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Forming A Band In Thailand

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Brilliant Scamp, Brilliant, I have already made a tune up to go with the words in me'ead.

Scampy, should not the word Like be at the end of the second line, first verse, instead of life, otherwise you use it 3 times in 4 lines.

Anyway keep em coming, what a start!!

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I can play the marracas scampy :D

But can you dance as well as your avatar? :D:D

Anyway keep em coming, what a start!!

Should I keep them coming, or wait until I know it's possible before putting it out on the internet?

I'd like to do a song about ThaiVisa too but it would only be revevant or have any apeal to it's members, but maybe as a bit of fun I could do it.

It could be the B-Side to Love Is A Four Letter Word. :o

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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I'm having a hard time accepting that you are a musician as you say you are scamp...

You got this masterplan with album designs, songs lyrics, names...but you're missing one thing:

So you say you wish you had a keyboard or whatever, maybe you should start there. Get yourself a keyboard or whatever instrument and give us results/action...enough planning, you're only setting yourself up for doom with these expectations.

You have to start with the music somewhere---not worry about all the legal entities, record deals, fans, following, visions, before you even have something solid down. It's a process---no one (except minority priveleged persons) start at the top, you got to start at the flat bottom, and if you're really serious you'll work your way up, if that's what you wanted to do.

With your vision/expectations, I think your missing the value of musicianship...If you ever do get yourself off and going---not waiting for someone to assure you it's alright to post your songs on the internet, etc., don't forget to write the song "For all the wrong reasons"

While you're in research mode, you'll find that there are many expat musicians with solid music established already in this country. Just go to www.garageband.com, and in the search, search for bands from Bangkok. There's a few here, and this an international cyber scene with hundreds of thousands garageband musicians from all over the world (My music experiments include Mr. Green's Legacy and The Green Wanderer)

Before you get all ape about a cd release party before even half of the songs are composed, try recording one or two songs as best you can and get it online. If you register Garageband, hundreds of musicians will review and feedback your stuff and you'll know if your song has potential to sink/swim in their charts.

Anyway I'm not trying to bust your bubble, just saying you need more results and action. Don't focus on the wind up, we want the pitch.

I'm a musician myself, but I don't do it to enter any scenes or gain a following, or whatever, atleast not now. It's become one of my many hobbies that is another channel of communication. A lot of my projects on my website are bi lingual thai/American as well if you ever got time to hear.

Good luck

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So you say you wish you had a keyboard or whatever, maybe you should start there. Get yourself a keyboard or whatever instrument and give us results/action...enough planning, you're only setting yourself up for doom with these expectations.

I said I wish I had my keyboard with me.

It's been in storage for three years.

It's a Yamaha that cost one and a half thousand pounds so it would be a shame to waste it and I'd probably have to pay extra to take it on a plane.

Packed next to it is a MiniDisc recorder, mics, stand etc... Sampler and a big accordion with broken strap.

i have heard him sing

Both sober and shitfaced... But you loved it more when I sang shitfaced and off key. :o

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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I'm having a hard time accepting that you are a musician as you say you are scamp...

You got this masterplan with album designs, songs lyrics, names...but you're missing one thing:

So you say you wish you had a keyboard or whatever, maybe you should start there. Get yourself a keyboard or whatever instrument and give us results/action...enough planning, you're only setting yourself up for doom with these expectations.

You have to start with the music somewhere---not worry about all the legal entities, record deals, fans, following, visions, before you even have something solid down. It's a process---no one (except minority priveleged persons) start at the top, you got to start at the flat bottom, and if you're really serious you'll work your way up, if that's what you wanted to do.

With your vision/expectations, I think your missing the value of musicianship...If you ever do get yourself off and going---not waiting for someone to assure you it's alright to post your songs on the internet, etc., don't forget to write the song "For all the wrong reasons"

While you're in research mode, you'll find that there are many expat musicians with solid music established already in this country. Just go to www.garageband.com, and in the search, search for bands from Bangkok. There's a few here, and this an international cyber scene with hundreds of thousands garageband musicians from all over the world (My music experiments include Mr. Green's Legacy and The Green Wanderer)

Before you get all ape about a cd release party before even half of the songs are composed, try recording one or two songs as best you can and get it online. If you register Garageband, hundreds of musicians will review and feedback your stuff and you'll know if your song has potential to sink/swim in their charts.

Anyway I'm not trying to bust your bubble, just saying you need more results and action. Don't focus on the wind up, we want the pitch.

I'm a musician myself, but I don't do it to enter any scenes or gain a following, or whatever, atleast not now. It's become one of my many hobbies that is another channel of communication. A lot of my projects on my website are bi lingual thai/American as well if you ever got time to hear.

Good luck

I have to say greenwanderer108 hit it dead on. I agree with much that he had to say. But I have something to add to that.

Please understand I want to be constructive here so please don't take this negative Scamp. But I have been in the business most my life with success on a semi-large scale. Many of my friends are all professional as well with the labels, and some of them quite well known. I'm not trying to stand on a soap box, but just want to say I have some experience worth listening to.

I see singers all the time with great visions, but without the talent to materialize their ideas into music (yes, MUSIC, not lyrics), in the end it never amounts to much. Music industry is big business, and they really don't care about the meaning or the message of songs. They want to sell records. Its all about beat and rhythm. So unless you have the instrumental skills of George Michaels, (or any other star as such), you will have to rely on you drop dead georgeous looks and mesmerizing charisma on stage if you want to attract any label's attention. They just don't care about your songs. Period.

There is some great talent in Thailand, and you are competing with guys that can play every instrument and sing like a bird. My advise is to lock yourself in a room and start getting pretty f&%ing good on an instrument. It will be hard to earn respect in the industry without it. They will control your life, what songs you sing, and what you eat for breakfast. YOU need to give them confidence they can sell you. As only a lyricist, it doesn't give them much.

For now I live in BKK. I am an ex lead singer, keyboardist, studio producer, and sound engineer. But now its just for fun. There is nothing wrong with playing for fun, for the music, and for your own personal satisfaction. I hope that you take this and just be happy with making the best of what you enjoy the most....music.

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As a semi pro musician Scamp I have to say there is truth in what the 2 previous geezers have said. Theres nothing wrong in getting support and airing ideas on the net , it's good fun if nothing else. But have you gigged before? It's the best way to develop songs and it's bloody hard work.

Why not get the keys out of storage and jam with some locals wherever you are.

Like I said , if you get back down this way I'll be happy to help you set up some people to play with. Ideas are important but the hard graft is more than 3/4 of the battle. Good luck anyway Scamp.


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I'm having a hard time accepting that you are a musician as you say you are scamp...

You got this masterplan with album designs, songs lyrics, names...but you're missing one thing:

So you say you wish you had a keyboard or whatever, maybe you should start there. Get yourself a keyboard or whatever instrument and give us results/action...enough planning, you're only setting yourself up for doom with these expectations.

You have to start with the music somewhere---not worry about all the legal entities, record deals, fans, following, visions, before you even have something solid down. It's a process---no one (except minority priveleged persons) start at the top, you got to start at the flat bottom, and if you're really serious you'll work your way up, if that's what you wanted to do.

With your vision/expectations, I think your missing the value of musicianship...If you ever do get yourself off and going---not waiting for someone to assure you it's alright to post your songs on the internet, etc., don't forget to write the song "For all the wrong reasons"

While you're in research mode, you'll find that there are many expat musicians with solid music established already in this country. Just go to www.garageband.com, and in the search, search for bands from Bangkok. There's a few here, and this an international cyber scene with hundreds of thousands garageband musicians from all over the world (My music experiments include Mr. Green's Legacy and The Green Wanderer)

Before you get all ape about a cd release party before even half of the songs are composed, try recording one or two songs as best you can and get it online. If you register Garageband, hundreds of musicians will review and feedback your stuff and you'll know if your song has potential to sink/swim in their charts.

Anyway I'm not trying to bust your bubble, just saying you need more results and action. Don't focus on the wind up, we want the pitch.

I'm a musician myself, but I don't do it to enter any scenes or gain a following, or whatever, atleast not now. It's become one of my many hobbies that is another channel of communication. A lot of my projects on my website are bi lingual thai/American as well if you ever got time to hear.

Good luck

I have to say greenwanderer108 hit it dead on. I agree with much that he had to say. But I have something to add to that.

Please understand I want to be constructive here so please don't take this negative Scamp. But I have been in the business most my life with success on a semi-large scale. Many of my friends are all professional as well with the labels, and some of them quite well known. I'm not trying to stand on a soap box, but just want to say I have some experience worth listening to.

I see singers all the time with great visions, but without the talent to materialize their ideas into music (yes, MUSIC, not lyrics), in the end it never amounts to much. Music industry is big business, and they really don't care about the meaning or the message of songs. They want to sell records. Its all about beat and rhythm. So unless you have the instrumental skills of George Michaels, (or any other star as such), you will have to rely on you drop dead georgeous looks and mesmerizing charisma on stage if you want to attract any label's attention. They just don't care about your songs. Period.

There is some great talent in Thailand, and you are competing with guys that can play every instrument and sing like a bird. My advise is to lock yourself in a room and start getting pretty f&%ing good on an instrument. It will be hard to earn respect in the industry without it. They will control your life, what songs you sing, and what you eat for breakfast. YOU need to give them confidence they can sell you. As only a lyricist, it doesn't give them much.

For now I live in BKK. I am an ex lead singer, keyboardist, studio producer, and sound engineer. But now its just for fun. There is nothing wrong with playing for fun, for the music, and for your own personal satisfaction. I hope that you take this and just be happy with making the best of what you enjoy the most....music.


do you have any experience in mp3 format somewhere on the web? I'd like to hear other local musicians!

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Yeah some very good points of views in the recent posts. You seem to concentrate more on packaging, the name of theband, the album cover....Dude, its all gravy, garnish and no meat and potatoes.....Like people said there a lot of great musicians everywhere (actually some of the best ones in the world are the ones we will never get to hear)... Writing lyrics is a creative outlet but its usually the music that comes first then you adapt bits and pieces and get a concept going lyrically....I just feel it is easier that way. You could start by using programs such as magix, Cubasis, etc....The website Garaband listed earlier is really cool as well to get a feel for what people are doing and how the music independent business functions....and get your stuff out there....Sadly there is no one in Thailand using it, that I know of....

Do you want to get a band together, do you wanna play pubs, do you want to record your own songs? If you want to play pubs better learn a lot of covers....If you want to get a band together make sure all the members have the same objectives, is it going to be a Jam band, do you want to make a living from it, is everyone going to have the time away from the family and jobs etc....

Get the keyboard out, record and play and do gigs etc.....Remember 90% of the recorded songs will not have any mass appeal....Good luck man!

Edited by pluto_manibo
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do you have any experience in mp3 format somewhere on the web? I'd like to hear other local musicians!

Sorry, wish I did, but I gave that up long ago (10 yrs~ish). Plenty of originals on the old vinyls, though. But I didn't bring them with me, so its all back in California.

Now I just play with covers. Actually, its great fun. If you want to treat it like a business, want to play for the masses, and create a business plan, style, etc, it can be just as rewarding. Unfortunately I haven't had much opportunity in BKK. I just sit in occasionally with the locals bands. Most the bands are friendly guys.

Edited by kyb789
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  • 4 weeks later...

Post somewhere when you have something. I think you have a great idea, the two worlds would mix very well. I had the same thought once, but can't sing and can't play anything but myself ( no one wants to pay money to see that). Good luck! :o

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