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A Idle Moment Of Disparity


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:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

Khall´s back!!!!!! :o

Prezzie´s... What prezzies?!!!

Just to have your presence is present enough for me!!

This is getting silly.... But I like it!

There u are!!!

Well... since the sea was very rough and we had to wear life jackets and rain coats... and everything - I thought I'd travel light on the way back, so.... I brought pistachios and almonds for our "Idle Moment of Disparity" party.

We just need to decide on the venue now!

Kayo, Tots, Bambina ... any suggestions? Oh.... I know .... how about the Mukta'ba?

ps. not getting silly, getting serious (ha ha!)

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Glad you're back khall64au....  :D

Do I get to join the gossip circle too...??  :D

did I hear mention of some pressies....  :o

totster  :D

Hey Tots :D:D

Nah!... was only joking about the gossip... too darn tired after the BIG drive: (450 kms's each way; Army checks, police barriers sussing out farang women, grumpy immigration, big seas, little Burmese brats trying to fleece us like we were born yesterday, .... big seas again, back to immigration... getting lost in Ranong town.... and finally finding our guest house and... a couple of vodkas! ... (Ummmm..... zacapas :D ? )

Anyways... so brought the pressies.... see u at the party!!!!! :D

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look... you can´t both be posting when I´m trying to post... this just won´t do... Hrmph...!

Welcome back to tvland kerrie! Hope those zacvodka´s have helped you relax following what sounds like an arduos journey under the best of cicumstances, let alone when it is unwanted but necessary. I hate those kinds of trips.... "Don´t want to go, don´t want to go... But HAVE to!"

Well, listen, we have plans in the pipeline to open up a Maktub´ar Phuket, and a Maktub´ar Cheltenham...However those plans are in a pipeline as long as a the distance from LOS to Guate...(10,000 miles or more...) so we may get a bit thirsty from the almonds and pistachio´s long before then. Might I suggest we each bring a brew and a liquor from our respective locations, to sip along the way?

I´m curious to see what Tot´s has just posted.... Tot´s STOP TOUCHING ME THERE.... Khall´s back already! :sigh:

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What's the point of having a democracy, if nobody is going to vote?

Nobody posted on party venue  :D  So much for democracy :D

Well ... as you know... I'll be in your neck of the woods in October... :D

I'll be expecting me pressie.... :o

totster :D

OCTOBER???? ... That's 2 whole months Tots... gonna get the munchies between now & then! :D:D

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Sorry Kayo... but he has NOT won yet... look at the statistics: hits vs posts and... and... I only have to bring up a certain topic that I posted a mere one week ago-ish ... and how many posts did that get? .... and look at the total amount of viewers (pretty impressive I must say!) and... and... SO tired now!!!! (goodnight)

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I could use a bright mate!!...

Morning Khall sweetheart... Hope you slept well and have recovered a little from your long weekend.



Good morning Kayo darling... Oh it was a restless night, tossing and turning and wondering where you had got to :D

Its been cold and lonely in here by myself .... but sure was nice waking up to you :D

Am now sufficiently recovered from my weekend ..... and gotta get back to the "word" factory.

See you for dinner?! :o

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