

2) Secondly, all the talk of the kidnap authorites when clearly it's a family problem. Personally, I'm not surprised the Thai police are not involved at this stage. Grand Mum is considered as close family as the real mum and in many cases is responsbile for the upkeeping of a child.

I also find somethings unusal:

1) Why the mother isn't on speaking terms with (it seems) any of her family?

2) Why don't the parents just pay 10,000 baht, go see and take their baby???????

2) The mother doesn't seem as upset about things as the father unless under reported here.

3) Howcome it's been going on for two months but you only went to the police during the riots?

pay money !!!!!!!!!!!!

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the kidnapping scam is a lot more common than is widely known

It was particularly important with a falang/thai white skinned child as they fetch a high price (doesnt bear thinking about)

There was a high profile case (only cos the flang was in the media) where his thai wife had gone down to the 7-11 for a quick shopping, when she got back to their bangkok appartment, her house maid had absconded with their 9month old.

Naturally they were frantic and used every media contact to get the case shown on thai TV with fotos.

The baby was found dumped in a waste bin at a petrol station up khon khaen and only noticed because it was crying feebly, hadnt been fed. obviously the tv coverage had scared the kidnappers

so that was a near miss as the child would have been across the border into Laos and vanished.


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Police will not act, and say it is a domestic affair.

They will just ask your wife go speak with her mother.

However, if you you pay the police, they will act immediately.

Sorry to say that, but this is Thailand.

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Very sad story indeed, and by the sound of things its all about money, which just shows family true colors.

As someone has already mentioned, i am also inclined to believe the mother(your wife ) is involved.

I was in a long term relationship with a Thai girl(lucky no baby) and 1 day i met the entire family, this was my last day with her.

You know the saying "apple does not fall far from the tree" if indeed family are a bunch of $^%^$, i do not think its worth sticking with the wife.

I would suggest you contact Interpol office in Thailand and with some help from Consular get them to act.

Your child was taken away from you without your permission and your knowledge-this is a kidnapping, irrespective of who has him(grandparents of cousins, etc)

They then made a demand for money-this is a clear case of extortion.

You will need to get your wife to prepare a declaration stating that she did not permit or authorised anyone to take away the baby and confirming the demand for money.

With all the documents visit Interpol office and get Consular involved, i am pretty sure with all the papers, they will have to act and rescue the baby.

In my opinion and knowledge, because baby was taken without permission, it is totally irrelevant if they relatives or not and as such are actually criminals.

I do wish you all the best and only wish i could offer more.

If you like i can put you in touch with my lawyer. She is very very well known with many "powerful" friends, perhaps she could be of assistance.

From what i know and have seen she is on board of a few corporations along with a few generals and people of a kind.

If you do like her details, please send me PM and i will forward info for you

Wow. Its like reading the book Private Dancer, but its real life.

I dont think the mother is involved in this case. It says she is the same age as the father, 32? Not like 22 and the father being 72 - as is usually the case when the thai girl is doing it just for the money.

Age has nothing to do with the matter. No one is talking of mothers status or previous job or anything of a kind.

She may or may not be involved, but as i mentioned "apple does not fall far from the tree" not to mention another saying, if you want to know what your wife will be like when she gets older, take a look at her mother.

For OP's sake i hope wife is not involved, but as said by a few people who have gone through same or similar experiences-usually the wife is somewhat or somehow involved.

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This doesn't seem to be a parental kidknapping case, the inlaws seem to have kidnapped the child and the mother doesn't have anything to do with it.

I'm not pretending the wife has something to do with it, but your statement remains to be proven.

The story seems quite strange.

The alleged kidnapping and then the demand for 10k baht (a ridiculously low sum) don't logically fit.

so... unless the inlaws are nuts, there must be much more to this story than told by Martin.

Martin, please enlighten us.

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Yes, my son's mother is Thai. My son has dual nationality both Thai and British. Yes, we registered our marriage at the district office and I am named twice on his birth certificate both as his father and the person who registered his birth. So we both hold joint custody of our son as far as I understand Thai law on this.


Martin - Is your sons mother Thai? Is your son a Thai citizen and if he is, did you register the marriage to the mother?

If the mother is Thai and you did not register the marriage with the mother (and havent's specifically petitioned juvenile court to get legitimized), then you are NOT the legal father of your son, you do not have custody and the mother has sole custody - which would explain why the police doesn't act. You have in that case no right to call it kidnapping, the mother does though

Martin - Is your sons mother Thai? Is your son a Thai citizen?

Good, you are legal father and as such, you do hold joint custody. The mother and the father both have the right to decide where the child should live, and both have the right to just take the child away... The only thing the other parent can do is to sue if this happens.

It is not a parent but another party who has taken the child away (doesn't matter if it is the childs relatives or someone totally unknown). The police will (normally) not act against a relative without a court order - or money. They will choose to do nothing. But be very clear on that they will act when they get the court order, they must.

You should now contact a lawyer and hire him to help you do a kidnapping case with the police. I am a bit surprised that you haven't done it yet actually. There are 2 steps at the police, 1) the standard first report (jaem kwam) that one means nothing really. Then there is step 2 (saab - like the Thai word for exam), that's the step when you force the whole thing to be taken to the district atterney and he will decide to pass on to court case or reject. The district atterney will not reject a kidnapping case made by a legal father. The police, if they don't want to act, will try not to do step 2. Fact is that if you do have legal grounds to stand on (i.e., evidence that you are the legal father) and a name to give them, then they simply cannot refuse you, they have no right to. Once the police have done step 2, then there is no return if I'm not wrong, (i.e., you cannot request to get it withdrawn and neither can the police, the legal way that is )

You should need: The Thai birth certificate of the child and the Thai marriage certificate between you and the mother, that should be enough to prove that you are legal father and have custody, that proves grounds for kidnapping. You need you passport and copies too of course. And a name or an address, preferrably a full name in Thai. Getting the full name (from the mother) could be more difficultr than getting the police to do the kidnapping case. No use to push the police before you have what is legally required. I would assume that name of person doing the kidnapping is required

"They then made a demand for money-this is a clear case of extortion." - Forget extortion, this is about getting your beloved child back. The relatives who has taken the child will be fined maximum 2,000 bath anyway, why bother?

I hear nothing about a mother going to bits because her daughter has been kidnapped so I'd take the opportunity to check the mother at the same time. She is to provide to you full name of the relative that called / have the child / whatever - in writing. Never mind if she is not 100% sure that the child is there, the main thing now is to get the kidnapping case started. Once that person is summoned to court for kidnapping, then it will suddenly get easier to get the truth out of people. If you don't trust the mother to want to go all the way with kidnapping charges against a relative (which could be family suicide, sort of) then simply do not bring her to the police station when doing the formal kidnapping charge. There is no law saying that she must be there (although the police will want her there)

Be patient and Good Luck

I'm still confused here. If the wife says "I took the child and left him with my mother" how is anyone guilty of kidnapping? It is only kidnapping if the mother in law actually walked away with the child, isn't it?

I'm actually really curious about this. I haven't seen this problem from exactly this angle before. If my wife takes our son and leaves him with my mother in law, can I then legally charge the mother in law with kidnapping? I can ask her to return him, but if she says she lost him and doesn't know where he is, what can I do? What crime has been committed?

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I feel for u as well. My ex tried the same thing with me and my daughter when she ran off with her boyfriend. Fortunailty i was no fool and rertained a lawyer and put a stop to it.

If u do get your child back HOLD on to him, Got to the courts and present your side of the story. In thailand Farangs have the same rights as thai's in a court of law. 99.9% you will retain full custody BUT you must decide is she in on this or.....

Seems those of us that have lived here long enough realize the thai smile is as fake as a $3 bill.

Edited by phuketrichard
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Martin a recent 'issue' similar to this was solved by ignoring the Police. Private negotiations were the order of the day - a figure of 500,000 Baht was offered. On the night of exchange - there were around 20 people in sight of the kidnappers who arrived with a small entourage. The money was never paid and the Thai contingent ended up with a few broken bones. Their child was unharmed but if you do not seize the opportunity to break this now - there is a good chance you will lose your child.

Now this may get all the do-gooders happening and complaining but TIT - the police are a waste of time and only interested in extracting money. Use private individuals who can just have your child returned and if I were you I would not involve the 'system'. If they are already involved every day that passes is a day that may prove to be anther brick in the wall.

But by all means, choose the route which suits you best and these words are passed in sincerity - not meant to be anything other than a solution in lawless Thailand that does and has worked. You can also contact groups like SISHA who will guide you but they deal mainly in human trafficking. I would put no trust in any Thai police group or person unless they hold rank of Pol Lt General or better as they can issue orders and problems will go away but it will still cost. Wish I could offer more comforting advice. :D

Great advice,... where the police are not reliable to uphold and implement the law (that is if they really understood the applicable laws fully... and therein lies 90% of the problem,- plus the apathy and the fundamental focus on tea-money collections) then you need to take matters into your own hands. I think I'd be following the advice of asiawatcher by focusing on tracking the kid down and then grabbing him and use force, coersion, deception or whatever... they are not worthy of any honorable means anyway. Then when YOU have possession you can formalize matters so that it doesn't happen again. Sounds to me like your wife is a part of the problem and you can't see it. Sometimes the entire village is in on it and have been since the marriage.

Thanks for posting my son's story and photo, if anyone thinks they might have seen him in Bangkok anywhere or has contacts who might be able to get us to get the local police interested in helping us find him, please get in touch.

He was last known to be being held in the Saphan Taksin Soi 8 area.



I went through a very similar situation in 2004 when my 3 year old dissapeared.

I was asked for 1 million baht to see my son. The asking party was the in laws.....

To cut a long story short... it was an extortion plan from my wife's family and included my wife; even though she was by my side every day pretending to cry.

I was "wisened" by a police officer who advised me not to believe my wife. This was hard for him to do and for me to believe.

In the end it turned out that my wife was keeping a tab on me while my son would be moved around every time we (I) got closer. Even though I had arranged to pay the money, nothing happened. I did not hand the money over as I insisted that only when I saw my son they would get the money. My wife knew I had the money ready but she also knew that I would not hand it over until I saw my son. I did not give in and held on.....

Eventually I got away from my wife and tracked them all down myself. It took me six months but I did it. These would have had to be the worst 6 months in my life....

I got my son back, divorced my wife and took my son overseas where he has been schooling now for the last 5 years. AND he/we is very HAPPY!

Some notes:

The police officer that made me open my eyes said to me;

1) In Thailand the father has a right to the chidren just as much (if not more) as the mother (not like in our western countries where mums get their way).

2) I was told if I ever saw my son to pick him up in my arms and just walk away. Don't fight, don't argue just walk away! WITH MY SON. In his words who has has. If I had my son no one could take him away NOT EVEN THE POLICE! Same if she had him.

3) Make sure that no friend helps me to carry my son. I was to do it alone. My friends if any helped could be charged with kidnaping. I could not as I am the father.

4) Arrange for a divorce settlement and if there is property involved the wife would be more interested in the property than the child. THEY were 100% correct. She signed away her rights of my son and I walked away with 0% of the house. Not that we foreigners have any right to property as we are made to sign that land is purchased entirely with funds of the wife and 0% contribution form us (foreigners). You can own the house but not the land. I prefered to carry my son away rather than the bricks and tiles...

This is my story and I hope your is really different.....

BUT I tell you these ladies are great actors right to the end.... this is not to imply all Thai ladies but the ones that get up to it they are bloody good at it!


WOW.. what a story.... well done on getting your child back. Some Thai women are a disgrace and unfortunately that gets the good ones a bad rep. I thank God I have a great Thai wife who has an education, intelligence and morals. Good point about the imbalance of power in the West though.... one of the reasons I left Australia,... one of the worst countries in the world for a bloke to be married in and have things go south,.. the entire men hating women's brigade of man bashers, feminist lawyers, Family Court and the Child Support Agency (A terrorist organisation established by the Australian Fed government) come down on a guy so heavily that suicide seems like a great option,... sadly thousands do in fact go that way EVERY year...statistics the bastards don't want you to know and keep shrouded in BS. I should know... my ex successfully used all of the above to legally steal all my kids away from me about 15 years ago. Maybe you should be grateful this happened to you in Thailand! :)

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Man that's a sad story!

I'd start with the ankles after which I would move to the knees and so on... sooner or later they'd say where the kid is and just to teach everyone else involved a lesson they too would end up with few broken bones or more.

Good luck...

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Martin forgot to mention.... forget interpol, police etc.

Thailand is not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties so there is no such thing as Child abduction there as there is in other Countries that have signed up to the treaty.

You and the mother (whoever is on the birth cert) can ask the local police to help, but they will not as they have no powers in family matters.

If your wife has not actioned so far I stand by my earlier post.....

Start looking for your kid alone .... without your wife.... be cause beleive me.. these families even if you pay the first lot it will keep on going on and on.. they will not hand over the golden goose....

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Thanks for posting my son's story and photo, if anyone thinks they might have seen him in Bangkok anywhere or has contacts who might be able to get us to get the local police interested in helping us find him, please get in touch.

He was last known to be being held in the Saphan Taksin Soi 8 area.


I will forward this article to my Thai contacts who will send it to thousands of people. Many of them are very concerned about things like this. I get many mails from them about kidnapped children or missing persons. Most are Thais.

Furthermore I have a special section of missing persons on my community site. I'll PM you the link.

Hope this gets sovled ASAP.

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Martin forgot to mention.... forget interpol, police etc.

Thailand is not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties so there is no such thing as Child abduction there as there is in other Countries that have signed up to the treaty.

You and the mother (whoever is on the birth cert) can ask the local police to help, but they will not as they have no powers in family matters.

If your wife has not actioned so far I stand by my earlier post.....

Start looking for your kid alone .... without your wife.... be cause beleive me.. these families even if you pay the first lot it will keep on going on and on.. they will not hand over the golden goose....

Are you sure? that Thailand has not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties???????

You may want to do some research prior to posting.

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Martin forgot to mention.... forget interpol, police etc.

Thailand is not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties so there is no such thing as Child abduction there as there is in other Countries that have signed up to the treaty.

You and the mother (whoever is on the birth cert) can ask the local police to help, but they will not as they have no powers in family matters.

If your wife has not actioned so far I stand by my earlier post.....

Start looking for your kid alone .... without your wife.... be cause beleive me.. these families even if you pay the first lot it will keep on going on and on.. they will not hand over the golden goose....

Are you sure? that Thailand has not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties???????

You may want to do some research prior to posting.

Positive, I had to redo the Thai court orders in Australia to make them valid world wide!

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Martin forgot to mention.... forget interpol, police etc.

Thailand is not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties so there is no such thing as Child abduction there as there is in other Countries that have signed up to the treaty.

You and the mother (whoever is on the birth cert) can ask the local police to help, but they will not as they have no powers in family matters.

If your wife has not actioned so far I stand by my earlier post.....

Start looking for your kid alone .... without your wife.... be cause beleive me.. these families even if you pay the first lot it will keep on going on and on.. they will not hand over the golden goose....

Are you sure? that Thailand has not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties???????

You may want to do some research prior to posting.

They are certainly not signed up for the Hague convention concerning child abduction.


Thailand is not a member of the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction.
GENERAL: Thailand is not a party to the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extra-Judicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters. Service of process in Thailand can be accomplished by a variety of methods. If eventual enforcement of a U.S. judgment in Thailand is anticipated, consult foreign legal counsel regarding the appropriate method of service to follow. See our general flyer,


Ever wonder why EVERYTHING has to be translated?

I don't know which other bits they are not signed up for.

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Martin forgot to mention.... forget interpol, police etc.

Thailand is not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties so there is no such thing as Child abduction there as there is in other Countries that have signed up to the treaty.

You and the mother (whoever is on the birth cert) can ask the local police to help, but they will not as they have no powers in family matters.

If your wife has not actioned so far I stand by my earlier post.....

Start looking for your kid alone .... without your wife.... be cause beleive me.. these families even if you pay the first lot it will keep on going on and on.. they will not hand over the golden goose....

Are you sure? that Thailand has not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties???????

You may want to do some research prior to posting.

Positive, I had to redo the Thai court orders in Australia to make them valid world wide!

.......... and make sure you get the kids paasport when you do and when and if you get him back..... I had to wait months to get the orders redone in Australia so that I could get a new passport. The Thai court orders are not even worth the paper they are writtenj on,....

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