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Los: Mange / Scabies, Rabies, Ringworm / Tinea, Intestinal Parasites, Dengue Fever.. A Bounty Of Diseases. My Lesson:

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(Caution - this is a somewhat mind-boggling case and I suppose only people with medical background will be able to make sense of it.)

(I am sorry if I am repeating a question that has appeared earlier - I have not searched / read all threads because I have just decided to cut my holiday-turned-nightmare short and I am now rushing around to accomplish everything that needs to be done before my flight out of this filthy place back to the 1st world.

I shall limit this post to the investigation of what medication I need; I will be posting the circumstantial info in a later post - just to remind people that in the tropics very unusual diseases can be contracted in very usual places, such as tourist accomodation! And that saving money is perhaps not a good enough reason to travel to the 3rd world.)

- Soon after my arrival in Thailand I heard of 2 people who had contracted Dengue in Pattaya and had been in hospital already for a month in a terrible condition. Though I was not personally affected, this news made me very uneasy; after all one "can only do one's best" in avoiding mosquitos.. a few of them will always break through and bite.

- I have been in Thailand a couple of months now; during this time I have sometimes eaten off the stalls because I happen to like Thai food the way Thais have it. But admittedly the stalls are not very clean and although I have had only one bout of diaorrhea, I am worried that I may now have intestinal parasites.

- It gets worse: About 2 weeks ago I visited a monastery and stayed a few days. The night before leaving I went for a stroll along the nearby beach, soaking my feet in the water; only the following (last) day did I see how filthy that seawater was (there is a major port nearby). I also 'practiced' prostrations, which involves touching forehead to the floor, realising only afterwards that with my sensitive skin this may not have been a good idea.

I also got too near the dogs - all of them with skin diseases, of course. All of a sudden 2 of them started to fight and the larger somehow managed to shove the smaller against my calf, and in the process a bit of my skin was scraped off. There was no blood so I decided not to worry about rabies, but I was terribly worried about scabies. It took me about 10 minutes to get soap and water...

I returned to Pattaya that day and soon noticed my forehead becoming covered in tiny little bumps all over (prostrations?); and during my customary evening long walk along the beach I noticed unusual itching and pain between my toes (dogs? seawater?). Upon examination I realised my skin was actually cracked in several places. Initially I panicked that it may be scabies, but later learnt that the symptoms did not match. Over the next few days I applied Canesten (containing Clotrimazole) which I happened to have in my luggage and it seemed to help. At this point I did not seek any medical advice.

- It gets much worse: A few days ago my Thai GF and I went to stay at a bungalow on Ko Larn island (aka Koh Laan, off Pattaya) and in a hurry we both contracted a nasty skin disease . Having checked in, we rushed to take a shower, and only realised there was something wrong when it was too late. The water smelled bad and (as we saw later in the sink) was brown / green / yellow coloured. That night we started to itch all over; over the next few days the itching subsided over most parts of skin, but intensified in the genital regions (though we had moved to another place with better water).

The red blemishes that appeared on my penis look a bit like what is caused by Tinea, though for the time being I do not yet have a proper diagnosis.The situation is FURTHER complicated by the fact that some of the symptoms appearing just now remind me very much of Balanitis (which I had a few years ago), so could it be that one fungus (in the Ko Larn water) somehow triggered the other that may have been dormant all these years? And I now have a combination of diseases? My libido has dwindled virtually to zero and GF seems to be having a bit of brown discharge coming out of her vagina. We returned to Pattaya last night and have so far only consulted a pharmacist.

My question is twofold:

the first part is regarding

- the collection of remedies we have bought so far

and the second is regarding

- what collection of remedies knowledgeable TV members would recommend to a Westerner wishing to purge himself of all the diseases that he has accumulated in the 3rd world (whether manifest or invisible / dormant), so as to return to the 1st world a presentable person and not a scumbag.

1) I have been advised by the pharmacist to use QUADRIDERM (containing Betamethasone, Gentamicin, Tolnaftate, Iodochlorohydroxyquin) and LAMISIL (containing Terbinafine Hydrochloride) cream for my feet (she looked at my toes and said it was "something fungal"), and to take DIAZON (Ketoconazole - 200mg tablets) for skin on / around penis (she did not actually examine me there). My girlfriend was advised to do a 7 day course of METRONIDAZOLE, and was admonished to have a thorough check up afterwards to ensure no pathogens remain.

In this case I wonder whether it is really necessary for me to use the creams - won't Ketoconazole alone "cover" all parts of the body?

2) Being "a Westerner wishing to purge himself of all the 'filthy' diseases" I wonder what chemicals, in adition to the above, I should purchase. I realise many people at this point would advise me to go see a doctor and find out what exactly is wrong, but I think it is much simpler (less time consuming) and cheaper to just assume the worst and purchase all the medication that is needed to purge anything that one is likely to pick up in Thailand.

I guess I did not contract scabies, so I suppose Ivermectin will not be needed, and - god forbid - I do not seem to have Dengue in my blood. But my other conditions are serious and I wonder whether I should buy anything else in addition to or instead of the above-mentioned? And as to Intestinal Parasites, is there any single, sure-fire pill that will flush them all out? Or would several be needed?

And of course, when taking a multitude of chemicals there is the problem of incompatibility...

Thanks in advance for any advice!

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Sounds like you are to senstive for Thailand. If you have dogs are cats in your house hold in Thailand or the west you more than likely have parasites or worms.

Sounds to me like a hyprochondriac troll...... :)

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I did not read all your post but perhaps you belong from whence you came.

I no longer live in Pattaya but I had contracted Dengue in Pattaya. I would put the stats at about 12 pers per week in the larger Pattaya area. Dengue is spreading all over Thailand but seems prolific in urban areas (sewers, cess pits...). FYI Singapore and Malaysia also have a problem. I lived through it - so can you (although I did not have someone to care for me and a 3day hospital check at PM wasnt cheap!).

I understand your concern about your stomach/toilet issues. You can toss in HepA as well. But truth is - its perfectly safe. I eat in the street all over Asia in (India, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia). The quality of the food has lessened but the hygiene is up. Buddy - this IS the 3rd world. I love Thai food. I LOVE street fod - I was even thinking of doing a video blog. It is a HUGE part of why I live here. Your issues come from perhaps:

Spice in general

Heat from chillis

Time/temperature abuse

"Bad water" - fresh greens washed in water that ranges from a bit different from your home to down right dirty. Thais for 3rd world people are very clean. I am amazed at the care most vendors take being so poor.

Too close to dogs....anyone touching a dirty dog - som nam na. Got too close...what does it mean?!

If you have no symptoms, you likely have no problems. I will not waste time recommending meds - go back home and see a doctor. Do yourself a favor - stay there.

Edited by bangkokburning
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Indeed the post seems a bit suspect.

but in the event it is real:

1. 400 mg albendazole, available over the counter in Thailand, single does will eliminate any intestinal worms.

2. You need to be evaluated for a possible STD

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Thanks for the (constructive) responses.

Sounds like you are to senstive for Thailand. If you have dogs are cats in your house hold in Thailand or the west you more than likely have parasites or worms.

You overlook that my THAI girlfriend also became very ill. (So shall we say that she, a patriotic Thai woman, born and raised in Thailand, and generally of robust health, is too sensitive to Thailand?!?)

That was actually the main reason I decided to bother the forum with these problems - the fact that someone who has been exposed to the pathogens of Thailand all her life and is therefore reasonably resistant to them became ill clearly shows that the water was really dreadful.

Yet another reason for posting was that the ailments under discussion are far from rare, hence if the responses are constructive the thread will be of use to many readers. My case is complicated because it is a combination of diseases, and definitely requires doctor's attention, but others may find themself suffering only a mild case of only one of the ailments I mention, and would find advice found herein sufficient.

(My original post may seem tedious to people who are in good health and / or not motivated or qualified to advise those who are ill, but then the question arises: What are they doing in the Medical section anyway?)

'moe666' I am interested in the second part of your comment: Are you saying that the majority of people who keep pets (anywhere in the world) have parasites?

Indeed the post seems a bit suspect.

but in the event it is real:

1. 400 mg albendazole, available over the counter in Thailand, single does will eliminate any intestinal worms.

2. You need to be evaluated for a possible STD

Thanks! A single dose, that's amazing.

Regarding (2), I have neglected to mention that both she and I were free from any STDs when we met and I am 99% sure she was not dating anyone else during our relationship. I know that I mentioned balanitis, but that was many years ago, and I treated it properly, hence the chances of a "dormant balanitis reawakening" would seem to be nil. I was just speculating.

I am now waiting for my connecting flight in Hong Kong and I will be seeing my doctor in a few hours. My GF has returned to her hometown and probably already been to her doctor...

I would still encourage responses to my post because, like I said, it will be beneficial to many. Let us take the example of Dengue: "bangkokburning" seems a bit dismissive in his post but most people who have any notion of the disease will tell you that YOU DON'T WANT TO GO DOWN THAT ROAD.

"bangkokburning" correctly states that "Dengue is spreading all over Thailand.." -- it is on the increase, so my advice to everyone who choses to or is forced to remain in Thailand would be to always use repellents outside, and ensure your accomodation is mosquito-free. 1 mosquito bite is 1 too many.

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scabies: there are several types and most dont move from canine to human unless u are cuddling and snuggling witht the dog. a five minute rub up with a scabid dog will not give u scabies.

as for your total body itch , bed bugs:

Most observed bites consist of a raised red bump or flat welt, and are often accompanied by very intense itching. The red mark is the result of an allergic reaction to the anesthetic contained in the bedbug's saliva, which is inserted into the blood of its victim. Reactions to bedbug bites may appear indistinguishable from mosquito bites although they tend to last for longer periods. Bites may not become immediately visible and can take up to nine days to appear. Bedbug bites tend not to have a red dot in the center such as is characteristic of flea bites. A trait shared with flea bites is tendency towards the pattern of sequential bites often aligned in rows of three. This may be caused by the bedbug being disturbed while eating and relocating half an inch or so farther along the skin before resuming feeding. Alternatively, the arrangement of bites may be caused by the bedbug repeatedly searching for a blood vein.

People react differently to bedbugs, and individual responses vary with factors including skin type, environment, and the species of bug. This also means the presence of itchy welts cannot be used as the only indicator of a presence. It is possible for an initial infestation within a household to be asymptomatic and go undetected. In some rare cases, allergic reactions to the bites may cause nausea and illness. In a large number of cases, estimated to be fifty percent of all people, there is no visible sign of bites whatsoever, greatly increasing the difficulty of identifying and eradicating infestations. People commonly respond to bed bug infestations and their bites with anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Development of refractory delusional parasitosis is common, as victims develop an overwhelming obsession with bedbugs.[22] Individuals may also develop skin infections and scars from scratching the bedbug bite locations.

from wiki..... my bold....

as for worms, yes, people that own dogs/cats can become infected with certain types of intestinal parasites, from eggs picked up from the grass that were excreted in feces /hand to mouth contact; fleas are vectors for some types.

ringworm: a fungal infection that can be systematic and contagious to people with lowered immune system , vectors: cats (non symptomatic), dogs, other humans... thru prolonged contact usually also through bedclothes/towels

animal vectored scabies that a person can get but the mites die off rather than reproducing, can cover entire body and cause crazy itching and stress -- self limiting but itching must be treated as it interferes with daily activities.

traveller's diahrrea: any number of reasons, including change of diet (why do i always get it when i go back to the states? water? different milk products? )

brown /cloudy water does not mean it is bacteria filled or polluted. clear water does not mean clean pollution and bacteria free water.

and most of these problems occur in non third world countries as well. dengue is to thailand as lyme disease is to new england usa...

troll ish......



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"I returned to Pattaya that day and soon noticed my forehead becoming covered in tiny little bumps all over (prostrations?)..."

Only if you bump your forehead on the sidewalk while prostrating.

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Why would a "troll" go to the "Health, Body and Medicine" section of thaivisa and "troll" about dengue fever and scabies? Or is "troll" the new word for "I don't like the post/person so I'm going to label him a troll because it's the only insult I can think of"?

Good point. 'thedistillers', you are a newcomer here, like myself, so i'll share with you what was whispered into my ear only 2 days ago (AFTER I had started this thread - if I had known it before I would have gone to an altogether different, non-Thai, forum):

I do not know if this is true! but if it is, it explains a lot: According to someone who knows the Thai "scene" very well, the ThaiVisa Forums, and some other major Thailand forums, are controlled by (Western) business owners (many of them also very active forum members) who dislike seeing posts that discourage potential visitors (=money spenders) to Thailand, simply because it hurts their profits.

Hence the severe negative responses whenever people start enumerating the numerous disadvantages of "being in Thailand" too loudly. The tacticts to discredit and turn away such undesirable posters are too numerous to recount. I am only familiar with a few, namely those that have manifested in this thread: ridicule, psychological, violence, distraction etc.

In this sense, this is not an open forum for free exchange of info at all: rather it is a club with strict (implicit) rules and those who do not comply are likely to find themselves banned.

If all of this is not true, I perhaps should not have mentioned it...

But regardless of whether it is true or not, we can now expect a flood of very distasteful posts, suggesting measures far more radical than euthanasia... in Thailand there is something in the air that, after a few years, causes people who were not endowed with a nice character even before coming to Thailand, to start acting like they have rabies...

But to conclude on a bright note: Thanks again for the (very reluctantly?) constructive responses!

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well i live in israel and certainly dont care if u visit or live in thailand, my comments come from my life experience and training of working with animals and knowlege about zoonoses regardless of country.

second, there is no discussion of moderation on this forum but in the same vein, flaming fellow members is also not permitted; therefore, i am letting you all know including all those that are posting nasty comments, that if this sort of posting continues, then , yes, there will be suspensions ...



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