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I was looking at may be buying an Apple Mac computer in the future, and noticed that the mouse was a " One button " type, can any one please explain the difference between the mouse I am using now ( Two buttons and a wheel ) and the " One " button Apple Mac mouse, .....?

Thanks ..... Mumbo

I was looking at may be buying an Apple Mac computer in the future, and noticed that the mouse was a " One button " type, can any one please explain the difference between the mouse I am using now ( Two buttons and a wheel ) and the " One " button Apple Mac mouse, .....?

    Thanks ..... Mumbo

The one-buton Apple mouse requires you to hold the control key and click to produce the equivalent of the right click on a Windows mouse. Its hard to say which approach is better. Mostly a matter of what you're used to, I'd say. If you like your two-button Windows mouse better, just plug it into your Apple machine. It will work perfectly fine, exactly as it did on your Windows machine.


Also, to "click" the mac mouse, you press on the whole mouse. There is no button for you to see. Of course I'm referring to the very expensive genuine transparent mac mouse.


Thanks Guy's for the comments, I thought I had read some where you could not use a normal "mouse " on an Apple Machine " but may be I read it all worng..? Does any one Know if there's an Apple Forum In Thailand, as I would like to learn a bit more about Apple Mac's , Ive just seen the new Apple iMac G 5 and it looks the Biz..? any one else using an Apple i Mac G 5...? or the Mac Mini .... ?

......... Thanks ...... Mumbo


You can pretty much use any USB mouse on a Mac. I have an iMac on which I use a two button scroll wheel mouse. No drivers needed. Simply plug and play.

I also have a PowerBook on which I use a two button scroll wheel wireless (Bluetooth) mouse. Again, no drivers needed.

That said, there is a shareware program called USB Overdrive which pretty much lets you use any USB device with a Mac and which gives you extremely fine control of how the Mac responds to the device's controls.

There are several Mac users on TV who would be happy to respond to your Mac questions.


Originally, Apple used the ADB ("Apple Desktop Bus") for the keyboard and mouse interface. Apple implemented the USB interface years ago and, as posters have noted, you can use any USB pointing device.

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