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British Thai Rioter Used To Work As A Royal Porter


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This is an unexpected twist, I wonder about the circumstances under which he left his job.

If true this could become quite a media story in the UK.

Probably complaining about the poor pay, not so long ago he would have lost his head for doing that.tongue.gif

I think, looking at the footage, he definitely lost his head in Bangkok.

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I doubt the veracity of this story. A porter? Buck House doesn't have a railway station. My guess is that a tired and emotional reporter meant to say Paddington.

It is not only railway stations that have porters, Hotels, airports, coach stations and big houses too, it refers to a job that is really a just a labourer who fetches an carries and dose unskilled work,

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From that other respectable British newspaper the DailyMail:

"During a brief court appearance in Bangkok, Savage said of his ­previous life: ‘I have signed the Official Secrets Act, so I cannot make any comment. You will have to ask the big lady herself.’"

As politics in Thailand is just the normal, boring, unbelievable bull...., this makes a nice change.

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From that other respectable British newspaper the DailyMail:

"During a brief court appearance in Bangkok, Savage said of his ­previous life: 'I have signed the Official Secrets Act, so I cannot make any comment. You will have to ask the big lady herself.'"

As politics in Thailand is just the normal, boring, unbelievable bull...., this makes a nice change.

who does this guy think he is James Bond ??? definately living in his own little dream world

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