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Thai Police On High Alert To Catch World Cup Punters

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Unless a person has lived with a family member that gamles, they wouldnt understand the life changing ramifications that it can have on the children and dependants. It is a disease and any attempts to stop that disease should be welcome.

Raising your hands and praising the lord aside, as an ex-croupier, I have to agree with that. Sad reality is, it's just not gonna happen is it

Oooo..wow. Four pages and only two "Thais are always right because I'm a guest in their country" responses! Maybe it's the really new ones who haven't had their Thai friends screwed over yet and asked to shell out loans so they can win their money back. I'm sure reporting it to the police would help...

Never lend money to anyone, that's what banks are for, apart from that it's not your problem and you are under no obligation to fix whatever mess thay have got themselves into, the same applies anywhere in the world.

Good to see they have their priorities straight. Things like this and inspecting tourists' pockets are much more important than stopping idiots from going around with guns and grenade launchers.

Good time to be a member of the RTPF, what with these new opportunities and all the $ they got for looking the other way for over 2 months.

It`s irrelevant whether you agree with this clamp down or not.

The law is the law and if you don't agree with the laws and legal policies of Thailand, then there is always the option of seeking pastures anew, where you consider gives more freedom to participate in gambling and other pursuits. Or take a vacation to places that permit gambling while the World cup in on.

If people living here don't want to become victims of the legal system or owned by corrupt police, than keep your head down and abide the laws.

No point in wringing about it later.

Whoops, excuse us big wheel man.

How rude of us to forget that we are not allowed to form opinions and have discussions on this site. Perhaps we should all just log off now, eh!

Well my opinion is that the police do an excellent job here in Thailand.

They put their lives on the line every day for a pittance each month.

There are always going to be rotten apples in the basket, but this is no reason to continue slagging off Thailand, the police do deserve credit sometimes.

The saying that has run through generations of my family, is that a policeman can be your best friend in times of crisis. I still believe this pertains today.

I would never criticise the policies of Thailand, because it is my home and rather support the authorities, who could tell me to sod off with a stroke of a pen, than slag the country off.

Try living in some parts of Britain for a few months, with thug rule, under councils with draconian powers, scared to walk the streets after dark and having to secure your property like Fort Knox.

I appreciate and consider myself extremely fortunate being able to live in Thailand.

My sarcasm meter just went off.... I think LOL I really laughed once I came to the conclusion that you are actually serious. The police in Thailand in many ways are the single largest obstacle in regards to Thailand moving forward economically. They do nothing to protect legitimate businesses whilst taking bribes and allowing the underworld to flourish. Most businesses want certain protections provided under the law.

So some guy (mobster with the cops on his payroll) burns out a store or shop because they don't want the competition. The police aren't going to help. While on the other hand the GO GO bar next to it (that probably torched the place to get the space) is allowed to continue operating even though it has does no legal business in any sense of the word.

Maybe some day the level of awareness will go up to the point where the police have to actively hide their corruption. What makes it all so outrageous is how it is done so openly.

As far as a pittance a month... how are they financing their condos and luxury cars? I dare say not many cops would be applying for these jobs if they didn't get some 'perks'.

To stay on topic they might as well make gambling legal and take the tea money out of the equation. We might not even need so many police if they did that.

NO!. Sinners and pornificators will reap the wrath of damnation and the and the burning curse of hells fire will come down and scortch their souls for all they deserve

I hope you're taking the Michael with your pontificating. If not, please go away :D

The destruction to family life that gambling and the above has done is inexcusable..'he who crawls on his belly through the garden of Eden and eats the dust below him' shall be shown no mercy

OMG, a right wing bible thumper in Thailand! You must be joking me! I suppose you must be a "Christian" missionary! Please do your pontification back where ever you came from! Get real, no get a life. This has nothing to do with sin or sinners, it has everything to do with MONEY! This is a Buddhist country, is it not? Please at least respect that fact! I don't gamble, but what people do with their money is up to them. Some Thai's do have a gambling problem, so do people from every other country! :)

Malnutrition, murders, homelesness, forced prostituion any other assorted crimes all the evil of gambling and did you know that gambling can then lead to alcholism and drug abuse

Unless a person has lived with a family member that gamles, they wouldnt understand the life changing ramifications that it can have on the children and dependants. It is a disease and any attempts to stop that disease should be welcome.

This is very true, and even low level / local amateur gambling can ruin lives or relationships and lead to debt and despair.

Unfortunately, relying on the Royal Thai Police to actually improve the situation, rather than exploit it, is a fairytale dream.

Prohibition doesn't work. That's been proven. But we in the West are no different to the Thais. We still have prohibtion on Illegal drugs. With all the social problems and misery that comes with it. Corrupt Police and politicians, Powerful Criminal Dynasties and Cartels and I am sure you can think of others.

So, the Thais have a prohibition on gambling. That's the way it is.

We were young blokes going on leave from Aust to Manila, again. Xmas 77. My mate and I rolled up at the Main Commonweath Bank in the Sydney CBD. We were getting our travellers cheques. It was sort of a real big deal in those days. You went in and sat down in an office behind a big desk and you had, usually, a senior member of the bank staff to do all this with you. Sign the cheques and carry on. The Lady was old enough to be our mother and she was surprised to see us 'young fellars' fronting up to go on an overseas holiday.

She actually asked us where two young blokes like us could get the money for a month's overseas holiday.

My mate told her that he was the 'Ship's Bookie' and that he was using his profits from running the book onboard ship (which was legal in those days and every ship and establishment had one).

Yeah, well she certainly understood that.

What about you? She asked? Are you a Bookie too?

Bloody hel_l no! Nags? I don't have anything to do with the bloody things! I saved it from my own salary.

Ah, there, she said, I can understand now why both of you can afford it.

My mate used to tell me about his 'mug punters'. It was almost bloody criminal to take advantage of such stupidity.

NO!. Sinners and pornificators will reap the wrath of damnation and the and the burning curse of hells fire will come down and scortch their souls for all they deserve

I hope you're taking the Michael with your pontificating. If not, please go away :D

The destruction to family life that gambling and the above has done is inexcusable..'he who crawls on his belly through the garden of Eden and eats the dust below him' shall be shown no mercy

OMG, a right wing bible thumper in Thailand! You must be joking me! I suppose you must be a "Christian" missionary! Please do your pontification back where ever you came from! Get real, no get a life. This has nothing to do with sin or sinners, it has everything to do with MONEY! This is a Buddhist country, is it not? Please at least respect that fact! I don't gamble, but what people do with their money is up to them. Some Thai's do have a gambling problem, so do people from every other country! :)

We are all but one. Brothers and sisters alike walking the Earth that we are so lucky that was created for us... but that we as the servants created so many wrongdoings, let us all together try to create a better world to live in and banish this evil from our existence

Unless a person has lived with a family member that gamles, they wouldnt understand the life changing ramifications that it can have on the children and dependants. It is a disease and any attempts to stop that disease should be welcome.

And so does living with an alcoholic family member, or a violent one, or an obsessed jealous one or a pedophile one or a manic depressive one .... And I can go on and on.... There are numerous problems and seriously affected people in all these areas + many more that I have not mentioned, but we can't ban everything cause of the ones who have no control over their actions / lives cause then it would become a really robotic and boring society to live in ..... They are minorities and their friends and families have to deal with helping them find a way out and a solution to their problems which is yes, a HUGE task and with a very low success rate ...but ........

I agree! But is not the job of a government to legislate "morality!" Although many nations try to, does it actually work? No! Look at the Muslims, Christians and every other religion that restrict people's rights on "moral grounds." Women can't go to school, my god is better than yours, so let's start a war because you don't believe the same as I do! <deleted>? I am more righteous than you, so you should live by what I believe in?

Live your life the the best you can, but damning other's for their actions is a waste of time... Not my problem! I guess I'm not my brother's keeper, I just try my best to take care of those I love! If I can help someone along the path of life, it's a good thing.

The Economic and Business Forecast Centre at the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce estimates that Thai people will spend 37.2 billion baht (1.1 billion US dollars) gambling on this year's World Cup.

During Euro 2008, more than 1,000 people were arrested in Thailand for gambling on football matches, with nearly one million baht (30,000 dollars) in cash seized.

Is there a Professor in the audience?

IF gambling was legal, adding another 'sin' tax to Govt Revenues, how much would gambling increase, if at all?

[Once I tried to get some of the gathered family to sit down to game of cards, with the ones Korean Air had supplied and they all looked over their shoulder and I had to hide them in the luggage. This was in a secluded rural home in NST.

Don't get me wrong, I believe gambling IS a vice or scourge on Society, like drug use, the sex trade and *alcohol abuse, for examples.

My question is purely out of curiosity; how much does prohibition curtail gambling in Thailand, if at all?

* Britain has thousands of deaths per year directly related to alcohol. It was in the news today.

My sarcasm meter just went off.... I think LOL I really laughed once I came to the conclusion that you are actually serious. The police in Thailand in many ways are the single largest obstacle in regards to Thailand moving forward economically. They do nothing to protect legitimate businesses whilst taking bribes and allowing the underworld to flourish. Most businesses want certain protections provided under the law.

So some guy (mobster with the cops on his payroll) burns out a store or shop because they don't want the competition. The police aren't going to help. While on the other hand the GO GO bar next to it (that probably torched the place to get the space) is allowed to continue operating even though it has does no legal business in any sense of the word.

Maybe some day the level of awareness will go up to the point where the police have to actively hide their corruption. What makes it all so outrageous is how it is done so openly.

As far as a pittance a month... how are they financing their condos and luxury cars? I dare say not many cops would be applying for these jobs if they didn't get some 'perks'.

To stay on topic they might as well make gambling legal and take the tea money out of the equation. We might not even need so many police if they did that.


Where do you get all this wealth of information? It sounds as if you are quoting from personal experience?

I know policemen who do not live in condos or have luxury cars or luxury anything. I agree that some cops are rotten to the core; I’ve had some back experiences here from the police, but mostly good.

Again as I said previous, I do believe that the majority of police do a grand job and I’m grateful for it.

We are all but one. Brothers and sisters alike walking the Earth that we are so lucky that was created for us... but that we as the servants created so many wrongdoings, let us all together try to create a better world to live in and banish this evil from our existence

I'm sorry, but do you actually think for yourself? Or do you just continue to regurgitate what ever indoctrination your mind has been oppressed by? :)

I couldn't understand the betting practices of futbol, but it seemed more interesting than the sport.

You should try ice hockey. In that sport, it's ok to try to take the head off the guy with the puck.


LOL! I'm with you on that! But my Sharks choked again! Lakers vs Celtics tomorrow morning! Go Lakers! :)

My sarcasm meter just went off.... I think LOL I really laughed once I came to the conclusion that you are actually serious. The police in Thailand in many ways are the single largest obstacle in regards to Thailand moving forward economically. They do nothing to protect legitimate businesses whilst taking bribes and allowing the underworld to flourish. Most businesses want certain protections provided under the law.

So some guy (mobster with the cops on his payroll) burns out a store or shop because they don't want the competition. The police aren't going to help. While on the other hand the GO GO bar next to it (that probably torched the place to get the space) is allowed to continue operating even though it has does no legal business in any sense of the word.

Maybe some day the level of awareness will go up to the point where the police have to actively hide their corruption. What makes it all so outrageous is how it is done so openly.

As far as a pittance a month... how are they financing their condos and luxury cars? I dare say not many cops would be applying for these jobs if they didn't get some 'perks'.

To stay on topic they might as well make gambling legal and take the tea money out of the equation. We might not even need so many police if they did that.


Where do you get all this wealth of information? It sounds as if you are quoting from personal experience?

I know policemen who do not live in condos or have luxury cars or luxury anything. I agree that some cops are rotten to the core; I've had some back experiences here from the police, but mostly good.

Again as I said previous, I do believe that the majority of police do a grand job and I'm grateful for it.

I have a Brother In Law who is a Major in the RTP. He is up for retirement very, very soon. You wouldn't find a more honest bloke.

Yeah they have an image problem. I agree. But then where i come from the State Government announced only the day before yesterday that they are finally going to set up a much needed Independent and powerful Anti-Corruption Task Force with unprecedented powers.

Why? Police and/or Government Corruption and Graft is out of control.

Why do we get on our high horses so much?

At least here in Thailand the little bloke can get a piece of the action.

Good to see they have their priorities straight. Things like this and inspecting tourists' pockets are much more important than stopping idiots from going around with guns and grenade launchers.

Good time to be a member of the RTPF, what with these new opportunities and all the $$ they got for looking the other way for over 2 months.

It`s irrelevant whether you agree with this clamp down or not.

The law is the law and if you don’t agree with the laws and legal policies of Thailand, then there is always the option of seeking pastures anew, where you consider gives more freedom to participate in gambling and other pursuits. Or take a vacation to places that permit gambling while the World cup in on.

If people living here don’t want to become victims of the legal system or owned by corrupt police, than keep your head down and abide the laws.

No point in wringing about it later.

Whoops, excuse us big wheel man.

How rude of us to forget that we are not allowed to form opinions and have discussions on this site. Perhaps we should all just log off now, eh!

Well my opinion is that the police do an excellent job here in Thailand.

They put their lives on the line every day for a pittance each month.

There are always going to be rotten apples in the basket, but this is no reason to continue slagging off Thailand, the police do deserve credit sometimes.

The saying that has run through generations of my family, is that a policeman can be your best friend in times of crisis. I still believe this pertains today.

I would never criticise the policies of Thailand, because it is my home and rather support the authorities, who could tell me to sod off with a stroke of a pen, than slag the country off.

Try living in some parts of Britain for a few months, with thug rule, under councils with draconian powers, scared to walk the streets after dark and having to secure your property like Fort Knox.

I appreciate and consider myself extremely fortunate being able to live in Thailand.


You're something else! :):D :D

"secure your property like Fort Knox." Yep! Same here!


. At our casinos and gambling venues in melbourne and sydney babies die from being left inside motor vehicles in the hot Australian Summer Sun, whilst mum is inside playing the Pokies.

The basic tenet of confucianism - The good of society comes before any individual.


well say what you like but that is what I call natural selection at work. So then the future population will have less people prone to gambling addiction. Would Confusious consider the good of the future society as being worth protecting? I think so.

So throw those dice Mom!

Punters? Football? But football season is over, we already had a superBowl!

Great! The Yanks have arrived!

What was I saying about 'Mug Punters'? :)

tell us about the 1919 World Series?

We are all but one. Brothers and sisters alike walking the Earth that we are so lucky that was created for us... but that we as the servants created so many wrongdoings, let us all together try to create a better world to live in and banish this evil from our existence

I'm sorry, but do you actually think for yourself? Or do you just continue to regurgitate what ever indoctrination your mind has been oppressed by? :)

Oppression is an act of only the weak, and the weak shall falter under the strength of the strong. Would you consider Heir Hitler strong or weak?

Its no laughing matter, gambling along with drinking, drugs and prostituition are a sure way to ruin and perpertrators should burn in hel_l!!!

oh thats ripe!!! do you mean drinking like Jesus' wine at the last supper, or prostitution like Mary Magdelene, or drugs like cigerettes (nicotine, more addictive than heroin) or coffee.

Please go back to your cave and wait for the rapture. we will send for your bones later.

I am not a Catholic or a Christian,but your attempted anologies are way off beam!

Having a sip of wine during a service does not necessarily lead on to alchoholism,as far as I know of the quantity

Jesus drank at the last supper has never been revealed.

Also Mary Magdelene was reputed to be a Virgin,so not anything to do with Prostitution.

Whereas Alchoholism, Drug Addiction and Gambling addiction of the hard core users have dire consequences

for society in general.

Of course Tobacco addiction is a Major addiction which in contrast to the others is an asset to society,considering in the UK revenue created for the Chancellor is £7 billion pounds in taxes*,and the treatment/addiction costs to the National Health Service is only £500 million per annum. Net profit £6.5 billion.*

*Source:UK Central Office of Government Statistics

We are all but one. Brothers and sisters alike walking the Earth that we are so lucky that was created for us... but that we as the servants created so many wrongdoings, let us all together try to create a better world to live in and banish this evil from our existence

I'm sorry, but do you actually think for yourself? Or do you just continue to regurgitate what ever indoctrination your mind has been oppressed by? :)

Oppression is an act of only the weak, and the weak shall falter under the strength of the strong. Would you consider Heir Hitler strong or weak?

Pardon me. Are you born again?

Or have you been like this all of your life?

Have I met you before?

have you ever been to the El Alamein Fountain in Kings Cross, Sydney, by any chance?

Its no laughing matter, gambling along with drinking, drugs and prostituition are a sure way to ruin and perpertrators should burn in hel_l!!!

oh thats ripe!!! do you mean drinking like Jesus' wine at the last supper, or prostitution like Mary Magdelene, or drugs like cigerettes (nicotine, more addictive than heroin) or coffee.

Please go back to your cave and wait for the rapture. we will send for your bones later.

I am not a Catholic or a Christian,but your attempted anologies are way off beam!

Having a sip of wine during a service does not necessarily lead on to alchoholism,as far as I know of the quantity

Jesus drank at the last supper has never been revealed.

Also Mary Magdelene was reputed to be a Virgin,so not anything to do with Prostitution.

Whereas Alchoholism, Drug Addiction and Gambling addiction of the hard core users have dire consequences

for society in general.

Of course Tobacco addiction is a Major addiction which in contrast to the others is an asset to society,considering in the UK revenue created for the Chancellor is £7 billion pounds in taxes*,and the treatment/addiction costs to the National Health Service is only £500 million per annum. Net profit £6.5 billion.*

*Source:UK Central Office of Government Statistics


Reassuring to know that Police will be on the look out for nasty farangs who would lure innocent Thais into betting on World Cup games. :)

Its no laughing matter, gambling along with drinking, drugs and prostituition are a sure way to ruin and perpertrators should burn in hel_l!!!

oh thats ripe!!! do you mean drinking like Jesus' wine at the last supper, or prostitution like Mary Magdelene, or drugs like cigerettes (nicotine, more addictive than heroin) or coffee.

Please go back to your cave and wait for the rapture. we will send for your bones later.

I am not a Catholic or a Christian,but your attempted anologies are way off beam!

Having a sip of wine during a service does not necessarily lead on to alchoholism,as far as I know of the quantity

Jesus drank at the last supper has never been revealed.

Also Mary Magdelene was reputed to be a Virgin,so not anything to do with Prostitution.

Whereas Alchoholism, Drug Addiction and Gambling addiction of the hard core users have dire consequences

for society in general.

Of course Tobacco addiction is a Major addiction which in contrast to the others is an asset to society,considering in the UK revenue created for the Chancellor is £7 billion pounds in taxes*,and the treatment/addiction costs to the National Health Service is only £500 million per annum. Net profit £6.5 billion.*

*Source:UK Central Office of Government Statistics

Thankyou. In all seriousness, I think most posters do not have the understanding, intelligence or knowledge of the destruction that this vice can cause. Its all well and good to put £30 on trap 3 at Whitecity once a week but when it is a dependancy on lifes daily routine it becomes rather different, and to see that at first hand is quite disturbing

Reassuring to know that Police will be on the look out for nasty farangs who would lure innocent Thais into betting on World Cup games. :)

It will be the other way around where I am. I don't happen to know any local Thai Bookies, but my Thai Mates do and I will more than likely be persuaded to have a small wager on the Aussies to beat the Germans next Monday week.

I hate it when I get corrupted.

But you have to have a bet when it's a sure thing, don't you? Can't let the bookies keep all the money.

Its no laughing matter, gambling along with drinking, drugs and prostituition are a sure way to ruin and perpertrators should burn in hel_l!!!

oh thats ripe!!! do you mean drinking like Jesus' wine at the last supper, or prostitution like Mary Magdelene, or drugs like cigerettes (nicotine, more addictive than heroin) or coffee.

Please go back to your cave and wait for the rapture. we will send for your bones later.

I am not a Catholic or a Christian,but your attempted anologies are way off beam!

Having a sip of wine during a service does not necessarily lead on to alchoholism,as far as I know of the quantity

Jesus drank at the last supper has never been revealed.

Also Mary Magdelene was reputed to be a Virgin,so not anything to do with Prostitution.

Whereas Alchoholism, Drug Addiction and Gambling addiction of the hard core users have dire consequences

for society in general.

Of course Tobacco addiction is a Major addiction which in contrast to the others is an asset to society,considering in the UK revenue created for the Chancellor is £7 billion pounds in taxes*,and the treatment/addiction costs to the National Health Service is only £500 million per annum. Net profit £6.5 billion.*

*Source:UK Central Office of Government Statistics

Sorry for the double Post,didnt appear to be working.

My sarcasm meter just went off.... I think LOL I really laughed once I came to the conclusion that you are actually serious. The police in Thailand in many ways are the single largest obstacle in regards to Thailand moving forward economically. They do nothing to protect legitimate businesses whilst taking bribes and allowing the underworld to flourish. Most businesses want certain protections provided under the law.

So some guy (mobster with the cops on his payroll) burns out a store or shop because they don't want the competition. The police aren't going to help. While on the other hand the GO GO bar next to it (that probably torched the place to get the space) is allowed to continue operating even though it has does no legal business in any sense of the word.

Maybe some day the level of awareness will go up to the point where the police have to actively hide their corruption. What makes it all so outrageous is how it is done so openly.

As far as a pittance a month... how are they financing their condos and luxury cars? I dare say not many cops would be applying for these jobs if they didn't get some 'perks'.

To stay on topic they might as well make gambling legal and take the tea money out of the equation. We might not even need so many police if they did that.


Where do you get all this wealth of information? It sounds as if you are quoting from personal experience?

I know policemen who do not live in condos or have luxury cars or luxury anything. I agree that some cops are rotten to the core; I've had some back experiences here from the police, but mostly good.

Again as I said previous, I do believe that the majority of police do a grand job and I'm grateful for it.

I have a Brother In Law who is a Major in the RTP. He is up for retirement very, very soon. You wouldn't find a more honest bloke.

Yeah they have an image problem. I agree. But then where i come from the State Government announced only the day before yesterday that they are finally going to set up a much needed Independent and powerful Anti-Corruption Task Force with unprecedented powers.

Why? Police and/or Government Corruption and Graft is out of control.

Why do we get on our high horses so much?

At least here in Thailand the little bloke can get a piece of the action.

I didn't know stating the obvious was considered getting up on a high horse.

If it is just an image problem then why is there the need for an independent and powerful Anti-Corruption Task Force with unprecedented powers? Usually there isn't smoke without fire or are they just setting this up for the hel_l of it?

My sarcasm meter just went off.... I think LOL I really laughed once I came to the conclusion that you are actually serious. The police in Thailand in many ways are the single largest obstacle in regards to Thailand moving forward economically. They do nothing to protect legitimate businesses whilst taking bribes and allowing the underworld to flourish. Most businesses want certain protections provided under the law.

So some guy (mobster with the cops on his payroll) burns out a store or shop because they don't want the competition. The police aren't going to help. While on the other hand the GO GO bar next to it (that probably torched the place to get the space) is allowed to continue operating even though it has does no legal business in any sense of the word.

Maybe some day the level of awareness will go up to the point where the police have to actively hide their corruption. What makes it all so outrageous is how it is done so openly.

As far as a pittance a month... how are they financing their condos and luxury cars? I dare say not many cops would be applying for these jobs if they didn't get some 'perks'.

To stay on topic they might as well make gambling legal and take the tea money out of the equation. We might not even need so many police if they did that.


Where do you get all this wealth of information? It sounds as if you are quoting from personal experience?

I know policemen who do not live in condos or have luxury cars or luxury anything. I agree that some cops are rotten to the core; I've had some back experiences here from the police, but mostly good.

Again as I said previous, I do believe that the majority of police do a grand job and I'm grateful for it.

I have a Brother In Law who is a Major in the RTP. He is up for retirement very, very soon. You wouldn't find a more honest bloke.

Yeah they have an image problem. I agree. But then where i come from the State Government announced only the day before yesterday that they are finally going to set up a much needed Independent and powerful Anti-Corruption Task Force with unprecedented powers.

Why? Police and/or Government Corruption and Graft is out of control.

Why do we get on our high horses so much?

At least here in Thailand the little bloke can get a piece of the action.

I didn't know stating the obvious was considered getting up on a high horse.

If it is just an image problem then why is there the need for an independent and powerful Anti-Corruption Task Force with unprecedented powers? Usually there isn't smoke without fire or are they just setting this up for the hel_l of it?

mmmm I thought it was clear enough.


So you do agree that corruption is rife. Okay thanks for clarifying. I sort of skimmed over your post and was distracted by the quote in your post. I now see that you also said what I was basically thinking. Anyway sorry for the confusion.

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