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you mean being TONE DEAF , which is common: you sing like a tin pan, you're it.

Back on topic...the education problems in Thailand have everything to do with Thai culture. If this is allowed to change, many other things things will change accordingly.

And this is exactly why NOTHING will be allowed to change. Not by this, or any other Government.

And all the protests in Thailand WON'T change a da_mn thing as far as education goes. Keep em' stupid is the Order Of The Day as had been done since day-dot in this country.

Correction. This is only the beginning. Things will change, without the permission. It would be quicker, nicer and with less of a 'bang' if led by the Government. But they never will. And if they wanted to, - they will never be permitted. So, my friend 'scotbeve', wait and you will see. The comedy will change into a drama, the drama into a tragedy, but the show will go on. As for me, - I hope not to see it...

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Any one who is longer then just one year in Thailand, in teaching, will not be surprised.

For me, it is surprise that any Thai wanted to face the truth about teachers' incompetence and serious mess in education system.

Long time ago i know this but for Thai English teachers.

If so high percentage is for other subjects then it must be even higher for incompetence of Thai English teachers.

I am just surprised it's about some other subjects.

It means they have a lot more problems then i thought.

Finaly, this project in MoE could wake up Thai teachers in their arrogancy and false MYTH about teachers in Thailand as a "special people" - as they like to say to foreigners about their occupation.

They have full mouth of their importance in Thai society and it's false and it's like washing brain.

In any western education system to many of them would not be allowed even to approach close to the children.

I am not worried about their incompetence to teach but i am worried about their careless behavior to the pupils.

I saw flying chairs, bamboo sticks to many times as a method of discipline.

So, try to show this information to some Thai teachers so you will be dead meat.

They don't want to know the truth.

Don't wake me up, please.

Meanwhile, you will have to pay for your non B working visa 2 times.

First you will get 3 months for 2 000 Bht then you will pay another 1 900 Bht for extension to full time of your contract.

Same will be with your work permit.

You will have to pay 800 Bht for 3 months and for extension you will have to pay 3 100 Bht again.

All together, you have to pay 7 800 Bht for to be a teacher in Thailand.

More competent then Thai teachers and with more compassion for Thai kids then Thai teachers but who care.

For you, will be restricted this and that and will be forbidden this and that but for Thai teachers will be allowed...etc.

So what?

We are paying you - they will "explain".


blind leading the blind

It would be interesting to do the same exercise in other countries. I wonder how many would do any better?

Nedless to do.

As we are in Thailand, we should not think about any other country.

But i will tell you about Laos, as i know what is going on there.

Laotian teachers are much better. Their system of education is much different, i could say better, then in Thailand.

I don't know the reason but i can guess.

Laotians LIKE to talk English and their teachers have speaking and listening skills.

Students are hard working, very disciplined and with strong wish to learn English.

If you ask them why is that, they will answer they need English in their future.

In compare to situation in Thailand, you will be amazed with Laotian students and teachers.

The problem is wage in Laos is 2USD per hour and food and accomodation is expensive, in compare with Thailand.

But, Laos is pleasant surprise.



"" I don't know the reason but i can guess""

add that their alphabet system is not completely different,which complicates learning for the Thaï . . Now it makes me come to mind :) , I have always assumed the Thaï alphabet is suited and necessary to writing the tonal language ... Laotians can dispense with it for a very close language then .


But i will tell you about Laos, as i know what is going on there.

Laotian teachers are much better. Their system of education is much different, i could say better, then in Thailand.

I don't know the reason but i can guess.

Laotians LIKE to talk English and their teachers have speaking and listening skills.

Students are hard working, very disciplined and with strong wish to learn English.

If you ask them why is that, they will answer they need English in their future.

In compare to situation in Thailand, you will be amazed with Laotian students and teachers.

The problem is wage in Laos is 2USD per hour and food and accomodation is expensive, in compare with Thailand.

But, Laos is pleasant surprise.

Do Laos students undergo a 'morning indoctrination ceremony', whereby the national anthems are sung & certain buddhist chants are recited?


It 's not bad,proudly chanting one's national anthem . I'd like to see this where I live , whereas it's routinely booed.( As to religious chants, I didn't know, so have no idea what they are about . Since not all Thaï are buddhist, I agree there might be a point )


...and since not all in Thailand agree with being forced to 'stand fast' to any Thai anthem (at the threat of the Lese Majeste law being carried out).

'Pride' is one big problem in any country & in any person. BTW, I'm not religious in any way.

To keep this thread on track, Thai Culture is at the heart of all Thai problems...particularly in education.

This problem does not seem to occur in Australia. Most Australians speak in the same accent from shore to shore. Of course, I am not talking about slang or 'yobbos'.

Actually, that's not true. We used to joke when we lived in Sydney that we could tell if people came from the eastern or western suburbs by their accent.

It is true that TV has imposed a kind of standard English, but there are many regional variations. For instance, the joke about Queenslanders ending every sentence with, "..., eh" as in a tag question eg "What a looker, eh" meaning 'don't you agree?"

I have had Thai students tell me something must be right because their esteemed Thai teacher said it was, and I've just pointed out the facts from a grammar book, and the poor students became very upset and confused. When you say Americans and British say it differently they also get confused. but they do like it when you mimic various accents - I can do a mean Scot!

Sadly, research seems to show our accents are set by about 7-8 and no amount of practice will ever totally eliminate our first accent.


Oh this is all simple BS.. The Thai may be nice people but they are some of the laziest people I have ever seen in my travels around the world. None of then seem to really care..about obtaining a better education... no lets get another beer down watch that insane crap they call Thai TV.. just total rubbish corrupting their minds and wasting time.

I bought 24 caster wheels at 60 baht per wheel at Global House today.. it took the girl over 20 minutes to figure out the cost.. She first did it on the cash register and she was wrong and then she trued to figure it out with her calculator.. I did it my head in 3 seconds.. 1440 baht ... 6 x 24 is a given 144 and then just add the zero.. I showed her this on paper and she still could not see it.. She was about the typical 25-27 year old cash up person.. I just wasted over 30 minutes of my life trying to show her.. and what did we gain.. She really didn't care..

Most Thai do not care about furthering their knowledge of education.. I really do not mean to insult but so many lazy brain dead people here who again do not care.. Oh sure there are those who are sharp and I love to converse with them when I find them trying to teach the "L" sound.. in LOVE LIKE LISTEN LEARN LUCKY LOSERS.. but they continue to say it their way because they are just what they are... It is NOT getting better so I am not surprised when I read this sort of thread..

It really is sad that many of these Thai have no idea there was a war in 1965 to 1975 in Vietnam.. In fact one girl I was having a conversation with at BIG C two days ago here in Chiang Mai never heard of Vietnam. She was about 26 years old.

Everyone asks me where I am from and I say MINNESOTA... and not one knew what country that was in. I think Thailand needs to stop being so self centered and hire real teachers who at least know something and can teach.. Set your standards a wee bit higher kiddies... Micky and Donald refuse to comment..


Oh my god. No wonder when I asked peeople in Thailand with 13 years of education

and did not recognise such names as Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, Dalai Lama and

Gandi. Could not point where Europe was or where the USA was. Could not tell me

a single planet in the Universe.

Most can't point to where Thailand is on a map of the world.

It seems to me that if it ain't Thailand it ain't taught, that's why everyone is so nationalistic and farangs are not important.

Most of the well educated attend schools abroad. Singapore, Uk etc.

It's hard to learn when you're not allowed to question.

I'm considering pulling my daughter out of school.

She's been there two years and still can't read numbers 1-10 if you jumble them around.

She can sing plenty of songs though.

It just seems a waste of money to me...

Excuse me, most people I know could point Thailand out on a map but I think

Europe and USA (Europe being a whiole continent) are more significant than

Thailand and not a fair comparison. Thank you.

Excuse me but I speak the truth. I've asked many ordinary people, children and adults "show me Thailand on this map".

Many have stared at it for a long time and can not show me where.

I think it is a very fair comparison. If I were Thai I would expect to know where in the world my country was.

I have read on Thaivisa of a teacher who brought in a globe to his classroom only to be told be his superiors to remove it.

They probably didn't want to "upset the apple cart" so to speak.

Thank you.

Did JFK own a globe?


Oh this is all simple BS..,. In fact one girl I was having a conversation with at BIG C two days ago here in Chiang Mai never heard of Vietnam. She was about 26 years old.,..

Maybe she never heard of it the way you pronounced it.


Everyone asks me where I am from and I say MINNESOTA... and not one knew what country that was in. I think Thailand needs to stop being so self centered and hire real teachers who at least know something and can teach.. Set your standards a wee bit higher kiddies... Micky and Donald refuse to comment..

Maybe Americans could be less self centered and not expect that everyone in the world knows all your states! I mean: ask most American where they come from and they will tell you the state they live in rather than the country.


Afternoon in School - The Last Lesson a poem by D.H.Lawrence

Afternoon in School

The Last Lesson

When will the bell ring, and end this weariness?

How long have they tugged the leash, and strained apart

My pack of unruly hounds: I cannot start

Them again on a quarry of knowledge they hate to hunt,

I can haul them and urge them no more.

No more can I endure to bear the brunt

Of the books that lie out on the desks: a full three score

Of several insults of blotted pages and scrawl

Of slovenly work that they have offered me.

I am sick, and tired more than any thrall

Upon the woodstacks working weariedly.

And shall I take

The last dear fuel and heap it on my soul

Till I rouse my will like a fire to consume

Their dross of indifference, and burn the scroll

Of their insults in punishment? - I will not!

I will not waste myself to embers for them,

Not all for them shall the fires of my life be hot,

For myself a heap of ashes of weariness, till sleep

Shall have raked the embers clear: I will keep

Some of my strength for myself, for if I should sell

It all for them, I should hate them -

- I will sit and wait for the bell.

D. H. Lawrence

  • 2 weeks later...

Most of Thai people they shy to speak English when some body speak English they want to run any how Govt should start in school text book in English ...

The best way to learn english is to try and speak with anyone who can.

Remember too, most all english speakers are very likely to be just as shy or embarassed,

because they have such a hard time learning Thai.

Few people are born to speak many languages,

if they didn't start as preteens, the old you get the harder it is.

  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone asks me where I am from and I say MINNESOTA... and not one knew what country that was in. I think Thailand needs to stop being so self centered and hire real teachers who at least know something and can teach.. Set your standards a wee bit higher kiddies... Micky and Donald refuse to comment..

Maybe Americans could be less self centered and not expect that everyone in the world knows all your states! I mean: ask most American where they come from and they will tell you the state they live in rather than the country.

We Americans do not "expect that everyone in the world" know all of our States. Just those who are literate. They should also know all of the countries in all of the continents. It's called geography. It has nothing at all to do with being self-centered.

Referencing which State one comes from provides a perspective into one's cultural experiences. Most of the States are quite different. The regions of the U.S. (East coast, West coast, Mid-West, the South, etc.) are significantly different.


But i will tell you about Laos, as i know what is going on there.

Laotian teachers are much better. Their system of education is much different, i could say better, then in Thailand.

I don't know the reason but i can guess.

Laotians LIKE to talk English and their teachers have speaking and listening skills.

Students are hard working, very disciplined and with strong wish to learn English.

If you ask them why is that, they will answer they need English in their future.

In compare to situation in Thailand, you will be amazed with Laotian students and teachers.

The problem is wage in Laos is 2USD per hour and food and accomodation is expensive, in compare with Thailand.

But, Laos is pleasant surprise.

Do Laos students undergo a 'morning indoctrination ceremony', whereby the national anthems are sung & certain buddhist chants are recited?

You mean like class opening in most all American schools?


Everyone asks me where I am from and I say MINNESOTA... and not one knew what country that was in. I think Thailand needs to stop being so self centered and hire real teachers who at least know something and can teach.. Set your standards a wee bit higher kiddies... Micky and Donald refuse to comment..

Maybe Americans could be less self centered and not expect that everyone in the world knows all your states! I mean: ask most American where they come from and they will tell you the state they live in rather than the country.

We Americans do not "expect that everyone in the world" know all of our States. Just those who are literate. They should also know all of the countries in all of the continents. It's called geography. It has nothing at all to do with being self-centered.

Referencing which State one comes from provides a perspective into one's cultural experiences. Most of the States are quite different. The regions of the U.S. (East coast, West coast, Mid-West, the South, etc.) are significantly different.

IN spite of most non-Americans and a surprising number of Europeans thinking the USA population is

one monolithic block, mentally in lock step to their currently elected leaders political kant.

Which couldn't be farther from the truth.


IN spite of most non-Americans and a surprising number of Europeans thinking the USA population is

one monolithic block, mentally in lock step to their currently elected leaders political kant.

Which couldn't be farther from the truth.


Is there a difference between non-Americans and Europeans? :whistling:

And how many Farang USA think that way? Most Americans AND a surprising number of North Dakotians?


IN spite of most non-Americans and a surprising number of Europeans thinking the USA population is

one monolithic block, mentally in lock step to their currently elected leaders political kant.

Which couldn't be farther from the truth.


Is there a difference between non-Americans and Europeans? :whistling:

And how many Farang USA think that way? Most Americans AND a surprising number of North Dakotians?

There is quite a lot of difference between non-Americans and Europeans. Have you heard of a few of the other continents. Here's a clue you're in one.


IN spite of most non-Americans and a surprising number of Europeans thinking the USA population is

one monolithic block, mentally in lock step to their currently elected leaders political kant.

Which couldn't be farther from the truth.


Is there a difference between non-Americans and Europeans? :whistling:

And how many Farang USA think that way? Most Americans AND a surprising number of North Dakotians?

There is quite a lot of difference between non-Americans and Europeans. Have you heard of a few of the other continents. Here's a clue you're in one.


You mean Asians? They are non-Americans same as the Europeans, but if they think the same is another issue.

Seems to me that the Farang from USA don't get the continent thing.


IN spite of most non-Americans and a surprising number of Europeans thinking the USA population is

one monolithic block, mentally in lock step to their currently elected leaders political kant.

Which couldn't be farther from the truth.


Is there a difference between non-Americans and Europeans? :whistling:

And how many Farang USA think that way? Most Americans AND a surprising number of North Dakotians?

There is quite a lot of difference between non-Americans and Europeans. Have you heard of a few of the other continents. Here's a clue you're in one.


You mean Asians? They are non-Americans same as the Europeans, but if they think the same is another issue.

Seems to me that the Farang from USA don't get the continent thing.

You don't quite get it do you. Non American could mean Asian or African etc. These are not Europeans so there is quite a difference. There certainly seems to be one person who does not get this continent thing.


It is amazing that Thailand is the only country where you need to study four years to get a degree to be able to work in McDonald's. Thai people do not understand that experience is more important than qualifications. My girlfriend said to me she wants a job that uses what she learned at university. If that is the case then she will never get a job because that hardly ever happens.

I wish Thai people could question things instead of being indoctrinated and I also hope that one day Thai people learn to turn the bloody TV off!



You don't quite get it do you. Non American could mean Asian or African etc. These are not Europeans so there is quite a difference. There certainly seems to be one person who does not get this continent thing.


Europeans are non-Americans, Asians are Non-Americans, Africans are non-Americans.

To speak of "non-Americans AND Europeans" or " most non-Americans and a surprising number of Europeans" makes no sense and is a stupid comment by a Farang USA.

Are you one of the teacher working in Thailand?


I'm not quite sure what you don't get about this.

Europeans are non Americans but non Americans are not necessarily Europeans, so yes there is quite a difference between the two.

Either you refuse to see this or you are incapable. I know you don't like Animatic and are desperate to score points against him in whatever game you play, But is that stopping you admitting that you made a mistake. Anyway its obviously pointless trying to talk to you.

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