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Hey Plachon, thanks for bringing us Yanks into the Brit hating page. Now I know for sure that the world revolves around us. :o

Personally I'm fed up to the back teeth of the USA vs Brits , World vs USA arguments. It's hard enough with every other ######er trying to blow us up or fly planes into buildings.

Really , what is the point ?

No one will agree that their country/countrymen are inferior to another, it will only end up in threats and name calling , just ask Mr Vietnam/DaveYo/myself and countless others.

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Chonabot, Why do you give me h*ll, when it is Plachon who came in with the U.S. swipe?

If "tired of all this" means it's okay for people to say what ever they want about the U.S., but not okay for us to stick up for ourselves, then you can KMA!


Socal , I agree, if you look you'll see I posted the same in the Bush Bashing thread. It serves little purpose , just makes enemies out of usually like minded people. Just look at me and Mr Vietnam yesterday.... :o

I was called a faggot amongst other things, not really bothered but I think the best policy is to ignore it now. If someone criticizes your country , the basic instinct is to bite back, but on the internet it usually turns into a mud slinging contest.

As I have said before , I have no problem with USA , or most other countries for that matter , when UK gets slagged off , it does upset me a bit , but if you look at the people doing the criticizing, they tend to be after some reaction , why appease them?

Of course , I'm a hypocrite , if you look at my tirades yesterday, but at no point have I slagged off any other country , a point most will have missed.



My dear friend, I could call you many things, but a faggot never. I can barely see past your avatar to get at what you have written. :D

I am also very tired of this "slagging." You think you are tired of what's said about Brits, then try being an American.

I really think it is all uncalled for. Thailand has been a respite for most of our souls, and this is why I would say most of us found this site. Is that not enough?

I will fight this battle with you, but will not just sit idly by.

PS-I used to try reason, but this strategy is worthless. What I will continue to do is point out their hate (as I did above with Plachon), and ridicule them on their level. If nothing less, it is amusing for me. Also, I do not have it out for people who disagree with me, after all that's what makes the world go round. I do have it out for people who bring hate into any discussion, and people who are so full of hate that it transcends normal thought.

Peace to you and yours. :o

If England was still dropping off convicts 135 years ago,Then when was Aust.given her independance? I know that the US got hers in 1776,after the rev.war.and I have been to ruins of old fortifications along the southeast coast of the USA that date back to the early 1600s.

Please excuse the history lesson but the US did not get her independance in 1776. The "shot heard around the world" started in 1776 and ended in 1781 or 82. The 1776 date is used as the point in time when declaration of independance was signed. Actually, it many many years after the war ended before a constitution was signed and ratified by the former colonies thus forming the USA. I just read a really good book about the making of the constitution. I highly recommend it. I learned that it took many years and compromises for the US to happen. Of course the duel between Hamilton and Burr was exciting to read as well. Aaron Burr was my kind of guy......womanizer, liked to drink, and used his wife's fortune to buy huge areas of land in southwest of US and Mexico to proclaim himself emperor!:o

Regarding the Brits being world travellers. I would think that Australians have them beat. This is based on my personal opinion because I would be in some remote corner of the world and I would always seem to bump into one. My line to the aussies "does anyone stay home?". I don't know if it is still true but I do know that the Germans are everywhere now.



I agree with what Chonabot said in another thread about about The British not not really giving a shit about what others think about us! Also we probably slag off our own country more than any other nation, which I think is actually a good thing.

I don't know what Mr Vietnam's problem is maybe some Brit nicked his Brasso :o:D

Hey Plachon, thanks for bringing us Yanks into the Brit hating page. Now I know for sure that the world revolves around us. B)

No worries mate. I guess you just can't keep a good thread down, eh? B):o

SoCal, some time you'll have to explain the "hate" reference. You're not confusing me with Butterfly are you, who I agree, on occasions has stepped over the line and I once took him to task for it. But, I'm curious to know when I've been "hateful". In fact, I'm curious to know why this has been dubbed the "Brit hating page". Hey man , mellow out, read my posts and you'll see I'm even having a laugh at and with my own nation. You too, Chon, brighten up boy. :DB)B)

I agree with what Chonabot said in another thread about about The British not not really giving a shit about what others think about us! Also we probably slag off our own country more than any other nation, which I think is actually a good thing.

This is true. One time I went to watch an ashes test at the Oval and after the Aussies had England on the ropes after day 2 (thanks to Ooh Ahh), a group of English fans we met in the crowd started singing: "We're shit....and we know we are, we're shit....and we know we are...."

Little were they to know that England came back on day 3 to knock us over and win the match.

You too, Chon, brighten up boy.  B)  B)  B)

I can't help it Plachon , I was called a faggot by this chap.


Mrs Vietnam

I mean Christ , look at him! It could take me years to recover.......

If he even looked sideways at my pint down the pub....etc


Nuffink you never called me, you great daft shirt lifter! :o:DB)


Plachon, if I have you wrong, then my appologies indeed. 1) Seems to me in the past that you have said certain things. Things that are not only anti-Bush, but also anti-US. 2) I see no reason for throwing in your snide little comment into this thread.

If you want to laugh at your nation, then that is your decision. If you want to welcome others to do so, then that is your perogative as well.

It is my decision, and perogative to stand up for my country. Yes, a patriotic little bunch aren't we? Well frankly I remember such a time when that was an admirable trait.

Respect me, and I will respect you. :o

That is why New Zealand is happy that AUSY is far enough away, that the one ausy with half a brain ( and he only got that from his kiwi father)

Can not swim here and stuff us but tonight we will stuff the AUSY out of the world cup :o

I bet you wish you hadn't posted your comment now....Can't remember who came 3rd in the World Cup....or was it 4th!!!!

Don't knock the Australians my friend, because when you get kicked out of L.O.S.

you will immediately want to come to Australia to be with most of your countrymen/women.

What do you call a New Zealander in a suit?......The Defendant!!


Stu, you know they're a bunch of whale killers, don't you? Word has it as well, that their women are frigid. :o

I'm with you, down with the antarticans. :D

Or better yet, and maybe more on topic. How bout that Thailand. I'm two weeks out, and could surely be thinking better things than whose bashing me now. B)


QUOTE (warriors @ Sat 2003-11-15, 05:23:33)

That is why New Zealand is happy that AUSY is far enough away, that the one ausy with half a brain ( and he only got that from his kiwi father)

Christ , now its OZ vs NZ bashing as well!

No wonder the Thais think we're all mad.



MONITOR; another little KLEEK here, You are right about most, The Declaration of Independence was signed into effect July 4 1776 and from that date on no attention to English law was payed and the fight was on,and the war did end with peace negotiations began in Paris in 1882.

The Constitution was ratified June 21 1788 with the last signing was R.I. in 1790.

So for all practical purposes the was the USA was formed and Independence was declared on July 4 1776. with rules of conduct signed in 88.

Sorry about straying from subject.. But my real ideas on the subject are, no matter where you are from,,if you are caught,you go to jail,if not then you go where ever you want with the money you made..

Don't knock the Australians my friend, because when you get kicked out of L.O.S.

you will immediately want to come to Australia to be with most of your countrymen/women.

What do you call a New Zealander in a suit?......The Defendant!!

You slay me Surin...... :D ..........and there's the Eighth Wonder of the World.....A Kiwi with a job :o


Just for my own info,,due to the fact that we have both Aussies and Kiwis on here now,,

Who shaggs the most sheep,Aussie or Kiwi? I have heard both ways and would like to know the truth..

I do know in the state of Montana USA the the law states that "Beastiality is sexual intercoarse with any animal other than a sheep."

Just for my own info,,due to the fact that we have both Aussies and Kiwis on here now,,

Who shaggs the most sheep,Aussie or Kiwi? I have heard both ways and would like to know the truth..

Even on a per capita basis, it is common knowledge that the Kiwi is many many sheep in front of his trans Tasman friends. :o

XXXXXX a place where the men are men

and the women are scarce

and the sheep are nervous!

B)  B)  B)

had to include this joke. i left out the place on purpose.

and the women eat their kids. :D

dont forget the kiwis are the most balanced race in the world

have a chip on both shoulders :o

Just for my own info,,due to the fact that we have both Aussies and Kiwis on here now,,

Who shaggs the most sheep,Aussie or Kiwi? I have heard both ways and would like to know the truth..

I don't know who's ahead but the Kiwis actually started it and we only copied them coz we couldn't catch up to the roos! :o


WOW,You guys is to much, I set here bustin a gut with tears running down my face and my wife wants to go to town and have supper,,Thanks guys I ain't had such a laugh since the hogs ate 3 of my sisters.. :o:D

Guest IT Manager

" What do you call a New Zealander in a suit?......The Defendant!! "

Very cutting. Not guilty Your worship.

My line to the aussies "does anyone stay home"

no matter how far or how wide we roam.......still call Australia home :o:D

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