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Just playing Devil's advocate here.

Peder has so kindly offered to give many of us that want them more stylish and approriate Avitars to the ones we already have.

Now to be perfectly honest there are many TV members (Trolls etc) who post what I personally consider drivel. (Naming no names-some may think my posts are drivel ): :o

However there are certain well informed and very good helpful posters that can give some very good responses and post very interesting comments.

My point is that the majority of us do not have the time to read all the posts on every subject, and if this is the case I would imagine that we scroll down, picking out the Posters who's opinion we value (or make us laugh). I do.

So if Avatars are changed often then we sometimes miss these, especially if they are changed regulary

I for one scroll down some threads and the first thing to catch my eye is the Avatar, be it a Poster whose rantings I like or dislike, I often read posts from Posters who I think generally talk rubbish, but there may be a time when they have a valid point to make

Those that do not have them at all loose out on their posts being read IMHO. It's like selling a car in a newspaper or magazine, you get a better response if you put a picture in, no matter how bad the picture is! I know this to be true.

At the end of the day what I am getting at is SHOULD AN AVATAR ONCE CHOSEN BE UNCHANGEABLE?- for the benefit of Thaivisa.com and it's members?

I may be talking complete <deleted> and I await to be cut to ribbons with my theory.

What do YOU think?

PS there could be a time period of a year or even less, or longer !


Thai Pauly

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Probably would have been better to post in Horng Klaay Khriat...

But anyway...

I never used to change avatar... however I now tend to get bored of my avatars, so want a change...

I agree that sometimes the first thing you recognise in the post is the avatar (and threfore who has posted) but IMO you can easliy get used to the new avatar... makes life a bit more interesting..

totster :o

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I agree with TP, I regard the avatars as a trade mark or sig, easy to recognise at a glance, one of the reasons I don't like the local flags, they all look the same....... at a glance.

Just my 2 satang. :o

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I totally agree with you. You cannot help but use the avatar to identify the poster.

I have also been trying to get an extra forum rule that prohibits using someone elses avatar but G will not agree.

There is another member who uses the same avatar as me.

He has had several posts zapped and had treads closed.

I suspect many think it was me.

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The reason I asked Peder to give me some good ideas for a new Avitar is really because I share the same one as Thai Flyer, and he has been around longer than me.

Luckily enough I am in a better situation than you Thetyim because TF is a respected poster IMO


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The reason I asked Peder to give me some good ideas for a new Avitar is really because I share the same one as Thai Flyer, and he has been around longer than me.

Luckily enough I am in a better situation than you Thetyim because TF is a respected poster IMO


Any idea what you are after .. I've got some spare ones knocking around..

totster :o

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Actually I scan the threads for the posts that interest me and when I read a thread I usually look at the posters name before the avatar.

I have only had 3 or 4 avatars because I am basically too lazy to change them.

My latest avatar is the flag of Khampaeng Phat which is the province where I live. If the post which pointed me to it was not there I would probably still be using Dan Dare.

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Thanks Totster,

Something to do with England would be nice, I am on Peder's list but at the bottom :o

Whatever I choose I will stick with, thats why I have never changed it as I said in my previous post.

Viewers can either read or disreagard my posts. I agrree with Thetyme in that 2 posters should not share the same Avitar.

Perhaps we should have a Poll?

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Thanks Totster,

Something to do with England would be nice, I am on Peder's list but at the bottom  :o

Whatever I choose I will stick with, thats why I have never changed it as I said in my previous post.

Viewers can either read or disreagard my posts. I agrree with Thetyme in that 2 posters should not share the same Avitar.

Perhaps we should have a Poll?

I haven't got any England ones, but i'll keep my eye out... does it have to be animated..?

totster :D

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Thanks Totster,

Something to do with England would be nice, I am on Peder's list but at the bottom  :D

Whatever I choose I will stick with, thats why I have never changed it as I said in my previous post.

Viewers can either read or disreagard my posts. I agrree with Thetyme in that 2 posters should not share the same Avitar.

Perhaps we should have a Poll?

I haven't got any England ones, but i'll keep my eye out... does it have to be animated..?

totster :D

About as animated as me :o

What yer got Totster?

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I agree with TP, I regard the avatars as a trade mark or sig, easy to recognise at a glance, one of the reasons I don't like the local flags, they all look the same....... at a glance.

My original av was the Thai flag... and whilst Boon Mee and I sometimes got confused by other posters because they assumed the user from the avatar, I quite liked it as it was fairly unique. :D

I went along with the Provincial flag thing for a while but I became bored... Sriratcha John and I are both from the Chonburi province, but our preferred subjects and posting styles are decidedly different... :o

I never used to change avatar... however I now tend to get bored of my avatars, so want a change...

I agree that sometimes the first thing you recognise in the post is the avatar (and threfore who has posted) but IMO you can easliy get used to the new avatar... makes life a bit more interesting..

It is interesting to have a change and you've had some real bewdies Totster! :D

Having said all that, I'm still undecided about the avatar thing... I must admit that as I'm scrolling through a particular topic and I see an avatar that I know belongs to a member that usually has a particularly worthwhile post, I'll stop and have a closer read.

I am still decided on the issue... your username/avatar is really your ThaiVisa "face" to the rest of the Forum... more input and cogitation required... :D

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It is becoming harder to to determine what to read on TV. A couple of years ago I would just click on View All New Posts and them read them all. But the volume of data that comes down now is impossible to read it all.

I need to employ 3 secretaries to scan all the new posts and filter what I might want to read/reply to. :o

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The reason I asked Peder to give me some good ideas for a new Avitar is really because I share the same one as Thai Flyer, and he has been around longer than me.

Luckily enough I am in a better situation than you Thetyim because TF is a respected poster IMO


So that is two members with similar names sharing the same avatar.

At the risk of appearing very stupid I have admit that I had not noticed.

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Non-changeable avatars may present a problem, especially for newbies. A new member logs on and wants to put up an avatar right away.

Maybe it's not the perfect choice, but he/she puts up what ever they have handy at the time (for example, my avatar. Haven't bothered looking for a new one, yet. This just happened to be handy when I first registered)

After being here for awhile, they may decide to post an avatar that suits them better. Not being able to change could really suck, especially if you picked a lousy avatar in the beginning.

Solutions ?

How about a standard TV avatar for newbies.

Let all members change their avatars once each time they go up a level (Standard avatar for newbies, change once at "Member", change again at "Advanced Member, Senior Member, ect).

That might provide a wee tiny bit of incentive to post more, although it might encourage some people to simply post a smiley in reply to every message that appears (happens a lot as most of you have already noticed no doubt).

Edited by Kerryd
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That might provide a wee tiny bit of incentive to post more, although it might encourage some people to simply post a smiley in reply to every message that appears (happens a lot as most of you have already noticed no doubt).


(just kidding... I couldn't resist that one... :o )

Edited by Jai Dee
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Surely if you join a forum and notice a longer serving inmate has the same avatar as you...It's up to you as the No0b to change avatars.

Anyhow I change my avatar regularly, maybe it's a girly thing  pophugbyzappe1ak.gif

ThaiPauly is this>>>yesitisnoitisnt5es.gif english enough?

Its FANTASTIC- Can I have it please? Monty Python were Gods to me



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I used to change mine now and again but i like this one. So will stick with it. Though i'm still waioting on phazey doing me a new one.

Hey Pauly. Heres something English for you. One of your women.

:o  :D


no, no, i want that one can i have it please, it's a beauty :D

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Surely if you join a forum and notice a longer serving inmate has the same avatar as you...It's up to you as the No0b to change avatars.

Unfortunately it does not work that way.

I asked the newbie who copied my avatar to find another and he has not changed it.

I have asked the mods to handle it and some agree with me and some don't

Unfortunately those disgreeing outnumber those agreeing.

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I used to change mine now and again but i like this one. So will stick with it. Though i'm still waioting on phazey doing me a new one.

Hey Pauly. Heres something English for you. One of your women.

:o  :D

I refute that allegation. She cannot possiblt be English. English Ladies DO NOT wear dresses (wee tents) and trainers, its most unbecoming. Try elsewhere old chap :D


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