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Electricity Bill

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Two months ago, my electric bill was 4 days past due because of an oversight on my part. On that day, I went and paid the bill. When I returned home from paying the bill, my electric meter had been removed in the interim while I was out. An immediate return trip to the office sorted that the disconnect order had been put out in the morning and had not been cancelled quickly enough after paying the bill that day to stop it.

A 100 baht fee was paid and around an hour later the company man showed up and reinstalled the meter which restored power, and so to answer your question, the answer is 4 days. For here, anyway.

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Allways paid the day I get the bill, except one time, as we were away when the bill arrived. Two week's later on getting back. Went and paid. The wife asked why we hadn't been cut off. Answer as you have alway's paid on time we knew you must have a reason so we didnt do it. Seem's up to them. Or where you live. TIT

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you most likely have until the 5th-8th. it will say on the bottom of the bill. i wouldn't risk getting cut off as going to the actual electric company can be very painful, particularly if you are trying to get your electric turned back on. if you don't have enough to pay the full bill, i might suggest going to the office and give them whatever you can afford to avoid having your elec cut off.

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Guess it is were you live...

Here the Bill is delivered by hand, payment is 7 days from that day, 10 days after 'the pay by date' the man comes round with a RED reminder and a pay within 5 days + a notice to say the date [day 6] the meter will be removed.

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Easiest to use an automatic bank debit paying those utility bills. Check the paperwork to ensure no "mistakes" but you can be assured of something having been paid on time and therefore no disconnections.

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Easiest to use an automatic bank debit paying those utility bills. Check the paperwork to ensure no "mistakes" but you can be assured of something having been paid on time and therefore no disconnections.

agreed, but only if you plan on being settled into your current residence for a while. I went and had an automatic debit set up a couple of months ago, and certainly glad i did it. It was a pain in the bottom, but well worth the trouble i think....had to go to the electric company to get a form....to the bank to get a signature....back to the electric company to turn it in.

If you go even one day past the due date then you can only pay the bill at the office of the Electric company here during business hours Monday-Friday. So best bet is to make sure you pay on time or set up the debit!


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Not sure why it "MF killed you" to pay you bill?

You used the service, and now your angry that you have to pay it? (even late?) :)

You might get your deposit back when the renter pays the other two weeks of your electric bill you might do a runner on...

Edited by highonthai
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We Pay when billed, the electric man comes around and gives you your bill which is immediately paid for on the spot, this month we were not home when the electric man came and my neighbor paid my 3000 baht bill, which we promptly repaid her on our return.

We in my neighborhood always pay for a family that, for some reason is not home when the bill arrives, never have a problem with the money beening promptly repaid when the people come home (in the last 4 years).

One of the benefits of being on good terms with your neighbors!

Cheers: :)

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