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Help please !!

I have lost my plastic counter part driving license,I still have the paper bit,also lost my HGV plastic license(called a digi card). OK, we have all done things like this in the past,but for Christs sake dont do it here. Got in touch with DVLC by e mail,back came the reply,you cannot have your lost licenses replaced because you are a non resident of the UK. Hmm, OK, but I need my license to take up employment in Holland,and will go straight from Asia to there. Same reply,but with the added response,if I need to drive in Asia,sort it out there.

Fantastic. Another e mail went to them,I cannot sort anything out here,I need two replacements from yourselves,before I can do anything. You have to be a resident in England came back the reply. So this means,let me get this right, I have to fly back to England,apply for my replacements there, I have no fixed abode in England so will have to rent somewhere for at least a month to produce evidence that I am a resident in England, I cannot work because I have no license, so I will have to sign on for government subsidence. I can however apply for a whole new replacement licence,but still have to be resident in the UK,of course I can have an entitlement to drive piece of paper,but I need my hgv Digi card to work,no digi card and your doing nothing.

I have counted up an estimated cost of around 1800-2000 pounds for this alone,thats before I even get to Holland,where,like anywhere it is monthly pay,need I say more. I am now awaiting a response to yesterdays e mail asking them to sit down without there finger up their ****, and explain to me precisely what options I have whilst in England, to save cost, I could stay at a friends or my Mothers, but this being a c/o address,would this suffice. Can they also start the ball rolling from here to cut down time I spend in the UK,nigh on destitute, they really could of done this already. I have even offered to collect in person at DVLC with all proof of Identity. :) You know as well as I do the response I am going to get. Well,I aint going down without a fight, e mail is basically free,and they will certainly wish they had been a bit more helpful if it carries on like this. They are gonna have a fight on there hands.The British Government pontifcate that we as British citizens have a right to work anywhere in the world,specifically in the UK or the E.U.they have placed this law on to DVLC. THATS A LOAD OF ******** as far as I am concerned, they are in fact restricting my right to take up employment in my proffesion, even in the UK, let alone anywhere else.

In hindsight,it would of been better had I lost my passport, It would of cost me financially less to replace,and only have to travel to Bangkok. Why are we as ex pats living here? I think this answers it s own question. Any help would truly be appreciated,sarcasm expected and excepted, and no doubts a few wisecracks too !!! But you have been warned..

I will keep you all posted to this episode of the Simpsons,please feel free to post this article about and spread the word, meanwhile if you can all have a whipround for me, that would be truly appreciated.. :D


When did you get the England driver's license? Can't you get a replacement on the internet? I've gotten replacements and renewals from Florida on the internet. Also can't you just get a license when you get to Holland?


When you become a non resident of the UK you are not allowed to hold a UK driving license. I had mine revoked a number of years ago when I applied for an address change for reasons I wont discuss here. I was lucky that I held an international and thai license so did not care much. If the license office finds that you are no longer resident they will revoke your license and that is the law in the UK so good luck but you wont win


Is there a possibility with a bit of 'creative thinking' you could

1) Post an application to someone in the UK for onward despatch to the agency staff of DVLC (who care not what you think and do not work for YOU).

2) Keep your address as detailed in your lost D/L's.

3) Get your contact in UK to contact the present homeowners and pay them to notify your UK contact when the DL is duly returned to them.

4) send D/L onto you safely.

This will involve the minimum of changes to their records and maybe keep you under the radar.

p.s. and this is isaan related how???


Moved from Isaan forum to Thai Motor Forum where there is discussion regarding licenses (albeit mostly Thai licenses), and maybe a wider audience to help you with your concern.

Always tough to lose a document when you are abroad. Good luck!


Your paper part of your license has your UK address on it. If you moved you supposed to inform them of change of address in UK via a form and they send you a new license etc. I have a UK address and the form was sent there, posted on to me in LOS, filled in and sent back to my UK address for postage. Job done.

If you have not done so, you should have changed your address to your mums or friends.

I had a similar issue - I got an international license and then could drive in Europe - but the comment on using the current address also works as was done by a friend!


Same all over... I lost a USA license, no way I could get it replaced without going back to the USA (so I was told)..

I dont see what leg you have to stand on with this complaint.. Get a local license or go and get the UK one, they dont just post them worldwide to non UK residents.

Your paper part of your license has your UK address on it. If you moved you supposed to inform them of change of address in UK via a form and they send you a new license etc. I have a UK address and the form was sent there, posted on to me in LOS, filled in and sent back to my UK address for postage. Job done.

If you have not done so, you should have changed your address to your mums or friends.

God i didn`t know that, so if you live here you loose your license in the uk, i filled a p85 form stating non resident in uk before i came here, but when i need a renewal can i just use my mums address in the uk or will i have to resit a test when and if i go back to the uk, or should i try and change my residency back to the uk, how do i do that from here and dont own a home in the uk etc? advice please..

When you become a non resident of the UK you are not allowed to hold a UK driving license. I had mine revoked a number of years ago when I applied for an address change for reasons I wont discuss here. I was lucky that I held an international and thai license so did not care much. If the license office finds that you are no longer resident they will revoke your license and that is the law in the UK so good luck but you wont win

Not the info the DVLC gave me.

I was told (in writing) that my licence remains valid until it's expiry even though I live abroad and can be used during holidays in UK without need to change address.

When you become a non resident of the UK you are not allowed to hold a UK driving license. I had mine revoked a number of years ago when I applied for an address change for reasons I wont discuss here. I was lucky that I held an international and thai license so did not care much. If the license office finds that you are no longer resident they will revoke your license and that is the law in the UK so good luck but you wont win

Could you please provide a link or source for this information as I believe it to be incorrect.



Just had a similar experience few months back. I got a letter re-directed from my last UK address stating that my UK Licence (photo card type) was about to expire and that I needed to fill in a new form with new picture ect to get a new licence issued.

When I looked into it I found YOU CANNOT have a UK licence if you are non-resident in UK.

..The simple solution was I filled in all the forms, put my patents UK address, then just to be safe sent the completed forms to my parents for them to post to DVLA from within England.

Few weeks later my Mum told me my new licence had arrived. They brought it with them when they cam e for a holiday (but of course could have posted it to me.)

I wanted to keep my UK licence as it comes in handy sometimes when hiring cars and for photo id now and again. Also useful as ID when visiting UK]

Just had a similar experience few months back. I got a letter re-directed from my last UK address stating that my UK Licence (photo card type) was about to expire and that I needed to fill in a new form with new picture ect to get a new licence issued.

When I looked into it I found YOU CANNOT have a UK licence if you are non-resident in UK.

..The simple solution was I filled in all the forms, put my patents UK address, then just to be safe sent the completed forms to my parents for them to post to DVLA from within England.

Few weeks later my Mum told me my new licence had arrived. They brought it with them when they cam e for a holiday (but of course could have posted it to me.)

I wanted to keep my UK licence as it comes in handy sometimes when hiring cars and for photo id now and again. Also useful as ID when visiting UK]

Not the info the DVLC gave me.

I was told (in writing) that my licence remains valid until it's expiry even though I live abroad and can be used during holidays in UK without need to change address.

Edit: I suspect you mean that you cannot renew a UK license if you are a non-resident as you don't have a valid UK address.


I can remember when I came to live here full time I telephoned DVLA about this and they informed me, that they do not put foreign address's on UK licence's!!, but my licence would still remain valid, despite having my previous house address on it, which I sold!.

Anyway I did a change of address to my Mothers house instead.

I have just renewed the licence, a few weeks ago, as the photo was getting to be 10 years old (it tells you date of expiry on the front of the plastic part), this involved having an up to date photo done here and then posting on to my Mothers house! for her to post the paperwork onto Swansea.

At age 55 my LGV (CE & C) medical is due, I do'nt think I will bother. Any ex truckers out there will tell you what a hassle that can be & (expensive).

I can remember when I came to live here full time I telephoned DVLA about this and they informed me, that they do not put foreign address's on UK licence's!!, but my licence would still remain valid, despite having my previous house address on it, which I sold!.

Anyway I did a change of address to my Mothers house instead.

I have just renewed the licence, a few weeks ago, as the photo was getting to be 10 years old (it tells you date of expiry on the front of the plastic part), this involved having an up to date photo done here and then posting on to my Mothers house! for her to post the paperwork onto Swansea.

At age 55 my LGV (CE & C) medical is due, I do'nt think I will bother. Any ex truckers out there will tell you what a hassle that can be & (expensive).

yepp, my C, CE, D, DE expired last year due to 10 year medical. Tryed to sort it from here, could keep the BE, but no chance they would accept the others without being there in person. So no more I guess :)

Just had a similar experience few months back. I got a letter re-directed from my last UK address stating that my UK Licence (photo card type) was about to expire and that I needed to fill in a new form with new picture ect to get a new licence issued.

When I looked into it I found YOU CANNOT have a UK licence if you are non-resident in UK.

..The simple solution was I filled in all the forms, put my patents UK address, then just to be safe sent the completed forms to my parents for them to post to DVLA from within England.

Few weeks later my Mum told me my new licence had arrived. They brought it with them when they cam e for a holiday (but of course could have posted it to me.)

I wanted to keep my UK licence as it comes in handy sometimes when hiring cars and for photo id now and again. Also useful as ID when visiting UK]

Not the info the DVLC gave me.

I was told (in writing) that my licence remains valid until it's expiry even though I live abroad and can be used during holidays in UK without need to change address.

Edit: I suspect you mean that you cannot renew a UK license if you are a non-resident as you don't have a valid UK address.

Yes, you are quite correct, i meant you cannot renew a licence if you are non-resident.

..I was a little worried about the £1000 (think it's that amount) fine you supposidly get if you do not change your address (in UK) with them. However it appears if you leave the UK you can keep your UK licence with a non-valid address and not get fined. :)

I can remember when I came to live here full time I telephoned DVLA about this and they informed me, that they do not put foreign address's on UK licence's!!, but my licence would still remain valid, despite having my previous house address on it, which I sold!.

Anyway I did a change of address to my Mothers house instead.

I have just renewed the licence, a few weeks ago, as the photo was getting to be 10 years old (it tells you date of expiry on the front of the plastic part), this involved having an up to date photo done here and then posting on to my Mothers house! for her to post the paperwork onto Swansea.

At age 55 my LGV (CE & C) medical is due, I do'nt think I will bother. Any ex truckers out there will tell you what a hassle that can be & (expensive).

The medical is pretty rigorous now, and GP's typically charge £100+ to do it. Even if you let it lapse though you still retain the entitlement. So if you want to bring it back to life at a later date you just need to fill in the forms and have the medical.

  • 1 year later...

When did you get the England driver's license? Can't you get a replacement on the internet? I've gotten replacements and renewals from Florida on the internet. Also can't you just get a license when you get to Holland?

Since when was Florida and or Holland part of the UK.....


When you become a non resident of the UK you are not allowed to hold a UK driving license. I had mine revoked a number of years ago when I applied for an address change for reasons I wont discuss here. I was lucky that I held an international and thai license so did not care much. If the license office finds that you are no longer resident they will revoke your license and that is the law in the UK so good luck but you wont win

And what exactly makes someone non-resident? What are the rules for regaining residency? I know that I'm non-residence for tax purposes, I have a letter from the inland revenue stating so. But what kind of non-residency are you talking about because tax would surely have nothing to do with the DVLC would it?


My simpathies go out to you as I too have run afoul of both the Thai and UK DVLCs. Wanting Thai driving licenses I went armed with my UK fold out green, car only, license. No good I was told at the Thai DVLC ... no photo...take test. Knowing that I had to take a test for motorbike anyway I agreed. With me was my friend who provided a severly torn, beer stained, one day to expire international driving license or car and motorbike. He was issued Thai licenses right after he passed the eye tests.

When it got round to me taking the actual driving test for the car I was asked where's your car...I don't have one I don't have a license...rent one the guy said..I can't I don't have a license I replied...catch 22 he said and moved on to the next one in line. I then tried to get the photo-id driving license from UK DVLC and ran into the same problems detailed here. With absolutely no family or contactable friends to assist I am stumped.

And watch out should you ever lose your passport. Latest rules state that someone who is a resident of UK and known you for some years and is one of a list of professionals MUST counter sign your application. Having been out of the UK for 30 years now...that is an impossibility for me. I have used a British consulate before for this but even he now is non resident and retired so can't do it.

Now go to the UK pensions website and find out how to get a pension forecast.....if in the UK you can do it by post, phone or online. If outside UK you can do it by phone or post but NOT online. You work out the sense in that 'cause I can't see it. And if I phoned just what would be the chance of me speaking to somebody whose mother tounge is British English...very slim I think....

British in passport only.......if only I could get rid of that...but no one else will take me...sob..sob....


And watch out should you ever lose your passport. Latest rules state that someone who is a resident of UK and known you for some years and is one of a list of professionals MUST counter sign your application. Having been out of the UK for 30 years now...that is an impossibility for me. I have used a British consulate before for this but even he now is non resident and retired so can't do it.

What your saying is not true, 1. The person signing doesnt need to be a UK resident or even a British citizen for that matter, mearly a person of "standing". 2. For PP renewals the application/photo's don't need to be signed unless its a (a) completely new application, (B) you appearance has changed significantly © the application is for a child.

if you present yourself in person to apply for the PP then doesnt need to be counter signed either.


When did you get the England driver's license? Can't you get a replacement on the internet? I've gotten replacements and renewals from Florida on the internet. Also can't you just get a license when you get to Holland?

Since when was Florida and or Holland part of the UK.....

Since the " Land O Free" deemed itself to be the center of the universe...:whistling:


you can renew d/l on line here - http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/DriverLicensing/NeedANewOrUpdatedLicence/DG_078070?CID=Motoring&PLA=url_mon&CRE=renew_my_photo

when i changed my address online this year whilst in the uk, i was asked is i wanted to update my picture as it requires renewing next year, they were going to use my passport photo, i declined as i am back next year and can do it then, at the same time my points will be removed.

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